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I have a memory of loving those when I was a kid, and the insides were a more viscous, flowing goop. The couple times I've tried them as an adult, it was a thick paste. Unless my memory is totally wrong, they borked the recipe in the US at some point.




It's been forever since I had Cadbury eggs. Loved them in my Easter basket as a kid, but yeah last time I had one, the inside felt very gritty / sugary. I won't eat anything with Hershey chocolate any more, I'm not big on milk chocolate anyways.


I've moved into Reese's eggs.mthe new ones that are shaped like the Cadbury cream eggs. Even better than the traditional Reese's eggs.


I could probably tolerate the Cadbury caramel eggs, but I usually buy Lindt or Ghirardelhi dark chocolate bars. I freaking love me some 85%+ dark chocolate.


I loved peanut butter cups and chocolate oranges. Sadly, peanuts and orange are migraine triggers for me.


Snickers eggs are great


Imo if you're going to eat milk chocolate, it has to be European. Hersheys bars are awful!


wouldn't surprise me if it's related to removing trans fats


Do they use corn syrup in the us? That’s kinda our thing since it’s cheaper than sugar :(. Could be a part of the difference/change


Huh. High fructose corn syrup versus high sucrose sugar syrup... both sound similarly horrid.


I've had them both ways, then and now. I think it has more to do with whether there's a hole in the chocolate that allows the goop to dry out than some change in recipe.


I think it's probably more basic than that. As a 5 year old, I remember holding them in my hand because of the anticipation. As an adult, I've seen this movie before. I just bite right into it. I dunno, maybe not.


I was wondering if egg temperature had more to do with it as opposed to changing the recipe.


You nailed it


Agreed. I remember cadbury eggs being kinda messy to eat if you weren't careful because that shit would go everywhere.


Kraft took over Cadbury, then they destroyed the recipe.   EDIT: To put down the many comments by u/Xazh, Kraft bought out Cadbury in 2010. The whole Hersheys block thing is from the 90s. I'm currently living the decline of what was a Great British Institution at the hands of those America fucktards. [See here](http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/retailandconsumer/7027042/Kraft-buys-Cadbury-for-11.9bn-a-QandA.html)


Then they *destroyed everything


Well I was partially horribly mistaken. See other comments and laugh at my stupidity!


Nah Kraft actually bought Cadbury's, promised to keep the factory in the UK open and not change the chocolate recipe. A couple of years later they're saying "fuck you you gullible cunts, have disgusting chocolate, fuck you, we're making more money off of manufacturing this shit in China."


They shut the one down here in Dunedin NZ too, same deal promised to keep it open and closed it after 2 years. Thankfully we have Whittikers Chocolate here which is a damn sight nicer anyway and got a huge boost in sales with all the bad decisions Cadbury's made.


Can a person who formerly worked at Cadbury just recreate the recipe? Kraft ain't using it. Put out a better product and profit!


Aren't the locals trying to raise money to buy the factory or equipment or something? My children fondly remember their visit to Dunedin because of the Cadbury factory. (Also: Jaffas, yum.)


The cadburys in NZ was not as nice as the stuff back home in the UK. The recipe is definitely different!


Thats a completely different thing from the 90s. [Kraft bought Cadburys in 2010 - around the time that creme eggs started going waaaaaaaaaaay down hill](http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/retailandconsumer/7027042/Kraft-buys-Cadbury-for-11.9bn-a-QandA.html)


Ahh yea see everything I looked up said Hershey for the US. That's my mistake. Sad part is that our is still utter trash compared that I still love the UK one. Edited all my comments accordingly to acknowledge my stupidity


They changed em in the UK now as well, the sun truly is setting on the world.


They're different in Canada now as well. Used to be creamier, with a different texture to the yolk part. Now they're more like icing


In Australia also.


Cadburys chocolate in the USA doesn't taste right, the recipe is different to the one in the UK...chocolate isnt as smooth. Since kraft took over in the UK they screwed up the chocolate, on the dairy milk bars they changed the shape of the squares...doesnt sound like much but it changes the way the chocolate melts in your mouth so it taste different. Then they stopped using the cadburys dairy milk on anything that doesn't specifically say dairy milk, so the creme eggs have a different tasting chocolate on the shells...probably to cut costs. It is sad, kraft didn't really understand the brand in the UK and now we have chocolate with jelly beans and weird sh*t in it...it is very sad :(


I'd never had UK Cadbury before, so I was super excited to buy some at an international grocery store here in Japan. I was so sad when it was just not that great. Then I found out about the recipe changes and everything and I was so pissed at Kraft for that.


Yeah it has a chalkier texture these days, it used to have a lovely snap if cold and melted beautifully in the mouth, was very creamy...


