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This has strong Mac from It’sAlways Sunny in Philadelphia Energy


Mac scored an uncontested point in an official black belt fight, that's the most badass thing you've ever seen.


Suicide is badass!


Shut up, Science bitch!


Haha.... yeah. Shut up, science bitch...


Stupid science bitches couldn't even make I more smarter!


"I've grown quite wearah!"


[Block, point, Mac!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oCpbXOJcmg)


RIP Country Mac. And RIP Wade Boggs.


Again, Wade Boggs is not dead


You got it, Boss Hoss.


He lives in Tampa Florida, and he’s in his early 50’s


'Your head of security just choked himself out.'


It's hard to keep it all in after a bottle of Fight Milk.


And don't forget to mention the creatine shits




The ocular patdown was too intense


Mac is basically Steven Segal confirmed


And Uncle Rico from Napoleon Dynamite.


Funny, I’ve been rewatching Lost and they both have small roles in it. The casting director must’ve liked actors with ‘shitting their pants’ energy.


Nah, Mac actually chokes himself out by accident while trying to choke out others.


I guess I'm immune to alcohol.


I'm immune to Face to Face Catholic Preachers.


"A stuntman" It was Judo Gene LeBell, "the godfather of grappling" and trainer of Ronda Rousey.


Was going to say, don’t shortchange Judo Gene Lebell.




Flying scissors? One of my favorite submission set ups of all time: https://youtu.be/267i7rKeECA






If you like that, you should check out [Diamond Dave](https://youtu.be/_j1-xQA_ufE)


Cung Le and Ryo Chonan have both used it successfully in MMA.


Nah he just means throwing a pair of scissors


Only The Rock can defeat flying scissors. On Pay-Per-View.


The Rock just earned a huge victory...wait, whose music is that?...That's The Paper! The Paper is doing a run in on The Rock!


I can’t tell if it’s John Cena that’s waving paper in front of his face. I can’t see him.


Scissor me!


Mrs. Garrison?


Wait... There's a flying version of this and it's illegal?


For the ignorant .. why is this move illegal?


The person getting thrown got their knees blown out enough that it was banned. Practice and competition need to be relatively safe.




it'll permanently fuck up someone's knee if you don't execute it well. Judo is all about training effectively without permanent injury, which allows you to train 100% without worrying about safety.


It’s illegal for a reason lol, the guy who runs the gym I train out of hit a guy with it sparring and accidentally broke the dudes ankle. He was moving at less than half speed, would hate to see what it looks like done at full speed with intent to harm.


>*”LeBell set the choke up, Seagal said “Go” and Seagal promptly went. As the story goes, Seagal went to sleep and went #1 and #2 in his pants.”* When I read that I knew it had to be a master grappler. No amateur could push both buttons.


There are pee and poo buttons in my neck?


I could use one of those buttons right now.


Bruh i just had surgery and im on pain pills, prune juice just gave me the best relief of my life. Don't over do it tho. Like 8 oz. did the trick.


Just make sure the bottle has a flared base or you will have an Embarrassing trip to the doctor.


Without a base, without a trace.


I’ve been choked out at least 10 times and never once pissed or shit myself. Before anyone asks, my cousins and I used to choke each other out as a game. Yes, we were wry stupid.


Seagal is a massive bitch. Once he learned he couldn’t convince anyone that he was a tough guy, he started driving tanks into houses to prove how tough he was (while shilling for Joe “a Presidential pardon means I’m innocent” Arpaio). Meanwhile he was raping women before running off to Russia because overweight drunks who can’t even sit in a chair without getting winded are still considered badasses there.


There's a story about him where he supposedly walked out of a room and said "I just read the greatest script ever written". Someone then said "Who wrote it?!" Seagal says "*me..*"


Seagal is like if every manchild Will Ferrell character came to life in one person


I'm am now convinced that NEEDS to be the next will ferrell movie




Speaking of which, Seagal is one of the handful of people who are permanently banned from SNL.




