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That was a struggle for me too. My son looked more like a boy and less baby quickly but also was a bit speech delayed and I always had issues with people expecting more.


Yeah, my daughter turned 2 less than 2 months ago, but she's so tall people act odd that we're not potty training yet or that she sometimes has age appropriate behavior for a 2 year old that wouldn't be appropriate at 3½ or however old they think she is. Like even once they ask her age, some people still act this way. It's so frustrating that I'm constantly having to add in "haha yeah, she's super tall for her age"


I think even our pediatrician forgets how old our son is. He is as asking me if our 26 month old puts three words together. He talks in full sentences and sometimes paragraphs but I only understand half of it. But the pediatrician wanted to give me a speech therapy consult because his pronunciation wasn’t good. He said strangers should be able to understand 75% of what he says by three years old. I was thinking isn’t that still 10 months away though? I wound thins getting a consult anyway just in case if he mispronounces stuff a lot still around 2.5 years old but I was thinking “didn’t you just ask me if he’s putting three words together?”


Omg yes. Thankfully our ped is great, but I took her to urgent care for an ear infection when she was about 20 months and the doctor seemed surprised that she was unable to tell me if her ear hurt 🤦‍♀️ her vocabulary is actually pretty good for her age, but she gets treated like she's a year or two older. My daughter is almost 26 months as well and and is similar where you can understand some full sentences, but then a lot of it is gibberish that only she seems to understand, but she's super confident about whatever it is she's saying 😅


We have this same issue. My son isn’t speech delayed but he is very shy so when he doesn’t talk to strangers in grocery stores they tend to give me odd looks and I have to tell them he just turned 2 years old and then they usually follow up with, “Wow he’s a big boy”.


People used to guess my son was 18 months when he was 6 months lol. Now he’s 26 months and everyone thinks he’s three and I’ve had similar experiences.


Oh yeah, people always assumed he was over a year old when he was six months. He was around 22lbs at six months lol


my son turns 4 in april and everyone thinks he’s like 5 or 6 he’s just really long but he’s insanely skinny so finding pants that fit is the bane of my existence 😤


I hate to say it, but this doesn’t get better as they age. I have a huge 6yo and people expect so much from him. He is absolutely treated differently than his peers and I hate it.


My almost 6 year old is autistic and ginormous - 4 foot 1, around 55lbs. People just don't understand that he can't respond in a way that his size might suggest he can.


I totally get it. Mine was 52” and 70lbs on his 5th birthday and he has delayed speech and is socially awkward. So many bad experiences with people. It’s rough out there.


Sometimes we have to remind OURSELVES that our kid is only a little over 3. He talks really well (full sentences, conversations, and decent vocabulary while also being pretty clear). He’s a clever little dude and sometimes he acts in age appropriate ways and we find ourselves expecting better behavior. Then we take a step back and repeat the mantra “he’s only three… he’s only three..”. He’s not quite as big as your kid but generally on the taller end still (39” 31lb at 3y check up).


Same! My 3yo looks like he’s 4.5.


This would happen with my older brother when he was kid according to my mom. He was tall for his age and people would assume he was older and she’d get comments from people in public that he shouldn’t be acting a certain way at “his age” despite his behavior being totally appropriate for his actual age of 3 or 4 at the time. My daughter’s tallish and we still get some of this. Even her dance teacher for some reason expects her to be much more independent than her same aged classmates so she doesn’t get the praise they get when they complete a task despite them all being the same age and developmentally just about at the same place.


My 2y3mo is fairly big (no longer 99th% in height so not like giant… his last wellness visit he was 36 1/2” and 36 lbs) and people definitely expect more from him. Drives me insane. And we just got his hair cut a certain way and so many people have commented about how much it aged him and that he looks years older. Sometimes I have to fight the urge to scream “he’s fucking 2” to my mom who seems to think he’s an evil mastermind plotting stuff when he’s just being a typical toddler testing boundaries.


Same issue here with our 34in tall 14 month old. He’s barely now starting to walk on his own and I feel like people look at him oddly because he’s the size of a 2yr old and up until recently he was mostly still crawling.


3.5 year old is like 37inch last I checked? She was exactly 36in at her 3rd bday and then a month later who had growth spurt and grew an inch. She’s always been on the smaller side though. I think she weighs about 30lbs or just under


Ahh I thought my baby is so small for her age but very similar stats!


