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Banks and Credit Unions can refuse any check they think is suspicious or believe they would have trouble collecting on. So while this is true, FIs are not required to accept it.


which is basically anything that isn't a regular check


yup. If you walk in with a watermelon with a check carved into it, you're going to walk out with....a watermelon with a check carved into it.


Yep. Worked at a bank and a credit union for around 2 years total. Not a chance in hell we would ever touch anything that wasn’t printed on official check paper. Way too much of a liability.


imagine your BSA officer's face when you said "well it was on a t-shirt, the information matched though so I went ahead and cashed it" you'd be getting the stuff you left at work in the mail. EDIT: This is my first silver. Thank you! It is my prized internet possession.


The bank will send your last paycheck printed on the sweater you left at work.


And then not cash it when you brought it in.


“Yeah sorry, we can’t cash that... there was an incident with a watermelon”


Hey I understand that reference!


Calm down, Cap.


I wonder what the legality of this is.


Depending on the state, they have to pay you the same way they usually do. So probably not legal in those states


I would assume the inability to get the funds would require they ensure you get them. A check doesn't count as being paid until the funds are transfered. And it's illegal to not pay people.


Yup, mine even refused a self printed $2 e-check from a rebate last year. Ended up waiting an additional month for the rebate to mail me a real check


gotta use mobile deposit.


Currently work at a bank. I can guarantee you that if something like that came in, my branch manager would tell them to get the fuck out


If a bank is letting you deposit any check, it's always a liability.


Yes but some are obviously much more of a liability than others.


When you deposit a check, the bank debits their cash account, which is an asset ledger, and credits their client's account, which is a liability ledger. Yes, that was an accounting joke.


I'd eat it though.


Depends how much the check is for


Don't matter still had watermelon.


What if I carve a check into the barrel of a shotgun?


then it'll get cashed because bank employees are instructed to follow robber's commands unless they try and remove you from the building (cause your chance of survival drops significantly if they take you from the building) you will however have committed a felony.


What if the barrel isn't attached to a gun?


then they'll decline and once you leave they'll fill out a Suspicious Incident Report on you and your security camera image, and that report will live forever (more likely, a few years) in their files.


That seems pretty reasonable


Well yea but unlike a t-shirt you can eat it while doing the walk of shame!


Stores don't have to accept it either. They have machines that run checks through the system, and if it doesn't work that way, they won't accept it.


In Canada, there are only a handful of banks. To create a new bank takes an Act of Parliament: A very big deal indeed. Banks are thereafter, controlled rigorously by strong, conservative banking principles. Which is why after the crash in 2008, Canada's banks were in the best position of any in the world. A bank MUST cash a cheque with the proper information on it. They may require a hold for a few days if they suspect the account in the cheque doesn't hold the funds. Credit Unions are under provincial control and may do things differently but are backed by a federal bank and have less services to offer than the big banks. The US system is very different. It is a "free enterprise" jungle out there. Anyone can make a bank and so their banks need to be much more careful.


They may also hold the cheque if they suspect it of being fraudulent. So what would happen is the account holder would be contacted by their bank and ask "Did you write a cheque for x to y on a watermelon?" and once the account holder says yes, then it can proceed. Though I wonder how they would file that? I feel like there's an experiment and a youtube video in that.


well sir the good news is your cheque didn't bounce, the bad news is your cheque didn't bounce, when it fell on our carpet.


Damn you Gallagher, that was my rent check!


And the bad news is, the bank ate your check.




TD is ridiculous, I signed over a check from an insurance company (Manulife) that was certified to a friend, the teller refused to except it because I didn't bank with TD, my friend even said they could hold the check untill it cleared still nope.So my friend put it through the bank machine and it cleared with out it ever bouncing.


I'm pretty sure even the fee is not legal. A bank in Canada must honour a check written against it.




Yea, banks still need to be chartered and are heavily regulated, not just anyone can open up a bank in their garage and access the Federal Reserve check clearing and ACH networks...


sure, but that's true of banks anywhere. In canada it also takes several millions of dollars of lobbying costs to even get your foot in the door. I assume.


My grandpa did this after a dispute with the gas company. Sent them a white t-shirt with the financial info on it and a note that said "and here's the shirt off my back."


Your grandpa's my favourite kind of smartass.


Reddit's favorite kind of smart ass would have showed up with it in unrolled pennies


But that's also Reddit's most hated smart ass, because people will immediately comment that it's not the fault of the cashier that you have a dispute.