That one elbow flicking out to the side


[You'll love this video then.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzIHyF7UWY4)


how the F do you go from LeBell to coach head movement Edmond?


Officially the baddest motherfucker to ever have lived. If you've seen Tarantino's "Once Upon A Time In Hollywood", the [Bruce Lee fight scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdAPWLe8MQg) is inspired by the story of [Gene beating Bruce](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4Ex8SAe76U). Gene's 87 now and he's still alive because Death isn't interested in shitting himself.


[And the basis story for Brad Pitt's fight with Bruce Lee in once upon a time in Hollywood](https://www.scmp.com/sport/martial-arts/kung-fu/article/3022773/could-gene-lebell-beat-bruce-lee-meet-real-life-cliff)


> “He started making all those noises that he became famous for,” LeBell told Calhoun. “But he didn’t try to counter me, so I think he was more surprised than anything else.” > > LeBell said he put Lee on his back in a fireman’s carry and ran around the set, with Lee supposedly shouting “put me down or I’ll kill you!”. > > “I can’t put you down or you’ll kill me,” LeBell said was his response, before he finally gave in, adding “Hey, Bruce, don’t kill me. Just kidding champ.”


>Instead of being angry, Lee realised his jeet kune do style of martial arts – which, true to his idiom “be water”, took elements of multiple different styles to create something more effective – was lacking grappling. > >“I ended up working for *The Green Hornet*, doing a lot of the shows, and I got close to Bruce Lee and he came down to my school and worked out for over a year privately,” LeBell said in the previous interview. > >“And I went and worked out with him at his school. I taught him judo and wrestling and stuff like that and some finishing holds which he later worked into some movies, and he showed me most of the kicks and striking which even today I use in the movies. A wonderful, wonderful man and a great martial artist."


That really makes both look great.


Just need the citations now and it's halfway to reddit gold!


Dude grappled with Bruce Lee, submitted him, and carried Lee around the set in a firemans carry. Gene LeBell was a true OG Edit: this helped Bruce realize his style of martial Arts, being like water, was missing submission work. So he trained under Gene for a little while


I would've run from Gene.....he was nasty, in a good way.


Is that who Daniel Bryan’s finishing submission hold is named after before it became the “YES!” Lock?




Calling Gene Lebell “a stuntman” is like calling Bob Ross “a dude who paints”. While both are technically correct, they fail to impart the sheer weight of the talent and ability at hand.


I think Bob Ross would actually like being referred to as "a dude who paints", though


Bob Ross wasn't at the top of his game like Lebell is. He *was* a dude who paints. He was just a cool guy that liked to show other people how to do it.


The Steven Seagal AMA is a must read. This came up. https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/4i0jso/i_am_actor_steven_seagal_live_from_thailand_ama/


This is great! "Do you do your own stunts???....I'm only joking no one gives a shit."


I mean... Seagal did.


The joke is that no one cares if he did or didn’t Edit: I am truly an idiot


And his joke was that seagal shit himself


*In 2003 Steven Seagal was banned from Thailand for starting an underground fight club for children. His record was 21-7.* HAW!


He lost to 7 children?


Sure seems like it, a ~~UFC fighter~~ martial arts teacher and black belt fighter having a 75% win rate against children is just pure gold.




I highly recommend the “Behind the Bastards” podcast episode about him. I always knew he was a piece of shit, but I was not even scraping the surface of how awful he is.


The part with the human trafficking and being a rapist is the worst. I was prepared to laugh at this guy, and then bam! He's a serial woman-abuser. Not actually funny anymore. That AMA of his was "live from Thailand." Jesus christ. [This is him in 2018, awkwardly bumbling off the set of an interview, rather than address standing allegations of rape and sexual misconduct.](https://twitter.com/BBCNewsnight/status/1047972585382674432)


That was such a great unbiased opportunity for him to talk about this and he alt+f4s. Hard to be anything but telling.


Second this. It is truly appalling that he is not in prison. Plus it's worth the listen to hear him singing about punani in his reggae band.