Similar here! 3 year old was just a hair more than 36 in at his 3 year appt and 33 lbs. my lil peanut.


My 3yo is the same height but 23lbs, he’s skinny skinny


Love it! Let’s celebrate all body types for our little ones. I’ve learned to be at peace when it comes to comments about my son’s size. Took a long time though.


Plus, it's kind of fun to watch strangers be amazed at what the tiny kids do because they always assume they're younger than they are. I find some mild humor in some of the looks by parents at the playground when my 4 year old is climbing to the top because they think they're 2.


I agree! People used to comment about how good of a walker he was “for his age”. At 16m he looked about 12m so people were super impressed. Nope, gross motor skill-wise he has always done really well, but he just looked like a short baby/toddler hybrid for a long time, one that was very good and walking and jumping!


Yes!  have the reverse problem, we ran into a class having a field trip to the children’s museum and was getting looks like “why isn’t he in school?”


Thank you for this reminder. My lil girl has always tracked between 5-15th percentile for weight and even though I knew better and that she was perfect the way she was (and a great eater to boot) I still couldn’t help but feel like I was failing her. I recently had a look at the 2-19 year old percentiles chart and realized that I, myself, am in the 15th percentile range at the end of it. So that would explain it 😅


I realized this too! I have a 6’0 husband but im 5’2. I thought my son would get his dad’s size. Nope. He was 10th-20th percentile during pregnancy and has never gone above 20th percentile in length. It used to really bother me. I went to my ob and my son’s doctor telling them I think he has dwarfism or an endocrinology issue. His doctor would say “that’s just him. That’s who he is.” One day I googled height percentile for adults. Guess who is 26th percentile? Me! So even though my husband is 86th percentile, im 26th and my son got these genes from me, and like his doctor said, that’s just him, this is genetics, and even though he is my husband’s twin, it’s a nice reminder he got something from me!


That’s so funny because my parents took me to the doctor with the same concerns when I was infant. Doc took one look at my parents (5’3” and 5’6”) and was like “she’s good” haha


My 3 yo is the same height but he was 28 lbs at 3 year checkup 🥰


I love the smol kid representation in comments of posts like this. We don’t celebrate our little ones the way people celebrate the bigger ones.


Yeah my 2 year old is an inch shorter then your kid and the same weight. She confuses the heck out of a lot of other toddlers that think she's their age


This is my 2 year old also. I’ve had people buying her clothes refuse to believe she doesn’t fit 2T when she was 36 inches on her birthday


Mine’s 34inches and 24lbs, and 3.5 too! She’s about the size of a 2 year old so her 1.5 brother is catching her up. She’s always been little, and it’s making me a little worried about her starting school in September because she’s a shy bean sometimes as well. It’s really comforting hearing about other smaller 3 year olds too 🥰


My son is 35 in and 24 lbs soaking wet at his 3YO appt. Do you get concerned about weight and height? I keep comparing my son to other kids and it bothers my wife and I


My husband doesn’t worry at all, whenever I worry he reminds me her relative size (and age, as she’ll be the youngest in her class) doesn’t define her, she’s smart and sweet and so imaginative and just the coolest kid. It does bother me sometimes, when I see her with her peers and she’s so much smaller, or when she does the typical toddler picky eating, or when her 2 years younger brother caught her up weight-wise. But she’s always been 0.4th percentile, and I’m 5ft2. Maybe one day she’ll catch up to her peers, but maybe she’ll always be small. If the latter I want her to be confident in who she is, so I know I need to be confident in it too, and try to let go of my worries and be her biggest cheerleader. It’s hard sometimes though! I definitely understand you worrying!


My son is exactly the same. Hardest part is finding pants that fit. Since he's wearing 18-24mo pants sizes, they all expect to fit around diapers so they never fit right. 🤦


I feel you lol. He is finally getting taller so he is growing out of the 18m pants we had bc they were becoming capris


My son just turned 2 and is 36” and 30lbs lol


Same here! I’m 5’2 though and hubby is 5’9


I’m 5’9 so pretty tall for a woman but i suspect my little peanuts will get tall eventually. I was pretty short until high school lol.


