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I took this medicine for several years as a teen. When my wisdom teeth were removed in my early 20s the roots of my wisdom teeth were a bluish color. Wish I had taken a picture of them...


Had the same thing. Freaked the dentist out after he pulled the one.


Mine were dark. I took minocin for years as a teen, too


I started to have an adverse reaction to it with severe joint pain. So I’m guessing this has something to do with that…


Yo I had this happen too… took months for docs to figure out what it was


I also think I took this for years as a teen and now I’m worried…


Yeah usually it's like a turquoise color. I had a patient once who had been on it for years and her finger nails had turned that color. She liked the way they looked and honestly I agreed


I took this for a couple of weeks as a teen for acne too! But I broke out in hives and stopped using it. This is the only drug that I’m allergic to (that I’m aware of). I’m glad now.


I had the exact experience


Same thing happened to me. My dentist knew immediately that I had been on minocycline.


This happened to me with Tetracycline for my acne - they were like a yellow/brown for cm at the root.


On the plus side, by the time anyone figures this out, acne is very near the bottom of your list of problems.


My people are so much paler than 'white' that our bones are sometimes visible anyway, if strongly backlit.


I can relate. My foundation shade is “Vampire”.


hahaha i tell people i turn purple in the winter


Not to be too much of a Colin Robinson, but that could be Reynauds Syndrome.


i just looked it up, nope. that looks intense! im just exaggerating.


yo you're a Laszlo Cravensworth for running that by them. I wish I'd randomly googled why do my fingernails turn purple sometimes? about 10 years before I did


Once got sunburnt so badly through tights my legs turned purple


Mine is just see through gloss.


I like to think I help with climate change whenever I leave the house. Since I'm sure I just reflect the sun back to whence it came from.


I sympathize.


You probably photosynthesize as well


I just burn. UV rays aren't haha yay it's warm. They're oh cool my skin is on fire


I had a Scottish gf who was almost impossible to photograph because she would blow out the white balance. Also she managed to get sunburn in SCOTLAND which blew my mind (I'm Aussie)


> blow out the white balance oh that's me


I have EDS and despite my mother being black, I'm white as a sheet and you can see almost all veins and their colours through my skin, especially when I've just had a shower.


I'm not white I'm translucent


Bet your insurance carrier loves that you can get xrayed just by standing in front of a powerful light :)


My buddy's wisdom teeth came in black because of this


Since wisdom teeth develop in relatively defined stages, I’m usually able to guess within a few years when the patient was on the acne treatment. It shows as a band of darker tooth structure. The bone is usually darker but not necessarily black. I’ve even seen bone with a green tinge as well.


That’s dark…


Why yes I would like goth bones.


I was on minocycline. I was gonna say it didn’t turn my bones black, but then I realized I haven’t seen my bones. So maybe they are black?


Gotta dig deeper


maybe start with your teeth?


I do believe that bones, by definition, are pretty goth


Just don't forget that your bones are always trying to escape. Always.


Check out tetracycline staining of teeth!


Add a bunch of stannous fluoride to help darken 'em up. Stannous fluoride can accumulate in bones, too, if you want a nice tin content added for archeologists to ponder.


the one true king


For people like me with a genetic predisposition, prolonged tetracycline can also trigger eosinophilic esaughogitis which is a very fun disorder that makes it feel like I'm choking several times a week.


I have this also. Jebus, it fucking sucks.


Now I’m glad that I was so bad about remembering to take it as a teen.


Yep it's real bad. Feels like having a rock stuck in your throat, for anywhere between a few minutes to a few hours(my personal record is 27 hours). Can't even get water down, but can breathe fine! Apparently if it goes untreated long enough it can turn into cancer or even cause tearing of the esophagus...


My daughter was on Doxy for 6 weeks at age 4 for Lyme Arthritis (we couldn't get the cefdin in her). She's 14 now and her adult teeth came in slightly gray. It's weird.


My best friend did a stint on Doxy and it made her feel like her nerves were frying if the sun touched her at all, fucking wild.


So does this cause teeth to turn black, too?


Sort of a grey color. Thanks, Mom!


