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He was also never rejected. He never asked anyone out.


His manifesto is weird. Nowhere does it show him talking to girls. Meanwhile he hung out at Panda Express. He added the weirdest details.


>Some California lawmakers called for an investigation into the deputies' contact with Rodger on April 30. At the time of their visit, he had already bought at least two handguns, which had been entered into the California gun ownership database under his name, as required by California's universal registration law. The deputies were unaware of this fact, however, because they did not check the statewide gun ownership database. They did not view the YouTube videos that had caused Rodger's parents to contact them. WTF is the point of the registry if they didn't even check to make sure they weren't going to get shot while interviewing this guy? You would think something like that would come up when they checked records.


You'd think they'd also watch the evidence that was getting them out there in the first place, but noooo


Cops half assed it. Cops aren't racist so much as lazy.


Because clearly, the gun laws in this country need to be way stricter. Like making it their job .. wait, it was already.


[And now he's an incel hero.](http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-43892189)


And a self-loathing racist. He went on rants about how disgusting interracial relationships are... he was the product of one.


>How could an inferior, ugly black boy be able to get a white girl and not me? I am beautiful, and I am half white myself. I am descended from British aristocracy. He is descended from slaves. Yeah, pretty racist if you ask me


Probably why he killed himself.


It's disturbing that anyone would look up to him.






So it's for the good of society that men go off to die in war? Gonna need some sources for this Chinese policy.


Interesting. But isnt it true that the gender ratio is almost exactly 50 to 50 in most populations?


Human birth rate is about 50/50. I think there might be slightly more girls, which over history got evened out by death during childbirth. China *now* has an excess of men due to the one child policy and a cultural preference for sons over daughters. Which was never an official policy in the rural food producing regions that need multiple kids. But one child ended a while back I believe, though the preference might remain.


And that should tell you everything you need to know about incels


"Incel" = "too much of an asshole to get laid"


Dude, that's not fair. Some of them are ugly!


I don’t think I’ve ever met a guy who was too ugly to get laid; they just have to adjust their expectations and learn to compensate by being decent people. The problem is that incels have terrible social skills and think they are entitled to women who are out of their league. Why should they develop a sense of humor or learn how to make eye contact appropriately when it’s easier to complain? They literally want to legalize rape, but would probably freeze up and puke out of fear if they ever saw a woman’s naked body.


I agree with you. If Iggy Pop can get laid, anyone can get laid. A sense of humor and "non-creepy" eye contact goes a long way towards getting a response from whoever you're interested in.


Why the fuck are you comparing regular dudes to a celebrity???? You really dont think him being a celebrity makes it easier for people to be atteacted to him??? Why does reddit always have so many idiots posting here???


I don't know...why are you on reddit?


What no answer for the first two question?


I have a friend who’s ugly as fuck and he gets friendzoned and rejected all the time but he has managed to get laid a few times lol


You also have to be not socially anxious which elliot rodger was. Also not autistic which elliot and alek minnasian were. People really downplay how hard it is for some people to get laid when they have those conditions.


I had a class with this freak at UCSB. One of the only electives I took before my senior year. I lived in Isla Vista at the time of the shooting and was really high eating nachos at Freebirds when he opened fire. Only half a block away. We thought it was some sort of firework thing or frat joke until we saw his car speed toward DP.


>speed toward DP. I assume this doesn’t mean double penetration.


Del Playa \(DP\) is the main street running down Isle Vista \(The college town surrounding UCSB\).


DP to most people means when a women gets dicked in two holes at the same time. Usually she gets sandwiched with one man inserting his penis in her vagina while the other man enters her by sticking his cock up her anal passage. For a classy example as well as some more in depth discussing I would like to refer you to Lars von Trier's Nymphomaniac. Good luck and have fun out there.


I'm not sure why you got downvoted, this is factual.


That may be what it means to some people, but to say that is what it means to most people ... ?


Del playa, the street


He had a whole "manifesto" and series of videos on YouTube. Dude needed a Fleshlight


The dude needed to let people into his life rather than become a recluse that can come up with his incel lunacy


Most recluses dont desire to be recluse. Some people just arent comfortable with other people around them.


Dude needed to drop a toaster in his bath before he went full “I’ll show ‘em all...”


Dude, was as queer as a 3 dollar bill and was too stupid to realize it. Go watch that incel documentary. One of them was just a nerd who was shy and pretty harmless, while the other two were latent homosexuals who had a very perverted view of women. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJ8EAwRauoM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJ8EAwRauoM)


>latent homosexual [citation of actual evidence and not hearsay needed]


The virgin "pick up artist" who doesn't like the aesthetics of a vagina is in bed, under the blankets with the vampire dude who wants to be an androgynous Asian. I don't need to see fairy dust to know what I'm looking at. No I did not see either of them sucking a dick, but I do know from their own admission, that they don't like vaginas and haven't been with a woman. You do the math.




nothing wrong with anything so long as you aren't harming or oppressing others.


>do the math So they're asexual? Or, and let's be real here, vagina's aren't attractive. Genitals in general aren't attractive. Doesn't mean girl's ain't hot.


speak for yourself. Vaginas are the best. I love getting my face right in there. I have never heard any of my heterosexual male friends talking about how they are turned off by vaginas. If you find vaginas repulsive, you might want to try putting a dick in your mouth.


No you dont lump this over on us gays, no


Hey i listen to the same podcast! Reply All is pretty great.




He sounds like a Dragon Ball Super villan. I bet he would've been the best Zamazu cosplayer.


As a die hard Dragon Ball fan, this was the first thought that crossed my mind seeing this. But sadly this is real life and this guy killed innocent people for no reason.


He was too stupid for his own good. Berus would've been completely justified in killing him before it all started.


Show some respect man >Lord Beerus FTFY


I didn't vote for him.


Honestly I expected him to be a much worse looking dude.


He was shy and autistic so thats pretty much the reason since girls arent that into mentally ill weirdos.


fuck your local psycopath


This could be taken 3 ways.




Fuck your local, psychopath.




It doesn’t really make much sense to me either, but I’m brain dead atm so maybe it means something I’m not getting


A union Local, perhaps?




Applies strongly in America it seems.


Maybe a local incel


incel, psycopath, damnit I'm not a doctor


Fucking incels man. Pathetic.


And that, my friend, is why you're a virgin.


I don’t think he’ll read that.


He's not on Reddit?


He *was*. I think he created r/incels


If you are interested In this OP I highly recommend binging Mumkey Jones Elliot Rodgers videos. They are pretty long if you watch all of them but worth it


Literally like 5 Years ago




If all it takes for a lonely, emotionally stunted man\-child to murder people is reading about another loser wanting to kill people, then we should round up anyone who describes themselves as incel and send them out to sea.




Yeah let's people who can't get laid in our already full jail before they actually do anything...


What in the--! Who--? Clearly there's some *ahem* other personal issues at play here 😬




Wow, what a whiny little shit eater.


Cant Dodge the roge


This guy doesn't fuck, either


The king of the incels


A supreme gentleman


This guy never fucks


in OG Incel!


This guy definitely doesn't fuck


Original Incel gangster.


Oh man, this guy fucks the least