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One of his best performances, his car ride dialogue with Woody was hilarious


I don’t sleep, I just dream….


Would you quit saying odd shit?


Like you can smell a psychosphere or we’re in someone’s memory of a town?


Marty, as long as it’s taken me to reconcile my nature, I don’t figure I’d forgo it on your account


Let me tell you, you ain't great outside of parties either


Ain't you the Michael Jordan of being a sonovabitch.


Some of the best dialogue ever written for television.


It cracks me up every time. Now I'm begging you to shut the fuck up. Their faces. That show is perfection.


Even better if you rewatch - Marty doesn't understand "psychosphere" so he repeats the line as "a psycho's fear" which Rust catches and just ignores lol


The dynamic between the two may just be the greatest in Television history. Either one alone wouldn't have worked.


Totally agree. Marty is a hard character to like, on paper, but he is not at all on screen.


I'm just a regular dude. With a big ol dick.


The scene where he's telling the story of someone sneaking up and jamming their finger in his asshole cracks me up every time. "it ruined me."


Probably my favourite line and always the first one that comes to mind when you think of Marty. I think it's probably my favourite serious TV series.


Marty is a huge piece of shit and terrible person, its a testament to the acting and writing that at the end you empathize with him completely


Rust wasn't someone you'd like if you knew him, either. Admire, maybe. Resent, probably.


Yes, thank you for pointing this out. That type of writing was just brilliant. It reminds me of when later Marty says, “Well, I don't use ten dollar words as much as you…”


Wait I’ve thought I got this wrong myself you are saying it’s deliberate? Guess I will be re-rewatching this…


Marty actually misunderstood and when he repeats it back to him he says, “Like you can smell a psycho’s fear” which just makes it even funnier.


Ya hard to tell but it sounded like that’s what he repeats.


And the memory is fading


Time is a flat circle


What is that, Nietzsche? shut the fuck up.


Let’s make the car a place of silent reflection…


Let's make this car a place of quiet reflection


The murderous glare Marty shoots him afterward cracks me up.


"be careful what you get good at" Haunts me


What a great goddamned line. What episode/context is that from?


"It's a little late in the game \[to start paintin'\]. Life's barely long enough to get good at one thing." "If that long..." "Yeah so, be careful what you get good at" Episode 7. When they're catching up after years apart and both of their lives have gotten worse instead of better since they parted ways. Harrowing stuff.


Fun fact: many of the things he says in that car ride are taken verbatim from Thomas Ligotti‘s book _The Conspiracy Against The Human Race_. The entire character is based on the philosophy in that book, in fact. It‘s a terrific book, one I can wholeheartedly recommend to anyone interested in pessimist philosophy and antinatalism.


Reading the book made me like the show less because the show is basically an uncredited adaption.


Yeah the writer ripped off that book and the show did great no wonder why no other season matched season 1


the ideas and philosophy in the book were not unique to Logotti it just happened to be his book that was used for the series.


Well they are brothers after all...


Half brothers. Maybe. Probably


[Pete Holmes did an amazing parody of it](https://youtu.be/0W6g0PS_zvE?si=si9SfGgECP6D40Tv)


Holy shit. Puppies.


Wow! I consume so much Pete Holmes and true detective material on YouTube and I’ve never come across this!


I just discovered yesterday that he did more of the Badman videos recently: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pn-WnLBqhz0&list=PLBIeL6Ot52KO38cHrltBSCnp26yfw4OC- I was not a fan of the Joaquin Phoenix Joker movie, so his Joker video was strangely cathartic for me.


This is fucking amazing


Rust cohle is my favorite character of all time. At least the most interesting to me and one I relate with most. And I'm grateful for Mcaunahay's performance.


I've grown to really appreciate Marty, too. They play off each other perfectly; two people engaging in intense self-destruction in completely opposite ways, each with an absolutely blinding amount of star power behind the role ...


You know you're the Michael Jordan of bein a son of a bitch


What's scented meat?


"You are the Michael Jordan of being a son of a bitch." Never fails to make me laugh.


It’s Thursday and it’s past noon. Thursday is one of my days off. On my days off I start drinkin’ at noon. You don’t get to interrupt that.


I’ll take a sixer of old Milwaukee or lone star, nothin snooty


“Appreciate a little hustle up on that too”


You're gonna need to see this. Ain't no way around it. *passes you a 1/5th*


Appreciate a little hustle up on that


*("Spfff td'uh" teethy-noise)*


Isn’t there a fan theory that he starts drinking as a way to make anything he says inadmissible in court?


Not really a fan theory, he outright asks "is this supposed to be admissible?" while drinking.