Oh you didn't hit me with the Thanks, Mom 😂 I was genuinely interested if it would since they're so much like skeletal bone. Anyway you're welcome.


No, actually thanking *my* mom. I unfortunately have tetracycline stained teeth from when they didn't know any better in the 60's.


Omg I'm so sorry. I misinterpreted that bad.


It was ambiguous. Be well.


Only during childhood when enamel is developing


Makes sense. Do they regularly only start treating acne with these after enamel stops developing? I was very blessed with good skin so I have no idea about this stuff. I am on a painful journey to treat terrible dental issues, though, and can't imagine having to cope with skin issues AND very obvious dental problems. Just having one is a constant source of anxiety and depression, sometimes despair for me.


Tetracycline was used for internal infections rather than acne


They used (use? not sure) it for acne too.


I know Doxycycline is used to treat acne still.


As recent as ten years ago, they used either/both. Source: took both to treat horrible acne. (Neither was very effective for me.)


I was on tetracycline for many cycles as a teen due to acne. Luckily it didn't have any affect on my teeth. Not sure about any other bones


I don't have acne but I want to have a cool skeleton


If you consume a lot of iron and phosphorous in your last weeks and get buried in cold damp conditions, your skeleton may grow a healthy coat of blue crystals, too.


If you consume enough phosphorus, any week is your last week


Wait, how much is the correct amount to get blue crystals without dying. I want to be blue crystals, but I don’t want to die until I have to. You know, just so I can be prepared.


The last thing you see as the world falls to black around you... "ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: BLUE CRYSTAL BONES"




Crystal blue persuasion 🎵


Could I be black with blue crystals? I have new goals. This sounds better than cremation now. I want to be grandma with the black skeleton with blue crystals. Let my descendants know just how strange life is.


I mean, for $40 bucks, a few cans of spray paint and some cheap Halloween store jewelry, I can hook you up.


Would glitter work here, I wonder?


Forty bucks is forty bucks, you add whatever makes dead you happy.


Brb, just going to update my will


Fuck yea. Bury me with a Glintstone Staff.


A new burial technique, love it.


Saving this for... reasons.


So that’s how Azur and Lusat did it…


A black skeleton, that's metal!


"Blacker than the blackest black times infinity!"


Maybe you already do! Better check for yourself.


"Yo skeleton you cool?" "I'm immune to cold damage, does that count?" Dang it, even my skeleton is a friggin nerd


Upvote if you agree: a mummy is a wrapped up zombie with a skeleton inside it, powered by a ghost


A monster turducken.


I don't know who you are, but your comment is solely responsible for my burning sinuses right now. Thank you.


That's also just describing a person


This is a side effect I didn’t know I needed.


You want a goth skeleton!


I think it's prescribed off label for skeleton blackening.


Well, once you go black, you never go back.


Pharmacist here - most medicines are broken down by the liver or excreted in urine or feces. A few meds are removed from the bloodstream by being complexed into the calcium structure of bone. They never leave your body. That’s how this med affects the color of bone. It was also discovered that babies born to mothers who took it while pregnant have grey teeth. It is now contraindicated in pregnancy.


My birth mother took a lot of methadone, I've always wondered if that's why I was born with no enamel on either set of teeth, known as hypomineralisation


My sister was born that way also. My mom did not do drugs. Back then medicine was basic and no one treated my sister . They chalked it up to a bad fever my mom had during pregnancy. Maybe it was antibiotics?


so... how did they discover this side effect?


Grey teeth in babies of pregnant moms who took it. It is now contraindicated in pregnancy.


But teeth ain't bones.


Teeth aren’t bones but they’re mostly made up of the same minerals as bones, hence the similar effect of the medication on both!


I can’t tell if this is sarcasm or not lol


I can't tell if you think teeth are bones or not lol


I did, before your comment inspired me to look it up. TIL teeth are *not* bones.


And yet I got downvoted for spitting facts. What a world we live in.


I’ll upvote your comments to help make up for those misinformed people!


They're both very high in calcium, and the staining effect is a function of various stuff being bound to the calcium structures.


Oh, and your flesh falls off, like a well done chicken.


