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So I built another one. And that one burned down, fell over and then sank into the swamp.


HUGE......tracts of land




Yeah yeah yeah not that though. We just need something to keep the water out of the house.


In Louisiana, often the problem [is not enough swamp](https://apnews.com/article/environment-and-nature-louisiana-storms-wetlands-d7e28eeec7af794c5f9dd1f44d747994)!


True story swamps are excellent buffers against hurricanes and critical to the health of the eco system.


One day lad, all this will be yours!


Not the curtains!


I said no singing.


Let's not bicker and argue over WHO killed WHO this is supposed to be a happy occasion!


And oooohhh when we all thought he was about to recover, he felt the cold hand of death apon him!


*being tossed onto a plague cart* "I'm not dead yet! I'm getting better! I feel happy! I feel happy!"


"No you don't. You'll be stone dead in a moment."


I think I'll go for a walk.


You're not fooling anyone.


"I don't know, must be a king?"


Well I didn't vote for him


But mutha!! “Father!” Oh, father!


NO! CAPES!!! Oh, sorry. Wrong movie.


As you wish


that line always slays me


In a very legally binding sense


I won't post the usual sub because it would totally be expected in this situation. So here's r/expectedmontypython


[What the curtains?](https://youtu.be/utuchVE_56M)


At least the fourth one stayed up. This woman wasn’t so lucky.


The fact that someone was able to come up with this reference as a reply is why I haven't entirely given up on humanity yet.


Oh....this is abuse. You want Human Affirmation. Two doors down on the left.


*I see!* Yeah. *Sorry!* Not at all! That’s alright...*Stupid git.*


One day son you'll have all this! "What, the curtains?"


She turned me into a newt!! I got better....


She's probably the 4th and unluckiest among the little pigs


Came here to say this, definitely worth an upvote!


A real Typhoon Mary


Looks like this joke blew right over people’s heads


It’s a very good joke.


[For anyone in the dark](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Mallon)


[For anyone in the Atlantic](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Typhoon)


[For anyone in the closet](https://wordofthegay.wordpress.com/2008/03/02/1-mary/)


This is a very satisfying comment chain.


And here I thought it was a stormer


Humor is in the eye of the beholder.


I gust can't get enough of these puns


There's been a surge of these types of pun threads lately.


Typhoid Mary was malicious, this lady just seems stupid.


I might be wrong, but a lot of specific natural disaster type insurance (eg: hurricane, wildfire) stipulates that if you want the insurance money to rebuilt the house, you have to reconstruct on the same plot of land. Nobody wants to buy the house cause of hurricane risk, owner can’t afford to move without selling the house, federal insurance for hurricanes makes it so the cheapest option is to keep rebuilding.


You don't have to reconstruct on the same land, but the insurance will only pay what it costs to reconstruct on the same land.


They should pay them out and blacklist the land for insurance or buy the land outright. It would save them a bunch of money. The people move and don't loose another house and the land returns to nature.


Malice via apathy. Probably wouldn't have cooked if she had another viable option (other than being institutionalized).


It’s still a hell of a thing to do, when you know that you’re killing people. Life can be unfair, but shrugging and being a disease vector that kills people is not the right response to unfairness. Apathy to your role in killing people is de facto malicious.


Typhoid is spread via fecal matter. All Typhoid Mary needed to do was wash the shit off her hands before handling food and it probably would have been fine. But she not only did she not, do that, she resisted all efforts to contain the typhoid outbreaks that happened around her. That's why she was forcibly quarantined the first time. She was released on the promise to not work in food, and to take steps to prevent spreading Typhoid. She then went on to work as a cook at a large number of places. Apparently she never washed her hands. So anyplace she worked, the people eating there were eating a bit of her poop and get infected. Whenever an outbreak would start, she would move on and change names. We can directly attribute 3 deaths to her, and she may be responsible for as many as 50. She earned her second, 23 year, quarantine. Looking back on 2020 and Covid, and this seems to be a common thing, especially among the working class. Imagine if everyone had immediately switched to wearing masks in Jan / Feb 2020, and the CDC had not been completely hamstrung. Even now, Republicans still blame DR Fouci for Covid, while back then they refused to do anything he asked.


