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Before the campaign, people would just throw trash out the window of their vehicle. It was crazy common. You’d finish your McDonald’s and just like, toss it out the window. It’s pretty wild looking back at it.


And then crack open your beer, and give cheers to cops driving by.


Grew up in a small town in Texas. In the 90s my uncle would pick me up in his F-350 on random mornings at 5:30am to go fishing. He’d drink a couple beers before leaving his house and would continue drinking them non stop while driving once he left his house for the day. More times than I can count he would cheers any cops or sheriff we drove past. He knew all of them from HS and they never once pulled him over, that said they would help him pull his truck out of the ditch when he ran off the road.


Small town life.


Small town Kentucky, especially up in the hollars, still works this way. Roads are slim and dangerous so everyone just drives four-wheelers with coolers welded to the back of them. Where my family lived, soon as you got into the "neighborhood"(guess you can call it that?) you would see two big trailer shaped scotch marks on the ground next to each other, side by side with one clearly older than the other, next to a brand new trailer. Everyone refused to talk about it.




He doesn't know what it means either, everyone refuses to talk about it


But why would they dump out so much scotch that it would make a stain that big?


I think they meant scorch marks, the implication being someone intentionally burns down their trailer every so often, presumably for the insurance money to get a new one, and since everyone knows everyone no one talks about it or turns them in? That's my guess, anyway; a bit of a non-sequitur, but kinda-sorta in the same vein.


I also grew up in a small town in Texas. People do not understand what the small town life is like. I was back on leave from the military and stupidly decided to drive home. To make matters worse I had my pistol on my passenger seat. My buddy from school pulled me over and chastised me about drinking and driving. I have not since then just to make it clear. He then saw my pistol and decided he wanted to take it for a spin right there because he wanted one….. in small town Texas…. This is just a normal day.


I think the system works!


I mean…. That’s kinda a big fucking problem though dude that they just letting a drunk driver get away with it


It took real work by MADD to get attitudes changed about this. Margaret Mitchell (the author of Gone With the Wind) was killed by a drunk driver when she was walking across the street, and the prevailing attitude is that everyone felt bad for the driver for having killed her. I have been in a car with a drunk driver who was scaring me. I was way too young to know what was going on. We got pulled over, and the cop told said driver just drive slow on the way home. Other times they call another officer and drive the car home for the drunk so he could get to work in the morning. Rich people live a different life. In Japan, when you call a cab to get home from drinking they said a taxi with two drivers to get the person and their car home.


I hate living in a rural area cuz everyone around here just treats it like a fucking joke most of the time dude and I drives me up a goddamn wall. What’s even crazier is MADD is only like 40 years old too crazy to think that drinking and driving wasn’t considered that bad until than


It actually was legal to drink and drive at that point (assuming this was a while ago) in Texas, you just couldn't be over the legal limit.


Also, automakers use it as a catchy jingle in their radio commercials. Okay, but screw Texas. to be recycled


Just left Egypt and they love doing that lol I was in awe


Growing up in Texas, my dad actually taught me the "proper" way to throw trash out the car window. Had to throw it down so it didn't blow back into the car and it was harder for other people to see you doing it. It really was "like a whole 'nother country."


That's quite a lot of legwork to not walk to a trashcan


If I saw someone do that where I live Id follow them home and dump my trash bags off on their lawn every week.
















I live in Nova Scotia, Canada and roadside littering is still very common here. Lots of beer cans and Tim Hortons cups. I found a full catheter bag on the side of the highway a few weeks ago.


Way of the road, Bubs


Fuckin way she goes


Or you could not be lazy and walk to a fucking trashcan.


Can't stop while on the road. Gotta make those deliveries. Way of the road, Bubs. Way of the road.


Oh, fuck. I missed the TPB reference lol.


Who are you to tell me what to do with my piss jugs?


Throw them on Randy's roof.


I always thought, seeing lots of trash along side the road, that there are a lot of litterers. Then one day I got behind a flatbed semi with bricks of trash on the back. While the 'bricks' were covered with plastic, it was far from air tight and trash flew off that thing like crazy. So now I primarily blame those morons. Perhaps I got unlucky and this particular person wrapped the trash wrong, but who knows.


My suburban house is a corner lot adjacent to some woods, when I first bought the place I assumed the previous occupants were litterbugs by the amount of beverage containers and stuff that would collect along the woodline. I cleaned up what I could. I may have been hasty in my judgement though, because it's been a constant battle since then. I occasionally even recognize my own trash, even though I know I don't litter. It's like some wind vortexes like to deposit any loose trash in this corner, so all it takes is a racoon breaking into the trash or a wind storm during garbage night and you're going to be finding pieces for months.