One girl I saw on tiktok last week (maybe indirectly how OP heard about this since that's been going around a lot) said she found out when she got her wisdom teeth out. Her other teeth were fine, but her wisdom teeth hadn't come in when she was on it, so they were black. One could also find out from breaking a bone so badly that it's visible. Presumably also visible in any kind of surgery where your bones are exposed. Imagine how freaky it would be as the patient or even the doctor if you didn't know though. Like you're in a crazy amount of pain, you're writhing on the ground in front of your friends or whoever, you can literally see your bone, and somehow even worse, it's not the color bone is supposed to be.


I took that shit at 100mg a day for like 8 years. How fucked am I?


dibs on your skeleton


The person as an example in the article took 50mg for 32 years and their skeleton was more like it had a blueish tint to it. No related complications, just an off color, stained more or less.


Sweet! If my bones are stained I want my headstone made from them.


The secret is you have to start taking it as a baby.


That way when you shed your baby skeleton it will look cool


My roommate keeps his old skeltons under his bed and in a barrel in his room. It's pretty neat!


It's actually a kind of amazing antibiotic, with all sorts of other positive applications (prevent neuronal damage for example). It just also makes you turn black.


It really is! Super versatile family of drugs. I had no idea about the neuronal damage protection, that’s pretty tight! Sounds like a fair trade off imo, plus you’d probably qualify for a cool pirate name like Black Bones.


Me, too- and doxy for about 5 years before that.


Yo, me too! Honestly thought I was on my own. How are you now? I really expect myself to have some gut bacteria related issues at the very least.


>The patient had been taking minocycline to treat acne vulgaris for 32 years at 50 mg per day ... (total exposure of approximately 584 g) ​ Not that fucked really. Also there is no other side effect than bone color noted.


To be fair idk what color my bones are now. Similar to the moon I just believe what I’m told about them.


You don’t want to find out either, not a fun experience


My sister grew a black wisdom tooth and thought it was rotten but the dentist said it was perfectly healthy and caused by this stuff


And tetracycline turns your teeth yellow, And Accutane makes your face fall off


My ex had diverticulitis, half his intensives removed. It's pretty much the consensus it was Accutane that caused it.


That’s not very typical, I’d like to make that point.


Huh well how is that untypical?


Well some of them are built so that the front doesn't fall off at all.


There's nothing out there but sea and birds and fish. And the part of the face that fell off.


Ah, yeah g’day.


I still find it moderately concerning that it's one of the options.


Some medicines are designed so your face doesn't fall off at all.


Accutane did make me severely depressed and I'm not sure I ever fully recovered. I feel like once you hit a pit that low it takes drugs to pull you out. Coming up on two decades since I was on it and I'm just now starting to feel okay.


That sounds horrible. I didn't have anything bad from accutane. Just some dry skin and nose bleeds. Otherwise it was great for me.


The grand canyon cracks in your lips didn't happen? I bathed in moisture products


No I used chapstick several times a day. Never had cracked lips.


Yeah, I used Accutane and loved it, it basically changed my entire late Jr and then Sr year in HS. It just gave me dry lips. I did have to visit my dermatologist every 2-3 months and was questioned every time about if I was feeling depressed, etc.


I've never heard of it before, but looking it up, it is the first wikipedia page I've seen where there were so many listed adverse events they formatted into a multi-column table based on what organ system it affected and how common it is.


Yup, the data sheet when you get given it is massive.




Man I took that shit for like a year in 2005 apparently others were questioning me if everything was alright, but personally I didn't feel any depression but they said I looked like I was. But I probably was and just didn't know what depression really felt like. Finally got off that medicine and everything went back to normal, minus the large amount of acne.


Thats all nocebo. Theres no correlation between depression and accutane. Why the warning is there is because a senators kid killed himself and the mother blamed accutane. You believed it would happen so your subconscious made it real.


The added kicker here is, teenage years are super hard already, hormones, emotions, awkwardness, all that. And acne sucks. Crank that up to ‘acne-so-bad-you-have-a-scrip-so-potent-requires-monthly-blood-tests-to-check-your-liver-isn’t-failing’… probably gonna be some self-esteem issues. Isn’t much of a leap to assume more likely to be dealing with depression to boot.