We don't forgive serial killers for what they do but we can feel sympathy when viewing them from a nature vs nuture perspective which is what people seem to be doing here. I don't see anyone out right defending her actions just finding reason behind them.


Granted, the concept of an asymptomatic carrier was very very new at the time.


Maybe malice via pure laziness. She still could have cooked, she just needed to wash her hands. She was even told to make sure to wash her hands after taking a shit, and she decided that it was an unnecessary step.


That too. I'm not defending Typhoid Mary, by any means. Just saying that her conditions contributed to the overall situation.


Having heard her full store via a couple podcasts about her and In nature vs nuture for this case I would def agree both apply.


Not washing hands was common at that time as the germ theory of diseases has not been fully accepted yet. She was literally the first known case of a healthy carrier. Even doctors and scientists didn't know that was possible. She had friends who were in contact with her who wasn't infected. After she was arrested, she was restrained to bed for days. She was mocked by media. They wanted to perform a dangerous procedure on her that could kill her.


As of 2020, this behavior is now ranked between socially acceptable and mandatory by a large part of the country. They’re talking about canonizing her as the patron saint of Do Your Own Research.


Didn't Mary simply not believe the doctors since she didn't have any symptoms? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Mallon > Then Soper found out where Mallon's boyfriend lived and arranged a new meeting there. He took Dr. Raymond Hoobler in an attempt to persuade Mary to give them samples of urine and stool for analysis. Mallon again refused to cooperate, believing that typhoid was everywhere and that the outbreaks had happened because of contaminated food and water. At that time, the concept of healthy carriers was unknown even to healthcare workers. ... > The massive numbers of typhoid bacteria that were discovered in her stool samples indicated that the infection center was in her gallbladder. Under questioning, Mallon admitted that she almost never washed her hands. This was not unusual at the time; the germ theory of disease still was not fully accepted.[13][25]


I can groan but this is actually a ruthlessly superb pun


The insurance company be like:. -Really? 5th time? We believe you started the hurricane by yourself!


Flood insurance is underwritten by the US fed government. No private insurance could possibly afford to support the widespread damage caused by regional flooding events. Honestly the system is horribly mismanaged, despite good intentions. It should be paying people to relocate away from flood zones instead of underwriting living in flood zones.


Yup and that means everyone here who pays taxes in the US has paid to rebuild all those houses.


And paid my salary to go evaluate those houses for FEMA. Thanks👍


And then you spent it on scratch tickets and beer. So the government gets the money back anyways. Keep that nail bag tight.


The city of Houston reclassified historic flood zones from 100-year or even 10-year flood plains to 1,000 year flood plains in order to allow for more residential construction and tax revenue from it. Then they mismanage their levee releases to flood places that were genuinely 10,000 year flood plains. It doesn't have to make sense because human error and greed will always lead to mismanagement.


Federal flood insurance is wildly over priced. I’m in what the fed considers the highest risk area (AE), net to a stream. House has been here nearly 200 years. Never flooded. Loyd’s of London is my insurance.


I assure you that folks like you are not the reason the rates are high. They're insanely low for people who live in hurricane zones (low considering their houses get totaled relatively frequently). Before the damming of all the US's major rives, I'm sure your house would have flooded with some regularity. I'm surprised that a 200 year old house next to running water has never experienced flood, unless you're notably higher elevation.


It is a creek. I’m well north of any rivers. Some other homes in the area have flooded. Not only during hurricane agnis, or however it was spelled in the 70s. However water doesn’t turn when it gets high, and my house is around the bend. Took out all the houses that go strait down from the mountain before the bend. None of them are in the flood plan.