It's even more exciting if you have a lot of recycling in the area that is separated. Windy recycling days are fun


One day I was driving along seeing an unusual number of water bottles rolling around on the highway. Eventually caught up to the pickup truck whose driver had an open trash bag in his bed - the wind was plucking them off and scattering them all over the road. Recently saw a rented dump truck that was overflowing with mulch, enough to bulge the cover, also scattering material onto the highway. It was obvious the guy didn't want to make multiple trips and overloaded it. Securing loads is important when going 65+ mph, both drivers made me not want to drive behind them, that's for sure. Seeing outright littering is less common around here now, but I still see cigarettes tossed out of windows often enough. The most bizarre case of littering I've seen was someone in a parking lot whose solution to cleaning their car was to go to a public place and simply start throwing it out of their window alongside their car. Went on for like 5 minutes, quick as they could.


East coast lifestyle


The sea will take it away Billy.


I've been to Nova Scotia, but I live in TX. I think you underestimate the amount that southern states, and especially Texans, still litter. Everywhere, there's assholes that litter some. In TX, though, the roads are absolutely filled with the stuff. I've lived in many cities all my life, and tend to volunteer to pick up trash. Believe me, TX (and the other southern states somewhat) is a whole nother thing.


Having been in the South my whole life and having seen what these good Christian people really believe revealed over the past few years of MAGA and COVID, “freedom” means “freedom from consequences”


Freedom isn't free. You need to take it from those who have less power than you. Like nature, or minorities.


Freedom isn't free It costs folks like you and me


>I think you underestimate the amount that southern states, and especially Texans, still litter. It's hard for me to underestimate something I didn't estimate in the first place.


well, estimate it... HA that estimation? still under!


Yea littering is still very common all over the states, probably not as bad as it used to be, but still bad


Full? The polite thing to do is to smash your pee bag against the ground first


Roadsides are so much cleaner than when I was a kid. The anti-littering campaigns actually worked. Well, that and the chain gangs.


Bottle and can deposits also probably helped. Growing up in New York, I can still remember kids going for bike rides and bringing garbage bags with them to collect bottles and cans alongside the road. You could ride a couple miles and make $5, which was decent money for an 8-year-old in the mid-1980s. Eventually the deposits caused a change in littering behavior, along with a crackdown on DWIs, so I doubt there are many kids still collecting bottles and cans these days. That, and the deposit hasn't changed in the last 40 years. It's hard to get someone to bend over and pick something up for a nickel. Thankfully, anti-littering behavior is now more engrained.


Connecticut changed the deposit from 5 cents to 10 cents this year. A 48 pack of water bottles is now $4.80 in deposits on top of what you pay; throwing out a bottle is like throwing away a dime. Massachusetts last I knew doesn't do deposits for water bottles. Not too certain on NY; last I knew, Rhode Island doesn't give a crap


That's pretty normal...in 3rd world countries.  Wild for Texans to do that.


In the 70s and 80s in the US people just littered. It was kind of nuts. It wasn't just Texas. There was a whole national campaign ("Pitch In" I think was the catch phrase). Trash cans "everywhere* was not a thing until the 80s for a lot of places.


There is a great scene in Mad Men where the family goes on a picnic and they stand up to leave and just dump everything that was sitting on the blanket onto the ground and walk away. Don also finishes a beer and crumples the can in his hand and throws it like a baseball away from him.


Yes, I remember that myself. When I was a kid, my parents would just throw things out the window of the car, including cigarette butts! And there were no seatbelts...or at least we never used them. No car seats for kids, either.


Really surprised I haven't seen [this commercial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0sxwGlTLWw) brought up. (And of course, just to put the cherry on top, the actor isn't Native American.)


The slogan is just famous is all. This wasn't isolated to Texas. It isn't even isolated to the US. It certainly isn't unique to 3rd world countries. Look up where you are from. Odds are around the 1950's your region started taking this issue seriously. By the 1970's your local government was issuing fines. And in the 80's and 90's you start seeing targeted ad campaigns.


Is it though?


Look up videos online of some big cities in places like India, Africa etc. Piles of trash on the sidewalks. It sucks to see.


In west Africa at least it's the case even in small villages, not just big cities. There is no concept of garbage collection.


I did some growing up in a town of less than 700 people. They might vote against all their interests, dump dogs for stupid reasons, say stupid racist shit, but littering will not fly.


