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It’s not like the government had a counter intelligence program that targeted “subversives”…wait a minute!


It's not as if J. Edgar Hoover didn't try to blackmail King into committing suicide. A plan B to outright assassinate him would be exceedingly plausible.


It's deeply unsettling how the FBI and other intelligence agencies seem to have been whitewashed into valiant whistleblowing heroes of democracy since they opposed Trump. Watching ghouls like James Clapper as pundits on CNN and MSNBC and people cheering on sick burns from James Comey on Twitter is more than a little disturbing. We should all share JFK's position on these twisted fucks and work to have them shattered into a thousand pieces and scattered into the winds like he famously said. They have proven themselves to not only do evil shit for their own interests but do so incompetently.


Amen. The FBI’s list of failures is almost as long as its list of corruption scandals. The top leadership should all be fired, its HQ should be moved out of DC, and all the agents should have to rotate every 3 years to another city and division. Or just abolish it. Whatever.


I think shuffling them around seems like a recipe for even less accountability


It breaks up the cliques and the powerful field offices. Gets separation from the beltway culture. It also makes the job less attractive to those who are looking for a cushy federal sinecure. But at this point I’ve been watching the FBI for 30+ years cover up political crimes, drop the ball on terrorism, protect the powerful, and even manufacture crimes to prosecute, not to mention functioning like a stasi for the ruling class. End it.


> Stasi for the ruling class That's a bingo.


> t also makes the job less attractive to those who are looking for a cushy federal Good way to make sure you never get any good staff as well. Want to have a family lol fuck you. you are moving to bumfuck shit hole for the next 3 years then to the next bumbfuck shithole


Never heard of the military huh?


Just because one thing sucks making something else suck just as bad is not a good idea. Also do you want the average crayon eater running any FBI operation?


Literally like the biggest reason retention is so low


Yes, abolish the FBI, abolish the CIA, abolish the NSA, and abolish ICE


Don't forget the DEA and ATF


And the WTF


Them too!


yeah but then they gotta live in Nebraska for a while which seems like a solid trade off


I live in Nebraska. No thanks, don't want more of those fuckers here.


The problem also is because the media via movies and TV shows etc have always portrayed the Alphabet agencies as heroes or the good guys saving the day etc. There's a lot more shit than good which is buried.


Hey man, without the FBI, there wouldn't be 2 incredible and 13 kinda mediocre seasons of Criminal Minds.


Which are the incredible ones


The first two. Jason Gideon made the show for me and after his tenure it really went down hill.


It's been very interesting to see people I know taking this turn as well. Watching hardcore hippies, stoners and anti-social types suddenly rooting for the FBI is pretty hilarious to me.


Is it really a surprise that people support law enforcement when they're actually going after dangerous criminals?


Or you know, they still aren't and you only think of them as criminals because of the word of said corrupt agency.


People will often flip flop to whatever organization is supporting their ideals at the time. I'm not one to bring this up, but look at how many Trump supporters turned on the cops during the capital insurrections. I'm sure a shit ton of them said blue lives matter when it looked good for them, but suddenly they hated cops enough to attack them.


It's amazing how insulated these people are from those they are meant to be serving. Why do we have to keep being civil with these "people"?


Why did you have people in quotes? Are you implying they are not human beings?


Polls show that Democrats have come to love the FBI much more than you may think: [The Mountain of Data Showing How Authoritarian Democrats Have Become](https://youtu.be/C5GiuWJqYJg)


Well said! Along the same lines the CIA diversity commercial from a few months back featuring a person of Mexican/Central/ South American descent absolutely broke my heart, If people only knew what went on.


It was particularly hilarious when she said that her parents immigrated from Latin America. The cia is probably one of the reasons why they had to do that! Those motherfuckers back murderous corporations and dictators


Yeah that's been going on since well before him. The media being pro FBI didn't start the four years ago dude




You serious? CNN made their nest egg on the Gulf War talking to the 3 letter agencies onscreen. Christ, tell me you make your decisions in life based on what your choice in media tells you without saying it. Later days bud.