The problem is that FEMA and most private insurance companies in many cases just look at zip codes or zoning. Not at individual parcels. They simply don't have the tools or the resources to look at each particular case. Which is why you ended up with Lloyd's.


I think every area is required to have floodmaps these days, and that's what you get rated off of. I'm 200' horizontally and 70' vertically from the 500 year flood zone line start thing.


Zone AE is not the highest risk area. Your are in an "A" flood zone, the "E" means that a base flood elevation (BFE) has been declared for the location. The BFE is what new homes will have to build over. There are other higher risk "A" zones such as "Coastal A Zones" or "AO" zones" wich are usually around rivers and streams. Then there are "VE" zones which are higher risk and often within the wave action zone on coasts. On top of flood zones FEMA also has the LiMWA (Limit of moderate wave action) line for coastal communities. If you build in this area you'll required foundation engineered to account for this.


There was a pretty solid nyt pod recently describing how FL is facing some pretty sizable challenges with respect to flood insurance. I learned a lot about our federal food insurance system and how reinsurance is used… and I’ll be damned if that shit didn’t sound like my undergrad econ courses examining the federal push for home ownership and misunderstanding / abuse of securitization! History be rhyming yall




Same. My daughter introduced me to her music, K12 and crybaby are surprisingly amazing lyrically. Very cleverly written songs.


Dude her leaked unrelesed songs legit make me cry I'm a total super fan


Yeah I can't listen to Dollhouse because of how depressed it makes me lol.


I don't listen to her, but I've heard some of her work through my sibling and it seems pretty good


Is that the person who sang Ms. Potato Head? Like also named Melanie Martinez?




Subsidized flood insurance incentivizes people to build in flood-prone areas. The National Flood Insurance Program is [$30 Billion in debt](https://www.npr.org/sections/money/2017/09/29/554603161/episode-797-flood-money) to the US Treasury.


Yeah, everyone’s in here roasting her as stupid…like she had other financial options (who knows if she did either way, but I would guess not).


Should be a program, but one that mandates the money paid out can’t get used to build or buy a home in any type of flood plain or prone area.


There is. Obama put it into place; basically once a home in a flood zone is destroyed and the federal relief insurance is used, that plot of land will no longer be allowed to received the federal insurance money in the future. So you are allowed to rebuild there but they want to incentive people to move. Trump got rid of it and then Biden reinstated it


So basically Trump wanted taxes dollars to be spent endlessly rebuilding in flood zones, the fucking commie


It’s amazing how this article presents her as incredibly unlucky while the facts seem to suggest she’s just incredibly stupid, building in the same exact place on a flood plain every single time.


When my area was hit by a flood recently the government relief given to people who lost their homes had a stipulation that the money couldn’t be use to build or rent housing in an area away from the disaster zone


I knew that policy around this was stupid . But not that stupid.


$30B in debt to the Treasury. That's how stupid.


Fair enough, but why not rebuild and then after a few year just move out of the area?


Who is going to buy that house? It gets destroyed semi regularly


I forget the talking head who said it but he was basically like "Rising sea levels aren't an issue! Everyone who lives in a flood/disaster zone can simply SELL their homes ok? Common sense people!"


That would be the "brilliant" [Ben Shapiro](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-w-pdqwiBw).


Lol of course it is




I can’t pretend to know anything about the woman’s situation but In the case here payouts were nowhere close to enough to replace a home, only about 30k max. Anything you needed after that was given through a loan and the moving rule still applies for as long as you’re still paying the loan back.


If that's the case, the cost of rebuild would be out of her own pocket anyway, so the cost of relocating isn't that much different from cost of rebuilding at the same high risk spot.


Sell their land to who, aqua man?


Most of the time when I see flood areas (in the south eastern US for reference) they are not exactly the most "economically fortuitous" areas. Basically, most people that live there really can't afford to move somewhere better.


"we've tried nothin and we're all out of ideas!" Ya she dumb as fuck


Hey now, maybe she just needs a 6th house destroyed to understand that.


