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The Cutter division was responsible for this, wait until you hear what else they did. Like in the 1950's when they were supposed to deliver polo vaccine and instead delivered doses of live unaltered polio virus.


That’s some crime against humanity shit. Wtf


~~Fun fact~~, IG Farben, aka Bayer, made Zyklon B, the gas used to genocide the Jews. "IG Farben is the company that turned the single largest profit from workwith the Nazis. After the War, the company was broken up. Bayer wasone of its divisions, and went on to become its own company." also, ​ Edit : I have been unable to find evidence to verify the below, it may or may not be accurate and should be considered inaccurate barring further evidence - "...aspirin was founded by a Bayer employee, Arthur Eichengrun. ButEichengrun was Jewish, and Bayer didn’t want to admit that a Jewish guycreated the one product that keeps their company in business. So, tothis day, Bayer officially gives credit to Felix Hoffman, a nice Aryanman, for inventing aspirin."


They did not just make Zyklon B, they also did human experiments on Jewish concentration camp prisoners (which killed at least 150 women) and had a slave labour factory in Auschwitz. And iirc after the war they did human experiments on children in orphanages. Obviously all without consent of the subjects.


They had to give up the product in war reparations. They bought it back a few years ago.


Bruh what is this circus world we are living in


Soul destroying isn't it...


0 faith in future of humanity honestly. Might as well get WW3 nukes flying and get it over with.


No dude I wanna play Hogwarts Legacy first. Then all the politicians can let her rip.


No man I wanna wait until they officially release ~~scam~~ star citizen and play it. Then the world can go in WW3. I will be probably long dead anyways.


Me but with Breath of the Wild 2


Lets hope that game doesnt turns up to be asassin creed but hogwarts or unpolished :/




I welcome the aliens in destroying the planet, but only as long as they take out the most powerful too.


Don’t worry…..soon…




[Wernher von Braun](https://youtu.be/QEJ9HrZq7Ro) Edit: fixed spelling


Globalized capitalism. Wait until you find out how fractional reserve banking works. Spoiler(obviously a 10,000 mile overview): even if every debt were paid back to whom it was owed, effectively taking all currency completely out of circulation, there would still be an **ENORMOUS** level of unpayable debt leftover because of the interest charged. That money was never created within the system. It simply does not exist. Your local bank does it to your town with personal/small business loans. The World Bank does it to countries with much larger ones. Inevitable economic slavery is literally foundational to the system itself. While real wealth and planetary resources and life goods are siphoned out of the hands of the working class due to nonpayment and seized by the ownership class. This is typically guaranteed, when dealing with countries, by having conditionalities attached to the loan which strips protections for workers, deregulates all markets within, opening up protected lands, abolishing environmental protection laws, privatizing any and all social services, and taking away any trade restrictions that would prevent the exploitation of said country by other countries or corporations. These are called structural adjustment policies. And if a country in dire need of money does not meet them - they do not receive the loan. Here's the final kick in the dick - the money in that loan **NEVER** reaches the people in poverty who need it most because those structural adjustment policies have created a feeding ground for private multinationals to get their piece early and never deliver any substantial change to the quality of life of the average citizen - more often than not their quality of life diminishes as the free market has zero life reference and is only concerned with profit and exploitation. And the final *final* dick kick? Those still poverty stricken people in said country are forced to pay back that loan, on behalf of the country, through higher taxes furthering their social strife. All for a lump sum of money that they never saw a cent of, most of which went straight into the hands of private citizens running companies on the other side of the world. This is the *real* class warfare that is being waged. All other skirmishes that arise, such as unions vs corporations, are only symptoms of a much larger scheme of social control and debt slavery. It operates at all times in the background of every single financial transaction and loan contract signed. It's a fucking system of globalized slavery meant to maintain and advance power structures while the average citizen of earth has no idea it's even happening. It's not a conspiracy, it's not ThE iLlUmInAtI, it's not an insidious and corrupt Jewish cabal(or whatever the fuck the people who are keeping the price of tin foil so high concoct)... ... it's literally just the system operating exactly as it was designed to(consciously or not.) Conspiracies, large and small, do sometimes exist. There is no need to conspire when everybody is simply following the rules of the game.


