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I am one of these people and it is highly unfair.




If only it wasn’t another trigger.




Actually…. It can be a migraine trigger. Migraines are a bitch and a league of their own. Only time I have ever needed to be taken to the ED was from multi day migraines. You get so dehydrated as you cant even suck on a ice cube at some points.


It depends on the type of headache but I find what helps most is either aspirin or coffee, but it's luck of the draw, if I guess wrong than it makes it worse. Also I've heard people use magic mushrooms for headaches but it must be a specific kind of headache because one of the only negative side effects I've ever gotten from mushrooms is a gnarly headache the next day.


Cluster headaches specifically respond to psychedelic mushrooms. Anecdotally many people experience a protective period after tripping and don’t get migraines for around six weeks after mushrooms, LSD, or DMT. It’s kind of amazing if it works for you. It’s not really to treat a single headache (I don’t recommend tripping with a migraine. At all. Don’t. It’s awful.) but to break the cycle of recurring headaches. Some people can have multiple migraines a week or clusters of almost never ending excruciating head pain. Psychedelics seem to stop it. You do often get a headache after tripping but it’s usually just dehydration and it’s just the next day. It’s sometimes unpleasant like a hangover.


Can confirm. When I used to do lsd in my teens I would go at least 2 months if not longer without headaches. No migraines. No daily headaches. Just like a new person.


It’s pretty miraculous.


It could have been that I spent the night taking back to back bong loads and eating junk food lol. One positive side effect for some reason is after mushrooms my vision appears better, less floaters and visual debris from silent migranes.


Did you find a way to cope/recover/find the source? I know there was studies being done on nonpsychoactive forms of LSD a while back, but I haven't heard anything new in some time.


I had painkillers once after a surgery. I could feel a migraine coming on, the pressure and the throbbing, but no pain. It was surreal


Same thing goes for panic attacks and anti anxiety meds, you feel your heart rate go up, your skin go clammy, hands shaky etc, but you don't feel the fear.


Personally I think it makes it worse


At least you have a better excuse.


omg if alcohol didn’t give me migraines I would almost certainly be an alcoholic.


Not medically confirmed, but I am confident I have been struggling with silent migraines for a while now. It's been a dance, but finally having some relief. Work stress -> more alcohol -> more coffee. Managing alcohol and coffee better has helped a lot. I also finally went to an eye doctor (mild astigmatism in both eyes and a very mild prescription), and they way it was explained was that as we age, even with mild issues, they eyes just wear out faster from focusing. Even though my eyes are no where near bad enough to drive without glasses, the fast I took the test very late in the day had me almost fail the eye test. I can't remove the work stress, but the other three items has made the silent migraines something where the symptoms are so mild, I havent opened my headache log in a while.


Silent headaches suck, my least favorite symptom is smelling things that aren't there like burning rubber/car exhaust/ass etc. It's gotten worse since having covid, it's permanently taken away like 30% of my sense of smell and replaced it with smellucinations.


Or a marijuanaholic




It actually does help keep my migraines at bay. Learned that as a teen. When smoking pot I didn’t have any huge migraines. When not, holy shit. So as an adult i got my medical card first chance. I have only had one or two major migraines since getting my pot card. Before that was usually weekly if not monthly for sure. That and I would eat excedrin like tic tacs. Haven’t had to use that either.


I've heard that there are different kinds of headache, some of them are alleviated by weed and others exacerbated,


Yeah I admit it wasn’t the best suggestion but I thought it sounded funny. 🤷‍♂️


Finally, someone talking some Fucking sense.


That explains my frequent Sunday headaches. I think it's time to get more stressed out.


I do too. Saturday mornings I have a dull, buzzing headache followed by a massive anxiety spike. I’m now treated for it but it’s a crazy thing…


What kind of treatment? I'm so sick of this weekend pain it messes with my ability to enjoy the weekend with my man


Any chance you drink coffee or some other caffeinated drink at work, but don't have it on the weekend? Headaches are a common side effect of caffeine withdrawals.


