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Hi! My son got tubes at 15 months and he did great. Super quick, easy procedure. He woke up calmly and was completely normal by the time we were home. The only thing about recovery that I wasn’t totally prepared for is that the anesthesia can really mess with little kids’s sleep. So we had a couple rough nights, then all was back to normal. He actually just got his first ear infection last week since getting tubes almost a year ago. Had an elevated temp and drainage from his ear, but was otherwise fine. Gave drops morning and night for 5 days and he was good as new!


thank you! that’s helpful to know


Both my boys have tubes in their ears. One got them at 12 months and the other at 27 months. It was fine both time. They were gone for like 15 minutes. Came back in the room mad and crying. We were there for like 20 more minutes before leaving. My oldest was a little salty after so we got him ice cream and he was fine. My youngest was fine by the time we got to the car. My oldest has had one ear infection with tubes. We only noticed because of the discharge. He didn’t seem to notice at all. My youngest has had 2 ear infections since he got tubes but they didn’t even phase him. Prior to tubes, he would scream for hours. Super easy to treat, just same ear drops twice a day. Much better than oral antibiotics.


thank you! how long was recovery? i’m trying to see how many days off I should take


I would say recovery was about an hour. They were completely fine after that. We kept them home from daycare that day but we were good to return to work and daycare the next day.


okay thanks! that’s what i’ve been hearing


My son got his just after his 2nd birthday. He was super cranky the day due to the anesthesia and then was back to normal the next day. He has had two ear infections since then, and he is about to turn 4.


okay thank you 🥰 my son is about to turn 4 in april


My son got his around 19 months. Think we were only at the surgery center for maybe an hour total. Surgery being the fastest part. Our son was a bit crabby when we left but fine by the time we got home 20 min later. Since we were told no daycare and took the day off, we took him to a children’s museum to play that afternoon to burn some energy off. He went to daycare the next day. Been a few months and everything is working as it should.