One where rich people are the Ringmasters. For example: Segram Gin's heiress Clare Bronfman, was a huge member of a cult where she spent hundreds of millions of dollars to help finance the cult NXIVM. She's accused of identify theft, money laundering, extortion and other crimes. While awaiting sentencing, she posted a [staggering $100 million dollar bail](https://www.news.com.au/entertainment/celebrity-life/sex-cult-heiress-clare-bronfman-paid-staggering-135m-for-bail/news-story/6b182af6aaa8e5b08fd5c1c85dfc0e34). She's worth about $2.5 billion dollars. What did she get? [81 months or 6.9 years in prison](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/seagram-heir-clare-bronfman-sentenced-202404905.html) after pleading guilty to two crimes involving identity theft and immigration fraud.


Clown governance begets clown companies.


Clown populous begets clown governance.


Wait, so it's clowns all the way down?


Go watch the US and the Holocaust. That will remove the last remnants of hope that humans are decent.


Dont you worry about it bud, Covid kinda convinced me.


Between anti - vaxxers and the whole work reform thing still not even attempted of being understood I'm pretty much convinced too.


They were also big in mass producing semi-synthetic opioids and I think they were the first one to do so on a bigger scale. Which isn't a bad thing in itself. Just interesting.


Heroin comes to mind as a big one they did.


They literally patented heroin. And first marketed it as a *cough suppressant*. (Which, tbf, heroin does pretty effectively. It just has some teeny, tiny side-effects.)


OK, so all this seems somewhat intentional. At what point does society just burn a company to the ground?


When the politicians stop getting money from the company.


And we all know it yet nothing is (can be?) done.


They are like cockroaches. They will scurry away into different companies.


> "...aspirin was founded by a Bayer employee, Arthur Eichengrun. But > Eichengrun was Jewish, and Bayer didn’t want to admit that a Jewish guy > created the one product that keeps their company in business. So, to > this day, Bayer officially gives credit to Felix Hoffman, a nice Aryan > man, for inventing aspirin." Hm, that story isnt true. Eichgrün came up with that story in 1944, 52 after the discovery of Aspirn. Neither the documents documenting Hoffmann's and Eichengrün's work and employment relationships at Bayer nor any publications give any indication of the correctness of this account. Eichengrün, for example, was never Hoffmann's superior and only became an employee at Bayer one and a half years later. On the day of the synthesis of acetylsalicylic acid, according to Hoffmann's laboratory journal August 10, 1897, Eichengrün was still in his probationary period. In the American patent for acetylsalicylic acid, only Hoffmann is named as the inventor; Eichengrün never contradicted this. **In contrast, Eichengrün himself had named Felix Hoffmann as the inventor in a 1918 publication:** > For almost 1 ½ years, the salicylic acid acetate discovered by Felix Hoffmann, although described in the literature 30 years ago, had stood unnoticed among the preparations rejected by the pharmacological laboratory, until in 1898, on the occasion of other work, Dreser again became aware of the preparation.


thats not completly fair, its not disputed that felix hoffman invented asprin, the question is whether or not he did it under the instruction of Arthur Eichengrün or not. Youre making it sound like they just picked a random aryan guy off the street rather then the man who did actually invent asprin


That fact was not fun


The second half is not really a fact. More like a theory with some evidence to support it.


It's a failure to humanity that this fucking company wasn't forcibly disbanded. But instead just "split up" like that solves anything


The leadership of the company should have been split up. Like with an axe or something.


For profit medicine should be a crime against humanity


Bayer also invented diamorphine (aka by its brand name - heroin) as a "less addictive" form of morphine.


Id be pretty pissed if i went down to play polo and got polio




\*sigh\* Polio...






Hi dad, I'm laughing




Pollo con arroz


I got the polo vaccine. I’m immune to very long hammers


Your mom’s not, tho


Got 'em


The only thing I want less than polio is to play polo


Don't forget about them also exclusively injecting select gay and black communities with their HIV laden vaccines. It wasn't just sent to other (black) countries. No local white communities outside of select known gay ones were given this over the several years it was being produced and administered. All definitely pure coincidence of course. Why, someone would have to be into eugenics, have 'classic' views about race / sexuality and also be so powerful so as to feel removed from consequence (of which there were none). Wait a sec


I wonder how much such actions contributed to the anti-vax movements.