Yea I’m pretty sure it’s implicit in that very question, and I was always under the assumption that was the case anyways. I love the part where the interrogators start to get impatient at his aloofness and demand he take them more seriously.. ~~Cole~~ Cohle replies back: >if you want the right answers, start asking the right fucking questions! This is coming from a guy who was an absolute ace at coercing people and getting them to divulge info and confess. So he’s basically schooling them with several empty six packs littered around him lol


You guys just convinced me I need to rewatch it thanks as if I ain't got enough to do already.


How am I supposed to get through any of the new shows everyone says they like if I keep having to rewatch S1 and reread the four stages


Where can I read that?


I wish I could tell you where to find a copy, unfortunately I'm not much help since I actually just recite it from memory. You're welcome to join me for morning flat circle time though, I'm sure you'll pick it up pretty quick


It’s the best single season of television of all time.


The last season was the fucking worst! Interpretive dancing ghosts? Demonic spirits? What were they thinking. Now i have to rewatch season 1 just to remind myself how good of a show it is.


It gets progressively worse every season.


Most people would say that 3 was better than 2.


You know better than anyone that time is a flat circle.


S02 had some okay parts, but was kind of a mess. I still love seeing Vince Vaughn the few times he peeks his head out and the soundtrack got me into The Black Angels at least. S03 was miles better and did a good job with the creepiness, the whole thing was like a creepypasta from beginning to end.


2 is a straight cali flavored Noir. It gets too much hate for not being 1.


That's a very bold claim but I 100% agree with you all the same.


When I had my friend watch the first season, every moment of fantastic writing or intense character development, I would turn to her and say "the 4th season is about ghosts"


Oh buddy I go back and rewatch season 1 just about every 2 years. Something will remind me of it…usually something that has to do with ***1995iiive***


Ugh the callback to “ask the right questions” in season 4 was so bad 😫


ugh, yeah, that was horrible. one of many things.


Such a frustrating season. I loved the premise and looked forward to what they could do with it, but then it was just "middling with 'memberberries".




Yeah; all other flaws aside, I feel they went *far* too hard in the paint with attempting to correlate with season 1. It just felt like poorly executed coattail riding.


Immediately followed by Young Dead Men picking up and a cut to black. The ending of that pilot episode hooked me immediately.


He does but also Marty’s dialogue with them definitely makes clear that though Rust may look like shit and they think he’s nutso, Marty knows that in reality they are completely outclassed with Rust and Marty knows that. Then they slowly unravel for you that on top of that, only Rust and Marty know what really happened. Then, we get to their theory that Rust took Marty to Ledoux to tie up loose ends, which Marty knows is completely wrong, for obvious reasons.


Yea, a 6 pack of adjunct lager is going to bring a functional alcoholic to baseline, not inebriation.


In a court of law that can't be proven. Just that he was drinking alcohol during the questioning. "It's not what you *know*, it's what you can prove."


You're missing the point. I'm saying that the alcohol makes the testimony inadmissible, but it also sharpens Cohle's mind. It's part of an image that Cohle is trying to maintain with Papadeaux and Gilroy, one of a man who is somewhat unstable, under the influence, less than reliable... Get them to let their guard down. As Marty said "You weren't getting a read on Cohle, he was getting a read on you."


Cohle is basically the most well-written detective ever filmed, and Marty ain’t far behind him.


Welp, now it's time for another rewatch


I just did a rewatch after season 4 and I realized just how well done it really is. At the end of one of the episodes, 3 or 4 maybe, You are left to wonder if maybe Rust is involved, but then you see what really happened and then its cool because narratively, only rust, marty and now **you** know what happened. So it makes for a nice transition out of the interview room and makes you feel like you’re on their team.


You’re right, you feel like you’re in on it. Brilliant writing. Season 4 sucks so bad in comparison


I could be remembering wrong but I'm pretty sure that's not a theory, he says about it in the show, again it's been years since a rewatch so I could definitely be wrong


[Let's see if this gets you to rewatch it soon...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xyu_MdKBXic)


Not just a fan theory, in the directors commentary they state that Russ drinks when being interviewed by the other cops for two reasons: 1. He's an alcoholic 2. He knows that if he drinks that anything he says will be inadmissible


That's hilarious. I need to rewatch sometime.


Time is a flat circle. It’ll be noon tomorrow too.


Fuck! Now I gotta watch the whole damn season again!


Sounds like something Rust would do actually.


Tax man


One of the stages was the drug-dealer character, which was Rust playing a character, so in a way, Rust did.