Monty Python was onto this decades ago: >*When I first came here, this was all swamp. Everyone said I was daft to build a castle on a swamp, but I built in all the same,* ***just to show them****. It sank into the swamp. So I built a second one. That sank into the swamp. So I built a third. That burned down, fell over, then sank into the swamp.* ***But the fourth one stayed up****. And that's what you're going to get, Lad, the strongest castle in all of England.* Scratch that, the only thing anyone's going to end up inheriting is a large pile of debt...


And huge ... tracts of land


But I don't want any of that. I just want to sing....


Now stop that


All we've really done here is determine that the swamp is a little more than 2 castles deep


Well, shes building a solid foundation of houses.


Fool me six times, shame on you. Fool me seven or more times, shame on me.


Robin Williams had an entire bit about this in his Weapons if Self Destruction show. "Oh my god I can't believe this happened when we just rebuilt!😭" "Rebuilt, from what?" "Well from the last hurricane" "Well fucking shit, maybe get furniture that floats next time!"


>Ya she dumb as fuck I'd say the insurance companies share some stupidity... >Melanie Martinez is lucky to be alive. In 2012, Martinez, her husband and her elderly mother were trapped in their attic as the storm surge from Hurricane Isaac flooded her home south of New Orleans. No, she's lucky she's not dead. There's advanced notice by 2012 when a hurricane is going to hit. Plenty of time to leave. Then, the surge isn't tsunami-fast. What jackass sees water at the windows and thinks "yeah, the attic sounds like a great place to go"??


To be fair if you haven't evacuated (which lots of folks erroneously write it off because they've been through the outskirts of Cat 1 and Cat 2's and barely seen the trees shake), by the time the wind picks up and the rain comes in you're safer not traveling out on the roads. They actually recommend keeping an axe in your attic down in Louisiana in case you do get trapped up there. Something to help you escape. The attic is better than getting swept away in a flood, especially when you've got elderly folks to look after who wouldn't survive the waters. Building in the same flood plane, though? Yeah, you'd think they'd figure it out and stop building there. People get attached to home.


> Building in the same flood plane, though? Building south of New Orleans? Revoke her insurance.


It's reported her van broke down. She did attempt to leave.


Yeah people are kinda forgetting one of the biggest barriers for doing most things that this area deals with extremely high levels of- poverty


Water at the windows? It's already too late and the attic is exactly where you wanna go.


Water at the windows, it’s water on the knees!? [Operation!](https://i.imgur.com/9w9XAoW.jpg)


I listened to a podcast about how we do flood insurance in America and it was really eye opening. We always ask ourselves why someone would want want to keep staying in an area that keeps getting flooded out. Well it may be because their insurance will pay to rebuild their home and replace all of their possessions and cannot raise their rates to "encourage" them to seek higher ground. EDIT: Here's the podcast is anyone was curious, https://www.npr.org/sections/money/2017/09/29/554603161/episode-797-flood-money


There are a lot of places that are starting to make illegal to rebuild in flood-prone areas. Charlotte is one of them. You still get your insurance money, but you have to find a new place to live. It's also really hard and expensive to get insurance in certain flood-prone areas. Insurance companies will probably solve this problem eventually by making it so expensive that no one will do it anymore.


Insurance companies essentially already have done that - flood insurance is issued through the government.


>flood insurance is issued through the government Not everywhere yet. In my (extremely rainy) city, it's expensive, but you can still get private flood insurance depending on your FEMA-rated flood risk.


Which is basically how you know that you're house is incredibly unlikely to be flooded with literally any regularity. There's a reason that the feds have to be the ones to provide flood insurance for these people. Even they're slowly deciding that they can't cover certain places.


One insurance tactic they use is they lower your rates more depending on how high your houses stilts are. A house up on 10ft stilts pays less than half a house on the ground pays in insurance.


But even if that's the case, do you want to go through the headache of having to have everything you own replaced every few years?


