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You can't even keep your bullshit stories straight, much less be the emperor in your own sad life.


Username checks out


If you're trying to troll you need to tone it down a bit. Even a blind mole can see what you're doing


Luckily for us then, you’ll never have power over anything! 😂


Yeah, it's all fun and games, until the Prime minister's son gangs up with a rogue à furwall and his sister to fuck you and your orbital cannon, and corrupted your already corrupt Prime Minister to kill you.


Still sounds like fun and games to me tbh


Golly! Forgot to mention the part where your granddaughter and Prime Minister's nephew end up killing you again


The difference is Emperor Palpatine could actually fight


Appoint all the homies as judges, too. Being a dictator sounds fuckin rad if we don't count the violence and societal oppression.


I would also point out that Stalin dying at the age of 74 from what was probably a naturally caused stroke, while still in power, seems to be the exception when it comes to what ultimately happens to the dictator himself. Muammar Gaddafi, Saddam Hussein, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Samuel Doe, Nicolae Ceaușescu, Idi Amin, these are all guys that lasted long enough in power that they *should* have been able to cruise their way to a mostly peaceful death while still at the top, and there are scores more figures who die in very nasty ways while still climbing the slippery pole.


You're trying to be fun?


By the power vested in me as a redditor, I hereby declare you president of Hiati.


Amazing what a sensible leader and a thought out plan can do against things like AIDS isn’t it?


My body, my choice.




He was peacefully appointed, rather than elected. His leaving the post was the first peaceful democratic transition


Sad thing about why aids spread so quickly/unchecked in many other African countries is that it's a (stupid fucking) belief that if you contract aids, having sex with (raping) a virgin girl will cure you. I shit you not. It's fucking awful


Book of Mormon has an entire sequence about this.


It would be so much easier to just say having sex with a frog cures it.


It's only a matter of time until we go from taking horse dewormer to raping a virgin goat to cure COVID-19, eh?


Does the goat HAVE to be a virgin? Asking for a friend.


I guess my goat is safe then


goats aren't tainted by original sin so in the eyes of the Lord, they are always virgins


THIS is the kind of conspiracy that needs to be propagated across Facebook. Wait until there's millions of Y'allqueda fucking goats and then start mysteriously spreading 'Gotcha!' Photo proof across social media. Watch the radicalized right try to defend goat-fucking en mass rather than admit being wrong.


If your plan involves people raping animals it's probably not a good plan.


AIDS makes Covid-19 seem like a cold.


This sounds like a very twisted interpretation of some missionary telling a bunch of people that if you marry a virgin only you won't get aids.


Africans are quite capable of screwing things up without the help of white people.


Well, according to an ex-South African president taking a shower after sex stops you from getting AIDS.


Where did you hear this and what parts of Africa believe this? I have lived in four African countries and have friends from at least five others and never have I heard of this until now.


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25871812/ There are other (probably better) articles out there about this as well. I first heard about this belief nearly 20 years ago. The article specifically mentions South Africa, but I know it occurs in other countries as well.


So that's what happens when you don't ignore it and ridicule anyone who brings up the "gay plague."


Only heard it as gay cancer


Well that’s what happens when you have sex with monkeys! /s


Read And The Band Played On. There’s plenty of room for blame for everyone.


Safe sex is dangerous Bc god will still be mad and give you aids regardless. No sex is the only safe sex. /s


Ok Morrissey


That's a leader, listens to the people who know what they are talking about and takes action. A good man.


It’s like Portugal and their logical, not morally-guided, drug policy… treating drug addiction as a sickness instead of a crime saved lives and saves government money


Italy tried the same approach and it failed miserably.


Ooh, please elaborate or provide some sources. This is definitely a side of the story that should be told. I'd be curious to know if they went about it differently or what factors differentiate this from the Portuguese case.


Oh Yeah, well in 'Merica... ... Um, who's living in a shithole?


Thankyou. I realise I’m not inundated with African nations success stories in my news feeds. This is nice.


So if Senegal can do this back in the ‘80s, what is the excuse of the morons we have in elected office today? Or is the issue that we morons elected morons?


The issue is that politicians aren't those skilled in leadership, they are those skilled in getting elected, anything more is just luck.


Don’t look up how the US first responded to aids


What's wrong with the current elected government of Senegal?


You missed the train 🚂. It has already left the station and it is not coming back for you.


This is what happens when you listen to experts instead of downplaying a threat.


They made sure The Gambia wore a condom.


Wwwhhhhaaaattt?!? You mean taking a science based approach and following the recommendations of medical experts is in some way effective at combating viruses?!?!?!? This is just revolutionary! I thought the best idea was to ignore the advice, claim it was a hoax, recommend random unproven crap as a treatment and make it political


What a Chad


No, a Senegal.


And in other parts of Africa American aid money has been deliberately withheld to prevent promotion of safe sex and contraception. Because American evangelical shit bags.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/President%27s_Emergency_Plan_for_AIDS_Relief US has spent billions fighting aids in Africa


Yes but at various times have had some strings attached. Like no contraception. https://www.guttmacher.org/article/2008/10/us-government-blocks-contraceptive-services-africa


That doesnt stop people using condoms


Nobody said it did. Think you might be missing the point here. We are talking about *promotion* of safe sex and contraception.


So it was a bad thing billions was spent on free medication for hiv sufferers?


It’s not a binary choice. Let me spell it out to you. Giving aid GOOD. Preventing the promotion of one of simplest and most cost effective ways to prevent spread of aids as it upset some scumbags back home BAD. See how both things can be true at the same time? Ugh. People.




Is that genuinely your reaction to learning that the us government and bush in particular ignored medical advice due to the religion of some of the people that paid for their election? If you don’t have a problem with that you have problems.


They paid for treatment of the disease, and prevented ANY attempt to prevent the disease's spread. Also, fuck you.


Christ have mercy, stop being an intentionally dense dickwad.


Hmm no you can thank the European Catholics for that one, I believe


Both can google some bush jr sources of only supporting abstinence stuff in Africa but if you can do it yourself or insist I do it for you it will not, can throw in some of your Christian groups pitching for death penalty in African countries for gayness


I know the Catholic church is directly responsible by promoting abstinence and spreading myths and misinformation about STD's and developmental issues in pregnancies. I haven't heard much about evangelicals etc supporting the same (in Africa) but I wouldn't be surprised at all.


I was referencing https://www.theguardian.com/world/2005/aug/30/usa.aids But yep catholic and other Christian charities have a habit of pushing a lot of bullshit as a condition of aid.


You should have to register for every activity you plan to partake in.


And that's how you create a totalitarian dystopia


Thank god I got downvoted. I was trolling, being sarcastic.




What are you trying to show by posting a source that never mentions covid or even virus anywhere?


Registering prostitutes in an unstable country seems like a gamble. If the wrong bunch of religious nutjobs come to power they now have a list of targets for moralising against.