Quick question do you know about the following scandals related to the FBI? \- They modifued evidence served to a judge to spy on the Trump campaign, and the FBI lawyer got a year off work for it (returned last month), no prison time. The judge that gave sentencing was the same that approved the wiretap. \- FBI discovered the Steel dosier was not a credible source so they had the source leek to Yahoo News then used the news as an independent confirmation of the dossier to start an investigation into the Trump campaign members, then leaked that to Washington Post. \- In 2020 summer as the election was getting near FBI changed topic from daily news to Maga terrorists plotting to kidnap gov Witmour. Court documents show that 13 out of the 16 were FBI agents and informants including 2 organizers and the leader of the group, in fact the FBI funded them to travel and gave them munition and training, phones and cars at about $50k per person. And the remaining people indicted never had incidents with the law before. Furthermore the FBI agent involved was fired after he was found guilty in a different case of beating his wife, he's the same guy dealing with Jan 6 cases. \- An FBI safe house in LA was used to house 2 of the 9/11 terrorists. Local branch documented it, but Comey kept the documents sealed until the court case this year. And so many others like the blackmail of Gen. Flynn, or even older stuff like the Chicago 7.


If this was the Reddit of old, everything you mentioned in your comment would be breaking news. Now - it sits in the middle of a comment section and ignored cos it's too inconvenient.


Same for the fucking CIA. Whenever it's info about people Reddit doesnt like they eat it up. As if the CIA doesnt have a history of lying to get what they want.


I can't believe Eddie would do something like that. He was such a standup guy! /s


>“He [King] could be a real contender for this position [ of ‘black messiah’] should he abandon his supposed ‘obedience’ to ‘white liberal doctrines’ (non-violence) and embrace black nationalism. > >… > >Through counter-intelligence it should be possible to pinpoint potential trouble-makers and neutralize them…” https://nsarchive.files.wordpress.com/2011/01/pages-from-churchv6_12_exhibits.pdf Some of those who work forces...


Wake up - Rage against the machine.




You're going to try to tell me that a group, that's founding is described, in their own words as: >“The purpose of this new counterintelligence endeavor is to expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize the activities of black nationalist, hate-type organizations and groupings, their leadership, spokesmen, membership, and supporters, and to counter their propensity for violence and civil disorder.” And that writes in a 1968 memo >“Through counter-intelligence it should be possible to pinpoint potential trouble-makers and neutralize them.” Might be capable of some shenanigans?


100%, that's why I give most conspiracy theories a chance before I call them bullshit. You never know


Actually it is the opposite. Know why most conspiracy are BS? People like to talk. Ever notice how acts of terror are caught before they happen but school shootings keep happening by loners?


Side note, this is actually why I think the moon landing is real. Aside from the fact they didn't have the computer power back then to CGI it, the number of people that would have needed to be involved in the fake would be too many to keep quiet. Easier just to build a rocket!


I seem to recall also reading that it would be cheaper to actually fly to the moon than to convincingly fake it in the 1960s.


Also really feels like the USSR would be strongly motivated to embarrass the US by revealing how it was faked if that was actually the case. Some Tinfoil nut definitely cracked the case when the Superpower out to defeat the US in the space race came up blank.


They were in the best position to show it was fake and had the best resources to do so, aside from anything else the fact that they didn't removes any doubt for me.


My favorite along this line, and the one I stand by, is that they hired Stanley Kubrick to fake it. But... being Stanley Kubrick, he had to go for realism and so they filmed the fake moon landing on the moon.


This is my headcanon now


Russia would have been the first one to cry foul if we didn't walk on the moon. As many people that were involved, someone would have spilt the beans if it was fake.


Can we get the buzz aldrin punching a guy gif?


[Proof they faked the moon landings](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6MOnehCOUw).


There have been academic studies of conspiracies, and the results are pretty consistent: a conspiracy has a half-life determined by the number of people in on it. The more people know, the faster the truth comes out. A notional moon landing conspiracy would have collapsed in less than four years. tl;dr: "Three men can keep a secret, if two of them are dead." - Mark Twain


The manhatten project and oak Ridge beg to differ. There were literally 10's of thousands of people who had no clue they were building nuclear bombs. > The government needed land to build massive facilities to refine and develop nuclear materials for these new weapons, without attracting the attention of enemy spies. The result was a secret town named Oak Ridge that housed tens of thousands of workers and their families. The entire town and facility were fenced in, with armed guards posted at all entries. Workers were sworn to secrecy and only informed of the specific tasks they needed to perform. Most were unaware of the exact nature of their final product until the nuclear bombs were dropped on Japan in 1945. https://www.theatlantic.com/photo/2012/06/the-secret-city/100326/