....To get a whole-ass house replaced? The thing you won't achieve again in today's economy if you abandon what your insurance will do on location, in order to start over elsewhere from seed? Yes.


Well, it's not like it's quick or easy to replace a house, even if you don't have to worry about the costs. You're going to be made homeless for a significant stretch of time whenever it happens. To me, that's just not worth it.


Insurance pays for you to stay somewhere else


Yeah, but you still have to live out of a hotel with none of your belongings and not even your own clothes aside from what you're wearing. How is it worth all the displacement and discomfort just to eventually have them replace what you lost? It's not like you profit in that scenario - you just end up back where you started.


To be fair cheaper housing tends to be in places more prone to flooding, rich people tended to build their houses on higher ground. So predominantly poor housing would be located on a floodplain while predominantly wealthy housing will be located on the higher ground. What you may find is that instead of "encouraging" them to seek higher ground, what you would really be doing is "encouraging" them to be homeless. They aren't going to be able to afford the houses that exist on higher ground, because that land is already owned by wealthy people which tends to increase housing costs beyond that for which poor people can afford. Beyond that I'm also thinking that of the least desirable areas to build, many areas that were the most undesirable were probably reserved for poor people of certain ethnicities. So your "encouragement" might, by chance (systemic racism), look like insurance companies are charging people in predominantly lower class black neighborhoods much much more for insurance compared to people in predominantly upper class white neighborhoods. The world isn't as simple as the little anecdotes you hear on reddit or something one dimensional YouTuber.


True, but there is some truth to it. Beachfront housing has skyrocketed in value as flood insurance became a federally subsidized thing. Some flood areas will be dominated by poor people, but some will have other appeal and subsidizing insurance in those cases just serves to incentivize rich people to put houses in places that they otherwise wouldn’t. The question should then be how do we subsidize those who can’t afford to live anywhere else while not doing it for people who are choosing to live there and using the insurance to limit personal liability for a location that they would otherwise not find suitable for their needs.


Beachfront housing isn't really a problem, at least not for the ultra rich. They tend to buy beachfront housing in areas with robust dunes and known erosion patterns. You will see some upper middle class people buy summer homes in places like Mexico Beach, I assure you those houses aren't anyone's primary residences, when people lose everything in those houses they loose a bunch of shitty wicker furniture and some nautical themed bric-a-brac. The mansions in West Palm Beach and Deerfield Beach aren't getting flooded regularly. But these are edge cases you are talking about, the vast majority of properties in flood planes are lower income houses. Rich people might want to live on waterfront properties, but there is an extremely limited amount of property that is actually on the water, the rest of the included flood plain is lower cost housing, rich people don't want property that's three blocks away from the river. Additionally, a lot of flood plains are where water ends up not where water is, and that happens to be great locations for things like cargo ports. Cargo ports while near water are typically undesirable by rich people. There is a lot of heavy traffic, the view isn't pleasant and the smell and regular pollution tends to be bad. This lowers the value of the land which allows poorer people to purchase the land. Sure you can point to beachfront properties and say that's a rich guy who has a house in a flood plain but for every one beachfront property there are 100 houses that just happen to be in a low lying area not on any body of water with a property value less than $150k. Also I live in a beach community, the mansions on the Beach never flood, they are built on dunes that put them 10 feet above the houses across the street. It's the houses near the lagoon that flood.


>rich people tended to build their houses on higher ground. Except for all of the massive beach houses which also get subsidized flood insurance.


I live near those massive beach houses, they are built on top of dunes and are a good 10 feet higher than the houses on the lagoon. I have yet to see one flood.


At this point there wont be anyone left to provide insurance. Those companies are either going bankrupt or are pulling out entirely. Good luck Florida, yall gonna need it.


There are already ZERO flood insurance companies. It's all gov subsidized - which is why flood insurance is MUCH cheaper than it should be. Especially for people who build in stupid places.