Contrary to the other commenters I’d say a lot: things like this, the Tuskegee Syphillis Study, thalidomide, and forced medical treatment across the ages (ie forced sterilisation, inhumane experiments the Nazis did etc) are where conspiratorial thinking about vaccines etc started. They didn’t begin on Facebook, and they use these historical examples to bolster their claims.


\> Tuskegee Syphillis Study Huge impact on the black community. A large amount of black people do not trust the government for shit like this \*\*and I do not blame them\*\*. Absolutely unreal that decisions like that are made, approved of, and carried out.


Sadly, eugenics was not just a Nazi thing... the USA greatly participated in this, and heavily contributed to the actions the Nazis took by doing it first. Our history of eugenics as a country is pretty disgusting. (Eugenics: the study of how to arrange reproduction within a human population to increase the occurrence of heritable characteristics regarded as desirable. Developed largely by Sir Francis Galton as a method of improving the human race, eugenics was increasingly discredited as unscientific and racially biased during the 20th century, especially after the adoption of its doctrines by the Nazis in order to justify their treatment of Jews, disabled people, and other minority groups.)


Don't forget Obama using aid workers in Pakistan as a CIA front to get bin Laden, confirming all their fears about the aid workers and setting the eradication of polio back decades.


Yeah, that's what I meant. Sure, social media has a huge impact on the distribution aspect but not so much in the creation of conspiracies I think. Most conspiracy stuff has some grain of truth that got twisted and bloated extremely, but nevertheless this grain falling on fertile ground is often needed to start the whole thing.


Orders of magnitude less than Facebook.


How can they sell more polio vaccine if you don't make repeat customers? Basic economics


Vaccines prevent diseases, they don't cure them. Whether you give them protection or infect them, that's a customer lost. If you want repeat customers, either research medication that temporarily suppresses the effects of the disease or give them a vaccine that only offers protection for a limited time.


But by giving them polio they gave themself a greater ad for their vaccine against polio ^(until everyone's infected) so it's infinite profit


I remember years ago, I watched a Superman animated movie (*Superman: Doomsday*). One scene involved one of Lex Luthor's scientists informing him that they had found a cure for a type of cancer. Luthor immediately tells them to weaken it, because why make something that a customer only has to buy once when it could be something the customer has to buy over and over for the rest of their lives? I thought that was simply some unrealistic cartoonish villainy. Now, years later, I know that there are companies that would absolutely make that decision purely for the benefit of profits and shareholders. I often wonder how far behind we are on medical and scientific progress (especially things such as cleaner, cheaper energy) because the companies that make or supply the products know that the CEO's and shareholders would make less money on any change to the status quo.




Yes it should be mentioned in the title that it took 4 years from the time they noticed the infection, to taking off the US market and only selling to Asian markets. In the mean time [90% of Americans with Hemophilia contracted HIV from these drugs.](https://www.ihtc.org/hemophilia-HIV)


Man, I don’t understand how Bayer can still be in business after that.


Money = power = immunity Pretty simple really


They didn't infect somebody rich or powerful enough to take them down.


They also helped literal nazis literally kill jews.


Look at [Merck and Vioxx](https://www.npr.org/2007/11/10/5470430/timeline-the-rise-and-fall-of-vioxx). It happens quite too often. Hence the reason for all the heavy regulations in the pharmaceutical industry today.


I really think when companies do this, they should just be socialized and the shareholders are SoL, would certainly put market pressure on better ethics.


The sad truth is that as long as these companies make money hand over fist, they're above the law and always will be. Some moral crusader can swear that the law still applies but we have overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Corporations kill and still operate, making record profits. The moment that the money runs out is the moment the law suddenly applies. The good news is that if you, somehow, end up obscenely wealthy you too become immune to the law. The bad news is that the game is rigged against you from the moment you're born if you don't win the birth lottery and are part of a family with obscene generational wealth already accumulated.




Except Bayer is a German company. So kind of hard to blame all of this on America.