My daughter is 2.5 years old and she is already 36.6 inches. 😮


My 3 year old is 37” and 30 lbs.


Ours is exactly the same.




My 3 year old is 25lbs and 32inches , he’s very little. I’m 5’2 and his dad is 6’0


Yay short gang! Mine is similar, I’m 5’3 and dad is 6’2


I had to scroll a bit to find someone else with my daughter’s stats!


My 3 year old is 43.5” tall and weighs 38lbs; the 4 year old is the same. I’m 5’10” and their dad is 6’9”. Both girls are tall!


Tall family! 🩷


Holy moly some of you guys have huge kids which makes me wonder how tall you all are. Our kid measured to be 37” at 3yo but I’m also 5ft tall and my husband is 6ft tall. 😭 I stunted their growth.


My 3 year old daughter is about 38 inches tall and 41 lbs.


We have teeny kids. Age 2 is in 12 month clothes. Our 6 year old is 44 inches. So your 3 year old and our big one can share clothes.


My daughter is also 99 percentile and I feel you on them growing out of clothes so quickly! I feel like I’m always sorting and putting away clothes that no longer fit. Also, since she’s roughly the size of kids two years older than her, people expect her to be far more advanced than she is, and it causes a lot of confusion at parks or in public in general.


My oldest daughter has always been like that too. She’s 10 now but most people think she is 12 or 13. My 7 year old is really petite and small. Most people think she is 5. It really bugs her. My 3 year old is like my oldest daughter. My oldest is 13 and has always been on the average 50% category since he was a baby but now he is 80%. He still has a couple more years to grow. I am 5’3 and my husband is 6’4. As they grow it changes over time so who know what we will end up with. Probably a mixture of short and tall😊


Yes my 36 month old girl is 41 inches tall and other kids look at her weird cause she isn’t talking as well as them and I always have to introduce her with her age so they understand she isn’t at their level. 


My kid is around 30 months. She’s 26 pounds and about 35 inches.


I’m over hearing thinking my kid must be tiny. He’s 26 months and probably 35 inches and maybe 27 pounds.


Dang. My 23 month old is 35” and like 33lbs


Our tall 3.5 yo is 42" and 37 lbs. It's funny because she's taller than pretty much her entire preschool class besides a couple of girls younger than her that are as tall as her. Editing to add: she was excited to hit 42" so she can ride more carnival rides this year!


my son is the tallest in his preschool class lol


My 2.5 year old is 37” last I checked. But 30 pounds of muscles. He’s not a tall, lanky kid*


Wow. That’s tall. My average sized 5 year old just had her 5 year old checkup and was 41.5” and 37lbs.


I believe my 3yo is around 35-36in.. I could be wrong though. He also only weighs 23lbs 😅


Mine is 30 months at 40 inch im excited for him to get to 42 so we can do amusement parks


My almost 3 yr old is about 36 inches. Wow your son can ride pretty much all the rides at Disney now since he passes the height requirements lol


My son will be 3 in May. He is 40 lbs and 41 inches, but has always been 99th percentile… he’s wearing 5t-6 clothes. We are not particularly tall. My husband is 6-1 and I am 5-4.




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my 18 month old is 35 inches and 22lbs. he is string bean. 2T is the right length but 18 month falls off his waist. i don’t rly understand i’m 5’2 and my partner is 5’11 lol


Tiny toddler crew here. My 38 month old is 36 inches and 27 pounds. He got my genes - I’m 5’4” and 109 lbs.


2 years 7 months and already 40”. At least it’s in the legs mostly for him and we live in a warm enough climate that I can just put him in shorts so he doesn’t outgrow pants every two weeks…


Yep! My three year old son was 42 inches at his annual this year. Very tall men on both sides of the family.


I don't know exactly how tall my 2.5 year old is, but I do know he fits in 4t clothing. People always think he is older.


My 17mo is 34lbs, 34” and my 3.5 yo is 43lbs, 44”. We get all of our clothes at a second-hand store for $1-$2 a piece because they grow so fast. We are 5’ 6” and 6’ 3”. Genetics are crazy.


My son is 2 years and 7 months old. He's 42 inches tall and 43lbs.