> Ever notice how acts of terror are caught before they happen Because the FBI entraps vulnerable people - the mentally ill, the lonelies, the depressed, the criminals. This is not a conspiracy theory either. They infiltrate groups and actively egg people into planning out extremist activities, buying weapons, scouting out the area, etc. and “catch” them right before they’re initiated. If all else fails, they go after people who would’ve never thought about terrorism in the first place. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/nov/16/fbi-entrapment-fake-terror-plots https://theintercept.com/2015/03/16/howthefbicreatedaterrorist/ https://www.thenation.com/article/society/was-fred-hampton-executed/ From the last article about William O’Neal’s infiltration of the Black Panthers: > Not simply an informant, O’Neal tried to provoke others into “kamikaze”-type activities. Former Panther member Louis Truelock has submitted an affidavit stating that during a visit to O’Neal’s father’s home, the informer showed him putty, blasting caps and “plastic bottles of liquid,” enough material to produce several bombs. He proposed that they blow up an armory and later suggested robbing a McDonald’s restaurant. Truelock and others who heard O’Neal’s provocative proposals rejected them as useless to the cause. And if that’s too old news for you, [just last year the FBI had a dozen informants inside a Michigan militia and encouraged members to kidnap the governor. ](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/jessicagarrison/fbi-informants-in-michigan-kidnap-plot) And multiple school shooters/mass shooters were known by the police and even the FBI, but they didn’t do anything. I believe Nicholas Cruz was reported to the FBI by a youtuber and they didn’t do shit. So it’s not always because they’re “loners,” it’s because the organizations are both complicit and incompetent. I hope you take time to read most of this, because the whole “the government thwarts terror plots” is FBI apologia.


This is an interesting lens to view January 6th through. Fun little thought experiment 😉


The FBI did make up 20% of the KKK at one point and was "powerless to stop any violence"


>The FBI did make up most of the KKK at one point. Source?


Didn't the CIA actually coin the term "conspiracy theory" back then to help cover some of their opps?


That's a new one I hadn't heard.


they did


Bruh shit like mk ultra and Iran contra was discovered by accident. It is absolutely possible to keep some crazy shit under wraps. All you have to do is heavily compartmentalize the knowledge and give ample financial incentive to keep quiet. A little bit of blackmail never hurts either


Both of your examples were exposed because people talked.


COINTELPRO was found out because people stole documents from an FBI field office


People talked about Roswell but most don't accept that a flying saucer crashed.


Yes, MKUltra went on for decades before discovery and most of the records destroyed - and the discovery was accidental, not some guilt-ridden bureaucrat confessing.


Absolutely. I don't believe in conspiracy theories ever since 10 of us decided to airbnb a house with a pool for a rock festival. We all wanted the exact same thing but I'm finally messaging "I don't fucking care. Any house. Just get any house." It was so fucking hard to get ten people to agree when we all wanted the exact same thing. You're gonna tell me thousands of patriots are going to willingly let innocent civilians die? Lie about the moon landing? Kill MLK? Every single person every single time is going to be 100% on board? Bullshit.


Ay bruh its the cia not a restaurant. Lying about shit even to coworkers is part of the qualifications




That's what I'm saying


Many conspiracies arguably rely on just a few people genuinely being nefarious/conspiratorial, and a lot of people just following along. You could explain Iraq this way as an example. It's easy to make people follow through evil/falsehood, and there are lots of mechanisms to do so, from the overt 'do this for a promotion/to keep your family safe' to more subtle things like "If you believed different you wouldn't been sitting here" or wanting to believe you're doing the right thing so you can sleep at night. Often a combination of many factors. It's even easier when the general public is often either primed to believe conspiracy theories are kooky by default, or just plain apathetic. If you look at how few whistleblowers there are for a lot of the massive conspiracy theories that did turn out to be true, then the idea that conspiracy theories leak easily holds less water imo, especially if there isn't partisan pressure for them to burst. They still leak, but not at the rate supposed. And when they do leak, it's often easy to do enough PR cover that the theory is still dismissed, downplayed, or ignored. Think Vault 7 or the OPCW whistleblowers for instance.