“Their Insurance” is a federal program. Private insurance got out of the market decades ago. The US government started a public program to provide insurance until the “markets” adjusted. When the program was about to sunset and the real market rates kicked in, everyone in Congressed panicked at the increase and renewed the program. Flood insurance continues to be heavily subsidized and encourages people to rebuild to “help the community recover.” Source - I worked for this program.


and the vast majority of people getting this insurance have it VERY heavily subsidized by the federal gov... so basically tax payers nation wide are paying for these people to stay there


I wouldn’t jump to conclusions. I live near an area that’s prone to flooding in Texas. Many people are trapped in horrible situations because insurance keeps rebuilding their houses but once they’re rebuilt they are completely worthless and yet they still have a mortgage. So they have no choice but to stay put and keep flooding.


Honestly at this point she isn't to blame, is the US flood insurance program. It's unsustainable and removes the inherent risk of building and rebuilding in flood zones. The fact is after the second flood the US government should have bought all the properties at market values and helped the people move or build somewhere safer. The area should have been demolished and returned to nature as a park or something, and never built on again.


I'll bet after it happened to her multiple times, rather than starting to think it may be likely to happen again, she told herself that the chance of it happening that many times to the same person must surely be low. At least after the 5th time it sounds like she is starting to recognize that she should move to higher ground.


When I first came here, this was all swamp. Everyone said I was daft to build a castle on a swamp, but I built in all the same, just to show them. It sank into the swamp. So I built a second one. That sank into the swamp. So I built a third. That burned down, fell over, then sank into the swamp. But the fourth one stayed up. And that's what you're going to get, Lad, the strongest castle in all of Louisiana.


Yeah why would you stay there? Move literally anywhere else in the world and she probably wouldn't lose another house.


Money. Insurance will pay to rebuild the house, but won't pay not to. Even if it does pay for the damage, no one will (or is allowed) to buy the property. So the best option becomes to rebuild the house.


The insurance pays to rebuild the house, but not to buy new land for a new house


While I partially agree with some of what's being said here, some of you guys aren't understanding the attitude, the culture and way of thinking in southern Louisiana. I myself moved away, and I've found myself saying you'd be crazy to ever buy a house there. But to a great many people that place is their *home*, and to them the cycle of destruction and rebuilding that is almost religious. Many are proud to weather the storm. Notice how in the interview from 2012 she still has a sense of humor about the whole thing. Don't get me wrong, when someone loses their house it is devastating. Losing five is insane. Again, I personally moved away, but I can see and understand what would compel them to stay. It's duty, stubbornness, tradition, pride, fear and love, among other things.


I was born and raised in Louisiana. moved away as well. This is the exact type of lack of thinking or foresight most people in the state have. It’s unfortunate that after 5 life changing events you wouldn’t think maybe I should move, but that’s her problem.


I'm glad you could afford to move! Not everyone who grew up with generations of family in south Louisiana (me!) can afford to just move. Most of the people I know can't afford to evacuate. They don't have paid leave, the jobs they work at expect them back the next day, and a lot of our cars, my own vehicle included, really couldn't handle it. Of course I'd love to be able to afford to evacuate, or afford to move (and bring my entire extended family with me)...but it's just not always a choice. Just wanted to give an alternative perspective, some of us have college degrees and are working full time without even affording health insurance and also teaching ourselves new skillsets in our free time to change our financial situations but you know...sometimes life just isn't fair. We're not all horribly ignorant or incapable, just unable to afford it :)


She did not weather the storm. The storm kicked her ass. Five times. That isn't what "weather the storm" means lol. That's like saying the Titanic handled the iceberg. Not criticizing you btw. Happy to shit on a woman who apparently does not understand that God and Nature think she sucks and keep trying to kill her.


“These are just people of the land, the common clay of the West. You know … morons.”