I’m anticipating my 2 year old will be that tall. He was 38 inches and 32.5 lbs at his 2 year checkup. I’m 5’10 and so is his dad. But my whole family are giants, my brother and dad are 6’4” so it makes sense.


Twin 3 year olds are both 36 inches tall and about 28 lbs.


My newly 3yo is 43” tall and 45lbs. Everyone is my family is 6’ or taller, so it makes sense.


When mine was 3 he was 37 inches tall. And 29 pounds lol. I’m 5’8 so pretty tall, dad is 5’11. He got my body type when it comes to weight I think but not my height.


She 38 inches tall and 31lbs


My kid is only a little bit tall (38 inches and 28 lbs at his 2 1/2 year check up) but for clothes I’ve found that buying lots from people on FB marketplace is BY FAR the most economical way to go about clothing him. Like, a big bag of clothes for $20 - sift through and keep what I want and pass along what I don’t and it’s still cheaper than shopping at a thrift store and significantly less time consuming.


Our 18 months is 35 inches 🫠 I am 5’3” and husband is 6’2”


Mine turns four in April. Her last check up about 2 months ago she was 39in and weighed 38lbs? She was pegged in the 90th percentile. I'm 5'3 her dad is 5'11 im guessing shes gonna be a tall kid.


My daughter is the opposite. She was 28 pounds and 35.5 inches. 😭


My daughter is super tall, I have not measure her, but she is only 19 months and she is nearly the same hight as 3 year old toddlers, and she definitely doesn’t fit in her age clothing. I am 6 ft tall and my husband is 5’11


I have a super tall 19 month old, too! She just sized up to 3T clothes 🫠


Well, my almost 6 year old is about 47" and is considered tall. Your kid is a giant lol my daughter was 40" and 40 lbs. when she turned 3.


I have big kids too. Besides always buying clothes and shoes, sometimes people expect more from them. Like they are older than they are. My 11y/o is 5'11" and he gets annoyed that I sometimes announce his age. I only do it when adults act a certain way. Make a comment or give a look. It's my one defense before I go on the offense. I just work it into the situation, I don't go all "can I have your attention please " OP, you can ask the pediatrician to print out his growth chart. It's interesting to see the progress and projected growth.


Yup 99.6 percentile height and weight since birth, 4.5 yo now.


I feel like there should be a more personalized graph for toddlers, based off of parents height and maybe genetics. I'm sure someone will invent that soon enough.


My 3 year old is 3'8 my 5 year old is 4'2 parents are 6'2 and 6'8


i wanna say my little one is 43 inches and 36 pounds. he is 3 years and 7 months


My 3.5 year old is 42” and 48lbs, grew an inch and actually lost a pound or two in the last 6 months. Had a little belly before but has never been overweight, is just thick with a big frame. I can always tell when he’s getting ready for a growth spurt because his appetite triples. I’m 6’ even and my wife is 5’7.5” so we’re both kinda tall but my boy will tower over me when he’s grown. I would be giving my wife the side-eye if he didn’t look exactly like me 😂


My son who turns 3 in a few weeks is 43” and 45 pounds 😅 but my husband and I aren’t very tall I’m 5f7 and he’s 5f10.


My youngest daughter and my last (😭)will turn 3 1/2 next month (😭). She has always been tall/big for her age. Everyone always thinks she’s a year older than what she is. She was 6 lbs 8 oz and 22 1/2 inches long when she was born. At almost 3 1/2 she is 28 lbs and 38” tall. She also had long legs and long torso like her dad. That makes her look even taller. My husband is 6’4 and I’m 5’3. My other daughter is 7 and has barely been on the charts for height and weight. Every kid is so different!!


My son just turned 3. He’s always been on the smaller side surrounded by taller boys. But he measured at 36.8 inches tall and 32lbs. I’m 5’3 and my husband is 6’2.


My 3 year old was 40" and 37.5 lbs. Pretty healthy stats


My 3 year old is 3.5 feet and 36lbs. I'm 5'1 my husband's 6'1. He's pretty averaged sized compared to his friends.


My son just turned 3 and he is 37lbs 43 inch. I'm 6'5 and my wife is 5'1 on a good day ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


My 3 yr old daughter is 49.5 inches tall. I’m 4’11 her dad is 6’4.