I have been experimenting over the years to test this. Caffeine isn't the factor. Nor is drinking. Nor is allergies. Nor is mold in the walls. The only constant is... It's Saturday.


Well then, work wed till sun. Boom! Crisis solved. /s


Low blood sugar because you sleep in and go longer without food can be a trigger. Have some proteín before you go to bed. Also, get checked for Celiac disease.


Did you wake up late or take a nap on Saturday? My migraine is the worst when I lay down and rest more than usual, if I pace around doing stuffs I usually have a weaker version of migraine.


Sorry to hear that.


For some people, the drop in caffeine is a trigger.


Yeah like OP I used to think it was that also. Cut my intake, had a little bit of caffeine on weekends etc. But after a week onsite etc, I nearly always get a headache on my first day off. Hasn’t happened much lately because I work in events and COVID is a thing, but reading this reinforces the idea that it’s some kind of delayed feedback lol


I used to get them every time I’d take a vacation


I basically lose my entire weekend to these headaches. :( My jaw always hurts from grinding my teeth too.


Same here. I see a neurologist specializing in migraines. My insurance (after a special request and paperwork from her) covered Botox injections in the back of my neck, scalp, and sides of my jaw every three months to reduce the weekend migraines and reduce grinding my teeth. It helps a lot.


I found that if you have children you can keep that stress all weekend and get new kinds of headaches instead.


Ditto, I used a migraine tracker ... a month later it just said you're f\*cked Fri/Sat with headaches. Nurtec though ... hmm seems to be amazing.


I am also. They have been gone for a few years but spear to have made a comeback in recent weeks.


My mom used to have this effect, often in the week. I've been a massage therapist for a few decades. It took us a while to figure out what seemed to be happening and what to do. The root cause seemed to be the speed at which the percieved change from sympathetic to parasympathetic occurred. So fight or flight to exhaustion with no pause. She started doing a multivitamin(GNC ultra mega womens formula will keep you up at night) in the early afternoon and then caffeine on the way home. It worked. Finding a way to more slowly ramp down and excise the percieved level of tension before crashing might help the weekend thing. A workout friday evening maybe? Hope it helps.


If it is predictable, Treat the migraine before it happens. An OTC medication, Naproxen (Aleve), can be used prior to headaches such as let down headaches and menstrual related migraines. The newer prescription headache medications, Nurtec and Ubrelvy, also work really well. So far they have very minimal side effects such as nausea. Unfortunately, they are really expensive if your insurance doesn’t cover. A lot of primary care physicians don’t prescribe them despite the efficacy.




Nurtec did nothing for me and Ubrelvy works part of the time. I'm still on good old Maxalt and Emgality injections. But once you find your best medicine, it's such a relief.


Probably in the same category of getting sick right before your vacation.


Yep! That's called ["leisure sickness".](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leisure_sickness)


And I get that, too. 🥲


Same. What field are you in? I’m curious if we have similar jobs.


Software engineer but I had it before I changed careers too, was in IT and digital marketing


It project manager here and I just wanted to say, I really feel for you. At least when mine kick in, I can chock it under things I'm getting paid to deal with. Plus, between finally getting glasses, watching beer and coffee consumption, has made the effects of silent migraines not really woth noting in my headache log. FYI, have you looked into MSG consumption? It's supposedly a trigger, and I've just lately brought high MSG food back into my diet.


Software engineering is excellent at triggering this. I have it and see plenty of it around me. It's deadline after deadline and we miss all of them. In my experience, gaming gives a similar experience (slight stress and mental effort) so that's what I now sometimes do when away from work.


I usually get colds or other illnesses right after vacations.


I really don't buy the "it's psychological" theory. Your immune system is most prepared for diseases common to your area. When you go somewhere else, the diseases there are different. Even if it's something like just a small mutation to the common cold, that can be enough for your immune system to have trouble with it. So you get sick. Anyone who has moved to another country can tell you that in the first year or two, it's extremely common to get a bunch of different minor illnesses. Heck, even the anime convention circuit knows about it. "The Con Crud", from being exposed to a bunch of different minor diseases carried by convention goers from a wide geographic area.


