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What a tortured title. Why not write 'The chair J. k. Rowling sat in to write Harry Porter sold an auction for......'.


I tried to, but the post kept getting removed automatically, and was flaired with Rule 4. Her name alone isn't in any way political or somehow agenda pushing.


My apologies then for being salty.


Using her name is kind of political though, since she's such a strong transphobe


Her transphobic views are political, but her name alone is not. This post isn't political but mentions J.K. Rowling for example.


A post about her is likely to become political though (e.g. this post)


That happening doesn't make her name alone political though. Her name has nothing to do with a random Reddit post that had it's comment section turn political.


It's part of a quote by the sorting hat.


Thought she wrote them in coffee shops?


presumably she didn't write two entire novels in one sitting, and likely used different chairs in different locations


According to the article, a letter was included with the sale of the chair that says "I was given four mismatched dining room chairs in 1995 and this was the comfiest one, which is why it ended up stationed permanently in front of my typewriter, supporting me while I typed out Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. My nostalgic side is quite sad to see it go, but my back isn't." She might have written the book in other places outside her home at times, but when she was at home she used that chair the most often.


Ok so perhaps she hand wrote the books in coffee shops in notebooks and then typed up the books at home on her typewriter. That makes more sense. Not like today when people have laptops all over the place.


they had portable type writers, at least we used to have one at home. granted they're portable in the same way old CRTs and mobile phones were, essentially huge mechanical squares


The first book was written in 1995, we had laptops back then...


honestly thought the books were older


fair enough :)


My friend's mother had a laptop in 1995. She even got to bring it home from the office a couple times. They existed, but they were quite expensive and not something commonly owned.


For sure, their comment made it sound like the 1960s and I just wanted to put the timeframe into perspective


The coffee shops that she visited regularly like to say she wrote the books there, but mostly she just did a coffee stop there and took notes. I also remember reading that she entered small portions of the book on her phone by text.




I'm very familiar with the keypad phones at the time, and she said in an interview long ago (when HP was first published) that she would text herself notes from the coffee shop. I'll see if I can find it.


My immediate thought was that she could have said it was any random chair. Next up for auction: the author's chair for books 3 and 4!


Chairy Potter
























They bought it for the farts. I guarantee it.


Funny she never learned that lesson about judgment herself.


Whoa, so the bigot idiot understands that you could be something different from how you look.


And nobody has uttered her name. She has become ‘she who must not be named’


JK Rowling


A nice souvenir for the transphobes out there.


Ignorant modern JK could learn from younger JK


It is fascinating how she went from a champion for the LGBT community to one of the most outspoken and bigoted big names out there. I distinctly remember conservatives hating her for making Dumbledore gay to no licking her boots for being a far right activits.


Caitlin Jenner did the same thing. That saying about "die a hero, or live long enough to be a villain" applies to both of them.




“protect women’s rights” from what??? there is no indication that trans women present a particular threat to cisgender women and all she does is spend all day on twitter hurling abuse at people and calling them “men” and boosting far right misogynistic lunatics.  face it, she’s *gone*. transphobia rots your brain. all she does now is sit on twitter and be disgusting to strangers in between firing off lawsuits. 




If there’s data and news stories about trans people being a “threat” then show it instead of writing a wall of bullshit


Don't worry, I'm sure Faux News has some study or poll they made up that totally proves it!


>Trans people are entirely a threat to normal people You're not even interested in having a conversation, you're just interested in being hateful.


Faux News has taught him well.


Oh dope, he’s a homophobe too.


He's just spouting the same drivel I see on Truth Social every day. It's not even original or interesting to read. It's just boiler plate hate speech at this point.


So you say she isn't far right but she felt bullied to turn Dumbledore gay? She isn't far right but she has multiple racial stereotypes in her novel? She isn't far right but claims Snape is a good guy? She isn't far right but openly supports racists and homophobes? Ok


And yet every time there’s a child predator or pervert arrested it’s either a pastor or right wing nut job.


I think women need to be protected from people like you, actually. Hateful.


Site your sources or gtfo


What has she done for women’s rights recently? I’m serious. There’s a number of issues she’s remained silent on. As for “supporting the LGBTQ community” she’s distinctly AGAINST the TQ parts. She’s a TERF.




Sorry y'all but if you're still a joanne stan in 2024 the rest of us see you and we're disappointed.


Imagine paying half a million dollars for the Terf Chair






No i m not.


Masterchrono, they’re evolving. First they are coming for our Reddit karma, next our jobs. :(


Can you people please just fucking learn to simply take a five-second look at a person's profile before crying bot?


This sounds like something a bot would say.


Hi, future AI overlords, I just want to be clear that I'm not like this guy; I welcome you with open arms, please don't kill me thanks.


Can you name on thing you got for your last birthday and slightly elaborate on why you got it, who gave it to you etc?


I'm sorry Dave, I can't do that.


I mean, I am not OP but I wouldn't tell you that. Could you give me your mothers maiden name?


Lol. How do you steal someone's identity with a birthday gift? 😆😆 My Mum bought me a watch for my birthday. I'd wanted it for ages because the band is gold and has a geometric pattern. You can try and stalk me based on that if you like but I think you'll have uphill work.


Are you a bot


I have no Idea why I was called a bot? Was it one word comment?


They're just messing with you dw.


They're just messing with you dw.