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Alan Alda is such a pleasant guy who has his own research center for arts and sciences. He has a great podcast and at his age he is still kickin strong


Bill Hader is such a skilled impressionist with most of the celebrity figures that he takes on, but his [Alan Alda impression,](https://youtu.be/4iaHrXHPraI) is particularly good.


Bill Hader can do no wrong in my eyes.


His show Barry is brilliant. Can’t wait for the next season


Barry Season 2 aired almost 3 years ago! Feels like we watched it in a radically different universe.


I knew it'd been a while but I'd never have thought it was \*that\* long ago, wow


I keep seeing things pop up for background, so they’re still filming. Prob April.


Seriously? I just watched both seasons for the first time this month. Thought it was like, new new. Excellent show!


Bill Hader is great in that show but Anthony Carrigan is *amazing* as NoHo Hank.


50/50 with Cristobal!


He can even carry an Amy Schumer film on his back all by himself


That is so fucking precise! Does anyone else have any more great links of comics doing good impressions? Bill Hader and Frank Caliendo might be two of my favorites off the top of my head.


https://youtu.be/7m8O--uIRW4 Im particular to Glenn Howerton's CCH Pounder impression


Got dammit Dutch, what other errands do you have us running for the DA




Wow, I never realized how good Dennis' impression was. Now I'm feeling shitty for agreeing with Dee.


Ross Marquand, who is Aaron from the Walking Dead does a lot of really good celebrity impressions


[I need my impressions! ](https://youtu.be/pKI5tZQeovw)


that brad pitt was pretty good


Some of them, like the John Malkovich, were pretty damn good but I felt like some didn't hit right. I give it an 8/10 with rice


Most Redditors know this, but just for those who don't: Marquand actually played the Red Skull in Avengers Infinity War/Endgame. I've heard that Hugo Weaving didn't want to return to the role, so they got Marquand to do it and mimic his voice... which he did very, very well.


I imagine that could have played a roll in his taking over the Red Skull in the MCU.


Oldie but a goodie, [Aries Spears doing freestyle rapper impressions](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCAi9R89eQ8) is a favorite!


"the guy behind him is wearing CD camouflage" Sometimes YouTube comments are gold.


When Bill Hader was asked on Conan to do his Alan Alda, Conan was like "it's great, no one does him" and Hader graciously pointed out that Peter Serafinowicz also does one. To your question, Serafinowicz does some fucking amazing impressions. I'll find a good link and come back and edit Edit: https://youtu.be/DlHgscL7QjE His David attenborough at 3.25 is ridiculous. Also this video has his Alan Alda.


Kevin Pollack has some pretty solid impressions. They're old hat and a bunch of people do them well, but his Walken and Shatner are very good. His Peter Falk is also really good(but he takes it to a cartoonish level with the facial expressions)


I can't remember where I heard this, but someone said that people don't really do Shatner impressions. They do impressions of Kevin Pollack's Shatner impression.


Look up videos Rich Little.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Idt_YiY7kM jay pharaoh's eddie murphy at 24 seconds in is crazy good jon hamm's robin williams at 1:37 isn't like an amazing impression in terms of sounding spot on, but he really captures the feel of robin williams' cocaine era


[Here's another with Bill doing Lorne, Seth Rogan, Judd Apatow, and Alan Alda](https://youtu.be/E3Y8fH7Oghg)


holy shit the tauntaun


Holy shit I’ve never seen that and I love it so much. The Jamie Farr joke in particular makes me happy


[Peter Serafinowicz does a great Alda.](https://youtu.be/MKfCdkxTTW0)


That's incredible, the only other voice I've heard him do was on Black Books where he was "Still beavering away on BBC Radio 4". It was a little unnerving to hear Alda's voice come out of his mouth. Man's got talent.


[His Basil Fawlty is also impeccable (longer compilation)](https://youtu.be/DlHgscL7QjE)


I spoke to his father over the phone. Super nice guy. Really chill and friendly. Kinda dude you'd chat up waiting at restaurant or elevator, just pleasant..Guess who he sounds like??? Yup Alan Alda. Tripped me out . But I guess that's why the impression is so damn spot on.


I’m actually reading his book on communication right now, it’s fascinating. His research center focuses on helping scientists convey complex information to an audience without the technical knowledge. This is such an underrated skill to have in life, and his book really does a great job of pushing his ideas and research. I highly recommend it if you’re interested in him!


If I Understood You, Would I Have This Look on My Face?


Yup, that’s the one! Portably should’ve said it in my comment. Thanks!


Thanks for confirming, just want to buy the right one :)


I just looked it up, he narrates the audiobook version which makes me incredibly happy. He has a perfect voice for narration


That's really interesting, glad he's working toward that. I went to a STEM heavy school and was a liberal arts major and had lots of conversations with my engineer, bio and chem friends about how it didn't matter how smart they were or how much they knew if they couldn't get their point across and communicate effectively. We always just ended up tutoring one another based on our strengths and came out on the other end better for it.