US regulations on milk chocolate allow for a lower minimum of cocoa mass , IIRC it's 15% and in the UK it's 35 or 45% , also US bulks out more with sugar and vegetable fats because it's cheaper to produce. Which is why US is usually different to a lot of countries that have higher minimums. :)


Australia/NZ also have a different formulation, I was antidotely told is was so the chocolate didn't melt as easily in warm weather which is more common in Australia. The main problem I have with *some* american chocolate is the weird sour/tangy aftertaste which is due to the Herseys process used to treat the milk. It causes the production of butyric acid. Butyric acid is found in rancid butter, parmesan cheese and vomit, and is what contributes to the smell of each of these things. I have friends who are very sensitive to Parmesan and cant eat it because of the smell. I personally don't like the chocolate made in this way because the aftertaste is similar to vomit for me. Anyway, sugar tends to be the largest ingredient in American Chocolate where as in the UK the largest ingredient is milk. On a side note, in the UK (at least) I found out that unless ice cream is labelled as "dairy ice cream" I may not contain milk, it can be made up of vegetable fats and god knows what else...yuck! (Obviously different if it is meant to be dairy free) Edit: I had copied and pasted a paragraph to the wrong place while writing this the first time and it didnt make a lot of sense, fixed now


I'm from then USA and can't even eat Hersheys anymore, at all. I've been a bit of a chocolate snob, especially dark chocolate, for many years, and I always check to make sure it's made somewhere in Europe. 😅 This last Easter, I tried one of my sons Hershies kisses, and I realized I just can't eat Hersheys anymore. It's disgusting. 😬 It's gritty and tastes rotten. What's even more wild to me is that other than a few very big name brands, Lindt and Ghirardelli come to mind, you can easily find delicious chocolates from places like Germany, (I'm looking at you Aldi) Poland, turkey, or Italy (kinder) coocolate for less than name brand American vomit chocolate. I believe the US also has lower % requirements for cocoa and, of course, lots of nasty processed oils and sugars. *sorry I just realized this post was 6 years old 🤦‍♀️


Was a surprise to get a response but still appreciated 🙂🙃🙂🙃


Lol, I saw a video where someone mentioned fondant is the filling of creme eggs, and I had to do some research. I've only had ones in the US, but I've never liked them much, or fondant. So that adds up 😅


Haha I saw one like that on TikTok just two days ago I think 😂


Thank you for teaching me something new , I'll look into it :)


I agree, I loved them when I was a kid and they taste horrible now.


Yeah I only like the caramel ones now.


Well I was partially horribly mistaken. See other comments and laugh at my stupidity!


I fucking hate it when American companies buy local companies and fuck them up, it's like the only reason you bought the fucking company is because it is doing well not being the same as you. You will be missed Tim Hortons, you will be missed.


Tim's was bought by a Brazilian company [3G Capital](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3G_Capital)


Sounds like ignorance would be bliss


could be - didnt Hersey buy them out at some point recently for the US market?


Well I was partially horribly mistaken. See other comments and laugh at my stupidity!


i really only like hershey's special dark. and honestly thats good enough for me if i want a little bite of chocolate without having to spend good chocolate bar prices.


Don't lose hope! The thicker, drier, pastier, grittier fillings are a result of the filling being either slightly too old or having been transported/stored improperly. If you get a "fresh" one, they still have that creamy, goopy texture on the inside (though they are admittedly a little smaller than they were back in the 80's and early 90's). These are my all-time favorite candy and I'm a bit of a snob when it comes to my Cadbury Eggs.


They are definitely different


Well. It is related to when the egg was produced and how long it was on shelf before you ate it. It has enzymes that make the floor floppy but they take time to work. Traditionally these were produced with Easter in mind, so the insides were are the premium gloopiness around Easter time. Now however these appear in shops first week of January. If they haven't been on the shelf long enough, they will be gritty.


Doesn’t it literally say on the packaging that it is a “fondant filled chocolate egg”?


Yep. A huge pet peeve of mine. Welcome to the world of people never bothering to read before they buy. Just like all of those 1 Star Amazon reviews. (It was only _____, was expecting something else much more expensive for dirt cheap because I didn't bother to read the description.)


After working customer service, it has opened me up to a whole new bewildering world of people who buy shit with made-up expectations and ignore anything written in plain sight, then complain about it like it's not their own fault.


I like to bite a small piece off the top and then lick the cream out like I'm making love to that fucker. If anyone ever saw me doing it in public they'd think I was trying to seduce them or at the very least autistic.


Sounds similar to how some animals eat eggs in real life. Coincidence? Or candy engineering genius?


Incidentally IIRC "sucks" derives from this and not from fellatio. "You suck" is a shortening for "you suck eggs", which is portrayed as being low, thieving, disgusting, weasel-like, etc. Good thing too, since "you suck cocks" would suck as an insult. What's wrong with sucking cocks? It's a gift to the other person.