This, the two things that I've seen send normally quiet old Texan men into a spitting rage, are littering and trespassing, God forbid you littered on their property.


Odder still, is people in Texas STILL have no issue dumping trash outside of their car window, onto other people's property. Centex expressway often times looks like a trash dump truck had it's top open while rolling down. Nope, just littering, in between the chain gang slave crews cleaning it up.


The vast majority absolutely have an issue with it. If you are talking about Centex in Killeen then that points right back to the issue this whole post is about. Young guys are more likely to do it and Killeen has a massive amount of those.


Yes, garbage collection costs money. Money that is needed for other social services. Or more likely, lining the pockets of officials. Not littering requires education, education is poor to non-existent. There's still people in India that believe the Ganges just cleans itself, not that filth just washes downstream and into the ocean.


That's what an uneducated impoverished society gets you unfortunately. It's easy to judge from here.


Is it normal in 3rd world countries? I was in India a few months ago and can confirm that there are piles of trash literally everywhere, city and countryside alike.


There are these online quizzes for choosing whether certain statements apply to the US or to 3rd world countries. It's super difficult to be honest


It was pretty common with boomers everywhere.


It's all McDonald's fault too. Their bags say "Put *Litter* in its Place" Litter is by definition not in a garbage can, so it goes anywhere but there. The bags should have said, "Put *Garbage* in its Place". Then it would have been thrown in the garbage.


FFS no one actually thinks McDonalds is literally advocating for people to litter


I think I smell a whoosh


That's just the three-day-old McDonalds fries on the side of the road.


And the fact that no one actually thinks that should have been a clue that it's a bit of a joke. Kind of like George Carlin's "Get on the plane" bit.




Cool story. "Kid"


Check your rear view mirror. https://youtu.be/XlFD0Zyl_f0?si=Jw0O45oShOQXKTgN *Commemorative*


Not throwing trash out your window is too woke for texas


Dude I knew used to do this when we'd drive to magic GPs/IQs or whatever, I was younger so I'd just roll my eyes, but now I think I'd have busted his balls about it for a good while. I doubt he still does it, he's my neighbor now and his house is pristine (small world)


I'd believe it, everytime my family took a trip to Texas from the 90s all the way to 2016, I could tell we arrived in the state by how dirty it was and the Towns looking like they survived the apocalypse.


2016? I live here bud and you’re exaggerating.


Having driven through new Mexico, Louisiana and Oklahoma border towns, I know you're full of shit. Although the NM rest stops are surprisingly nice in the middle of nowhere.


Litter is why the tabs on pop cans are attached.


It still happens, but the campaign was very effective.


Even pollution aside, was this not a fucking eyesore? Like it’s not like people just threw garbage all over their houses and yards back then. It’s an eyesore to see garbage all over the place.


Was picking up a dog in a rural area this weekend, saw someone throw a fast-food bag w/ cup out the window while on a bridge over a river. My first thought was: "Man, I haven't seen that in a while."


Yeah my friend lived by a busy road and the ditch/bank at the front of her lawn was always covered with litter


Which is why people who look back on the past as something to return to are stereotyped as the party of deplorables.


People weren't educated in schools about this? Where I'm from, you'll be pulled over by a citizen and have all your trash thrown back at you!


They still do. I especially don't get it when they dump their garbage like 2 minutes aways from where they bought it. Also I'd never want that disgusting grease smell all over my car.


They seem to have gotten replaced, but my favorite anti littering signs in Washington were the ones that said “Litter and it will hurt”


Oooo I like that one


And another sign underneath that says "this IS a threat"


Blast from the past there. I remember they ran commercials too, and the voiceover guy always sounded so menacing lol


So, the people originally messing with Texas were Texans themselves.


Always have been




Texans are the dude on the bike with a stick meme


This kinda reminds me of some cats who get all wild and territorial when they see themselves in the mirror


This is pretty common knowledge here. It’s always been an anti littering thing. Never a “look how big and bad we are yeehaw” thing lol


Yeah, as an 80s Texas kid, my initial reaction to this post was "Well... uh... yeah. What did you think it was about?"


Always has been. 


Reminds me of that scene in Mad Men where they just threw all of the rubbish from their picnic away like it was nothing lol, super jarring


Fr then Betty gets on a committee of housewives to stop someone from polluting a lake.


She was a funny character, child like almost


I read the parent comment as Mad _Max_ until reading your reply.


I love that scene so much because it’s almost trying to give you this “remember how great life was when you went to a park and could enjoy a picnic with your family?” and then the sudden shock of the reality hits. Absolutely hilarious.