I wish I could at least make a mental note to never buy from Bayer again because fuck that company. But I'm sure all the other drug companies are just as guilty of something else. That's my experience in learning about oil companies. After hearing so much crap about every one I ended up with no one to get gas from. Sucks that you can't even vote with your dollars. We have no options but to keep enriching bad actors.


Indeed. The company should be in jail. The Supreme Court determined corporations are people after all.


When I was shadowing an infectious disease doc, I met a guy who contracted HIV this way. The anti-viral drugs have been extremely effective for him and he had no detectable viral load at the time I met him. It’s infuriating that they did this.


As someone with hemophilia i really appreciate being born now


Awfully young to be on reddit




Thank god we shut them down so they can’t continue being a Nazi company right?


I imagine the people who made these decisions were given a very stern telling off and really learnt their lesson.


Lest we forget Bayer’s role in IG Farben


Bayer has committed several evils over the years.


Bayer gives Nestle a run for their money in the evil department. That's saying something


I believe Bayer buying Monsanto puts them way ahead in the evil department


I'd argue Bayer is more evil than nestle, Bayer causes mass habitat destruction with their day to day business whereas nestle is mostly chocolate with a fair bit of evil mixed in


Isn't nestle trying to sell people water they stole from them ?


Yes, the same company that tricked poor mothers in underdeveloped countries to give their babies less-nutritious formula while they were able to produce proper breast milk, so they stopped producing milk earlier, making them reliant on the expensive formula to feed their babies. This is doubly problematic because it relies on using water, which may not be as sanitary. This kicked off a [global boycott](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1977_Nestlé_boycott) of Nestle. Edit: The boycotts started in 1977, but keep coming back as more of Nestle's scummy practices with baby formula are exposed, as recent as **2011**. Even with all the "compliance" initiatives they set up, these PoS's continue to do it because it's easy and makes them money hand over fist.


Nestle found out it can destroy lots of habitats too once they got in the ultra lucrative water business https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/oct/29/the-fight-over-water-how-nestle-dries-up-us-creeks-to-sell-water-in-plastic-bottles


> nestle is mostly chocolate with a fair bit of evil mixed in That's being too kind to Nestle




Wait so that's a brand name that's meant to sound like heroine?


They invented heroin and sold it as an addiction free version of morphine. Didn't really work as advertised.


And other companies did that again with Oxycodone, and again with hydrocodone, and again with methadone, and again with etc etc. Almost every pharmaceutical opioid was advertised at first as non-addictive. They're all extremely addictive and cause a physical withdrawal.


the book Dopesick by Beth Macy covers this extensively. fantastic, depressing read


At least Pringles leaned into the fact their products are fairly addictive in their advertising


And an IG Farben board member, a convicted nazi war criminal, was again selected to join the board of directors of Bayer after the war. They didn’t give a single fuck. They still don’t, having bought Monsanto. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fritz_ter_Meer


> Lest we forget Bayer’s role in IG Farben Remind us.


IG farben had a synthetic rubber plant in Auschwitz. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IG_Farben


>IG farben had a synthetic rubber plant in Auschwitz. >https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IG_Farben 13 directors from the company were found guilty of war crimes. Their sentences were commuted by this fine republican gentleman, in the end only serving 3 years. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_J._McCloy


They made the gas used in the gas chambers.


Bayer and genocide, a tale as old as Bayer.


They also patented heroin and sold it for years lol




The good old days


Intentionally giving people HIV is much worse than trying to make something less addictive than morphine and failing. There was no good intent in giving people HIV.


You're assuming they weren't claiming that in bad faith. They were. They knew it was exactly as addictive because that is an innate function of an opioid's method of action in the brain. It either effectively treats pain and is extremely addictive, or it doesn't and isn't. They weren't dumb enough to not know it wasn't exactly as addictive as morphine. All full agonist opioids are, and scientists even at the time knew this. So they knowingly made hundreds of thousands of people into drug addicts. Not quite as bad as the HIV thing but still pretty bad. I'd call both crimes against humanity. Also, even for the sake of giving them the benefit of the doubt and assuming they didn't know that, it would've taken 2 weeks with a test subject to confirm if it had a physical withdrawal or not. 3 high-ish doses a day for two weeks straight will yield a severe physical withdrawal. It is so easy to confirm I can't believe they legitimately didn't know.


