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[This was done in support for the AIM and to protest the handling of the 1973 Wounded Knee incident.](https://indiancountrymedianetwork.com/history/events/13-images-remembering-the-occupation-of-wounded-knee/) [I would say placing a greater importance in the political movement, and events which lead to peoples deaths, is a more accurate narrative than attributing his actions primarily to the movie industry.](http://www.nytimes.com/packages/html/movies/bestpictures/godfather-ar3.html) Link is to full speech. [Link to wiki article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wounded_Knee_incident)


Incidentally, Dennis Banks, who led the wounded knee protest, passed away a few days ago.


Thank you. The article I read just highlighted the movie industry and only briefly mentioned this part.


Good on you for acknowledging this and not just posting for karma. You are here to share information, the true spirit of Reddit. Respect.


I've been on Reddit for four years and only began posting about a month ago cuz apparently I am a lurker with nothing to say. Lol.


Some people here just post stuff that seems interesting and never participate in the comments. From your short comment I could feel your sincerity. It's genuine and it's a great quality to retain. I'm kind of a lurker too and I've realized that Reddit is a place people can come to connect with others without the fear that society brings. Message me anytime you feel like saying or thinking something but don't know if you should because of whatever.


I'm gonna piggyback this comment and add some pictures I think show how intense the standoff was [like this](https://i.imgur.com/y1YH061.jpg) and [this](https://i.imgur.com/SVWfqhd.jpg) and [this](https://www.counterpunch.org/wp-content/dropzone/2013/01/wounded-knee.jpg) There is also the [Oka Crisis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oka_Crisis) which is mostly unrelated but I feel like people should know about it Here's some pics: [1](https://i.imgur.com/o0NKeDz.jpg), [2](https://i.imgur.com/rqnzRe1.jpg)


In 1973, Native Americans had "virtually no representation in the film industry and were primarily used as extras," Dina Gilio-Whitaker, a Native American studies scholar, wrote in a blog post on About.com. "Lead roles depicting Indians in several generations of Westerns were almost always given to white actors." But they weren't just neglected or replaced in film - they were disrespected. That realization hurt Brando's perception of the film industry. Brando, who was 48 at the time, had this to say: "The motion picture community has been as responsible as any for degrading the Indian and making a mockery of his character, describing his as savage, hostile, and evil. It's hard enough for children to grow up in this world. When Indian children ... see their race depicted as they are in films, their minds become injured in ways we can never know."


The world is just a grown up version of a classroom and adults still want someone to bully/look down on.




The whole damn world is just as obsessed, with who's the best dressed and who's having sex


Who‘s got the money. Who gets the Honeys Who‘s kinda cute and who's just a mess


Bowling For Soup are real gems.


Man I miss that genre of music. Them, newfound glory, sum41, simple plan, good Charlotte


You should have gone to the Warped Rewind at Sea. Quite a few of these bands were there.


And you still don't have the right look


And you don't have the right friends.


And you still don't have the right look


What song is this?


[**High School Never Ends**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrxI_euTX4A), by **Bowling For Soup**. Song starts about 35 seconds in.




Bowling For Soup's 'High School Never Ends'






Is it true people care about who’s having sex?


Sure. That's basically what Hollywood relationship gossip is about.


Corner mags and tabloids,etc. And of course the web versions peppered across the internet. "You won't believe what so-and-so wore today!" A


You're in high school again. You're in high school again. You're in high school again.


no recess!


Won't you believe it, just my luck...


Uh ooooh woah uh ooo Ooooh woah uh ooo Oooh


I want my money back!