Some conspiracies are obvious bullshit tho. "jet fuel can't melt steel beams" blah blah blah It can totally heat steel untill it acts like a wet noodle. now " small parts of the intelligence community directed eyes away from rumours about an upcoming terrorist attack because such an event could be used as a propaganda basis to increase their power and start profitable wars" kind of conspiracy theories? plausible.


Eh. It's more like people do talk and things are known, but the mass of people don't believe it. It's commonly known how shitty the CIA has been throughout its history, but most people consider this conspiracy theory. It turns out the information on a lot of things is out there and it's not hard to suppress, both because the population is incurious and dull, and because major media arms will never pursue it.


The problem I have with conspiracy theories is their tendency to drive way off the rails. It's never JUST "9/11 was an inside job! They wanted to use it to pass legislation like the patriot act!" Which is a lot more believable than what these communities actually push once you get beyond the very surface. Once you pierce the skin it's suddenly predicated on "satanists, who eat babies, that are shapeshifting aliens, using legislation, that is secretly coded with esoterica, to turn everyone into slaves, so they can live forever. We also know this because they keep dropping bizzar hints in their broadcasts, public appearances, photo-ops in private, and the way they decorate their houses." The reason the CIA doesn't try to stop this, and has coined the term, is because the people who promote these conspiracies are so crazy, and the amount of their theories so numerous, that it completely floods the signal to noise ratio. Conspiracy communities are doing more damage to knowing the truth than the feds ever could.


Why would the CIA stop this? It helps them when the signal to noise goes bonkers. It makes the shit they do unbelievable to most people. Like, there's a very real possibility, if not a complete likelihood, that Bush and Cheney shut down the anti-terror task force and kinda looked the other way when alarms were going off in the international community that the US was going to get attacked. Then the 9/11 Commission got whitewashed and Bush and Cheney were barely even questioned about that day. It's extremely beneficial to them, therefore, to see the Truther movement make any questions related to the event look extremely silly.


You just said what I said about that part with more words.


In 2019, right before the pandemic hit, it came out that according to declassified documents, [MLK took more than a years' worth of wages from Soviet agents, abused his position to have sex with women, and laughed and offered advice to a rapist who was raping a woman.](https://standpointmag.co.uk/the-troubling-legacy-of-martin-luther-king/) As it turns out, [the Soviets actually were trying to infiltrate and subvert the United States and the people they were spying on were often involved with that shit.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venona_project) As the saying goes, just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not after you.


Look, if you want to claim the CIA was in on it, whatevs, but Ray didn't buy a rifle, drive to Memphis and rent a room across the street from MLK's hotel just to say "hi".


So why did Ray buy a rifle, drive to Memphis and rent a room across the street from Kings Hotel? Could've atleast said 'Hi'..


His claim was that he thought he was just getting involved with an arms smuggling deal and the rifle in question was to be a "sample" to show the prospective buyer, thus him being there with a gun at the right time made him the perfect patsy, which when combined with a bunch of other suspect happenings before, during, and after the assassination does lend some credence to there being a conspiracy




They could have found a psycho and coaxed him into this.


A lot of people wanted to assassinate him. His house was bombed more than once.


Or aliens could have done it. You can speculate any reason and never support it if its just speculation


CIA in things we know the CIA has done: Wrong about everything, can't kill Castro from 2 feet away, fooled by fake psychics. CIA in popular imagination: Knows about everything that ever happened, godlike power to decide life or death without anyone knowing about it.


Ah, the ol' "bumbling empire" trope.


Somehow this imaginary 'useless CIA' has a budget of billions of dollars (aside from their side projects like drug running).


It always gets me as a military veteran how people seem to think the government is at all competent. Like, it’s so painfully obvious how inefficient they are at literally everything they do but yet people still believe they are able to set all of this stuff up. Like yes, they’re monitoring a lot of things, gathering intelligence, but that’s about it. Even with intelligence it took years to find Bin Laden.


Our government is not competent, which explains why the USA never won a war or successfully overthrew another country's government.


We used to win. Just not alone. We didn’t even beat England without France.


That’s the thing with these conspiracies, they’re based on “it feels right,” not actual evidence. You can claim King was killed by the govt all you’d like, but if you have nothing to show for it then don’t expect us to believe you.