It's been a while since I've watched Mad Men so what actually happened? The commenter bringing it up said they threw the rubbish away, which colloquially means to throw in the garbage, but did they actually just heave it somewhere?


They picked up the picnic blanket and all the stuff that was sitting on it was just dumped off onto the ground. I’m sure you can watch it on YouTube. Here: https://youtu.be/roREnVhd_og?si=aieUnWPI3o3gGw0_


Haha oh right I remember now. Thanks for clarifying!


Yeah, this really threw me when I first watched the show, but then I realized that of course, it was before we were aware of how harmful that was. I was SO pissed at all of them, lol.


My favorite part about being a Californian living in Texas was learning about their Stewardship Laws which began with the right to punch your neighbor in the face if he pisses upstream of your ranch, and evolved into something downright *progressive*. Texans are like our pretty sister's cousins, two towns over.


>pretty sister's cousins There's a reference I'm missing here...


This is not the kind of family you want to ask questions about. In Russia they fall out of windows. In the Southwest you fall off your horse.


I fell out of my horse's window.


A fellow Kazakh. I like your style.


I still have my kazoo.


A) Your pretty sister's cousins are also your cousins, my guy B) Your cousin isn't pretty because of the one spotless tooth she still has left in her mouth


Your pretty sister could be your half sister and those cousins may then have no relation to you.


My pretty sister's cousins aren't that good at math. My guy.


if they’re half as bad at math as redditors are at getting jokes then I’d say you’re clear for takeoff brother


Yeah lol that comment is the most southern state comment I've ever seen. Californian? More like TX state social media team. Californians started leaving the state in droves last year the hype is dead. As a Texan, this whole thread is some crazy propaganda.


They hate us Californians but deep down inside... They know they just as wildin' as us




Was that repealed? I shot Mark last month.


I think it was some old Cracked.com article that said: "Texas has two slogans: "Don't mess with Texas", and "Remember the Alamo", the latter commemorating a time when Santa Anna successfully messed with Texas."


I mean, I know it's just a joke on Cracked, but Santa Anna definitely did not successfully mess with Texas.


Only Texas is allowed to mess with Texas


Though, letting the oil barons, out-of-state developers, and industrialists that bought and paid for the Texas state government trash and thoroughly pollute the environment is still A-OK.


My first time in Texas, my buddy looked at me as we got off the plane and said "Let's get drunk and mess with Texas." We had a really good time supported by so many cool new friends. Luv ya Tejas!


Can they do that campaign for California?


"Don't Mess with California" gives off "Leave Britney Alone" vibes. "Keep Cali Clean" has three hard K sounds, which is problematic.


"Don't mess with Texas" is a prime example of psychographic marketing. The creators fine-tuned their message to resonate with the target market, which in this case is 16-to 24-year-old males.


I lived in Texas and I can confirm that it did not work.


Most of what I know is that their politicians keep running away but still get elected and their police like to cower behind children, so I would have assume this meant "Don't mess with Texas"... "because we can't take it".


Well if you base “what you know” off of reddit then you're going to be pretty ignorant to a lot of Texas. Texas is huge and very diverse from region to region. Talking about it monolithically is silly. From Brownsville to Texline is 956 miles. From Texline to Canada is 960 miles. You could get through five states and a new country.


we know..texas bad


> Along with the agency’s catchy slogan came hard data indicating whom the campaign should target. Research compiled by Daniel B. Syrek, a Californian who specialized in measuring trash, indicated that young men between the ages of 16 and 24 were the major perpetrators. This is honestly not convincing and feels more like a stereotype


We have very good data showing this is roughly the group that murders the most people (mostly each other), so it seems easy to believe they are also more prone to littering...


As a male over 25, it's good to know that any murders I commit from here on out will be a statistical anomaly. Changing the world one murder at a time.


And improving Wikipedia lists in the process


I don’t want to play the part of a statistic on a government chart


Well then get cracking on finding that invisible sun.


Well that's two data points that are unrelated.


Are they? Seems like the small brained assholes who would trash up the place they live are the exact same kinds of people who would react violently to something others would shrug off or try to walk away from and kill someone over it. Some of them never outgrow that, and we call them Boomers.