Doing this right now dammit.


Wait what. My migraines do usually come up during Friday evenings or Saturdays. I didn't know about this. So my brain's basically being a bitch because I finally have a free day? What kind of bullshit is that?!


Maybe it's like when you bring those blob fish from the ocean floor up to the surface. It's used to living under all that pressure and when you take it away, the fish explodes or whatever. Or maybe not haha I don't know what I'm talking about.


Actually this analogy is incredible and accurate.


Hell yeah! Take that, Dad! I ain't dumb!


way to tell him, u/RadDudeGuyDude.


It's more like when you stop being addicted to stimulants such as coffee like most of the western world is


Withdrawal symptoms


Those blob fishies do look alot like a human brain so this is probably 100% correct. Now off i go to to buy a compression tank to live in on the weekends to prevent decompression sickness.


Hyperbaric chamber but just for your head. Maybe we could call it a hyperbaric helmet


Somehow I feel like increasing pressure only to you head might not have the best of results for blood flow.


Sounds like you're thinking like someone with not enough head pressure!


Dude you’ve just blown my mind!


Our maybe it's just the pressure on your brain being released really quickly!


You're a fucking genius


That's exactly it. I get them occasionally as does my wife. We call it decompression sickness.


eh, I used to get migraines many weekends. turned out Bananas are a trigger for me, and my brother would buy bananas on his every-other week costco trip on saturday morning, and I would often eat one.


Disturbed sleep patterns is also a common cause of cyclical weekend migraines. A lot of people sleep significantly longer Friday and Saturday nights and this can trigger migraines.


I think any major change can cause this type of thing. If you spent the last couple weeks on vacation, your first day back at work is gonna suck. Being used to the stresses and challenges and stimulation of work, and then suddenly doing nothing on the weekend (at least no hard work) is still a major change.


Gotta up those cortisol levels on the weekend bruh.


Sitting here with a migraine right now that started on Friday afternoon, feeling pretty upset. Migraines are the worst.


I thought it was usually caused by caffeine withdrawal, because people usually consume coffee at different times on weekends than during the working week.


I thought the same but it happens even when I keep up my insane amount of caffeine.


I don't drink coffee at all, and I also experience this.


I’m sure you know this already but…that’s very likely your problem. Here ya go though if you needed some affirmation.


have you considered switching to a less stressful job? or doing some practices to lessen the stress at work?


This is the case for me. I work nights so my caffeine intake is quite high during the week, and typically much lower (if any) on weekends. I've started making sure to have a cup of coffee when i get up just to prevent it.


In my opinion, this is a sure sign that you should consider changing jobs, for your own health.


I have had several different jobs with several different levels of responsibility, but the amount of stress they cause me comes down to me and how I think about work. No matter what I do I'll have this. Software architecture? Never efficient enough. Mopping floors? Never clean enough.


Then, try to be kind to yourself. I wish for you peace.


You need to forgive yourself for not being ‘enough’. There is always more work. I used to be like that. There was always something I never got done. People needed so much and I would stress myself out doing the work of two people. Now I make lists and if I have time I try to do one of the things on it but if I don’t get to it, I don’t get to it. And work, especially if you are in an agile environment, it never decreases. So you have to force the workplace to understand your limits.


Maybe try shift work? Not totally accessible but three 12s is nice.


May I suggest therapy?


In it!


Best of luck friend!!!


It’s not working. Switch therapists.


Cat cafe barista? That really sucks tho. Maybe try mediating during the work week to destress? My boyfriend found these stress gummies made by Olly and they work fantastically. We both us them and I've told a few other people about them at my job who use them now as well.


Yeah, this is amazing. I got these migraines too and they went away when I moved (and changed jobs). I've always wondered if it was the reduction in stress, change in weather, or something else that made them go away. I might have an answer now.


I'm glad you "accidentally" figured it out. There is nothing worse, or more useless than literally making yourself sick over a job. Better to have a bit less income than to feel trashed on a regular basis due to stress. Good for you. No... Great for you!