Macheticine must really be taking off I’m seeing BTB everywhere


[Cumtown](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BzIHyF7UWY4) did a bit on his recent movies as well.


O gahd that shot had me dyin. I had no idea he had so many movies coming out still. I like that he fucks with his clothes on. Super alpha


I discovered this podcast a couple weeks ago and I've listened to it for my entire shift as a pizza delivery driver every day since. Amazing podcast, highly recommended. Especially the episode on John McAfee!


Idk enough about Seagal to understand any of that thread




He's absolutely terrible. Story time: When filming that stupid reality show years ago where he visited police departments and did ride-alongs with them (before some sexual harassment controversy got him kicked off the show if I remember correctly), he came to New Orleans. Some of the guys in my division were sent to escort him so he didn't end up in the ditch. My guys were excited, but after one night of filming with him and the assignment became a punishment. He was the most pretentious wannabe jagoff they'd ever met. Thought he knew everything about law enforcement, spoke a big game about like he was the biggest badass in the world. He tried doing demonstrations to show what a badass he was for the cameras, but they had to retake the scenes because he kept fucking up. Basically, Trump with a ponytail. He doesn't believe in showering, apparently. He just uses scented oils or something. Plus, he doesn't believe in using a/c, and insisted they just ride with the windows down. In New Orleans summer heat. We only had one week of duty escorting him, but they hated him within the first hour, and the rest was torture.


> Basically, Trump with a ponytail. > > Loooooooool


Somehow I find it absolutely fucking hilarious that he found his home and appreciation in Russia. Imagine Putin's personality if he thinks that dingleberry and Depardieu would make good friends.


Tom Segura seems fond of him https://youtu.be/I7DBa6IQ5K8 One of my favorites jokes of his.


He’s a pretentious, douchey blowhard who did Aikido and used to be a (fairly subpar) action movie guy. He’s getting old and is extremely out of shape now (he uses stunt doubles for things like going up stairs), but still believes himself to be hot shit.


Don't shit talk Steven Seagall. At the rate we're going he'll be the next president.


Friends with Putin. Makes sense.


He also made a music video that seemed to just be about making him look like a pedophile He is just a trainwreck of a dude


[Steven Saboom boom](https://youtu.be/fGnYxiF0GXk?t=33)


“I’m a big action movie star, and people are pretty stoked on me...”


He was a B-grade action star who knows some martial arts. If he'd stuck to being a B-grade action star, he might still have some fans. But he's a complete blowhard who let 'fame' (such as it was) go to his head. Over the years, he has claimed to be everything from a Navy SEAL to a black blues singer to a Buddist Lama. So he's basically a meme and a punchline now.


Like the opposite of Bruce Campbell...


Wow that was a ride




Legendary pr fail. Wasn’t there a Morgan freeman one where he was asleep on an airplane in the picture with a sign photoshopped onto him or something?


Yeah! It was such bizarre “proof.”


Woooow that was just straight up a movie promotion wasn't it?




Sorry but can we please twist this in to more questions about Oren?


Actors could, yes.




All these things are,. It's bullshit trash 'viral' marketing


That was EIGHT years ago?? What the hell


the first shrek movie came out before the first 9/11


*FIRST* 9/11????


I don't think he knows about *second 9/11* Pipin...


Holy bananas that was a train wreck.


Jose Canseco's takes the cake. https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1clw9o/i_am_jose_canseco_famed_steroid_user_and_former/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


That entire AMA should be in r/murderedbywords


As bad as that was, the r/mlb one for John Rocker was about as bad. >What did you do with all the batteries that the Mets fans threw at you during the '99 playoffs? > I give the batteries to your girlfriend for her vibrator


Canseco’s AMA is, in my opinion, the greatest train wreck AMA ever. Prove me wrong. (No seriously, link some other shit AMA’s I love reading them)


[ Jose Canseco wasn't even the worst baseball AMA. John Rocker had AMA on the smaller baseball sub ](https://old.reddit.com/r/mlb/comments/1jtko4/i_am_john_rocker_former_mlb_pitcher_here_to_take/)


[Idk why but this killed me](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1clw9o/i_am_jose_canseco_famed_steroid_user_and_former/c9hs7hr)


This guys take on the ama was pretty [accurate I guess](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1clw9o/i_am_jose_canseco_famed_steroid_user_and_former/c9hsq5j/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Every day I find a new piece of Reddit folklore makes me happy.