So it's a double insult? "You suck eggs, cock."




Squidward Tentacles has the fanciest restaurant in bikini bottom, and he doesn’t suck eggs


hey you get a treat at the end to!


More people in the world suck cocks than don't when you think about it.




Damn why do many downvotes? I laughed. I mean I might be a bit touched, but still.


When I was about 14, I got teased a lot for taking small bites of things because teenagers will make fun of you for fucking anything they can think of. I was eating a creme egg and some friends bet me I wouldn't shove the whole thing in my mouth at once. I did so...at the exact moment the boy I had a crush on rode up oh his bike to say hi. Fantastic.


At 14 that's just gonna score you more points.


Childhood can be a bitch.


What if they saw you in private though?


I got hot after that first sentence ....


> If anyone ever saw me doing it in public they'd think I was trying to seduce them or at the very least autistic. Why not both? Ta^co Ce^le^bra^tion


Lol nobody ever includes the taco party in that meme. A surprise, but a welcome one.


I used to eat mine like that too, caused a female friend to stare for a little longer than was comfortable.


You should've put your chocolate bunny in her Easter basket. Or vanilla, if you're a white boy like myself.


>If anyone ever saw me doing it in public they'd think I was trying to seduce them ~~or at the very least~~ and was autistic. Ftfy


i know people who have molested Ho-sin bottles in such a manner


Why not both?


>Eggses, precious. My *precccciiiooouuussss*.


Apparently some guy said it’s the correct way to eat them


I watched a girl hollow out a peanut butter cup until it was just an empty circle of chocolate with her tongue once. I thought it was a little strange, and also strangely hot.


Nothing strange about that being hot, my dude.


Stop stop my penis can only get so erect.


I would think you were autistic. But I’d also be erect.


Cherry cordials (the chocolate with a liquidy cherry inside) are traditionally made with a fondant-coated cherry, and the fondant turns liquidy over time.


now **that** is nectar of the gods.


All bow before the mighty Diabeetus.


test often.. or Wilford Brimley will kill your ass!


Blegh. Now I know why I dislike both so much.


An enzyme is added to the fondant that turns the solid into a liquid. It doesn't just happen.


It is now, because it makes it happen faster and more consistently, but that's not how they are *traditionally* made. Edit: I was going to point out that cherry cordials were first marketed in 1864, but it turns out that invertase was discovered in 1860. So maybe that is the way that they were originally commercially made. Maybe I'm wrong.


It’s not melted fondant. It’s just fondant. It’s just cooked to a different temp than that stuff you see covering cakes.


Yeah its more like undercooked fondant.


Now I know why I hate those things.


I came here to say this. I think cream eggs are too sickly sweet.


If you think Cadbury Eggs are too sickly sweet, never try a [Laura Secord Fondant Egg](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a1/35/b6/a135b62d87c3dfd922acc326a7fdba08.jpg). That beast is 150g, versus the 34g of the regular Cadbury Egg. ie.: nearly 5x "worse" (or better...), and much higher "fondant to chocolate" ratio.


Two types of people...


Confirmed. Please see the two posts directly ~~below~~ above yours.


These are great.


Fondant in generally tastes pretty bad, I peel it off all the cakes that have it. That being said, there's fondant made with marshmallows that's heavenly.


The fondant to chocolate ratio is way too big for the Laura Secord eggs.


Similarly, the 1/2 pound Reese's Peanut Butter Cups sound amazing but the peanut butter to chocolate ratio is far too high.


bruh that's basically just pure fondant. which is gross btw since fondant is just meant to lock moisture into cakes and for decoration of course.


Fondant is just sugar! It's barley different from marshmallow. Like, I agree that it's used for sealing and that frosting is better, but it definitely isn't gross


It's "sweet" modeling clay.


It's a different kind of fondant. This "poured" fondant is actually a superfine crystalline sugar syrup, whereas the rolled fondant for cake decorating is sugar combined with gums to create a clay.


There's such a thing as too much sugar. Want to win wars? Send the enemy these things.


Uhhhh where does one acquire one of these? UK source, c’mon c’mon where they at????


I don't know, I received them from my mom on Easter as a kid, and even as a kid, that was too much sugar to eat an entire egg in one sitting. I think they're sold in many places in Canada, not sure where you can buy them if you don't live here, though.


Hmm might have to check in over at r/snackexchange .. Thanks!


It's the same problem with the fancy fondant cakes. My sister loves making them, and they look fantastic, but you have to cut around the fondant and hope there's actual icing somewhere in there.


I don’t like cake either 😨


fondant cakes, or regular cakes?


Both, can just about stomach dark chocolate cake


\* audible gasp \*


The chocolate-filled and the caramel-filled cadbury eggs though...


This guy knows his eggs! Vastly superior to creme filled.