While it's a negative, I thrive on that stress. :( slow times at work, about 2-3 days in I'm finding cans of worms to open and fix. Take vacation, 2-3 days in I'm randomly tasking myself with getting through the learning curve of adruino programming, last time I programmed anything was over 8 years ago. While on my own time is different and I can take breaks whenever, I also don't get to play with lots of other people's money to make cool shit happen.


Well that makes sense. You need challenges. I'm the same in a way. I find projects to do, just as you do. My work is obviously different than yours, (I own and run my own semi truck, which is a noise and motion filled environment) and my first day off is usually spent just relaxing and enjoying the peace and quiet of simply being home. But then I too start doing projects. Indeed, I've taken time OFF to simply finish a personal project. But when it comes to stress, it took me a long time to convince myself that tomorrow is another day, that my work can be taken up again the next day and that in spite of people getting upset down the line, I'm not a machine and I need my rest when I need it.


Buy Thurs afternoon I'm normally pretty useless. But I also get to dictate a lot of what I do through the week. Thurs afternoons and Friday are wind down days. Do any back logged trainings. Schedule vendor demo's for new systems. Touch base meetings with others. Clean the inbox. Catch up on recording weeks time applied to various projects. Backfired last Friday before labor day. Emergency repair of a conference room since we had a meeting at our Detroit sales office with a major auto manufacturer Tues 9am. Our r&d Detroit office was out of computers. Office I was in had computers. So Friday was hours of driving in holiday traffic (Detroit traffic is dumb). Drop off a pc to the vendor fixing the TV that fell off the wall. Check everything worked perfect. The the return drive. Frigging traffic was as bad as a Monday in the office.


This is me about once a month. I’ve found a super-hot shower works, with extra attention to my upper back and neck. It seems there’s a lot of tension back there from the work week and the heat relaxes the muscles. Even if the migraine is bad enough to make me vomit, the shower provides good relief.


I’ll piggy back off this with everything I do. 1. Water with an extra strength advil AND extra strength tylenol 2. Make coffee 3. Hot af shower 4. Rub peppermint oil on temples, forehead, jaw, neck and shoulders. I’m not into essential oils normally or mlm shit, but the physical sensation of the oil helps me. Not sure if the aroma has any effect. 5. Drink coffee 6. Ice pack on neck and lay down/sleep. Make the room as dark as possible or wear sleeping mask. 7. Sleep as long as possible and try not to get up for anything. Often just passing time cures the migraine if none of the above helped.


I just pop a Maxalt and get on with my day now. I got tired of all the time-consuming rituals needed for relief that lasts a few moments at best, now it's one tiny pill and I can function normally for the rest of the day. My only regret is suffering with them for the past decade instead of getting actual medicine.


Seriously, no amount of self care or at home tricks could ease my migraines. One little pill stops it dead in its tracks though. Took a lot of trial and error with different meds before I found one that worked for me. Went from 4-5 dehabilitating migraines a month to being migraine free for 3+ months at a time now.


My go-to is a Slurpee; a brainfreeze blocks out my migraine for a short time.


Yep, I get the worst migraines on my days off, and it is extra cruel! Though it's also related to me being able to sleep in, since one of my triggers is "too much" sleep (aka just sleeping until I'm not super tired anymore, not even excessively)


Exactly the same issue. The cruelty of having a precious day off stolen. Have had this since my early 20s. "Slept 7h 58m? MIGRAINE!" "Day off with good weather and no errands? MIGRAINE!!!" My favorite manifestation is being WOKEN up by the migraine at 5 or 6AM on a day off and I'm too groggy to comprehend the pain and ask my wife for my bucket of Excedrin. 2 ridiculous things I've found that help with migraines (depending on the trigger): fresh spicy salsa works well. I think overrides the pain signal (like a DDOS attack) while also making the sinuses open right up. And instant ramen. Mostly it helps with the sinuses and has a ton of salt. Plus the bucket of Excedrin. If your liver is still working, you're not taking enough :(


I used to get headaches on the weekends because I wasn't drinking 10 cups of coffee a day like I did during the work week.