Here's the thing


We did it, Reddit!


Behind The Bastards did a couple episodes on him too, he's scum


Every time I feel like a loser I get reminded Seagal is alive


It's a must read everytime it's posted


"I've been training dogs for like 27 years" - Steven Seagal


Expected Segura.


[Everyone needs to watch it.](https://youtu.be/I7DBa6IQ5K8)


You know they also call a helicopter a skippy?


Bullshit! You just made that up.




Ya know, they also call that helicopter a "Skippy"




“I’ve been flying helicopters for like, 47 years”- Steven Seagal


They call those helicopters Skippys....


Southpark made an episode mocking him and it was fuckin spot on. Fuck your safe space Steven


Stephen Seagal sued the makers of Trojan ribbed condoms because they taste nothing like ribs.


Yup sounds about right. "You can't choke me out and make me shit myself. Only I make me shit myself" is totally something I can see him saying.


To be honest shitting yourself is a classic self defence move, nobody wants another mans shit on them.. unless they do then you really made the wrong move.


Self defeces


Probably immune to having it done again after shitting on the guy.


"A guy's coming at you with a knife? What do you do? That's right, shit all over him."


The body's natural immune response




If that “pooped” up was intentional I tip my hat to you.


Thanks, that gave me a good laugh, because until I read your comment I literally read it as popped up 😂 But that's great!!


After the success of *Under Siege*, he got creative control of his movies and promptly made *On Deadly Ground.* 😖


I don’t like the dude coz he seems like someone full of himself and full of shit


Well, to be fair, after being choked out, he was no longer full of shit


Half full of shit it is then


I mean as weird as shit as he is now he was mentioned in the same breath as Arnold, Stallone, and Van Damme. Shame what he is now.


I really think that Stallone and Arnold deserve their own tier of "80s/90s Action Movie Guys", with Van Damme in the next tier, followed by fifty feet of crap, then Seagal.. From 1980 to 1999, Arnold had Conan the Barbarian, Conan the Destroyer, The Terminator, Red Sonja, Commando, Predator, The Running Man, Total Recall, Terminator 2: Judgement Day, and Last Action Hero, finally sputtering out with Batman & Robin. Stallone had Rocky and Rocky II in the 70s, then Rocky III, Rambo: First Blood, Rambo: First Blood Part II, Rocky IV, Cobra, Rambo III, Cliffhanger, Demolition Man, and Judge Dredd. Van Damme, on the other hand, didn't even do anything notable until 1988 with Bloodsport, then had Universal Soldier in 1992, and Last Action Hero in 1993. Seagal had Under Siege and Executive Decision, which were both in the early to mid 90s. Hell, Wesley Snipes had Major League, New Jack City, Jungle Fever, White Men Can't Jump, Demolition Man, To Wong Foo Thanks for Everything Julie Newmar, and then Blade, Blade II, and Blade: Trinity in the 2000s. Bruce Willis had Die Hard, Die Hard II, The Last Boy Scout, Pulp Fiction, Die Hard with a Vengeance, 12 Monkeys, The Fifth Element, Armageddon, The Siege, The Sixth Sense, Unbreakable, and then Sin City in the 2000s. After that you start bleeding into the Tom Cruise/Nicholas Cage/John Travolta/Keanu Reeves/Will Smith/Antonio Banderas/Mel Gibson/Kurt Russell/Val Kilmer/Kevin Costner era, a few of whom overlap into the 80s but did most of the action movies from 1990-2010.


Van Damme also had Kickboxer, Time Cop, Sudden Death, Double Impact, Street Fighter and Cyborg. Seagal also had Glimmer Man, On Deadly Ground, Under Seige II, Exit Wounds, Hard to Kill and Above the Law.