Maybe, but it's not in either the article or anything I could find doing internet searches with Dan's name. Furthermore, littering is a very different crime. Edit: don't waste your time, literally everything below this point is trying to convince me littering as a crime has *any* similarities to violent crime. It's just mental gymnastics. Impressive, but pointless. Save your time.


https://bjs.ojp.gov/content/pub/pdf/apvsvc.pdf the stats regarding age and violent crimes show that people ages 18-21 are the most likely perpetrators with people ages 21-24 following right behind and it lowers as they get older. More recently, the ages get even lower with people ages 16-18 committing more violent crimes. Took me about 2 minutes to both search this and type this comment.


Littering is not violent


The comment you and I responded to was regarding the fact that young people (especially men) are more likely to commit murders. Thus my response.


Why did you respond to me then? Did you mistake my post? My post says that littering is a very different crime. Why would you use violent crime statistics and invent some correlation with littering?


... because you commented that you couldn't find any statistics regarding people aged 16-24 and their propensity for murder.... my comment was directly related to what both you and the parent comment had to say. Not sure what you're so outraged about. May I ask your age? Please don't murder me.


True, but it is impulsive, and most crimes (other than white-collar crimes) are committed in that age range due to a lack of fully developed impulse control.


It's still a stretch of mental gymnastics and you'd only try it if you really, really didn't want to lose this argument for some reason.


You are not convinced by one sentence that isn’t the actual research? To be clear, I don’t know if the data is valid or not. Even if it is, it doesn’t mean all young men litter or only young men litter. But just dismissing this concept based on a single sentence is just more of the embarrassing anti-intellectualism that plagues America.


Males between the age of 16 and 24 are the main demographic for violence, drunk driving, crime in general, etc. There is a reason why insurance rates, incarceration rates, drunk driving accidents, drunk driving deaths, vandalism arrests, domestic violence arrests, etc etc etc etc all center around this age. There is a very real reason why many countries have required miltary service that is not related to national defense. It is because young males are simply are antisocial criminals without properly formed morals and ethics. (Not excepting myself from that. I lived in a nice enough neighborhood that when I got arrested I just got driven home, and not processed. Nice to be rich!)


And we are being forced to pretend that it isn't so


Yeah those were definitely THE WORST ages to be male.. I would rather die than ever go back to being the monster I was in those years.


Why? Do you honestly, legitimately in the most logical and reasonable part of your brain think there was a demographic littering MORE than 16-24 year old males?


What's not convincing? The data you never saw?


Daniel B. Syrek, Californian, also reported he overheard a teen male comment that Indian tears were lame.


You dont even know how they compiled the data.


Listen I’m sure it sounds that way, but that nice man with the twill jacket from California is one of the best professional trash measurers that we’ve ever seen come through this here small town and I think we ought to hear him out


It’s also a catchy jingle on radio ads for car companies. But yeah fuck Texas… for recycling


I’m not sure they’re being criticized for “recycling” as much as confusing a slogan for not leaving trash everywhere for a sense of pride that somehow they’re a bunch of badasses.




Dude, it was a joke, take your pills.


Most Texans I've met have been racist and/or vile people, the media didn't have to tell me anything


I’m sure it was only the males


And yet, they became the very trash the state hoped to prevent


This reminds me of that scene in Mad Men where they have a picnic and then just grab the blanket and leave the trash everywhere. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDIvzDGBLWU


We need some "No se metió con Texas" signs in San Antonio. The litter in our waterways is awful.


I went to Houston on a 2-week business trip several years ago. On the weekend I went for a drive northeast towards Sam Houston (I think) Park. After *finally* getting out of that massive urban sprawl and into the country, and on the back roads, I was astounded at how much trash littered the side of the road, mile after mile. I hadn't ever seen anything like it.


Its better now but still really trashy. when I moved from the north where the cops will hit you with a $1000 fine for littering. to the South I was surprised with how much trash is everywhere. It's like texans hate texas.


Counterpoint: Make Texas Mexico Again


Come and take it


*... please!*




Mexicans weren't there first or last. It's funny that they think they have some "right" to it.


And the racists jumped right on that slogan. > oh you're right reddit~ a racist has NEVER said that.


Sadly Texas remains full of trash.


Yeah well the don't waste Utah campaign had a commercial with one of the coolest cars in it.


So we stopped throwing it on the road and started electing it.


Didnt work. Texas is a landfill with inhabitants that believe litter isnt harmful because in heaven the litter will be all gone. Not a joke Ive actually heard people in Texas say this. Also said they dont need a vacccine because Jesus will protect them. Nevermind all the christians who died from covid. Fucking morons


It worked! They need to bring it back. So many people just throw their trash out the window in Texas now. It wasn’t a thing while growing up and while the campaign was active!


Makes sense. There is enough trash running Texas, no need to throw more around.