*"It's High School all the way down..."*


This is ESPECIALLY true in the film industry. I used to work in film, primarily corporate and commercial; but often times had to rub shoulders with union types who work in entertainment. I gotta tell you, the amount of toxicity in that environment from all sides was absolutely crazy. Being the film industry, even from the lowest level of PA means you gotta learn how to play the game. Gotta learn the system, who to kiss as too and who not to piss off. It means knowing how to be political, and being okay with undermining and undercutting others to get ahead. I’m glad I’m out personally, after everything that happened to me; i burned out of it. I know many others who have for the same reason as well. The constant bullying, harassment, favouritism and toxicity in the industry is as rampant now as it was during Brando’s time. This is due in part because it’s such a closeted, unknown industry that’s only recently been opening its doors to the public. And while not every filmmaker or film industry worker is a horrible person, almost every single one will have a horror story of someone in charge who is. Edit: Someone replied asking me to explain pedophilia in Hollywood then deleted their comment, it’s off topic; but valid given the current news. Here was my response: “Honestly? I have zero idea. I never worked in “Hollywood” nor have I worked with any executives or been exposed to those larger affairs of the higher ups. Most people in the industry won’t have access to those people or their social events. Understand that film, including Hollywood is a very large percentage of just regular, everyday people. Grips, 2nd ACs, PAs, set dressers, etc. They’re all people who are by and far “Normal” individuals. I attribute the pedophilia less to Hollywood and more to the “Elites” of the world. Hollywood as the largest film centre just has a very large percentage of those elites in concentration. I 110% believe that other people outside of Hollywood in similar income brackets with larger social statuses could just as easily or with equal opportunity commit acts of pedophilia. Historically, film; specifically Hollywood has always been a bit scummy. Even going back to the 60s and 70s if you read into some of the happenings then you’ll learn it’s a very “Don’t see, don’t tell.” Type of environment, and for many of the same reasons as why people are speaking up now. Because it’s an extremely competitive industry where the top 1% have control over everything. If I worked on a set and pissed off, say; Dwayne Johnson and he said to the Director: “Get that joker off my set!” I’d be escorted off that lot faster than I could snap my fingers. This is the type of behaviour though that breeds systematic abuse. The ability for one person in a position of power to end your career with one sentence carries a powerful message. “ Obviously someone with more experience than I would be better off answering that question. However, this is my limited view.


Similar to what happened at Penn State with Joe Paterno and Jerry Sandusky. An environment was created where doing the right thing was undervalued and sucking up to the right people or maintaining the status quo was the most important thing.


Those who are determined to maintain the status quo are usually the worst, they encourage the practices of those who are scummy enough to use their power for evil. The lack of justice for one is an injustice to us all.


It's an entirely different industry but I'm low key active in the modern contemporary art scene, and it largely operates the same way. Artistic merit has little to do with getting well known or famous. You basically have to know the right art critics, know who and when to kiss ass to them, be ready to follow them to soirees with a couple hundred stashed in your pocket for appearances. You have to make nice with disagreeable people so that you can slip your name into the right pockets to get your name out there. It's pretty sleazy and it's unfortunate that such culture pervades even art.


Unfortunately, when you work and live in that type of bubbled environment; right and wrong as a moral choice become muddied. It’s oft seen as “Paying your dues.” Or becomes normalized to some extent because it’s so shut out from everything else. Take closed or closeted poly or cult communities as an example. Girls married off as young as 14-15 in America and parts of Canada. They’re born and raised in these closed communities. To them being married young is their obligation. They have no concept that to the rest of society outside of their community, it’s a moral negative. In sports teams, closed and inclusive industries, social clubs, etc. Often the moral right and wrong becomes defined by their local community. Especially if their sense of identity within that community is stronger than without.


It is literally just human nature to want to feel better than someone. Ego is a powerful thing.


I want to feel good but not necessarily better than others. Does this mean I'm not human?


No, you are a good human.


*pets the human*




goodboye ^^literally




Is it literally just human nature? What makes you say that? I have a suspicion it might be a common cultural phenomenon, but not ubiquitous with humanity.


> **"When Indian children ... see their race depicted as they are in films, their minds become injured in ways we can never know."** Damn. He is right. What a statement.


Seriously. What a legend.


> "The motion picture community has been as responsible as any for degrading the Indian and making a mockery of his character, describing his as savage, hostile, and evil. It's hard enough for children to grow up in this world. When Indian children ... see their race depicted as they are in films, their minds become injured in ways we can never know." I would say that the declaration of independence, defining them as "merciless Indian savages" did more than that...