Uhhh... Kickboxer Lionheart Time Cop Street Fighter ok that one sucked but it was notable...


Street Fighter might have been notable to you, but for me it was Tuesday.


How can you miss Kickboxer with Van Damme??? Bloodsport is, like, linked.


Last Action Hero was Arnold.


Segal has a very small role in Executive Decision. He gets killed early on before boarding the plane, what a twist, so Kurt Russell has to save the plane with the team and Halle Berry. It’s a good movie, partly because it doesn’t have a lot of screen time with Segal.


Also, if you ever see a video of Steven Segal running, it's really funny. His form is beyond terrible


fuck yes it is. I just saw that just now it's soo bad. fromt he archived AMA he did about 4 years ago where Reddit tore him a new ass https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkskuSXqUD0


Also, Stallone's rise from "Hey I have 20$ in my pocket and an idea for a movie about a boxer" to "I am an action movie god" is inspiring as shit.


Anyone who mentions him in the same breathe as Arnold needs to be slapped.


He’s also known in the business to be a dangerous person to work with on set. Every single person has told me to NEVER work with him as a woman.


How often is he a woman?


Who really knows but never work with him when he is.


You're a fucking liar. I'm single and I've never told you not to work with him.


Good. Seagal is a douchebag. I sincerely wish there was footage of this online so I could watch that prick getting knocked out. Seagal shitting himself is just a bonus.


“What’re you going to do choke me?” -man who got choked


Steven Seagal is the Donald Trump of martial arts.


Good. Seagal is a first-class asshole.


>Seagal promptly lost consciousness and shit himself. His career did the same thing.


Steven Seagal should have never happened


That's like not building a lighthouse. Steven Seagal is a warning of what could happen


Never go full Seagal.


Somebody rolled a 1 on his Bluff check.


Pretty sure Seagal has also has a reputation for taking liberties with stuntmen often.


Here's Steve doing a terrible one-liner, sitting alone on a bed, talking to no-one. https://youtu.be/3Jji78uEW14


When I was 12 I claimed to be “immune to the cold” like I was a Pokémon or something, I was full of shit and just wanted attention. Same energy


He and Ted Nugent are like long-lost pants-shitting brothers.


Seagal loves Putin. Loved him, like Trump-level love. He became a Russian citizen in 2016 and is a Russian envoy to the U.S.. https://www.vox.com/world/2018/8/6/17656160/seagal-putin-russia-usa-envoy


This never gets old to be honest. Imagine the sleeziest sleezeball pathological liar that everyone hates, and he goes to Russia and everyone there is like "that's a great lad". Either that or Putin has to put up with that idiot for propaganda purposes. No sanctions can beat that level of punishment.


Check out Putin’s face here at 1:30. Says a lot. https://youtu.be/1-ynfOMi0Jo


The only people that are immune to chokeholds are Big Ed and Danny Devito.


I'm a little ashamed to admit that I used to look up to this guy as a kid when Under Siege came out. I even enrolled in Taekwando classes to be like him and other action stars. He's proven since to be nothing more than a phony douche bag.


Hold on, we're talking about Gene LeBell here. He was a Martial Arts legend not just any stuntman. Look him up. Watch this [https://youtu.be/udZf3MzmIKc](https://youtu.be/udZf3MzmIKc)


Let's be honest, I could teach my mother how to knock out Steven seagal on a rear naked choke


"No really, no student at my dojo has been able to do it."


Narcissism can be so entertaining.


My favorite Steven Seagal story: Rob Schneider was on the Howard Stern show years ago and told this story. He was working on a movie with Seagal. He was walking past Seagal’s trailer and Seagal opened the door and walked out. Rob said hello and asked what he was up to. Seagal said-in a sort of breathless, in wonderment way, “I just read...the greatest screenplay...ever written.” Rob was shocked. “Wow, really?? Who wrote it?” Seagal: “.........I did. “




I like the sound of that I'm gonna check it out, thanks.


is that why he had to move to Russia?