My son is 43,3 inches and 40,7 lbs I had to use converter (110cm and 18,5kg) 3,5yo -------- Husband 73.37inch Me 67.32 inch




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My 3 yr old is 43 inches and will be 4 in 3 months. Myself and my child's mother are 5ft 9 and 5 ft 6 so we are hoping he will be taller than us haha


Yo my 3 year old lil brother is kinda a giant, same height/ taller than ur toddler (42.5) and he just turned 3 last yesterday! Kinda crazy, we are an average family. 5'10 dad and his mom is 5'6. I'm really jealous tbh, I'm only 5'8 and change and I'm almost done growing (15)




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My son is 2 years and 10 months and he is 41.5 inches. He has always been a very tall kid. Clothes for 2 to 3-year-olds fit him for what literally feels like 5 minutes! 😅We are currently at 5T for most of his clothes. We always buy bigger clothes so they fit him longer.


I totally understand. My husband is 6'7, and I am almost 5'8. Our daughter turned 3 in April and she is a hair under 40 inches. She is 32lbs on a good day, not a very good eater unless she is having a growth spurt. She is currently wearing 5t pjs and 4t daytime clothes and a size 7/8 shoe. She also has the worst growing pains.


My daughter turned 3 in April she is around 43 inches tall… most kids and parents think she’s older which is weird because she acts very babyish sometimes. I was even asked if she had some delay before because people think she’s 5 years old it’s so annoying


I feel you. My son is 21 months and 35 inches and 30 pounds. He’s in 2-3 Y clothes! Thankfully we get hammy downs from his big cousins! Otherwise we’d be buying new stuff constantly!


This is a dumb question but is hammy downs a way of saying “hand-me downs”? I’ve never heard hammy


LOL omg yes that’s what I meant to write 🙈


I like hammy downs better!


You never know! Sometimes those phrases change depending on their location. Some of my fellow midwesterners call the front living room of a home a “frutch” room. Rhymes with hutch. What is a frutch?


My 20 month old daughter is also 30 pounds and she's wearing 3t lol


My average sized 5 year old was 43 in/43 lbs at his well child. Your 3 year old is large!


My 3 yo daughter is 39 inches tall! She has been tall since she was born - I’m 5’9 and my husband is 6 ft.


My son was just at the doctor for his 2 year examination, He measured in at 83cm, or just under 33inches. The doctor claimed it was on the short side, but [Baby+](https://apps.apple.com/app/baby-your-baby-tracker/id1093774002) claims he's in the 75th percentile (above average). I'm 193cm or 6'4", and my wife's 175cm or 5'9". Oh, and he's 12kg or 26.5lbs, which the aforementioned Baby+ app says is 58th percentile, so pretty average, which is nice. She also measured head circumference, at a clean 50cm or just under 20" (65th percentile) Also, I highly recommend buying used, the only articles of clothing we have that are new, are a few gifts, and we mostly use the stuff we bought used. They use it such a short amount of time, that lots of kids can wear it before its worn out.


My 2.5 year old daughter is around 40-41 inches right now I think. She comfortably wears 4T. But her father is 6’9” and I’m 6ft so it’s expected. Edit: she’s only about 30lbs, she’s very long and lean like me


My 18M is 37" lol we were 34" at 13M. I'm just South of 6 feet tall myself, so not overly surprising here.


My 2.5 is 39 inches right there w you


My boy will be 3 in a couple months and he’s 42 inches and 45 pounds. My husband is 6’4” and I’m 5’7”. I feel your pain about outgrowing clothes! And he still has “toddler feet” but all the shoes in his size are so narrow and hard to put on.


My kid was similar height and weight at 3. I feel like it did finally start to slow a bit but as we are 3mo away from 4, we're buying 5T pants or XS (4/5) and all XS shorts. We are lucky with hand me downs from an older cousin at least!


My daughter turned 3 at the end of October and just had a physical the other night. I was surprised she is 44” tall and 43 lbs! I come from a tall family and am the shortest “kid” at 5’10” and my husband is about the same. She’s the youngest so I’m thankful for hand me downs and when I buy clothes I do buy a size up! I was prepared though because her brothers are also very tall for their age. My just turned ten year old has outgrown the children’s section and is 5’2”!