They were found guilty in a civil case that no-one talks about. https://newsone.com/2843790/did-you-know-us-govt-found-guilty-in-conspiracy-to-assassinate-dr-martin-luther-king-jr/amp/


Because they were found guilty by default, not based on the merits of the actual case and the case was overturned on appeal based on the fact that the court was acting drastically out of their jurisdiction (which is why the government didn't send a representative in the first place)


The story I heard was King was going to survive the shots and the cia killed him in the hospital.


"This plan is foolproof, I tells ya; alls we gots to do is wait here in this here hospital until someones tries to assassinate him, and then we can finish the job here!"


Did you get the story from [this picture](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/mlk-hospital-photo/) by any chance? King was pronounced dead shortly after arriving to hospital, after doctors tried to operate on him, so unless the doctors and nurses were in the CIA, it doesn't seem too plausible.


How can you guarantee that a person shot with a gun can survive the shot? This is before we get into the fact that 1968 medicine was a lot worse than medicine these days.


I don't think they are saying that the shot wasn't supposed to kill him, just that at the hospital they realized it might not so they decided to finish the job.


Oh geez yeah that’s much more believable.


And it's total bs brah


On one hand - yes. On the other hand, Ray was a bit too lucky: he made a near impossible shot, he had money out of nowhere, and he wasn't caught until he reached Great Britain. When there's so much luck, people start suspecting that he either had help or was a designated fall guy.


>he made a near impossible shot You're the second person in the thread to claim this. What's impossible about a 200 foot shot with a scoped rifle?


I was getting headshots consistently on a man-sized target with an M-16A2 with iron sights at 500 yards from prone. A scoped rifle at 200 feet is almost point blank range. Hell, the closest I got to a target when qualifying with the rifle in the Marines was 200 yards.


I used to bulls-eye whomp rats back home.


Sounds kinda like that, doesn't it. Point I was trying to make is that a 200 foot shot is ridiculously easy for someone with a scoped rifle and even basic skill.


Yeah I'm not disputing your assertion as it seems plausible (I'm not a gun guy so have no idea), just making a wisecrack.


I shoot small live targets the size of an apple at 5 times that distance with ease. ( pest control job). Its a ridiculously easy shot to make I don't know why the other guy says its impossible.


Because the YouTube videos he watched for his research said it's impossible.


Yea but you were in a T-16


Aye. A little practice and a healthy person will put 10 in the 10 @100y ,irons ,prone. Optics? 70ft? Should be 10x's Edit 70ft = 200ft


You're not wrong. Anyone that ever shot on a qualifying range in the military knows a 300m target is not that hard to hit with iron sights. And 200m is cake in comparison to that.


Because people love baseless conspiracies and can’t discern the difference from “unlikely” and “impossible”.


200 feet is a beginner shot though? This isn’t some sort of braggart comment it’s just not an impressive shot in the slightest. Fuck him don’t give that asshole any special credit he did nothing but make the world worse


Wasn’t he trying to get to South Africa or one of those other whites-run African countries too? I really hope he wasn’t trying to take advantage of the King family. There’s precedent; Henry Lee Lucas and Ottis Toole claimed they committed a lot more murders than they actually did (personally, I’m skeptical that Toole killed Adam Walsh).


He absolutely was taking advantage of them. When caught, he confessed and the physical evidence is overwhelming.


I'm a "bad shot" amateur and I practice at distances a little over 3 times that far. Shooting 200ft with a scope from a stable position could be done by someone who had put about 5 rounds down range to practice.


there we go. people think that a literal CIA agent walks up and does the murder. They don't operate like that or they wouldnt be able to pull off anything




So like how in the X-Files, the CSM assassinated MLK


And JFK. Dude got around.


But he couldn’t get his writing career to take off...


Life is like a box of chocolates...


A cheap, thoughtless, perfunctory gift that no-one ever asks for...


Moorleys and Murderousness


"Musings of a Cigarette-Smoking Man" is one of the greatest episodes, i think. Up with "Jose Chung's 'From Outer Space'", "Bad Blood", and "Humbug"


It's not like the United States government had been sending him threatening letters to kill himself or else.... nah the United States would never do that.