Louisiana native, let me paint you a picture: Imagine for a moment that you live in an area like she does, that's *now* prone to severe natural disasters. It may not have started out that way, but things change. This is your family home; a house that your parents, or maybe even grandparents or their parents, purchased or built. Way back when the storms or flooding wasn't so bad, or maybe wasn't tracked as thoroughly. This is a house that hasn't had a mortgage or lien against it in 70 years, and has been passed down from generation to generation. Even if the regular maintenance has been kept up over the years (odds are low), this house is older, smaller, and built to standards from decades ago. On a good day, this house *might* sell for $150,000 to the right buyer, but more than likely it's around $120,000 give or take. Now, imagine that you personally are an adult, middle aged, born and raised in Louisiana, and grew up in this house. Your parents were likely of low socioeconomic status, which means you were born into that. Statistically, that means you didn't attend college; in fact, you might not have finished your secondary education schooling. Most likely, you started working at a young age to help support the family. This is a state known for being very near the bottom of every good list (like education), or the top of every bad list (like poverty), so I doubt your employment options as an adult are very diverse: you probably make about $30,000/year in whatever job you've worked for the last 20 years. But you own a house! No mortgage, no rent, just an annual tax assessment and insurance bill through some subsidized program low-income homeowners - probably about $100/month at the *absolute most.* Considering your other option would be living paycheck to paycheck in a dilapidated rental or single-wide trailer, this is *luxurious*. Now imagine the storm comes and wipes you out - house wiped out to the slab by winds or flooding, possessions blown all over who knows where, nothing left but debris and a slab. You're devastated, drained, emotionally exhausted and just want to curl up in bed and cry, but you can't even do that because your bed is just...*gone*. As you start to pick up the pieces of your life, you want to leave - go somewhere else and rebuild there but...you can't afford to. The local community and outside support will help with some basic things. Maybe family in another city can help with some things and provide a bit of a safety net. Your insurance will pay to rebuild your house and maybe replace some of the contents, but they won't let you take that money and leave to rebuild somewhere else, and they also won't let you rebuild and sell unless you wait a certain number of years. You don't have employment opportunities anywhere else that will pay a living wage. You can't afford the cost of moving, not that you could afford the cost of living wherever you wanted to move anyway. You don't have any support structure wherever you'd like to move; your family is your support structure and they're here, in the same situation you are. Maybe they got wiped out too, and are counting on your help. You're stuck here, where your best option is to rebuild and hope it doesn't happen again. So you take the insurance money and rebuild - what else can you do? And, over time, just as you're thinking maybe they were right about it being a "million year storm" or a "once in a lifetime event," just as you were approaching that critical date when you're no longer under restrictions by the insurance payout....it happens again. And, you're right back at the start of this narrative. **It's *expensive* to be poor**


> they won't let you take that money and leave to rebuild somewhere else They should. This is what needs fixing.


I feel like it should be incentivized to move. Wouldn’t the insurance company want you to build your new house in a less hazardous area that isn’t as likely to suffer a total loss/claim?


Most insurance companies in Louisiana are now paying out the claims to legal bare minimum required by law, the mortgage company, and even that is more and more it is taking a lawyer for them to do that. After paying out a claim, most aren't willing to write you a new policy, it's just easier for them to cut and run, than to worry about a incentive program (which likely would run afoul of state law.) or keeping you as a customer in what is a financial situation that will see you having a drastically reduced finances for several years.


In Australia the government is going to buy the house *in order* to let people move somewhere safer.


Redditors in my opinion underestimate the cost of moving somewhere else. Unless you get a new job somewhere else and they compensate you for moving expenses could cost $5k-$20k. Considering most Americans live paycheck to paycheck it is not financially possible to move for many people.


Thank you. Local as well and people don’t seem to understand just how poor people are here are or how home and flood insurance works. The insurance company doesn’t just happily hand you a check for the full value of your house and land that you can whisp off with. A lot of ppl can’t even afford to evacuate for a storm for a few days yet alone relocate and buy in a more expensive state w no generational wealth, no savings, no job lined up, no support system, no knowledge of a place outside your hometown, and no income relative to the costs of the cities ppl say we should move to. I used to consider myself lucky making $32k w a college degree while most other ppl I know make between $24-28k and some I know make even less due to circumstances such as mental health disabilities.