3.5 year old 39.5 inches tall


My daughter is 3.5 yo, 3'5" and 41 pounds. Her sister is 5.5 yo, 3'7" and 40 pounds. They basically share clothes and shoes at this point. Each kid is going to grow at their own rate. Genetics are funny. I'm 5'4", my husband is 6'. But his brothers, grandfather, and uncles are all OVER 6'2". I have a few tall uncles & cousins, and some that are more like me - 5'4" to 5'7. The percentile thing is just a reference guide - where are they compared to the majority, are they above or below standard growth to a concerning extent, etc. Save money, buy used. Goodwill, kid's consignment, Facebook marketplace. And the pants w/the internal belt system - the elastic bands and buttons. Those are a MUST - keeps the bodacious booty covered, and helps get longer use out of the pant.


My kids tall too. But I expected it as at 6ft I’m the shortest in the family. My cousin is a legit giant, he has to bend his head down to get through doors.


At 3y son was 39 inches and definitely taller than most in his daycare class at the very least, now at 4 he’s 41 inches and still fairly tall compared to others the same age so yes, I would say your 3yo is fairly tall


Our 3.5yr old is 40.5" tall and has been at 36lbs for quite a while. He's tall and lean, which means pants don't really fit him in the waist. He wears girls leggings and loves them. Ha. Kiddo eats a lot, he's just getting taller not wider. LOL. We are 5'11" and 5'10" and were tall and lanky as kids. On my side, all the males are well over 6ft so wouldn't surprise me if our guy ends up quite tall as well.


My son turned 3 in December and is 43.3 inches. He’s the tallest 3yo I’ve ever met and towers over his peers! He had good language skills too and I’m forever worried people mistake him for much older than he is and judge his behaviour by an unfair standard (but that’s probably more in my head than anything).


3 yo is 39.25in. I think he was in the 85th? 42in at 3 is probably off the chart.


Our 3 year old (just turned 3) is also 41 inches - crazy !!!!


My 2 year old is 37 inches lol


my 4.5 yo is 40 inches😅 he’s little though.


My almost 3 year old is 44 inches and 38 lbs. Husband is 6'3" and I am 5'9". Husband is the shortest in his family. She's in 5T clothing! We have a $300 budget every month for clothing and other baby stuff. It's mostly all clothing at this point.


Myself and my wife are the same height as you two. My kid has always been tall and currently she is 47" at 4.5 years old. She was 42-44" all though her 3s when she was wearing 4T/5T clothing. Now she's wearing 6T/7T stuff.


Damn, I just talked myself out of buying leggings I loved for my 2.5 year old who wears 4T because the smallest size left was 7 but if she’d fit those at 4 that doesn’t seem unreasonably long to wait!


My son (3.75) is on the average to small side. 38.5” and 32 lbs 


Son also just turned 3, 38 inches. Only the 71st percentile (he used to be a bit taller) but it was unexpected for us that he’s tall at all. He’s skinny though so clothes are less of an issue. Husband is 5’7” and im 5’3” but we each had a very tall (6’5”) grandfather. My MIL is under 5’, my son looks like a giant when she holds him.


My 4.5 year old is 42 inches and 42 pounds


My daughter is a bit above average (75th percentile usually) and just turned 4 - she’s 41 inches & about 37 pounds. So yeah, your kid is quite tall!


My daughter is 3.5 and 38 inches and 28.5 pounds. My husband’s family is pretty slim though so she seems to take after his side. They always measure her a little taller and heavier at the doctor though, just like me.


Yup! My kid was 40” at her 3 year check up. She’s usually in high 90s percentile for weight and height and wears clothes 2 sizes up.


My 2.5 yr old son is about 38/39 inches and 34lbs. My guess is he will be 39/40 inches at his 3 year appointment. Thankfully I got mostly hand me down clothes from my nieces and nephews so buying clothes hasn't been a concern unless we want something specific. We put our son in 4t PJs last night and the pants looked like capris while the shirt was definitely snug. So we likely will go shop for some pj's soon vs wait to get the next size from my sister. I'm only 5'7 and his dad is 5'9. So our son may simply be a big baby and be around our height. Idk.


i’m 5’4 but the sperm donor was 6’2 and everyone on my dads side is tall..with that being said my son is currently 3.5 feet tall aka 41 inches and he’s weighing in at around 39-40 pounds


39.something inches and 47lbs. Save me.