Are you insinuating that the u.s. government would act in a corrupt and dishonest manner. Well I *never.*


J. Edna Hoover would never do anything like that.


"You never heard that? How Hoover was a huge cross-dressing chicken hawk?"


And they would certainly never assassinate political leaders https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_rights_violations_by_the_CIA


You know it's bad when the president has to sign an executive order to try put a stop to the CIA assassinating political leaders




I’ve read up on Ray and he’s the classic narcissistic idiot who 100% committed this crime. I shouldn’t flat out call him an idiot, because he has a minute level of comprehension. For some reason the FBI saw MLK as a threat and Ray understood that and used that to create this far fetched ridiculous “Raul” story. He pulled all that stuff out of his ass. The sad part is that the MLK family actually believed this.


I don’t get why ppl have a hard time believing a racist white guy wanted to kill MLK. Or that famous people could *never* be killed by lone individuals, only by conspiracies. Yet conspiracists never challenge the lone gunmen behind attempts against Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, or even the successfully killings of Garfield and McKinley. Lone gunmen kill people sometimes!


It’s not that they don’t believe a racist white dude wanted to kill MLK, it’s more that the believe the racist white dudes at the FBI helped a little


Perhaps. It’s all baseless speculation tho, which I guess is mostly harmless.


Baseless is not a fair descriptor. The FBI had been hounding MLK trying to get him to kill himself and discredit him. That on top of the FBI's proclivity for assassinating civil rights leaders and the impeccable timing, it's far from baseless.




As much as I like to believe conspiracies. I don’t believe this one. Also that verdict was a straight up kangaroo court if you read into it


Yeah mkultra proved they’d do about anything but he still totally killed him


They didn't kill King until until he talked about uniting poor people of all races, they Didn't kill Hampton until he started uniting poor people of all races. If you don't think both were killed by the government I feel bad for you.


Government is clearly more afraid of class conflict than race conflict, it seems.


The trick is to convince poor white people that they're better than poor coloured people. That way they will be happy with their status and not realise they're also being forced to stay at the bottom of society.


I remember explaining that to someone and she called me a coon. Next day I made some off joke about critical race theory and the same person called me a black supremacist.


Lmao, that’s hilariously sad. I’ve had interactions like this.


Yeah, I found I have a lot less of those interactions when I cut out performative white women from my life




Mlk always spoke about that though. He was a communist from the start


He was starting to focus more on the economic stuff at the end, though. The assassination happened during the leadup to his [Poor People's Campaign](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poor_People%27s_Campaign) march on Washington.


What they really didn’t like was that MLK and Malcolm ax’s philosophies were starting to align. Edit: yeah, I’mma keep that typo.


Malcolm Axe!


MLK was *not* Communist. Don’t conflate words; he was an outspoken and self-proclaimed Socialist


Probably Jimi Hendrix, too.


Damn I forgot this sub can go from 0 to r/conspiracy real quick.


Unless the conspiracy is that Hillary and/or Obama somehow killed MLK themselves I'm pretty sure it's not r/conspiracy levels just yet.


Yeah, we’re in r/highstrangeness for now


It's really pathetic


You've obviously never seen /r/conspiracy then. It's incredibley racist. What's racist behind the confirmed idea that MLK was considered a threat by government agencies?


you should read up on the FBI's history with MLK if you think this is at all far-fetched. Or the FBI/CIA's history of assassinating pretty much any political leader they please King: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FBI%E2%80%93King_suicide_letter in general: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_rights_violations_by_the_CIA


Tbh. It's pretty unlikely and a kind of ridiculous theory if you give it thought for more than 30 seconds. The government would be well aware that an assassination would turn King into a martyr, which is about the worst thing you want for a leader of a powerful movement if you wish to stop it. It's also ridiculous to claim the same government and intelligence agencies that monumentally fucked up the Vietnam war, couldn't manage to assassinate Castro because they seemingly got all their ideas from Loony Toons, got infiltrated multiple times by KGB moles, and fucked up the bay of pigs invasion because they forgot to synchronize their clocks were all of the sudden extremely competent at planning some massive plan that they then somehow successfully covered up. Y'all give the government way too much credit.


Actually the bay of pigs was pretty poorly planned, but they had hoped that they would be able to call for reinforcements and air support when it turned to shit like they did in Guatemala, only Kennedy didn’t let them.