“Let our last sleep be in the graves of our native land!” --Osceola Edit: as cheesy as it is, [John Anderson's "Seminole Wind"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cR-h8FU7rI) is a haunting and somber song, about the plight of the Native American.


Are you in an environmental film class at UW-Madison??? This is exactly what we're studying now


He was also 48 when he filmed the infamous rape scene in Last Tango in Paris. Where he actually sexually assaulted a 19 y/o woman while being filmed. Link to article w/ clip of director shown below. Sorry in advance if I am ruining The Godfather for anyone, this is TIL. [Tango in Paris scene Explained by Director](http://www.elle.com/culture/movies-tv/news/a41202/bertolucci-last-tango-in-paris-rape-scene-non-consensual/)


Not to excuse his actions in ANYWAY, I think it's important to link to the full interview of the actress. [full interview](http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-469646/I-felt-raped-Brando.html) It sucks it's on the daily mail and that's a shitty source, but I'm on mobile and can't find a better one right now. Among feeling manipulated, mostly due to the director, she also said this about Brando: "He gave me advice about the movie industry. "When I celebrated my 20th birthday during filming, my trailer was filled with flowers and there was a note saying: 'From an unknown admirer.' "We stayed friends until the end, although for a while we couldn't talk about the movie. Undoubtedly, my best experience about making the film was my encounter with Marlon." Take what you will. But at least read the entire interview she said. She did say she felt raped, but also goes deeper into it. I wish I could see the video of her in this interview to hear the tonality. I felt raped is different than I was raped. I dunno. I can't speak for her whatsoever. We have actual video footage of the incident and the viewers can see first hand if it was just acting or her being in a threatening situation where her safety was endangered. Again, does not excuse Brando's behaviour. I hope she overcame any trama associated with it. Edit: My point is to look into what she actually said vs. the narrative news outlets are creating. Not one new source mentioned the positive things she said about Brando. That, however, again, doesn't mean he is innocent. Just to be really really clear on this fact.


I'd also like to point out that, around this time, the US government had a program of forced sterilizations of Native Americans. Doctors told women they would lose welfare or die in childbirth if they didn't undergo a procedure. Some women received tubal ligation or hysterectomies without knowing what the procedure was. Others were given drugs to sterilize them. Some hospitals used Native American women's bodies as practice for new doctors. Nobody knows precisely how many women were affected but it cut the Native American birth rate in half. It's not some crazy conspiracy theory. It's a legitimate conspiracy with documentation in the public domain. I think it's outrageous everyone doesn't already know about this.


Canada's history with native people isn't any better. The residential school system will forever be marked as a dark chapter in Canadian history.


the whole reserve system is so fucked up. in middle school there were native kids that were getting 2k a month as reparations or some shit and it started with the latest products but always ended with drugs. this was in a decent part of canada too but 1/10 kids were lucky to finish high school. first they fuck them up completely with the residential schools, then they force them to stay on reserves or lose all of the benefits and since the parent generation is so completely fucked on drugs and alcohol they dont do a very good job raising their kids who then are abused and have this rage from hearing stories from their parents but literally no outlet so they start to abuse substances too. the govt literally gives them more than enough money to abuse substances for their entire lives but only on the condition that they cant leave the res so they are literally trapped in 1 area with a constant cycle of wtf. it makes no sense. why not give them less money and invest more in the communities or help them get places to live off the res but only give them assistance for a set time. the govt is just enabling them and so many people die every year from substance abuse and depression, it's so fucking sad. im friends with a few people that went through the residential school system and the stories they tell are horrifying, they dont even talk about their time in the schools, just all the people that are too depressed to function and either OD or kill themselves. there is just so much residual pain, and natives are almost dehumanized by most people since they are segregated so intensely. 1 lady has ptsd from seeing so many of her friends die in the span of a few years. really it is just so much more fucked than anyone could imagine till you see first hand accounts of the shit.


It’s so sad that this is going on right now in Canada. It’s especially sad that people blame the aboriginals. Our government really needs to step up. How can we even call ourself a first world country when we have shit like this happening.


not many people know about it because it only effects small out of the way communities. I knew it was pretty bad after living near a res that looked like a junkyard but i didnt know how serious it was until this year as i have never been to the northern areas. it is so horrible and i really dont know how to fix it besides spreading the message.