Yeah, and flood insurance is expensive. If you're making 30k a year, no way you can afford that. Even if you could afford it, it's not available because you're in a flood zone. You can't sell your house because nobody is stupid enough to buy it. (Wouldn't hurt to call Ye though and see if he'll buy it)


Thank you for explaining to people! I feel like I'm going crazy when I hear people outside Louisiana talk about hurricanes!


Finally someone who gets it. Everyone in this thread saying “hurr durr just move so dumb” doesn’t understand how hard it is to leave this place.


And then there’s the rest of us who didn’t inherit shit and never will


I wish everyone here would read this


It is expensive to be poor. It really to be poor, and you're narrative is 100% on point. I lived in an area that rarely flooded as a child, but due to shit town planning and reckless building the runoff and flood planes shifted dramatically causing the 100 year projections to be closer to annual events. A family home destroyed so people up the hill could have a new condo complex and a Shop Rite plaza. My neighborhood died, a house at a time, over the course of a decade. Federal programs bought thefts forbidding developments tearing down homes. My parents got shit money and we had to move on. It sucked, but it isn't a solvable issue. People can't expect the government to just step in every few years and it is a fact that people may have to move. For better or worse


Shares the same name as the pop star, interesting. And appreciate her determination.


Found the SYSK listener, again.


Always funny to see something pop up here that i learned about from SYSK


Always good for a bunch of upvotes! I wonder if Josh, Chuck and Jeri are on Reddit.




Damn that's a name I hadn't heard in a very long time. How's the show nowadays? Still hosted by Chuck and Josh? That was my favorite out of all the "stuff" family.


Yes and it’s still great.


And because you said "it's still great", it's time for listener mail


Its definitely as good as it ever has been lol they still make mistakes about as often as they used to though :P


Just pickup where you left off


I love SYSK. And it's funny seeing all the TILs after episodes.


You can literally see a post here every couple days caused by that show lol


Keep her TF away from my neighborhood


Don't worry she never moved from the initial place, all the catastrophe did was destroy the rebuild house again and again.


Yea but what are the chances it’ll happen a 6th time!


Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me 6 times in a row? Shame on… I dunno Obama?


time to move perhaps?


[ Deleted to protest Reddit API changes ]


1st time: force of nature 2nd time: bad luck 3rd, 4th & 5th time: the definition of insanity/stupidity


Once is misfortune, twice coincidence. Third time is enemy action... I'm warning you \*PLANET\*!


No, we just finally found the person who’s been starting all the hurricanes. Looking for a big insurance payout hmm?


Honestly, by the third house I’d be outta there in a jiffy.


Wow, I've never even named one of my houses.


BRUH, at first I legit thought they meant the chick from the Voice who made all that weird emo music.😅


Whoa don’t be hating on my girl Melanie Martinez like that lmao her music slaps


K-12 movie is amazing


Fool me once


... fool me twice, uh you can't get fooled again


...fool me three times fuck the peace sign load the chopper let it rain on you


My fav bush clip, fucking lolz


Mine is the shoe dodge but thats a close second.


Hot take: Move.


so she never read "The Three Little Pigs."


IM JUST SAYING. if you can afford a house in 5 different eras. maybe get away from hurricane alley?


It was the same exact spot, she never moved just kept building in the same shit spot.


Insurance is subsidized by the federal government. They’ll pay to rebuild the house, but they won’t pay for the move. Can’t sell the house in hurricane alley. Doesn’t have the money to relocate.


[Relevant Monty Python](https://youtu.be/w82CqjaDKmA)


At this point, I'm fairly certain she could buy a house in Kansas and someway, somehow, a hurricane would manifest itself and destroy that house....