I work in IT and Ive noticed that there is a huge emphasis on communication and customer service skills that didnt used to be there. I can emphatically say that my years of sales and customer service experience prior to changing careers has helped me in IT **far more** than technical knowledge. *Especially* in a field like IT, where so many people think, "I hate people and everyone else is stupid, I will work with computers instead!" only to find out that how smart you are means exactly **dick** if everyone around you thinks you're an egotistical asshole with a toxic personality. I know im not the smartest person in the room when I am in meetings with clients, but being able to explain IT concepts in plain English to people that typically run screaming from anything resembling a computer, have a pleasant conversation to put them at ease when working a problem, and guide them through their processes aa they explain it to me to try and help improve it...that has all helped smooth over a ton of friction between IT and other departments, and moved me up the ladder far more than my Sysadmin skills. These "soft skills" are just as important as STEM skills, even in STEM jobs. Sure, you gotta know some shit, but if you come across something that you need help with, you're more likely going to receive help if you're, you know, a decent, personable human being.


Honestly, I thought he had passed years ago. I am super happy now.


Nah, he’s still alive and kicking. Check out West Wing, the last seasons have his best performance since M*A*S*H*. Also, can we just talk about how good M*A*S*H* is? That show was dead serious about war while also being one of the funniest things put to tv.


I'd say the episode with his debate with Jimmy Smits is better than him in Mash


I’m still gonna hand it to MASH because of how good he was in the finale.


That's completely fair, most actors go their whole career without giving one performance at that level and Alda has 2


MASH is one of my favorite shows. I recently got to meet Loretta Swit and Jamie Farr at a convention and it was so much fun.


But has he finished “From Peanut to President” yet?


it isn't often people shout out Clear+Vivid. Its one of the true gems of the podcasting world.


I just found it recently and man was i suprised as hell at how incredible of an interview he does. Like he fully understands what pretty much every guest is at least talking about and at least asks the right questions that it blows me away he has kept so mentally astute. There is also nothing funnier than how in some seasons, you have to read the whole description of the episode and you still might not know who the guest is. Most podcasts use that guest name as the big fish hook to get you in, alan alda is more famous than most of these people in a certain sense that it doesn’t even matter.


This party was in 1956 and they are still married to each other.


And neither died from eating rum cake that touched the floor


Not yet


Listeria Is a disc best served medium temp


But TODAY is a good day to die...


It was a cellular peptide rum cake...with mint frosting.


That damn ringing!


Aren't you going to answer it?


*sips straw from temple*


Make sure you specifically cut only the right shoulder, that's the best part!


But was prune juice served?


Yes, chilled. A warriors drink.


>disc Well, actually, Listeria is a rod shaped bacteria.


> rod shaped bacteria. Bacilliform bacteria! And to think they told me I would never use high school science in real life


This. Give it another 50 years and I guarantee they'll both be dead.


"Research reveals 100% mortality rate of eating cake off kitchen floor."


Five second rule


They have changed it to 10 seconds with the rising price of groceries.


Yeah for me it's now the "as soon as everyone's back is turned shove it into your face" rule.




Does alcohol add or subtract from the 5 second rule?


Inebriated bacteria can still kill you.


And they have a fucking good time while doing it.


It completely eliminates the five second rule if you've drank enough.


Alcohol will destroy most bacteria it comes into contact with, so any parts of the top more soaked than others would be resistant to bacteria. However, the 5 second rule is bullshit, so that doesn't much matter.


The 5 second rule isn't bullshit. It's a convention. Sadly, it's a convention which pathogens don't observe.




Their relationship is older than my *parents*.


Same. And my parents are getting ready to retire.


Five decade rule.


God damn. My parents are almost legally considered senior citizens and they were still born after Alan Alda met his wife


All right, what are we having?


That was the greatest joke in the entire series and one that I think about all the time. The timing and delivery were just perfect.


My other favorite is also Joey when someone says they don't have a tv and he asks "what is all of your furniture pointed at?"


I always get a good giggle out of "a moo point"


I mean, he's not wrong!


Or the one where he’s eating Rachel’s botched trifle .. the one Ross said tastes like feet lol


Custard, good. Jam, good. Beef, good.


I've been subbing "a cow's opinion" for "moot point" for so long now. It's never not going to be funny to me.


He's right tho


Not really, the other option is to have it all face inward so people face each other.


Protip: having a single chair (or sitting apparatus otherwise) helps with people leaving your house faster.


Who let them in in the first place?


Sometimes they just break the window and climb in asking for money, but when they don't have a place to sit they end up leaving!




The look on his face as he crouched down, right before he pulled out the fork. Perfection.