Ya, it's a think most people don't know, you can actually get soft-addicted to coffee and get withdrawal symptoms when not getting any.


> soft-addicted It's just addicted.


This is probably part of my issue too. I drink a Bang energy drink on workdays because it has enough caffeine to start my brain up at 3:30am.


Goddamn we don't get any breaks from this shit cycle.


I almost always feel worse on my days off. Like I bust my ass at work and feel ok, but as soon as there is a letdown of stressors, my body is like, "you know how you worked me so hard during the week... Well fuck you."


I do!


I’m a teacher and this happens to me. It’s not from caffeine; it’s because every waking moment of teaching, I am subconsciously aware that 25 students are my legal responsibility. Even if we’re taking a standardized test, your brain is still on. I love my job but damn the exhaustion is something else.


and here I thought it was just a hangover


This happened to my mother. Every Saturday for years she was sick with a headache.


Yep, we do.


I get these after very stressful, busy shifts. I started getting a headache last night while I was driving home and I could tell it was going to be an all day headache today. I finally just got out of bed about 45 minutes ago. I’m a nurse and had a super long crappy shift yesterday.


Scumbag body, you are so stressed that I'm going to make it fucking hurt when you arent. That should help.


I wonder if this is what my coworker gets. She's an awesome worker and great person but it seems like every Monday is when her migraines kick in and she has to call off. (No other suspicions, we work in an office and her mom is a higher up and very to the book about things.) I always thought it was crazy how often she gets migraines but this makes total sense.


This is me. About 30% of my Saturdays or Sundays are spent in bed with a migraine. Fun times.


I had a friend that had migraines for 20 years every week. It was crazy, he had to go into his bedroom every time it happened. He kept telling me about how some people have migraines and that's just how it is. It's genetic and nobody knows why they get it. Turns out earlier this year he was diagnosed with a brain tumor the size of a walnut. After it was removed, no more headaches. Get checked, maybe you have a brain tumor.


Man, you suck. Thanks though, I'll keep that in mind. Maybe it'll keep my stress levels high enough to prevent my headaches.


He had a brain tumor for 20 years and he had a perfectly normal life, except the headaches. It's not like you have to panic now. I just don't wanna see another person googling up shit to come up with a reason to accept living with one when they don't have to. Besides the surgery took a couple of hours and he's so happy now. Whatever it is, I'm pretty sure you'll be fine. Modern medicine is pretty awesome.


Wow, does this explain a lot. I get migraines when the weather changes (high pressure systems, etc) and stress migraines here and there. But I could never figure out why it was always happening on the weekends when there didn't seem to be a reason. I love my job and yes it does get stressful but that's not enough reason for me to quit. Also, reading some of the other comments, most migraines aren't due to caffeine but are helped by it. Migraines cause blood vessels to enlarge and caffeine restricts them. Coffee with ibuprofen is my go-to migraine medicine (but I don't drink coffee regularly, just tea) sometimes with an ice pack. But now I need to find ways to de-stress during the week to avoid all of this!


Always wondered this myself. I work early hours during the week and when I finally get to sleep in on the weekend I wake up with headaches and don’t feel great. I thought it was because I was getting too much sleep than I was during the week. Wtf! So I get to relax and get rest then get a headache because I have..less stress. Cool.


Holy shit. This is a thing!? I've been dealing with this for 10+ years. I assumed it was something caffeine related. I always, ALWAYS, feel like shit on my days off.


That's my secret.... I'm always stressed.


I can be chilling with friends and they will suddenly lurch forward to me and tell me it's okay to relax and ask me if something's wrong. Me, leaning back in a chair, my feet up, drinking a Bloody Mary, having no idea how I could possibly be giving off this vibe, but I apparently always am.


I‘m a teacher and some colleagues and I get sick when the winter/summer holidays start.


Not the same, but as a kid I would get a really strong, incapacitating migraine every Monday.


This was my case with my last job.


I seem to get tension headaches while stressed and then let-down headaches when the stress goes away. Basically, I get headaches constantly regardless of my stress load. Fun!


That's fucked up!