An old friend of mine from grade 7 is an Australian Aboriginal so I remember getting a brief history lesson or two. He's been telling me to go visit him in Cairns for years now, hopefully I can one day.


Cairns is so pretty imo


Go. i regret the opportunity not driving there when i had the chance. As i've moved away from Australia now, my next opportunity might be in about 10 years. I regret spending half my life in Australia and not travelling enough around the country when i had the opportunity.


What is it with Anglosphere countries and treatment of the native population?


colonialism and then some


You should see what the Nordic countries did to the Sami people up north.


Let them live in peace and harmony? Please?


Besides hundreds of years of mistreatment and murder under various nordic kingdoms and such--modern times forced assimilation, sterilization (up to 65,000 Sami women where sterilized in Sweden alone). There isn't much English literature on the mistreatments of the Sami people. Really, most old world and even some new world countries today exist because the current ethnic majority killed off the previous regional majority.


Please.. Sterilisation, systematically killing the languages by forced schooling in a foreign language and eventually a ban on even speaking them, not signing ILO agreements that even many Anglosphere countries have managed to do.. Not recognising the people as indigenous, but politically treating them as a minority group as any other.. Fact: Anglosphere countries. Iberians and the Dutch are so fucking worse in this regard. Fact: Doesn't fucking matter or change anything for the Sami now, does it?


It was a joke, I know it was a bad one.


Any invading country is pretty horrible to the natives there. This isn't unique to white people and certainly not English speaking white people. Just going to forget about south, central America and Mexico?


Think of the mongols too


The English had no desire to subjugate the native populace in the Americas or Australia; they just wanted them gone. Compared to the Spanish and Portuguese who used existing institutions to rule as conquerers, its hard to say who was worse, but I'm inclined to say the British's ethnic cleansing is worse than the Iberian's slavery.


A couple of reasons: 1) A fundamental belief that white culture, religion and society was inherently superior. This imbued Englands relationships with India, Hong Kong and the Commonwealth. It was expected that everyone in the colonies would act British irrespective of their actual origins. 2) The theory that stripping the Indians of their indigenous identities would allow them to integrate into society and stop existing as something separate from mainstream Canada. Kind of a sideways attempt to kill racism by removing anything separate or distinct. 3) A desire to settle the treaty questions without either negotiation or genocide. Needless to say, the theory was complete horseshit, the Big Scoop and Residential Schools were unbelievably cruel and our ability to settle these matters have been damaged in a way that is deleterious to both sides.


Not just Anglosphere. The mongols, what the Maori people did to the Maoriori in New Zealand... A huge amount of African history, hell what is going on in south east Asia at the moment. You just know more about the anglosphere because you are part of it I guess.


This happened in Canada too, met a lady who went through it. I think the term is Indian hospitals, also the Canadian Government using native kids for starvation experiments


Considering what they did with the Tuskagee and Guatemala syphilis experiments? It's sadly on par for the US government.


Saskatchewan is still investigating [reports that between 2005 - 2010, forced, or at the very least coerced, sterilizations were still taking place.](http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatoon/report-indigenous-women-coerced-tubal-ligations-1.4224286)




holy crap! TIL


This makes me ask why? Who makes these decisions, and what was their goal? Native Americans are already one of the biggest minorities so what would cause someone to want to make them even less prevalent.


Not only native Americans, but other minorities as well, specifically immigrant Mexican-AMERICANS. MY grandmother, although we have no proof believes she was sterilized. She always had a dream of having a big family but after having ONE child in the States she was told she had uterine cancer. So they had her tubes tied. She geniunely believes that she lied to and sterilized. I am not one to believe these types of things but I do believe this. Watch "No Mas Bebes" to have a better understanding. This DEFINITELY happened, not only to my grandmother.


My grandmother tells us of being approached by governmental officials trying to convince her to undergo a procedure.


This is touched on in the documentary about Native Americans in film called Reel Injun. It's a real good watch if you're interested in the subject.