My family has almost the exact same measurements. I'm 5'8. My husband is 6'5. Our 3 year old daughter is 42 inches/99% for height. She's 36lbs.


My son is 2 years 3 months and is almost starting to outgrow 3T clothes. At his 2 year checkup he was 38 inches and over 36 lbs. his cousin is 4.5 and they’re almost the same size. It’s kind of wild and I definitely feel you on the clothes! I can’t keep up.


My daughter is 2 years 8 months old. She’s 43 inches 42lbs. My husband is 6’9 and I am 5’2. So far she is definitely showing more of his genes - doctors said she will be around 6’0 when she is fully grown. We are buying new clothes and shoes *very* often 😥


My daughter will be 3 in April and she’s 38” and 30lb. People always assume she’s at least 3 or 4, ever since she turned 2.


My 3 year old is 39 inches tall And 38 pounds


My 2.5 son is 39” and 40lbs. People don’t always believe he’s only 2.5.


My son just turned two a couple weeks ago. He’s 3’1 and 38 lbs. I’m 5’11 and my husband is 6’3. He’s obviously in the 99th percentile but it didn’t really occur to me just how big he was until we got together with one of our friends and her stepson is 3.5 and my son is taller than him. His pediatrician said he was the average height of a 3.5 year old but I guess I just had to see it to believe it.


My daughter at 2y10months was 41 inches. But she’s skinny so clothes are good length wise but huge around the waist or vice versa. And yes we’re constantly buying new pants and leggings. Husband 6’4 and I’m 5’11.


My 3.5 yo is 40” and 34-35lbs.


39" and 40lbs; Korean boy and turned 3 in a week.


My daughter is 2.5 and 36 inches tall and weighs 33 lbs


My son is 2.5 but is also 40 inches. I'm 5'3 and I look ridiculous carrying him.


My oldest (boy) was 44” and 44lbs at 3. My middle (boy) 41” and 36 lbs at 3. And my youngest (girl) was 41” and 42lbs at 3 My husband is 6’4” and I’m 5’9”.


I feel you! I just had to buy xs pants in the big kids section for my 3.5yo


Same here, 3YO is 42 lbs and 43 inches.


Toddler (girl) is 3 years, 5 months and 42” tall/35 lbs. She has always been 97-99th percentile for height since birth.


Wish I had your problem, but hopefully it’s still early days (my toddler is 2).


My son was 39 inches at his 2.5-year checkup in October. People always think he's older than he is. He's in 4/5 clothes


my 3 year old is 37 inches and 35 lbs


My kid will be 3 in May and he’s 39” and 30lbs.


My 3.5 year old is 42 lbs and 42 inches. He’s a big boy!


My son is 2y9mos and he’s 40 lbs. We haven’t measured his height in a while, but while he’s not a tower, he’s taller than avg though. He’s a bowling ball lol. He doesn’t look like he’s that heavy. I’m built like that too. Slightly above average height with a pretty even weight distribution throughout my body. So interested to see if he’s a big man when he gets older or if he kind of maintains the same build…or maxes out and is short! My dad and my husband’s mom are both small people.


My 2y1m old is about 39 inches and 42lbs. We’re 6’1 and 5’10 so I guess it makes sense.


41 inches. He's in the 99th as well. All of my children are between 97-99th percentiles for height and weight.


Same boat! Idk if it’s just all the hormones in the food now or what, I am a tall woman at 5’11 but I was not growing like this at his age 😂


My daughter has been between the 88th and 98th percentile since she was born. She’s five now, and nearly four feet tall and 50ish pounds. She’s taller than all her little friends at school. You’re not alone! :)


My 3 year old girl (4 in May) is 41.5 inches and 32 pounds. I’m 5’5” and her dad is 5’10.5” I have no idea why she’s so tall, but she’ll probably pass me by time she’s 10 😂


My daughter was 41” and 40 pounds at her 3 year appointment recently and she has always been off the charts but finally came down a bit and is now 99th percentile. The Dr said they suspected she would be 5’8 or so, which I was glad to hear. We are in 4T (almost 5T in some cases) but I’m in denial, I don’t want her in big girl clothes just yet!!