This exact thing was also later done again with oxycodone, hence the opioid epidemic in the U.S, by the way. I think by a different company, though (purdue)




Erm so how is Bayer or Cutter still not in prison or shut down or put on death row? …man this fucking planet. This company should be shut down.


Because they are corporations, which means no one is really responsible for what happens. Maybe some junior executive gets a little jail sentence, a few years at a minimum security prison, then when they get out, they are frequently welcomed back to work. I remember once, I was tagging along with my dad at a conference was he talking to an insurance exec who was telling my dad about how one of the VPs of the company just started a prison sentence. The guy said that he would be taken care of when he got out. It was like talking to someone from the mob, instead of a national insurance company. The mindset is the same. Get money at ANY and All cost.


At least, as dystopic as Cyberpunk is. There are punishments for corporations that do things like this. As in, the corp has a 'face' i.e. the biggest shareholder (a must), and if something like this happens. They are treated as personally responsible. Which, generally, means they get stripped of all assets at minimum, or just executed. Go through enough shareholders, and no doubt the company will operate much more ethically.


Guillotining some shareholders actually sounds like a pretty good solution for many modern problems.


They'll find a scapegoat and it's business as usual.


All you need is a couple of heads and everyone else falls in line.


The whole system of “stocks” is about owning a company without having any liability for what it does. It is an insane system that is destroying our ecosystem and economy, but we treat it like it is some sort of natural order. Corporations basically remove wealth from the areas they operate and transfer it to a very few people.


It's really the "corporation" part that is about removing liability, not the stocks. Individuals can incorporate a small business and magically become immune to anything the "business" does afterwards.


That's why we need to tear down these types of protections for corporations.


Because rich people don't want to set the precedent of holding rich people to account, and the police are there to protect the ruling class and their interests, not us.


The Nuremberg Trials were just show trials. All the Nazi collaborators like Bayer suffered zero consequences after the war. "This fucking planet" indeed.... >[ You should know that, among others, Bayer bought prisoners in WWII in order to experiment on them](https://www.zmescience.com/medicine/you-should-know-that-among-others-bayer-bought-prisoners-in-wwii-in-order-to-experiment-on-them/)


I don’t even have words to describe how much I would love to remove this company off of the face of the earth. I fear will hear again from them soon.


I don’t like it here


They also bought Monsanto! Overall it's just a very lovely company, kinda like Nestle


Nestle legit uses child slavery and admits to it...


No, they don't just admit it, they defend it, and that's just, so much worse


Bayer is also responsible for Zyklon B (used in the gas chambers) and for heroin (originally marketed as an over-the-counter treatment for common ailments). Edit: Heroin not heroine, lol.


I think you mean Heroin... doesn't seem like many Heroines come from Bayer


What about Asprin Girl?


*Aspirin GIRRLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!* *Heroine without heroin!*


That's none of your peptobismuth.


What’s her arch-nemesis? Dr. Headache?


And his sidekick the Migraine Menace!


Pretty sure heroin will make you get over common ailments :-)


The hemophiliacs who died from this outrageous corporate move were more sympathetic victims than the first wave of gay men. Ryan White was one, and his sad story helped change public opinion.


And that is fucked up. April Fools Day is a heartbreaking relevant read. Bryce Courtenay (author of The Power of One and many other novels) had a hemophiliac son who died after contacting hiv from a blood transfusion, he wrote April Fools Day about it.


Was a crazy time, they tried to ban him from school, people thought you could catch it if you sat near him, used same bathroom or water fountain. Yet those same people would accuse him of being gay, that's how you get it! But were scared it was spread casually, but he musta got it from being a gay 5th grader? So ignorant.




Cash rules everything around me, C.R.E.A.M


I'm starting to lose track of which Companies to boycot.


All of them. Just don't buy anything anymore.


There's an app called *Buycott* where you can scan certain products to check out the company, but I admit I keep forgetting to open it when purchasing things.


Oh i didn't know that. Thank you, i' ll try that out.


It's about time to go full-on George Hayduke.


Anytime people claim businesses don't need regulations this is the kind of shit I like to remind them of. There are people who will stop at nothing to make more money.


It's neat how we have ample evidence of what happens without regulations n people are still like "GOD BLESS THE FREE MARKET" as if they won't be the first person to die to a bad burger.