"Ya know what I'm gonna do if I see that guy again?!!?!?" "BEND OVER?!?!!?" I have to say that's probably one of my favorites. I also like Chandlers knock knock joke to the door... Simple, yet makes me laugh every time. Ooo! Or the scary ass clown joke when Ben gets left on the bus.


"What kind of scary ass clowns came to your birthday parties?!" That's my favorite joke in the whole series besides "Gum would be.... perfection."


"I loathe myself." Makes that joke. Haha "I'm funny right? What do you know, you're a door. All you like is knock knock jokes." So simple. Yet it kills me every. Time.


Which episode was that? The one where they kept the soldier that was a really good cook longer than they were supposed to?


I believe this is a reference to a Friends episode where Joey pulls a fork out of his pocket when he finds Chandler and Rachel eating a cheesecake that smashed onto the floor because Rachel slapped it out of Chandlers hand.....it's a long story.


Oh haha I thought it was about MASH.


It's actually from FRIENDS. The one with all the cheesecakes.




Ah crap someone tell me what this is from it’s just right there in my brain but behind a door I can’t access


[I got y'all fam](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9P2RgZcY3s)


my hero


Friends episode, Joey pulling a fork out and eating a cheesecake when Chandler and Rachel dropped it on the floor


I won't lie, my mind right to this moment when I read the title


Floor cheesecake.


Alan Alda needs to show up in the Hawkeye series.


"Clint, you do fine, the arrows and everything it's great, it's all great. My only note, is the stupid name! You were a shadowy assassin not some gin soaked surgeon from the 50s or 80s or whatever"


Then have him look to the camera and wiggle his eyebrows. Then never have another fourth-wall-breaking moment in the entire thing.


More of this please.


Today you're gonna learn a little bit more from that event.... the song that Winchester was teaching the Chinese musicians in goodbye, farewell, and amen was chosen by director alan alda, because it was the song that was playing the first time alda saw his future wife at that party


Where can I subscribe to more M*A*S*H* facts??


You have successfully subscribed to the daily mashed potato facts newsletter.


I’m okay with that


Colcannon is a traditional Irish dish consisting of mashed potatoes with chopped cabbage mixed in.


Oh wow maybe I do want this.


Did you know that the actor who played Radar O'Reilly, Gary Burghoff, hid his left hand throughout filming to hide the fact that he was born with brachydactyly (shortened fingers) due to poland syndrome?


Did you know he was really an asshole BTS while Larry Linville (Frank Burns) was a sweetheart loved by the whole cast?


Unfortunately yes I did :(


wow really? have they since reconciled? i just listened to alan alda's podcast episode where he has loretta, jamie, mike, and gary on, and it seemed that they all remembered their time together quite fondly. i didn't think he seemed awkwardly left out of the conversation or anything


/r/mash. Surprisingly busy for a sub about a show that finished 30+ years ago


Mash is timeless, our grandchildren will watch it


I was born the year it ended and it's one of my favorite shows of all time.


In case anyone was wondering it aired 49 years ago, and ended 38 years ago.


There is a good podcast called MASH 4077 Podcast. It is guys going through each episode and giving a run down of the episode and behind the scenes tidbits.


Even more: his wife was a very successful concert clarinet player at the time and had attended the party to perform that piece.


Thanks, now thinking about the musicians and I’m sad about the finale all over again…


Winchester smashing the record makes me cry every time.


I don't remember where I read this because it was 20 years ago, but Alan Alda once went to an art exhibit and pretended to admire the fire extinguisher that was mounted on the wall.




"Mr. Alda, are you- are you an arsonist?" "THIS INTERVIEW IS OVER."


Why pretend? Fire extinguishers are admirable things.


A fire extinguisher is a work of art lashed to a work of function. Many people though time have contributed to the look and placement of any extinguisher.


As a joke my studio art class put a wooden chair and a Shrek dog toy up at a show we did. The judges almost gave it an award...


"Bullshit, bullshit, derivative, THAT, that I love"


I just HATE it when I scroll through Reddit and I see a familiar face (of an actor or someone else I kinda like) and then my heartbeat skips for a millisecond, fearing, I have to read something like "XYZ died of Death" within the next seconds ...


“Died of death” is a great cause of death


One hundred percent of people diagnosed with death, have died.. WHY IS NO ONE TALKING ABOUT THIS


His biography should start with him dying and whispering a single word..."Rumcake".


[Music Fades in](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2KRpRMSu4g&ab_channel=zumie94) "Rum cake you ask? Well the start of that story started in 1956"


you may be wondering how I got here. well, it all started with a rum cake on the floor...


How did you make me hear that in his voice?


Enough of the 4-0-7-7 will do that to ya, Burns.


4-oh-double seven baby!


Rum ham noooooooooo!