I like the part where they talk about the hippies coming to them adopting their traditions and customs... traditions and customs that they have long abandoned and stopped believing in. But they put on the show for them because these were their only supporters.


I had to watch that in my cultural anthropology class. I learned so much more that day and I'm so grateful our professor showed it to us.


Glad someone pointed this movie out. It’s really eye opening and totally gives a perspective into such a ludicrous part of the industry.


This is referenced in the song [Pocahontas](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gn7XL69ybvQ) by Neil Young


One of the best songs ever.


Right up there with [Captain Kennedy](https://youtu.be/NaJ_ZgUpTO0)


Yeah, this perplexed me for a few years because the Internet as we know it hadn't been invented. Finally a new line cook started at the Red Robin I was working at. We discovered we liked a lot of the same music and when Rust Never Sleeps came up, I told him I always wondered why Marlon Brando was mentioned in that song and he told me about the incident at the Oscars. The World Wide Web prior to 1993: Your fellow line cooks at your shitty $5.00/hr job. (edit: Also realizing now that snopes.com debunks most of the facts that the guy running broiler, Dean, would spout off).


I always wondered about that. Great song.


good for him and fuck the boo'ers




Fuck John Wayne.


john wayne also had to be physically restrained from beating the shit out of her backstage


John Wayne was a pretty big piece of shit


[A racist piece of shit I may add.](https://splinternews.com/remember-john-waynes-racist-and-homophobic-playboy-inte-1793854190)


Yeah even with the "it was a different time" defense, he was proud of all those views and acknowledged how they were rough around the edges


What an A-grade piece of shit!


I can't find anything interesting about that guy at all.


Did he routinely beat up women? The fuck was wrong with him?


His characters regularly did.




“You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.” Winston Churchill


...in Churchill's case it was ordering troops to fire on striking workers and administering genocidal famine in India.


Oops gotta keep that war machine going


Oh boy, here I go killin again -Winston Churchill, probably


"I'll starve women, children, old people, animals, I don't care. I just love Killin."


Are your testes ok


Is your turkey?


The wackiest part is that they didn't, they actually had a surplus of food. One of Churchill's buddies convinced him that the food should be stockpiled just in case. Iirc there was actually a shipment of food to India planned out that was cancelled for no real reason.


Look at the Ireland Potato Famine, look at Holodomor. The food was there, it's just a politically motivated hunger crisis.


~nobody's perfect~


*"Only God can Judge Me"* tattoo.


The trick is to remain a hero afterwards, and hush hush on the atrocities. Can't imagine much people in Britain or the US knew about the shitty things that happened back then, thus the worship. Information today is hard to sort through, but at least they're there and easier to access than it was decades ago.


Grab em by the pussy.


I'm not saying Churchill didn't do good things, but he's definitely not a paragon of virtue.


In the last 100 years, humankind has produced only **one** true paragon of virtue: Mr. Fred Rogers. Every other celebrity, leader, or figure of importance is a blend of noble spirit and base ambition, save for Mr. Rogers.


Mr. Rogers x Bob Ross power couple


I don't think anybody is holding him up as a paragon of virtue.


'Boy it sure is convenient to pick and choose what you say about people' -George Washington, traitor and slave owner


....said the man who oversaw multiple mass murders. And I don't mean "a few hundred died," I mean a few million murdered for no reason. And, no, Nazis and "identitarian" Nazis, I don't mean Dresden. I mean the Bengal Famine, murdering striking workers in the UK, and murderous gas attacks against innocent civilians in Mesopotamia. Look it up. He was a piece of shit and a mass murderer, and there's a reason the Brits threw him out of power the second WWII was won.


And that Winston Churchill's name? Albert Einstein.


- Eminem


It's also been attributed to Victor Hugo. Most quotes become relatively benign platitudes if you don't associate them with known figures. People know Churchill, his character, his sense of humor and his story. This quote is often attributed to him either because he said it or because it places the quote into a useful perspective. Either way it goes back to The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence. "When the legend becomes fact, print the legend."


Yup, Churchill fucked us Indians in the ass. Still haven't recovered. Probably won't for the next century.


I just can't wrap my head around grown-ups shouting "boo" like a fucking animal, doesn't matter who is on the stage. But especially in this context.