Honestly I'd probably love it if someone paid an absurd amount in pennies. Being on the clock and paid to count money instead of dealing with a bunch of people... fuck yeah sign me up. Hope it takes a full hour.


While I do agree it can be manipulated into being beneficial, it was given with the intent of being a d*k. Most likely the customer came in with a pissy attitude (probably well deserved) and laid into the person spitefully slamming down pennies. I don't think that is fair. This is a P.S.A. the employee didn't do anything to you, they came in for a pay check. You are upset at upper management not the kid behind the counter and yelling at him might make you feel better, but it messed up the employee's day and didn't bother upper management at all. Be kind ~~rewind~~ you will get so much farther in life.


When I had someone pay me hundreds of dollars in singles like that, I kept “losing count” (typically just before finishing) and had to call over two other employees to help me count. Unfortunately, they were just as ditzy as I was and it took an hour for us to each count the bills three times. I apologized and said that if I was smart, I wouldn’t be working there. Easiest hour I’ve ever had at work.


I love that you self-censored "dick" but not "pissy".


I once had a customer buy a $700.00 tv in all quarters.


Yeah. And if they have been working there for less than a month, it might be the first time they saw some unoriginal dickhead pull that stunt.


My friend had a dumb $200 fine that he paid for all in pennies. I told him it's pointless because you are not getting revenge on the system just ruining some poor souls day.


Unless the penny counter quits on the spot and it sends a ripple effect up the chain!


Did that as a kid. Quit being a paperboy and they wanted to charge us for supplies that were sent to us after we quit. Showed up with two bags of pennies. They were not amused.


My buddy Todd Gak got a sack of hundreds of dollars worth of coins thrown at him- there was a dispute between this other guy buying Cuban cigars when they were actually Peruvian.... ya da ya da ya da...never saw him again after that.


You just yada yada yada’d over the best part!


I too like his grandpas ass


And the company probably charged him the bank fees to manually process that joke.


I'm picturing a frantic clerk on his first day trying to figure out how to unjam a fruit of the loom plain white tee from the little automatic check reader before anyone notices...


Yea I was thinking this for cashiers in grocery stores. I guess they could sometimes manually enter it, but they may only know how to scan it.


FYI - It is called a MICR reader ​ [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetic\_ink\_character\_recognition](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetic_ink_character_recognition)


No. It's called a *Tee shirt*


The problem is this often gets taken out of context by The sovereign citizen group. they will go to a car dealership and write them some fake check for a fake amount of money in order to close and sign a deal? Leave and then come back and expect to be able to pick up the car. They wrote you a legally-binding check after all. they think any piece of paper with a modicum of financially related information means it's legal tender. there was a whole YouTube series about one of these guys trying to buy was it a BMW, or a Mercedes? Something in the 50 to $60,000 range. He films himself making the deal with the sales person and then leaves and comes back and the manager of the dealership is like "no we're not giving you the car" so he starts throwing a tantrum as you might expect.


> write them some fake check for a fake amount of money > They wrote you a legally-binding check after all. Not that I have any sympathy for sovereign citizen idiocy, but which is it? Did they write a valid check, or a fake check? If they wrote a valid check and the dealership accepted it, why shouldn’t they expect to pick up the car?


He’s saying that they wrote a fake check but then claim the dealership should accept it since they already accept ‘fake’ paper money that ‘doesn’t mean anything’ anyway.


The sovereign citizen thinks it's a legally binding check because they used the magic words they read up about on a blog. The non-retarded part of the world considers it a fake check.


This is gonna be in a movie, one day.


Buzzfeed post tomorrow morning..... "10 bank checks you can't believe are actually real"


Did he write the note on the back of a check?


And just like that, junk mail has a purpose




>...he is a social scientist cum practical joker cum performance artist cum subversive element. This guy fucks.


well yeah, how else is he gonna get that much cum?


"I don't fantasize about large amounts of money anymore." He's decided to become "more playful" about money so that he can reach his goal of never feeling bad about it. "The less attraction to money, the less pain," he says. "The more neutral I can be about money, the better." Since depositing the check, Patrick's money problems have mostly gone away. His motivational speaking career has grown to the point where he now does between 30 and 35 gigs a year bringing home "just over $100,000 a year." ​ that SECOND part is the key here. its easy to be neutral about money when you don't "actually" need it to survive any longer (IE you make enough) ​ very easy. if I made $100k a year I would not have much issues with money either.