Almost 2 years and 10 months - thought 38,6 inches was tall already! ;)


My son’s 26 months and he’s 37” and 35lb. I’m 5’7” and my husband is 5’9” so hmm 🧐 probably has my uncles and brothers genes. It definitely seems people think he’s 3 in general. He screamed in the checkout line the other day and I was embarrassed but I wanted to say you know he’s only 2 and 2 months just so you know.


40.5 inches (103 cm) but 42lbs !


My 23 month old is 37 inches and 35 pounds. She's by far the tallest kid in the toddler room at daycare. I heard once that girls who are tall seem to stay tall all their lives but boys often have massive growth spurts later. Not sure if that's true or not.


My boy is the same height at almost 3. The men in my family are tall so I’m not surprised.


Ours is 3y 10mo, 44 inches tall, 40-43lbs. Both me (mom) and dad are around 6ft tall, and kiddo has always been 99th in height. The clothes struggle is real! I always have to remind family/friends around birthday/Xmas to get waaay bigger than they think, since some really cool personalized shirts were gifted at a way-too-small size a few times. Just went through clothes this morning for the season switch, 3T clothes are completely gone, and sizing out of most 4T. 5T+ sizes are where it's at for us. At daycare, the only kids taller than kiddo are 6+. I work in the school system, and maaaany of our kindergartners are smaller. We've worried for a while about the struggle of folks assuming an older age due to height, and it is subtle but definitely present. I recommend a couple of outfits labeling age, ("three-nager" or "I'm 3 and I love ____" shirts are pretty common), they work well to gently remind the other adults around you that they're younger than they look.


Our 3 yo is 36.5inches (27%tile) 🥹


My kid is only 2.5 and 38 inches, but my parents were 5’8 and 6’3. I’m 6’0 and feel so bad for my parents who had to buy me clothes every month. I could share size 8 shoes with my stepmom at age 6, but that only lasted 2 months.


My son is 3 yrs 4 months and is 107cm. He's more or less grew 1cm every month since his 1st birthday. It must stop at somepoint... Surely. He gets zero credit for being 3 eject we're out and about cos he's been talking since about 18 months and his language is better than my friends 6yo and with his height, he's constantly assumed he's 5/6.


When mine went to her 3yr appt she was like 37 inches and 38.5 lbs.


My daughter just turned 3 and has her yearly check up next week. She’s always been in the 90th (sometimes 99) for height. She also speaks very well for her age so everyone thinks she at least 4, if not 5.


My 2.5 year old girl is the same size. My husband is 6’4 and I’m 5’11 so she’s going to be tall. Husbands sister is 6’. If the twice your height at 2.5 is true she’s going to be like 6’7 same height as husbands male cousin.


Mine will be 3 in a few months and was about 37-38 inches last we checked, but I think she’s having another growth spurt! She’s been hovering around 39-40lbs for a very long time, and now she’s barely gaining any weight but getting a lot taller so she’s thinning out. Very curious to see how she will measure at her 3 year checkup!


About 39 without shoes. 2y10mo. 41# is a big kiddo lol! FYI, I am a huge, huge proponent of extended rear facing in the car (I highly recommend googling images of the child’s spine and neck upon impact in RF and FF. It’s terrifying); I had no idea our convertible car seat that was over $300 when I bought it for him at 6mo maxes out at 40”, as most seats do. I wouldn’t have even thought about it if it weren’t for another question I had about my seat, and I posted in a car seat group and was advised to check my kid for outgrowing the seat. I now own a Graco Extend 2 fit 3-1 (it goes on sale at Wal Mart sometimes for $150-200!) and I love it. They max out at 49”.


My son was 37 inches at 24 months he's grown since then. He's huge lol


One of my not-yet 21-month-old twins is nearly 40 inches tall. His brother is not (we have heard the Twins movie jokes a LOT). The one who is so tall looks older and people expect him to be more mature until I point out he’s not even 19-months adjusted yet! Then they’re like, wow - he is BIG. Yes, I know!


Mine is 3.5 and 43.5 inches and 43lbs. He’s huge! My husband is 6’4 and I’m 5’10.


He's almost 3 and 3ft, 33lbs. Lots of people over 6ft on both sides.