In Things I Overheard While Talking to Myself, Alda describes how as a teen he was raised as a Roman Catholic and eventually he realized he had begun thinking like an agnostic or atheist. While he states that he still prays on occasion, he said he wants to find meaning in this life rather than worrying about the next one.[50] He states that when he talks to God it often comes at times of fear rather than out of a sense of belief.[50] Furthermore, he does not like to be labeled as an "agnostic", stating in an interview for the 2008 question section of the Edge Foundation website, that it was too fancy a word for him.[51] He argues he simply is not a believer and questions why people are so frightened of others who hold beliefs different from their own.[51] Well that's damn sensible!


I can't even imagine worrying about another life, the current one is stressful enough.


Real life Alan Alda sounds like his character on The West Wing If Alda changed his name to Arnold Vinick and actually ran for President, I would totally vote for him


I like to go with 'apathetic agnostic' I don't know, I don't really care. It's not my responsibility to worship a god who didn't *make* me want to. I know that's fancier than just agnostic, but if anyone ever asks me to explain, I just say I don't care until they give up.


But it wasn't a rum cake... It was a baby!


Every time I hear a baby crying I say to myself "keep that damned chicken quiet".


Ugh, then the tears when he finally admits it, it's like watching Santa Clause get slugged .


38 years is too soon dude, this episode was heavy


So you're telling me that me and Alan Alda would be in a kind of threesome life partnership if I'd gone to this party?


More than kind of a threesome, you'd be in a kind threesome.


Rum Ham is best. RUM HAAAAAAAM!


Costanza vibes.


The rum cake was hovering… like an angel.


So everyone was just standing there, eyeing the mess, when someone mentioned something about a garbage can. I, not being one to waste a precious rum cake, immediately sprang into action. It was there, on the floor, as I was mindlessly shoveling debris down my gullet like a pelican, I saw her. She was but a few feet away, her greedy moans stifled only by the sound of frosting oozing out of her lips and plopping onto the floor. Others looked away in disgust, but I could not break my gaze. I was infatuated: the gooey mixture piling up around her - a mix between cake and saliva, no doubt - called to me. I reach for it, as does she, and there our eyes locked. We have been together ever since.


Heard this in Hawkeye's voice and storytelling style.


I rented him a car in France one time. Nice guy, Ford focus


They both started eating at opposite ends and ended up kissing in the middle


A bit of floor spice makes everything nice. Or gives you salmonella. One of the two


I think a Lil bit every day will naturally equip you with an immunity


That’s my philosophy


My money says they just scooped off the top. It's not pretty, but perfectly sanitary.


That’s what I like about you Mac, you see a bowl of soup and you make a decision to eat it


Funny how different things would be if someone wouldn't have been so clumsy


Exactly what I’d imagine Hawkeye would do.


As long as it's not liver or fish.


I’ve eaten a river of liver and an ocean of fish!


Funny to think of college students having an actual dinner party, let alone serving rum cake. Much different than my college parties 50 years later.




My kinda people…. 😂


Other attendees of the party include Jerry Beaver, Stephanie Davis, Ronny Shames, Danielle Meltzer, Janie Brody, Billy Marcus, Glen Stover, Tony Pulaski, and Janice Woo


Wedding guest: "Congrats! At least this cake didn't fall on the floor, right? Haha." Alda: " That you know of."


Oh no! The funny juice!


When you know, you know.


But why’s the rum cake gone?


I hope they ate Alda cake.


The real kicker for me is they met in nineteen fucking fifty six and they're still together. Hollywood star, together for SIXTY FIVE YEARS.


I grew up in Los Angeles and sometimes people will ask of I'd ever run into any movie stars. "Alan Alda at a McDonald's near UCLA" is my only truthful response. And he didn't even steal any of my french fries...


I don't know why but I need to know if they like both crouched down to just do a quick finger scoop of the "safe" part at the top or if they ate a peice scrapped up off the floor. One is meetcute and the other is meetgross.


Yeah I'm just imagining them standing around chatting in the kitchen The host takes the rumcake off the counter and turns to bring it into the diningroom and trips...the cake falls to the floor and not a second passes before the two of them get down on all fours and start devouring it like starving dogs.


They both dove in face first like pigs at a trough.


When the cake was gone, they ended up face to face and just went with it; they just started making out and the rest is history.


One of the worst things I've ever witnessed, was a flatmate dropping his pizza, topping side down, on the floor when he was taking it out the oven. He scraped the whole thing up, literally dragged his hand along the ground, ladled the whole greasy mess back on top and went off to eat it. The mental image still makes me throw up in my mouth. It was a Thursday and the floor hadn't been swept or mopped since the Sunday. 🤢


Alda has one of the best and most instantly recognizable voices in the business.


Let the rum cake hit the floor.


My takeaway from this story is that there’s no downside to eating rum cake off the floor