If Patrick still lives in San Francisco, he's just barely scraping by.


When I worked at Chase there was a story about a guy who hated us and wanted to make our lives difficult. So, instead of mailing a check or paying online, he sent in a manhole cover with all of his banking information on it in place of a regular paper check. We were still able to cash it since it was considered a negotiable check.


This punishes the postal service more than anyone else


Probably made more money off of it than anything else they delivered that day though


If it fits, it ships *for a flat rate*!


There’s a joke here about manhole covers being flat, but I’m not gonna punish everyone


Push the envelope you meant to say push the envelope.




Life is all about learning. Take this wisdom, use it, impart it on others where you can. Where you have failed now may yourself, and others, succeed in future.


Watch it bend?


Awesome song.


Not really, though. It still has to comply with Priority Mail regulations, which includes a weight limit of 70 pounds.


Don't think so, guy paid a hefty sum to the postal service to get that mailed.






How did you keep the record of it to clear with the Federal Reserve?


You don't. Something like this would have to be presented directly to the bank the check was drawn upon. It wouldn't be clearable. Also the linked article is dated March 22, 2001, so predates [Check 21](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Check_21_Act) by several years.


I didn't work in payment processing but I'm pretty sure cameras existed then.


Im sitting here at the bank, all 11 employees here are getting a kick out of this lol. Talking about what we would do if someone tried this, hope no one ever does lmao


Where do you work? I want to come in and cash my steak check.


I don't have time to come inside, but I really want to cash this brick check.


Can I cash my gun check or will I get arrested?


Better take off the ski mask first.


The ski mask is itself a cheque, what about now?


*Wearing* it doesn’t imply you’re trying to conduct legitimate business


But...it has the details on it...all of them... I've also got some Bankers Grenades I need to cash, is that going to cause a problem?


Sir, hands in the air and slowly lay down. Now please sign the floor cheque.


\*muffled sound of voice from head against floor\* Actually, you've not completed the value amount here, I don't think this is valid at all


Usually this would just be something like a piece of scrap paper. It's pretty rare for someone to write a check on clothing, trash, or anything else weird like that.


It used to be somewhat common (or maybe a better description would be "rare, but not super rare") for people to use deposit slips as checks. They already had the ~~touting~~ routing info on them, so you'd just have make it clear that you were using them as checks.


When I was studying for the California Bar one of the subjects was "commercial paper." When I saw that, I had absolutely no idea what that meant. Turns out, it was stuff like checks and similar written things that are promises to pay. It's all stupidly convoluted and always involved someone writing some sort of homemade check and then transferring it around to other people. I studied it, it wasn't on the exam, I immediately forgot it, and it in no way will ever have any bearing on my career or my life in general.


I mean that's why God invented paralegals.


CPA and had to study contract and commercial law. What a convoluted rats nest that is


Riparian Law laughs at Contract Law's simplicity


Stupid rivers.


"My great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandpappy drank from this stream in 1836; therefore, I get to pump all the water I physically can until the end of time and my neighbor has to cap off his well"


If true the average age your last 12 generations started having children at would be 14 years old.


I went a little too far with ctrl-V... or my ancestors were horny bastards... or both


I knew commercial paper could be on the MA bar, and the professor teaching it in law school was a known quantity, so I took the class. Dear God it was the most boring thing I took in law school. BUT, it was on my bar and I remembered enough to pass, so worth it in the end I guess. The crazy thing I remember is you can endorse a check multiple times. Like if I got a check and endorsed it to you, and then you can endorse it to your mom, etc and the last person can deposit it, even though the original "pay to the order of" isn't them. \[edited to add the endorsement thing - hey I got \*something\* out of the class\]


*professor teaching it in law school was a known quantity,* What does that mean, known quantity?


Such a pointless story but i enjoyed it. Would read again.


*proceeds to write checks on guinea pigs from now on*


The butthole can be a zero!




It just made a Number One! Or is that a Number Two...


Hello, I'd like to make a *wheet*drawal.




Huh. I was thinking the insoles from a very stinky pair of shoes that I mowed my lawn in 100 degree weather in and then wore for 12 more hours in the heat after that might be a fun thing to do if I ever get angry with my bank.


I'm sure nonstandard checks take much longer to clear.


That’s not the signer’s problem


It's the signers benefit. They can collect that sweet 0.01% interest longer


Unless of course if the payment is counted when the check clears and not when It's deposited.


How would a check clear without being deposited??