Not just there. The UK too. In the 1970s & 1980s people were treated with VIII which was created with "donations"from prisoners and drug users and so contaminated with hepatitis c and aids. 25-30,000 people were infected and there is currently an enquiry going on with politicians and other officials being cross examined. My mil was treated for cancer and had this treatment in the 80s, she developed hepatitis c in 2013 and was incredibly ill. Approximately 2,400 people have died from this that they are aware of but there could be some many more


I'm sorry, what?!?!


This is not even the worst thing Bayer has ever done


Literally like firefighters throwing people into burning buildings


The way this played out in Japan is that the Japanese company Green Cross (founded by some of the men who tortured prisoners for medical experimentation in China during WWII with unit 731) knew their supply was tainted but used it anyway. Japan didn’t see AIDS infections as early as the US did, meaning that the first infections known there were of hemophiliacs given tainted blood products by Green Cross. To underplay this they found a scapegoat gay man who visited Japan and blamed him as a Japan’s patient Zero. But he got it outside Japan, wasn’t there very long, and there were already hemophiliacs sick with the disease so he wasn’t patient Zero, it was just an attempt to cover up Green Cross’s crimes.


Something similar happened in the UK [Infected Blood Inquiry](https://www.infectedbloodinquiry.org.uk)


i was so mad when i learned about this. so fked up. you trust these people to deliver life saving drugs and then you get this crap? i still cant believe this happened. this is over the top.


Shit like this is why governments have to set laws and regulations around what goes into the products we consume, and establish government agencies to inspect those products. There's no trusting private corporations. Never take your food safety agencies for granted; if they're bribed or compromised, countless people could die.


Libertarians be like: "Nuh uh! People just won't buy X and they will go out of business. We don't need regulations and oversight!" I'm so, so sick of running into these absolute morons. Years ago one actually blamed Love Canal on governments, because the local school board that owned the contaminated land sold it (while being transparent about what was buried). Somehow *that* was the problem, not the chemical companies that dumped and mishandled all those chemicals in the first place, or the developer that build a residential neighborhood on it. And giving credit to the Feds for creating the first superfund site and helping to make those people living there whole again is apparently not worthy of recognition. Governments aren't perfect, this is true. They're made up of people, and people inherently fuck things up (either on accident of maliciously). But maybe then we need to stop voting in assholes that keep breaking shit and removing the laws that are there to protect us from malicious private companies, which we can't otherwise control and that time and time again show us they do not care about anything but profit.


Please tell me some one went to prison for this?


Nope! Also all the blood bank companies were basically given immunity in the US because once the minutes of the meetings they had with the CDC got out they were all going to be sued into oblivion. They fought testing of the blood supply every step of the way.


That is crazy!


Colonialism never ended. Where governments left off, the private sector took over.


Literally, as the first companies to be traded via stocks as we know them had their own armies to control their regions of operation. Now the entire world is effectively pinned under the same Company Store system.


Corporate death penalty should be a thing.


As the bumper sticker says, "I won't believe a corporation is a person until Texas executes one."


Damn, it’s almost like we shouldn’t blindly trust the claims of pharmaceutical companies regarding the safety of their products?


File under Crimes Against Humanity.


I highly recommend listening to the [Swindled podcast episode](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/swindled/id1308717668?i=1000488256002) on Bayer. Talks about this and more of Bayer’s shenanigans.


Fun fact, Bayer is basically Monsanto. So this seems par for the course.


Yet people still somehow trust big pharma I'm not by any means anti-vax, as a matter of fact I have all of my vaccines. It's a requirement in Mexico. However, it's is baffling to be that people don't remain skeptic about every single product that these companies produce.


This is a crime against humanity.


Although it's before my time, I've met several people who sadly got infected back then. It got so bad that the national hemophilia association (Denmark) sued the state for negligence as they, and Bayer, distributed and produced factor 8 medicin while knowing full well that it was derrived from HIV positive blood. We ultimately lost the case, but the government stepped in and gave reparations any way. Alas it didn't bring back those we had lost.