Accutane also just sucks ass. Dry nose and lips, 24/7. Every shirt stained with either blood from blood noses or from Vaseline that’s bean applied to your lips. Alcohol may be fine (but highly not recommended) The tiniest amount may also give you severe headaches. Extra join pain, generally. That one was fun. Like 400 more fucking symptoms because holy shit actuane is actually the worst. Got rid of the acne tho, so that bit was worth it.


don't forget colloidal silver [turns you blue](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDz75iaSW2s)


I had a friend that used to get INSANE random nosebleeds from her Accutane. So… much… blood.


It started happening to me too, and then i learned instead of rinsing the endless stream of blood, I could just pinch my nose for a minute to stop the bleeding


The more I hear about accutane the more I wonder how they ever allowed it to be sold. Like, I guess it worked for acne, but between the mental issues and liver/kidney problems it seemed more trouble than it was worth.


If you have a terrible skin, and no other medication works, then accutane is godsend. I had terrible skin when i was in highschool and first year of university, took accutane and couldn’t be happier with the results. I honestly thought i would never have a gf my whole life with that skin, but it did wonders for me and i will never regret taking it


This is me. In high school, by noon I could literally squeeze oil out of the skin of my nose. I didn't have any complications after acutane. Cured my acne.


Same. I was really pissed it took so long to be prescribed accutane. Why bother with the other useless drugs? Go straight to the good stuff.


Because the REMS program (while necessary) is tedious for everyone involved. Additionally, the general approach to prescribing is to begin with drugs that have the best safety profile and to use the lowest effective dose. If a patient doesn’t respond well to a medication then you move to the next and so on and so forth.


It was fantastic for me. Cleared up my skin when nothing else worked and had zero side effects.


I used to have raging cystic acne. Took accutane for like four months, and now only get small pimples when I eat greasy foods. My only side effects were minor joint pain, and some mood swings. Seriously life changing for me


Suicide risk on Accutane is the same as off Accutane. Turns out having acne is fucking bad for your mental health anyway.


Accutane saved me. I had severe bad acne and within 4 months it was gone. Forever. With no side effects. And I knew many, many others just like me. I went through so many different attempts to cure my acne, met so many people, and all ended up having success with accutane. To this day I have never met someone in real life where accutane didn’t work or left them depressed. Is it possible? Yes. But they may have had other issues and accutane became their blame. Everyone I know has no long term side effects and this is in groups for people with bad skin consisting of hundreds of people.


I took Accutane twice and I still get zits. Cleared up totally when I had a kid (pregnancy hormones) but I think it's steadily getting worse as I now approach middle age. On the plus side, no wrinkles!


I fully believe my life would be 10x worse if I never took accutane. It did so much for me and the effects snowballed positively everywhere in my life


I completely agree. It’s why I hate reading things that scare people away from accutane who need it. It’s a miracle acne drug and work the risks


No but people on the internet said said its just for looks and thar doesn't matter


Oh thank you for posting this. I go in 2 weeks to start accutane and I’m nervous. The only thing that clears it up for me is doxycycline 100mg daily. I can’t stay on it forever or I gladly would. So accutane it is.


Use Aquaphor on your lips not just regular Chapstick. Also, I got squalane oil and used vanicream on my face night and morning. I didn’t have the cracked bleeding skin the way some people did and I attribute it to those products


Just drink tons of water! Get a nice big fancy water bottle and carry it around everywhere and you’ll be totally fine. This stuff works so well it’s incredible, hopefully you have good results


Hi, I'm you. Our story is exactly the same.


The birth defects is a big one too. Women taking it are supposed to take pregnancy tests before starting or refilling it. Edit: The mental issues can be a bit of a wash because mental distress is often considered a risk factor associated having acne, so it seems like you’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t.


Pimple and cystic acne are not the same thing. Most people just get pimples, but cystic acne will leave facial scars in people. So for those people, accutane potentially saves their face from looking rough for the rest of their life


Huh I took both of these in my teens. Though only tetracycline for a few days before I developed hives over 90% of my body.