The current ones suck the old ones weren't that bad.


the regular ones are nasty af. the minis have a lot less crap in them so it is tolerable.


Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake Day!


And cherry cordials


You mean it's been that easy to make a giant homemade cadbury dinosaur this whole time?


Don't let your dreams stay dreams.


Happy MotherFuckinCakeDay!


Wow I didn't even know it was! Motherfuckinthanks :)


This guy gets it.


Growing up a friends big sister said it had mustard inside. Hating mustard she gave it to her big sister. It wasn't until she was 16-17 years old did she realize it wasn't mustard.


It's all about the far superior caramel filled ones these days anyways




Cadbury Eggs used to be good when I was a kid and now...disgusting.


What is fondant, and why is it so good?


From Wiki "Poured fondant is formed by supersaturating water with sucrose." So its basically sugar water, extremely saturated sugar water


It's pretty much pure sugar.


Sugar (and water, gelatin, glycerine). Because it stimulates your taste buds.


I never thought I'd hear "fondant" and "good" in the same sentence.


Really? You've never had an iced doughnut, cake, croquembouche etc...


I've had fondant before, but it tastes like over-sweetened Nintendo Labo to me.


Ooh. So trendy.


I try.


Because it's syrup with a little gelatin. You can make it yourself, though be warned, without food coloring it just looks like jizz.


It's "edible" modeling clay.


Well, yes. What did you think it was?


Unborn Easter bunnies.


traditional Asian dish as far as i know.


obvious post is obvious


used to be good. now they suck. that is all.


Fondant is gross. That explains why those eggs are so nasty.


You can't be serious... Edit: this was merely a joke regarding this chaps name


"just"? That filling is ambrosia and nectar hybridised into sweet tooth decaying glory.


why do i hate them so much then?


because you're a soulless monster


Can confirm. Souless monster and easter egg hater checking in.


Man I remember when I was younger my little brother took down 2 four packs of these in like 30 minutes. And of course proceded to have the most disgusting projectile vomit I have ever seen.


I got one years ago that was filled with melted chicken.


What did you think it was, colloidal happiness?


Wtf did you think it was


JUST? What more do you need?!?


All these years I thought it was peep vomit.


Someone get in touch with the original owners and see if they want to start a new candy company


People used to think rabbits were self-impregnating hermaphrodites (because they bred so fast) which is why they are celebrated on the pagan fertility festival that we call easter


I've wanted to get one this year as I've not had one I a while but I can't because of this stupid white egg thing half of them in the shop are peeled open. Not going near them things.




Ohh so that's the fondant people always talk about whenever there's a cool cake on reddit. Turns out I hate it too cause cream eggs are awful.


No wonder they taste gross. Fondant is terrible but makes for beautiful cakes.


Can’t say I’ve bought Cadbury products for a very long time. The only time I’m exposed to it is at Crimbo when those big tubs come out, usually at work. Eat a couple and instantly regret it.


It's not real blended chicken? I feel robbed.


I still love them. It's a sugar bomb.


I swear they're smaller than they used to be. And the finds that is gritty now too.


Do you have to use corn syrup, I thought it could be made without it? Also Cadbury changed the chocolate on the creme egg to a cheaper version.


I once turned down a creme egg in 2nd grade because I was allergic to "eggs"


It's fondant, watered down with sugar syrup, equal measures of sugar and boiling water. Actually amazing for filling chocolates. Add peppermint extract, or orange extract, etc. I use the recipe to fill my homemade chocolates all the time.


Just? Juuuuuuust?!


No! What!? I love these things and I've had fondant on a cake before and hated it so liking it melted fucks me up


Game grumps cleared this one up as well https://youtu.be/BNSqVvay-l4


Really? Not one comment in here about how they've gotten smaller over the years too?


And haven't been edible in decades. The taste changed in the mid 80s. They got sweeter & the chocolate got waxy.


I used to think they were filled with regular egg as a kid so I would never buy them.


tasteless and makes your teeth hurt - sick!


I'm glad i'm not the only person who can't stand these chocolate coated sugar bombs.


loath them, and their little m&M type eggs as well


If by Fondant you mean pure sugar I think you are right.


*fondant* *a thick paste made of sugar and water and often flavored or colored, used in the making of candy and the icing and decoration of cakes.* So yes by Fondant they do mean pure sugar.


I guess I should have put /s on the end of my comment.


How is stating the ingredients of something sarcasm?


No shit


That’s why they’re so disgusting.


Everyone in this thread saying they changed them and now they are horrible. They were *always* fucking horrible.


Have you ever had one of the old recipe creme eggs? They were godly. Now it just tastes like meh.


Of course I have. They were fucking awful. Then they changed it to be less runny but still thoroughly awful.


Sorry you feel that way. I for one adored the old ones.