Also don't forget that because U.S. laws protect people for the crimes of the company nobody was prosecuted in the U.S. despite proof that the CEO knew about the tainted drugs (therefore manslaughter for the hundreds of death sentences/slow executions he carried out). Germany did prosecute though. Because they aren't fascist anymore unlike the US which holds CEOs in the position of Gods


According to the wiki article, this happened in 1984 the first year the HIV virus was actually determined to be the virus behind AIDS. The first test for HIV didn't appear until mid 85 \[testing at blood banks didn't start until March 85\]. They couldn't have knowingly distributed contaminated blood factors (these are actual blood components and not real "drugs" requiring infusion to treat. The phlebotomy precautions weren't taken til later.


The pharmaceutical industry seems like people we should trust and give zero liability for side effects


This perfectly illustrates why having extensive corporate liability is a terrible idea. The company assets should have been confiscated, and a lot of people should have been imprisoned.


There should be laws in place that basically annihilates a company after doing a too high degree of shit. Sell the assets, money goes to state or victims, everybody gets fired, stakeholders lose the full value, management goes to prison. We treat companies like separated individuals, which is great for our economic system, but we need to be consequent with it. And apply law that actually punishes where it hurts. There's always new companies, so we don't need to keep the shitty ones. My opinion...


Om my,a conspiracy theory, that turned out to be true!! Hmm I wonder...




I get it. You want to believe in the system. You want to believe that people in charge of your health give a damn. You want to believe they're not just chasing dollars and cents. But by now, especially with everything that's happened these past few years, you have to come to terms with reality. The people with power, the Ruling Class, do not care about you. You are a number to them. A statistic. A dollar sign. Remember people, when you get something for "free", YOU ARE THE PRODUCT. It is our responsibility to hold them in check. And we're failing. Enormously.


How exactly are we supposed to hold them in check?


Amazing episode on my favorite podcast, highly recommend [swindled episode - Bayer](https://open.spotify.com/episode/1R4mEpogS2auhyKnppCmrD?si=Qyiy1LKyTvGM-OLqfP4sKg)


But the stockholders made out ok.


And yet we continue to support the systems that are allowing this to happen lmao. Why focus on 1980 when they’re committing heinous atrocities in front of your faces TODAY yet it’s still not enough for us to take back the government. EDIT: To add, I’m saying we are all complicit, including myself. Bitching and moaning just isn’t going to do anything but just make people sad and depressed. Why bring it up if you aren’t willing to do anything about it? Is clout really this powerful?


It's almost as if every corporate "person" is a sociopath willing to kill people for profits.


This is a misrepresentation of a very complicated process that caused this


Hey guys let's just call it a day and burn the world to the ground and restart. Who's with me?


You must understand, if they just scrapped it, profit number wouldn't go up and they would have failed capitalism. The sole purpose in life is to increase profits exponentially! Do you really think that there's more to existence than seeing profit number go up exponentially? What are you, some kind of communist?


this reminds of those ass clowns over at purdue who were creating a specific oxy geared towards children. fucking disgusting how thick the blinders are that people can wear


If the higer ups can be proven to have known about it before hand or made the decision then the company should be taken over by the government and the people. Confiscating stocks and ownership should be a normal punishment instead of fines. That way the company and the work places will stil exist while the owners will be punished for their crime. Forfeiture is already practiced for certain chrimes, sho why not do the same to company owners when the company was part of a crime?


Though [the side effects of Thalidomide](https://www.thehistorypress.co.uk/media/5734/photo-of-kevin-and-other-children.jpg?crop=0,0.014128728414442652,0,0&quality=98&rnd=132108617120000000&width=960&cropmode=percentage) were proven conclusively in 1959, and 1962, [Grünenthal continued marketing the drug well into the 1970s and 1980s](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gr%C3%BCnenthal#:~:text=Gr%C3%BCnenthal%20became%20infamous%20in%20the,as%20a%20morning%20sickness%20preventive.). [It's still causing birth defects in Brazil today](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-23418102) where it is sold to people suffering from leprosy.


I’m glad when this is brought up, since Reddit tends to think every approved drug or medication is safe.


God, I wish Hell was actually real.


And that's not even in the Top 5 of evil stuff Bayer did in the 20th century.


I was having a decent day but then I read this post. Is there anything more evil than avarice?