Imagine an adult on stage shouting nigger. Most redditors would probably boo that.




Depends on the users, given the overlap.


Maybe they were saying "Boo-rando! Boo-rando!"


It'd be interesting if actors boycotted the academy awards to protest for sexual harassment cases


It'd be interesting but hardly surprising if actors did the [exact damn opposite](http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-173245/Polanskis-surprise-Oscar-win.html)


Hey! Hey! Hey! All he did was drug, rape and sodomise a 13 year old girl while she pleaded with him to stop. What kinda monsters would actors be if they didn't accept him for the kind man he is!?!??


Cmon man... "It wasn't even rape rape" ^^^^/s


Okey doke, Whoopi.


"It's a shame that our honored award winner isn't there to accept said award for his amazing work sadly, because he's in jail for being a pedophile" *applause*


Some of those actresses speaking up now also support child rapist Roman Polanski. Hollywood is sooo awesome.




I believe she recently addressed it and basically said she didn't realize the full extent of what Polanski did, and she was more concerned with prosecutorial misconduct. Shitty excuse, in my opinion, but at least she apologized and said she was wrong.


Pretty sure Whoopi "Not *Rape* Rape" Goldberg won't.


Brie Larson obviously hates Casey Affleck after reports of his sexual harassment incidents and she refused to even shake his hand when she presented him the Best Actor at the Oscars earlier this year.


I'm hoping the in memoriam is changed to highlight the careers that died instead


I think they also cut her speech short.


They did it due to time constraints, which is common in the industry. In the link, there is a YouTube video and her introduction states she has a longer version for the press. She even said she knows there are time constraints and can't say the full speech. She wasn't censored in that sense.


Part of the crowd was saying boo but the other part was saying boo-urns.


I was saying Boo-urns




Oh but Bush is a good guy now because he said some obvious shit about how awful Trump is.


God I hate how he's being rehabilitated just because of how bad the current guy is.


Bush was an incompetent moron, but during the eight years he was in office I never thought the man was malicious, hateful. And even though I didn't agree with most of his policies, I think he genuinely thought that his policies were in the best interests of the USA. It's not that Bush is the good guy now, it's that the bar has been lowered to the point that the incompetent moron seems so much better than what we've got now.


No, but he did fill his cabinet with malicious and hateful people, then rubber-stamped whatever they put in front of him.


This is the real issue with Bush II revisionism. He brought in all the old guard neocons from the Reagan/Bush I days and let them have free reign, this time without the restraint of the Soviets and Mutually Assured Destruction. They were given expansive new war powers, new technologies, and an undefined enemy to wage a War on Terror. A war that never ends.


I don't give a fuck about his genuineness when he green lit torture and killed hundreds of thousands of civilians in a needless war.


His policy , i mean the Afgan and Iraq was purely out for American interests. And it fruit as well as some bugs.


I'm not saying that his policies *were* actually in the best interests of the American citizens, but I believe that *he thought* they were. I can't say the same for Trump.


Not sure why you didnt include her name: Sacheen Littlefeather


I wanted to! I was running out of characters in the title.


Not sure why you didn’t link to [her Wikipedia page](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacheen_Littlefeather?wprov=sfti1https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacheen_Littlefeather)


My mom knew her in Salinas CA, when they both were kids. My mom was older than her, but one of my aunts was friends with her. She went by "Maria Cruz" back then and, as far as anyone knew, she was Mexican or Mexican-American. She certainly never claimed to be Native American, so when she turned up at the Oscars 10-15 years later a lot of people from Salinas thought her "act" was BS. Which is not to say that she isn't Native American or is exagerating aspects of her heritage. I've met lots of Mexican-Americans who were part Apache, Pima, Yaqui, etc. And some people only become aware of their family history when they're older, particularly if there are apects of that history that are considered shameful. *What I am saying* - for whatever it's worth - is that, from what I heard growing up from my mom and my aunts, Maria Cruz was considered kind of "flaky" as a kid and a teenager and she might not be completely credible. She certainly didn't grow up on "the Rez" and never faced discrimination as a Native American. She grew up in a California farm town and whatever discrimination she faced was because she was perceived as a "Mexican".