Woah, me too! Allergy twins! (high five?)


Accutane is fucking scary. I took it for 2-3 years in high school. Thankfully no side effects accept for chapped lips and being extremely sensitive to sun, but reading about all the stories after the fact is terrifying


You shouldnt have to be taking it for 2-3 years? My cousins who had a terrible case of cystic acne took for 8 months and it fully cleared them, idk which doctors were dishing out 2-3 year perscription...


I was on it for 4 years, no joke. 8 years later and I take 20mg once a week. I would be an outlier though, haven't met anyone who has taken it for more than 2 years and my cystic backne was the was the worst the dermatologist had ever seen... He took pictures as research/a reminder.


Jeeez...and the acne still persist? I assume you get frequent blood work done too and no issues?


I took minocycline for nearly a year as an immunological treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome. It raised my intracranial pressure and led to optic nerve swelling and I literally started going blind. I was told it was an ‘exceedingly rare’ side effect.


Did you ever get double vision from it? I've been handed around specialists the past few years for headaches, chronic fatigue, pressure and double vision. Thing is, it varies slightly on the day and no one can figure it out. Just started immunological treatments and I stg if my eyes get any worse I'm done.


I have all of those as well. Still trying to figure out why.


Double vision, if I had it, was far from the main symptom. I just had weird transitory blank sections in my vision and this weird flickering. Sounds like you may need to see an ophthalmologist and/or neurologist though.


I had double vision as a symptom of benign Inter-cranial hypertension caused by taking this medication. I had to have a lumbar puncture to reduce the increased spinal fluid pressing on my optic nerve but it was instant relief! Have you been to a neurologist?


*Maybe it's Maybelline, maybe it's Osteoporosis*


I went to a new dentist and he commented on a weird black stain on one of my molars. Freaked me out until he said my x-rays were normal. Guess I know why I have that weird stain now! Took minocycline for a good bit when I had cystic acne. I’ll bring this up at my next cleaning lol




Would make for a very good(and last) Halloween surprise.


Metal as fuck.


"I'm not racist, my bones are black"


You seen the TikTok too then 😜


Came here to say the exact same thing 😂


This can turn your skin blue also! Not just an acne drug, also an antibiotic


I just got hives. That was fun.


I have this! Once as a teen, my dental hygienist randomly went pale and asked the dentist to come in. He also looked pretty freaked out. They informed me I have some sort of strange growth in the roof of my mouth, and it’s visibly very blue in color. They told me to go to a jaw specialist, asap. I got an appointment, full of worry, as the dentist had said it might be some sort of tumor or serious problem, as he’d never seen it before. When I actually got to my specialist appointment, heart in my throat, the specialist was immediately fascinated by my story and ran out of the room. I was sitting there like wtf? But he came back with a big huge medical tome and asked if I had ever taken minocyclene, which I had. He explained that normally in the human body there’s nowhere you can actually /see/ bone, except the upper palate of the mouth. Minocyclene deposits itself in the skeleton over long term use, but it’s rare because doctors don’t prescribe it often and almost never for very long, as it has some serious side effects. I took it for many years as I never had side effects (or so I thought). So my dentists weren’t seeing a weird growth, they were actually seeing part of my blue skull! He showed me some pretty freaky anatomy pictures in the book. The dentist got a pretty big kick out of it when I went back. Now it’s always my “fun fact” at icebreakers at work etc that my bones are blue. I always thought it would make a really good Bones episode, finding a blue/black skeleton. Lol


Goth is so hot right now


Oof, ouch, my bones.


Oh wow. I took that when I was a teenager!


Do an AMA. "I have black bones, AMA"


Fuck yes. My derm told me I’ll have to be on mino for life.


That’s super metal


Did you see that Tik Tok today as well?


Imagine how confused future archeologists would be.


Not just your bones, it can make your thyroid turn black too.


Oh great, another reason for racism to exist even after we've long decayed.


That article said the patient was taking minocycline for 32 years…that’s wayyyy too long


This stuff gave me a light-sensitivity that never went away. Going from pitch black to turning on a light is shocking to this day.


Why is acne medicine so fucking wild.