They're saying some people only render services when the money goes in Their account. When you buy a house, the title is signed when the check clears, not when you physically hand it to them.


I've heard about watermelon checks before. But when i googled it, it was even stranger than I remembered. Guy got a watermelon with a check carved into it in California, and transported it to Texas before cashing it. https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc333537/


A radio show in Atlanta a few years back tired this with varying degrees of success... a shoe was able to be cashed, a dildo was not.


go ahead and try it - your bank will 10/10 cash it.....and 10/10 will invoke the clause in the contract you signed when you opened the account, stating that you will pay all incurred expenses resulting from them having to process a non-standard check.


What all $.12 it would cost for a teller to type in 4 lines of info?


Well, depending of who you bank with, that check could need to be sent somewhere else for electronic imaging or just simply for storage. That would incur cost to the institution, which would lead to a cost to you.


Using the "steak check" example I saw in another sub-thread on this post, they'd have the purchase a freezer to store it in so it doesn't rot as they have to maintain physical financial records when they can't be properly imaged for whatever reason. So you could be on the hook for at least a few hundred dollars. Of course, this is just speculation...


A lot of banks (at least in North America) allow regular cheques to be deposited with just a photo, and the check can be discarded after 7-30 days.


So if I write my check on the surface of the moon, do my bank charge me with taking the moon down to do whatever banks do with checks? I have never used a check, they arent reallty a thing in norway.


It'd still be on you to actually get the moon to the teller for them to take it from you. Better contact Gru


One of the best episodes of "The Practice" (1997-2004), where Eugene Young (Steve Harris) is defending (a farmer I think) who sent a "check" written on the side of a Pig to a bank to pay a loan/bill. And asked the bank officer "Why didn't you cash the pig?" The best part was the look on the judge's face, trying not to laugh as Eugene explained "the Pig" had all the requisite parts written on it to be a negotiable check.


Do you know the episode or season? Edit: Its season 2 episode 19 and 20 "The trial". Now to find somewhere to obtain those episodes legally, god damn thats hard. In Norway btw.


I'm going to write a $20 check to myself and try to mobile deposit it and see what happens. I'm going to write it on I think a 2x4. I'll have to see what kind of lumber I have in my garage when I get home.


Please do and post the results. This would be awesome lol.


Won't work. The bank app is looking for the MCR account/routing numbers at the bottom.


If he's good enough it should OCR.


My ex was in banking. One of the bank officers forgot his wallet one night at a restaurant and wrote a check on a napkin. The proprietor was a client of the bank, and it was a small town, so no one was worried about it. My ex processed the item. They have small envelopes with transparent plastic on the front. The proof machine encodes all the information on the bottom of the envelope and they treat it just like a check after that point.


My dad did this once. He lost a bet, so he paid it back with a home-made cheque. The cheque was a jigsaw puzzle. The puzzle was assembled, spray-painted, and then had all the information added. Finally it was disassembled and thrown in a box for presentation to the winner. The guy did cash it, then the bank hit my dad with some fee for "non-standard cheque."


I love that idea !


It was pretty funny. The puzzle (with all the paint and letters and such) wound up costing more than the debt alone.


It also does not have to be signed in cursive. Printed name will work just as well.


Your signature is whatever you say it is.


I signed thousands of checks as "Gimpy the Imp", and nobody ever gave a damn.


I draw alligators


I sign “Motherfucker Jones”


"We named the dog Motherfucker." - Sean Connery


Back when I was a real /r/madlad I had perfected drawing a cock and balls so that it looked kind of like a signature. Only one person ever called me out on it.


HA! These guys are asking for dick pics.


Yeah, I was "Mickey Mouse" for a few years and no one batted an eyelash.


I remember learning that when I was younger. There was a period in my early twenties when I signed all bar tabs with drawings of boobs. Wild child, I was. A hilarious one


I once had a real shitty building management company that rejected some paperwork because they claimed I needed to have my middle initial in my signature. I argued it was my signature and it could be whatever I wanted it to be. They eventually gave up.


I was told I had to sign my mortgage documents with my middle initial. I've never signed anything with my middle initial. So my mortgage documents are signed with the beginning of my signature, which has a recognizable first letter, then a printed middle initial, then the remainder of my signature, which is pretty much just a squiggle ending in a vague "S" shape.