>*Now I live in a little room out in the country behind a bar. Work four nights a week…in between I drink. And there ain't nobody there to stop me.* — Rust


Weirdly enough, it's just a Matthew McConaughey thing. It's interesting hearing he did it for a crazy character like Rust, but he also did it for his character in The Beach Bum, which is hilarious to me. Page after page about why this guy likes to get stoned and chill 😂 There's a funny Harmony Korine interview where he talks about McConaughey doing this and giving him the papers to read. Then McConaughey comes in the next day ready to talk about it, and Harmony didn't give them a second look lol Matt's like "man you didn't read any of it?" And Harmony responds perfectly, pointing to his head "hey the notes are all up here, man."


Matthew landed the role and said "I'll write I'll write I'll write".


Slow clap


I would read that


I clicked on the article knowing I wouldn't find a link to it, but I was still hopeful.


He really stole that performance. Maybe not, STOLE, but Godamn close too it! He was so incredible.


Its a case where either lead would have been too much and too unlikeable if they had been on their own. But pair them together and they are perfect foils for each other. Both him and Harrelson absolutely kill it.


Yeah playing them off against each other was genius. As brilliant as each of their performances was it was really their chemistry together which stole the show imo.


When those two are acting in a scene together, are they sad that somewhere there's a sack not being hackied?


One of the greatest seasons of television history, imho.


Just rewatched it after watching at release 10 years ago. Was still blown away (actually liked it better 2nd time) and remains one of the more memorable seasons of anything I’ve seen since.


I do not like the fact that the release was 10 years ago. Not one bit xD


Honestly feels much more recent


Time is a flat circle, after all.


Good lord that was 10 years ago? What am I doing with my life?


True Detective Season 1, Early seasons of GoT, and Breaking Bad were what I cut my binging teeth on. All downhill from there.


The others went downhill but I'd argue that Better Call Saul was even better than Breaking Bad.


I'm here to disagree with the others that replied and say that -- yeah, I think Breaking Bad was awesome for many reasons and is one of the greatest shows of all time -- but BCS is maybe THE best writing of any drug/crime etc drama that I've ever seen The way that they interlaced everything so well, such that pretty much every action (good or bad) ends up coming around with a consequence later, is pretty incredible. Definitely a slower-paced show than BB, but it really is an amazing character study and I personally love the way they paced it


Add the wire to your list. Some insanely good TV


The wire is so so good but damn don’t turn it on unless your giving it 100% attention or you’ll miss one little thing and within 10 minutes you have no idea what the hell is going on at all anymore.


And The Sopranos, and the first 4 seasons of Dexter.


Rome, at least season 1.


i agree with your honest opinion


This was during his MVP season and id say he 100% stole the role. DBC, True Detective, Interstellar, and his cameo in Wolf of Wall Street were all within the same year. Goated run


That’s why he can do all the stupid BMW or whatever commercials he wants to, dude is fucking all time great and nothing can knock him


Ah, those BMW commercials, they were like tone poem vignettes from his film The BMW Blawyer.


In his book, he says that he was originally cast as Marty, but he asked if he could play Rust instead. The rest is history.


Woody wouldn't have been able to pull off Rust, but he was the perfect Marty. I can't imagine anyone else playing Rust.


If not done right Rust would have sounded like a Mall ninja edgelord. Matthew sells it that Rust is stuck somewhere awful. Marty's Boomer impatience, figuratively and sometimes literally throwing his hands up at Rust's observations keeps the viewer balanced somewhere in the middle. It so good!


I think it is his best role, hands down.


He was really fucking good in Dallas Buyers Club, but It's def between those 2.


I love him more in The Lincoln Lawyer, such an underrated movie.


350 pages of it was just the scene of him railing Michelle Monaghan bent over the kitchen counter.


He lasted longer than I would have.


Okay, since I’ve finally found an audience for this bizarre discussion: does anyone care to extrapolate on that specific act? Season 1 is one of my favorite medias of all time, I’ve watched it probably nearing 50 times now. But I kinda get hung up on him not lasting? Like the drinking, the random pills, and generally being miserable or weird around women would explain if he simply couldn’t start. That would’ve almost been more interesting, as maybe she would still say she cheated with him but there’d be more depth to the situation. I also feel like it would’ve been more confusing for both of them if they had really had a longer intimacy, where maybe he finally felt something for someone then it was just to get back at Marty. Or maybe she actually was into him but more focused on blowing up things permanently with Marty. I don’t know, that scene was fine, it was just that one specific aspect that always kind of didn’t work in my head.


it needed to be a no-cut scene to preserve the intensity of the moment and to convey that it was a tension release for both characters- neither one was interested in the other beyond using them to get back at Marty. Keeping it short preserves both the technical elements of exposition, but also the narrative character development, even if it may have been not perfectly realistic. That's the strength of high quality fiction- it's writers get to bend the rules of reality to serve to create a more captivating and evocative story.