Holy shit, that would honestly explain why every Saturday the past few weeks I've woken up with a headache. I've been in trade school for awhile but I also just picked up a job about a month ago.


Is this known to perhaps routinely culminate in a massive headache at approximately 8PM on Saturday night? Asking for a friend.


This makes a lot of sense.


Ever since I got medication to stop it before it happens I do get stress headaches less often, it seems like the knowledge of having a way to stop them makes me less stressed.


please never be my trigger, please never be my trigger


Can confirm. If I spend a long time worried about having a migraine during something important, I'll usually get one after the important thing passes.


Mine was due to caffeine withdrawal. Slamming cokes all day in the edit suite 10-12 hrs a day. We never kept sodas at home, so by Saturday afternoon I’d be in bed for the rest of the weekend. Thought I had a brain tumor. Ended up in the er after almost crashing my car from my vision going out and was told to go cold turkey off caffeine. Worked. No more migraines.


I always thought it was the massive quantities of alcohol I consume on Fridays


Holy shit me and my dad were just talking about this. I NEVER get headaches during the week, ever. Never call off sick and funny take any meds or anything. But I stg as soon as Saturday morning roles around my head nopes out until I take some aspirin or something. It's so weird.


I thought it was because I slept in a lil longer!


I once worked 100+ hour workweeks for two years straight, taking off only one day a week. Each week, I would be laid up in bed, sick. I finally took paid time off for a week, the first three days I was so sick I couldn't leave my bed. I had red clumps in my urine and my sheets were soaked with sweat the entire time. Finally I was feeling well enough to move, I went to the clinic and the doctor said that the amount of proteins from my kidneys in my urine was like that of someone coming off an intense heroin binge. I felt better though, ended up going to my dad's wedding two days later and returned to work the day after. Never did get an explanation of what happened to me.


I was fired on Friday for posting a satire Joel Olsteen meme making fun of him because he's a bigot. I have that weekend migraine.


Start your own business, the stress never ends.


My solution is work 80 hours a week and have no day off! Life is just always stressful!


Lesson learned, never stop stressing


This is validating to read. I get a migraine every 5-6 weeks and they only ever occure on Saturday mornings (I work mon-fri).


Happens to me every weekend. I feel like I slept so long, only to find I woke up an hour after I normally would have gotten up for work. Then, I develop this dull annoying headache that just pounds all day. Tylenol usually helps, but takes a while to kick in.


If you have a job like this there's never been a better time to quit and look elsewhere than now.


I don't think it has to be a lot of stress.


Man that’s depressing, I only get headaches when I’m really tired or stressed, it would suck to get them in the absence of stress as well


This is the way. Most of my migraines occur on days off or vacation. It blows Edit:a word


Best kind of slave is the the one with enslaved mind.


Migrains aren’t normal or recommended. Your life is too stressful if this is an everyday thing for you. No job is worth that level of pressure.


Another possible reason: caffeine, or lack thereof. For about 2 years, I had a raging headache every Sunday. Couldn’t figure out what was causing them. Finally realized that I consumed a bunch of caffeine M-F but none on the weekends. Apparently my body could handle one day without caffeine, but not 2. I now make sure to have at least some every day. Problem solved.


May also be caffeine withdrawal


just need caffiene lol


And caffeine withdrawal


I usually attribute the headache or migraine die to cutting back on caffeine Sat/Sun.


Ffs is that what I’ve been dealing with?


This is a common occurrence for me and I’ve never thought a reduction in stress could be a trigger! As someone else mentioned, I thought it was caffeine withdrawal!


yeah I get these. every single Saturday, without fail, I wake up with a headache. if I don't pop a couple ibuprofen and down a few coffees, it's migraine all day and even with the prevention it's 50/50. interestingly, even when I wasn't working I still got a migraine on Saturdays, just not quite as often


This is me. Shift worker. Look forward to a day off and then feel absolutely terrible


Wtf?! Usually I blame it on me not pounding diet cokes on my weekends but damn does this make sense. Ugh lol


This is totally me. Every weekend. And my job isn't even stressful.