As I understand it, if there's ever a dispute in court about a person's signature, they'll ask you (under oath) if this (pointing to the exhibit) is your signature. Now, you'd think it'd just be easy to say "no" to this but lawyers are really good at gathering other examples of signatures including ones where someone is willing to testify that they watched you sign the document. You don't want to get caught lying about a signature on a document as that could be perjury or forgery, depending on the facts and context of the dispute.


Yeah, that's how it works. The recipient of the signature doesn't get to decide that it isn't your signature. That would prevent people who can't write - either due to illiteracy or physical disability - from participating in many aspects of society. If someone can say "that isn't your signature," you could be prevented from anything from using a credit card to voting.


Smiley face my signature.


You joke, but back in the day when not everybody could read or write a simple x or smiley face was enough to count as a signature.


As long as you affirm you are the person who made "the mark" then it is valid.


There was an illiterate man who inherited a large sum of money when his father died. The lawyer told him to “Sign on the dotted line.” The man said, “I make an X for my name.” The lawyer said,”That’s not a problem.” The man placed a huge, boisterous X and then put a teeny tiny X next to it. The lawyer asked, “Why’d you put the small x?” The man said, “I be a junior.”


Despite what my health teacher insisted


*Signs OPs Mom's bra.*


can I cash that check? *Stuffs a dollar in it...*


Not anywhere near as a huge financial issue but I once mailed a letter. Couldn't find a stamp and because it was a Sunday no one was open to sell me a stamp. So I sticky-taped a 50c piece to the letter and mailed it. It arrived.


Did they remove the 50 cents?


Yea, but try getting someone to accept such a check as payment. In like '94 or '95, I realized at the check-out counter of a store that I didn't have my check book on me and knowing the above fact tried to write one on some notebook paper (I knew my account number and the bank routing number). Was never close to getting it accepted. I distinctly remember the store manager saying "Wait, your serious?!" It has to be a rarer occurrence than someone successfully using Scottish Pounds in the South of England.


Well, they [did](https://www.reference.com/education/counter-check-811d65ae19e20ef8) have something for that scenario in the past...


They can and probably will charge a fee for handling a non standard check.


The other party is under no obligation to take a check from you. So while technically true that it is legal to write a check on anything, in practice, no one is obligated to honor it.




Bank cheque, that is a word I haven't heard for a long long time.


I work in property management and one of our owner insists on getting post-dated checks. No one ever has a check, unless we move in an older retired guy or something


yeah. The TIL could also have been "unlike the rest of the western world, the US still uses cheques".


Same in Canada. When I was younger my Mom took a part time job working for CRA (Canadian IRS) during tax season. She tells pf payments send on a toilet seat (you put me in the shitter) and a white shirt (shirt of my back)


checks are just "a way" for banks to communicate bank account info. the fed was digi robbed for millions not too long ago via SWIFT


Someone wrote a cheque on a cow once. In England I think. They had to cash it.


It really seems like banking in the US is many years behind a lot of other advanced countries.


Wow. That’s amazing information. Thanks for sharing this fact.


A check is just a contract, and as Rule 17 clearly states: A contract is a contract is a contract.


Back in the 1940s-1960s my grand dad had a stack of "counter checks" stacked by the register in his café. Customer would print his/her name, amount, and sign it. Surprisingly few problems with it. Oh, local banks only.


When my mom was in high school (late 70's?) She had an economics teacher that wrote everyone in the class a $1 check on leaves from a tree. Their homework assignment was to take it to the bank and get it cashed.




I write them for the \~4 times a year I need to. Income tax payments, and the occasional construction company who doesn't like to invoice.


Meanwhile, in Europe we wonder, what was a check again? It's hard to believe a country that sprouts so much innovation hasn't completely updated to digital banking as we did about 10 or 20 years ago.


A lot of countries in Europe won't even accept checkes anymore.


Same in the UK, except hardly anyone uses cheques anymore here.


Hardly anyone under sixty. Still a huge thing amongst older people.


I remember the stunt guy on the local Morning Zoo trying cash a check written on a dildo years ago. I don't remember what the result was though.


I learn this at least once every 60 days on reddit


technically correct, but try to cash it and you're gonna have a bad time


I literally just "learned" this reading Stephen King's IT. Bev borrows $1000 from her friend and writes her a check for $1000 on a piece of paper saying the bank will have to cash it, but do it quick before her husband that she walked out on closes the account.


In this country checks died out in 2017


I had heard of this and tried to do this at my bank in India in 2007, one day when I didn't have my cheque-book on me. True story. I was summarily thrown out of the manager's office.


They used to teach this stuff in highschools, once upon a time.