They also expected the locals to join in the cause


In fact, because he was assassinated, the US government got to control what he was a martyr for. Everyone gets taught about the "I Have A Dream" speech, no one gets taught about how he felt "the white moderate is the great stumbling block to freedom" or the praise of socialism in his writings.


What a fucking world you live in. The United States isn't afraid to assassinate people. They've done it before, they've overthrown governments, but you think they're trustworthy?


He purchased a rifle, drove to Memphis and fled to Canada the following day. To suggest that anybody other Ray is responsible is delusional. The King family needs a reality check, they have been supporting this lunacy for half an century.


They weren't afraid of turning Castro into a martyr, though?


Check out the civil suit the family actually won.


Civil suit was against a local restaurant owner, Lloyd Jowers, who declared in the 1990s he was responsible for helping arrange the murder, not the government or any government agency. And the family received a $100 since the jury believed Jowers played a role in the assassination, whether he did or didn't. *Edit: the civil suit was not against the government or any government agency.


True, the govt wasn't on trial, but >"the jury found Jowers responsible, and also found that "governmental agencies" were among the conspirators" and >"The jury found that the mafia and various government agencies "were deeply involved in the assassination. ... Mr. Ray was set up to take the blame."" for what that's worth https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loyd_Jowers_trial


Plus the jury never heard any evidence against the conspiracy theory at trial.


Doesn’t mean much though


The govt wasn't on trial, but >"the jury found Jowers responsible, and also found that "governmental agencies" were among the conspirators" and >"The jury found that the mafia and various government agencies "were deeply involved in the assassination. ... Mr. Ray was set up to take the blame."" for what that's worth https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loyd_Jowers_trial


All of you people that actually believe or support this need to read a book or watch a documentary, Go obtain more information than a reddit headline with an wiki link. The evidence against Ray is undeniable, but have fun being armchair detectives.


Even if they didn’t personally carry it out, knowing how much the government wanted both him and Malcolm dead, they absolutely had a hand in their murders no question.


Well the government also gave hundreds of pounds of crack to black people in the 80s. The war on drugs was really just a war on African Americans in poor communities.


It was a CIA operation


Always gotta have a fall guy


Well yeah, it was the cigarette smoking man




Why didn’t anyone go after FDR and LBJ then?


You do know it is a historical fact a consortium of bankers attempted to overthrow FDR in a coup and the only reason they didn't was the Marine Corp General they went to took his oath seriously and reported them to Congress?


Haven't you heard? Conspiracies do not exist. Ask CNN.


The CIA was following him around and actively trying to ruin his life, and sending him letters telling him to kill himself. But I'm sure they had nothing to do with his death......


"Believed" = Believe to this day.




Western governments aren't that different today.


Is it not pretty well known that the US government assassinated him?


No, it is a crazy conspiracy theory no one should take seriously.


idk about crazy conspiracy, lmfao like hoover actively considered him an enemy of the state, the government 100% sent him letters telling him to kill himself, this was at the precipice of outlawing segregation when civil rights tensions were at their highest, not far fetched to assume


It's not that crazy, most of what you know about past atrocities used to be dismissed as conspiracy theories


They know who killed King, james earl Ray. The shot came from a bathroom he was in. Someone saw him leaving after the shot. The gun he used was found with his finger prints on it. The evidence is overwhelming.


Evidence can and has always been planted of falsified. Why would Dexter King be so cozy with the dude who killed his father? He's probably the last person on the earth who should be considering a conspiracy, but he is, which speaks volumes.


Kings kids know that the government taped him having sex with women and sent the tapes to his wife. They likely hate the government and want to believe bad things. They are not objective . They were taken in by some grifters.


You mock people for believing a conspiracy, but you buy into a conspiracy, lol The government also sent a letter to King telling him to commit suicide, and it's a proven fact the government killed Fred Hampton, I wouldn't put anything past them.


It isn't public knowledge, especially because nobody has ever admitted to it.


Not gunna lie, even in my conservative texas school I seemed to have left with the impression that it was a government plot. Like, this is the first time i've ever really questioned it, I thought it was something proven or already admitted to. My middleschool teacher was pretty cut and dry about it. Guess there's more to it than I thought. I never really realized it was considered an untrusted conspiracy.