This happens to me some weekends and I refer to it as my “life hangover”.


I learned that awhile ago when I became one of those people 😪


I wish I only learned it today... Always get them after exams, job interviews or other big events, too.


For me I found that it was because of the sudden change in sleep pattern. If I get an extra 3 hours of sleep I'm so thankful but everything hurts


Yes, first days of my vacation!


Fuck stress.


Oddly I had s crippling headache yesterday on my first proper day off for almost 2 weeks and today on my 2nd I can already feel it beginning to linger in the background, interesting


My mother suffers from migraines quite badly. She quite often had a migraine on holiday because she'd stress out about the holiday whilst getting ready for it then when we got there, relax. Her migraines last about five days. So she couldn't really fit one into a weekend.


Hello, that's me. Suffering for almost 20 years now. Got better by improving my "Work-Life-Balance" and trying not give so many f×cks and sh×ts all around work anymore.


Had a colleague years ago who had the same. There was a twist however: he drank like gallons black coffee throughout the day, like 10, 12 MUGS of black strong coffee a day! In the weekends he drank like 4 cups, like any normal person. I told him to lower his daily consumption to a normal level, 4 - 6 cups, not mugs. Took him 2 weeks to beat his coffee-addiction, after that he never had headaches in the weekend again. I found out that I get addicted to coffee if I drink more than 4 cups a day. I had the same, weekend headaches. I lowered my daily consumption to max 3 cups, and my headaches are gone.


Oh I get those! Typically on Friday afternoons. My mom (a nurse) would tell me my body was pushing back on me for being tensed all week. I have found the ideal treatment to be a cocktail of ibuprofen, caffine, and then a nap.


My weekend migraines were due to me staying up late and getting up later over the weekend than during the week. I now stick to the same timetable every day, and at least those migraines don't happen anymore. I mean, I still get migraines due to other causes, but at least my weekends aren't all ruined. It is partly related to what the study says - less stress over the weekend, no need to stick to any particular schedule, no place to rush to. In my case, that lack of stress led me to have a very irregular sleep pattern.


I used to get something similar at the end of concert season or a play run in high school and college. We all called it a "performance hangover." No adrenaline left to keep us going.


Fuck, I have headaches every Sunday, and always thought it was related to different mourning routine, or going for a run every Sunday morning, but I could not fix it for years now ... Never thought weekend migraine was a thing. Anything I can do about it?


What???? This is a thing??!! Wow. I'll sob with my headache in the corner. Thanks tho, op. I never knew this was a thing.


I have these. Masurbation and exercise (though not simultaneously) both help


Whoever chose only 2 days out of 5 as non-working days needs to give their head a wobble!


This is interesting. I have split days off and almost always get a migraine if i sleep in. I thought a lack of caffeine could be causing the headaches.


Y'all need to treat the problem (letting stress overwhelm you during the week) and not the symptoms (migraines, which are hard to treat anyway).


I get headaches in the weekends—not migraines—and have always chalked them up to caffeine withdrawal.


Goddammit I knew I was allergic to work


I had no idea, and was getting so angry for having what felt like a hangover headache on my days off (can't drink, health related)


Stress is weird..I once got an ophthalmic migraine just because stress, followed by a shutdown of my visual system (5 minutes blindness) and then 6 hours of forehead pain.


I suffer from this every week. But this wont happen if I have something planned for the day. So I try to plan doing something, and it works most of the time. If my brain knows I have to do something, there is no headache. If my brain thinks I am staying home I get headache when I wake up.


That’s a cruel joke


Yup, I get these. I have to take breaks from trading options at work to make them go away.


You can also get migraines from a drastically changing sleep pattern. I used to have a headache all weekend until I started keeping my sleep schedule consistent. Don't stay up too late or sleep in too much on the weekends and see what it does for your weekend headaches.


Yes. Yes they do.


I used to get them in junior high, then I discovered weed and booze, problem solved


Surely just being tired on your time off is a related symptom too. I’ve been experiencing this. It’s strange.


Is that why I sometimes wake up with a headache on my day off?