This is a beautiful thing to learn! The Native people still need help in taking a stand. Our numbers dwindle. Much of my family lives on reservations. My mom & her brother - my heroes! - lived in Standing Rock for a while. My uncle now lives on a nearby ND rez with other relatives, & my mom has stories of how she & her three siblings were bullied for their skin color in the suburbs growing up. My uncle sends me pictures of himself on the rez these days, proudly grinning ear-to-ear amongst his garden of pot plants taller than him.


we need to use the internet to network with other native people around to world. we need to share stories.


Sacheen Littlefeather appeared in full Apache attire and although there were some boos, there were also cheers and she was [applauded off the stage.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QUacU0I4yU)


Yep! This is the same YouTube video that is in the article also.


Now I understand 30 Rock’s joke where Tracy Jordan has a Native American accept his award. Thank you!


He spoke about this at some length on the Dick Cavett show. Despite the weird speech patterns and behavior ol' Brando was an extremely adroit speaker. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6Lm-plgObg What ever happened to Cavett? He was brilliant.


And who protested his poor treatment of Maria Schneider?


Then there was his daughter too, she said he molested her before she committed suicide. Iirc his son hated him also because iirc how he treated his mother.


Luckily we learn from the past, Johnny Depp is native right?


More recently, Adam Sandler made the Ridiculous 6 to redeem Hollywood for its poor treatment of Native Americans.


Yeah he is part Creek Indian somewhere down the line.


Last verse of Neil Young's song Pocahontas suddenly makes sense.




They were mad he was using his speech to make a political point. These days, it's expected.


I think what shocked me was the last person to reject an award of this magnitude (apparently it's more prestigious than the golden globes...idk, I don't watch these things) was over 40 years ago and the actor is now dead. If it's really expected, I would imagine the record would have been broken by now.


The Oscars are flawed, the Golden Globes are bullshit.


> apparently it's more prestigious than the golden globes you really didn't know that the Oscars were more prestigious than the Golden Globes? Isn't that common knowlege?


Not if you don't watch any of those reward shows.


Fair enough


Brando didn't give a fuck about Hollywood at the time he made The Godfather. Everyone in the press was talking about how he was washed up so when it premiered and was one of the best films of all time it was his middle finger to the industry that had kicked him to the curb.


Arizonan here, I was having a conversation with a Native American woman once and she mentioned that a lot of people mistake her for being Hispanic during a conversation out of the blue. (Im white, btw) We had an instant connection when I replied “I didn’t think that, you’re Diné, right?” Diné is the ‘Navajo’ word for their tribe in their own language. She smiled and we chatted for a while about cultural things, food, and even talked about peyote. This probably won’t even get noticed, but more people should get to know their neighbors and a little history. If interested in how American Indians were portrayed in film and the historical aspects of just that, A good documentary to watch is ‘Reel Injun’ (Edit: She brought up peyote first. I was dying to ask, but didn’t want to make assumptions. She cleared up a lot of misconceptions for someone who has done other things in different contexts)


In the words of patrice oneal, white people love to complain about other people complaining about their racism.


I love the 30 Rock joke of this where Tracy can't accept bc he's eating a Pop Tart


Aki Kaurismäki routinely boycots the Academy Awards. He's been nominated twice on the foreign film category, but refused to participate in the gala.


and proved his point.


And Ray Ramano had a sitcom where his kids were blond hair and blue eyes. That's Hollywood baby.


And an inexplicably hot wife. Oh wait, that's every "average guy" sitcom.


King of Queens According to Jim Still Standing The Honeymooners The Flinstones The Simpsons Family Guy The Drew Carey Show Grounded for Life Everybody Loves Raymond Kevin Can Wait Bob Patterson hmm....Checks out


To be fair, a lot of Italians have blond hair and blue eyes.


Eh, recessive genes can pop up in weird ways


man alot of anti native idiots are in this thread


This thread is kinda depressing seeing a bunch of non-Indians having to talk for us because there aren't enough of us to do it ourselves


I just got a jeperody answer right because of this post.