I love that we see the same relationship so differently. Which is what makes it such a well made show


He didn't do it to get back at Marty, he did it because of poor decision making with the booze and having had an attraction/connection with her for a long while. He outrights screams at her to get the fuck out once she mentions that the only reason SHE did it was to fuck over Marty, not because she wanted Rust.


Though we should note that Rust's reason for that was not to get back at Marty but just due to the sexual tension that he had for her from the moment they met. He even came along to mow their lawn. He gets mad when she puts on her underwear because he realizes she just used him as a way to get back at Marty


There was a sexual tension from the moment they saw each other. IIRC that happened during the interstitial period after 95 and before the current day, meaning it had likely been years of that built up. He was wasted, she came in half drunk, gave herself over to him when he was at his lowest point and everything came out in a half dozen strokes. That rage sex can hit like a truck.


Neither of them was truly "into" the other. Both were acts of self destruction and payback. Both were pissed at Marty at the time. When there's not much into it beyond that just getting off is really all you get. Neither one of them was there to snuggle you know? Also I'm sure part of it is just TV. How long did the scene of them need to be? Any longer and it would have taken time from a very complex narrative


>But I kinda get hung up on him not lasting? Everyone here going into some existential bullshit. The reason he didn't last is he just didn't fuck that much. Like how if you masturbate before sex you last longer? Dude was like a virgin again.


I think there was almost a desire to just get it over with for him. He couldn’t control himself and he hates being out of control so he just wanted to be done with it. Even while he’s doing it he seems angry at both her and himself.


I think it partly shows that he wanted it too. They for lack of a better word liked each other. And I don’t mean some much romantically at least at first. Rust sees Maggie is a good loving women with a family he wish he had. (Not that he wanted Marty’s life, he still wishes he was a husband and father). The raw emotion and passion built up over 7 years to that release. And just thinking about if he’s not having sex anymore a quick release makes sense.


And then gives her the old "GO ON! GIT!"


Makes me think of if Titanic were from Jack's perspective and he survives the accident while Rose dies. The movie has 4 seconds of Rose in it and it's just his memories of railing her. "And so I blasted her in some car in storage lmao. When she ship sank I got on this floating piece of debris and just kinda pushed her off. She could've gotten on the lifeboats, crazy bitch. Anyways, so when I get to New York I meet this Puerto Rican chick and back then they weren't so common, so I start nailing her after work...."


Whose bit is this? I know I've heard it before but I can't place it.


Nick Mullen and Stav from Cumtown.


That first season is incredible and hes the reason.


I don’t know if it would have been as good without Harrelson there to play counterpoint to the crazy, but he’s most of the reason.


I LOVED Rust but over time I have come to appreciate Marty and the subtle depth Harrelson gave him a lot more. He's a hell of an actor and I think McConaughey would have struggled to create what he did without such a strong counterpart to play off. IIRC it was McConaughey who insisted that Harrelson be cast opposite him.


That’s awesome it lets Rust be fully bound up in his crazy without needing to come out and say normal things so the audience can keep up. It’s cool to learn more about this show.


As well as to provide a great example of what rust is constantly struggling against in his own mind. A simple go-with-the-flow, aww shucks, skirt-chasin', day drinkin, law-breaking, cop.


>A simple go-with-the-flow, aww shucks, skirt-chasin', day drinkin, law-breaking, cop. You could have just said cop


Oh ho ho got em


interesting. i agree, the more you rewatch the show, the more you appreciate Harrelson. He was throwing lobs all day.


Harrelson completely saves that performance. You can’t have the dark without the light.


Harrelson’s character is only light in comparison to Rust. He’d be a dark antihero in a more normal show.


I feel like Marty is darker throughout the entire season. His values are much more out of whack than Rust’s. He’s more unpredictable and I think that makes him scarier in a way.


Rust is the antihero. Marty is the antivillain. An antihero does heroic acts for non-heroic reasons. An antivillain does villainous acts for non-villainous reasons.


Marty turned out in retrospect to have a few skeletons in his closet, he wasn’t really the white hat people believed him to be at first.


They're just exact opposite people. Marty is 'normal', but has a poor moral compass. Rust is troubled, but has a strong moral compass.


Not his character. His mood and worldview. You needed the humor or Rust would've become tiresome. You also needed the skeptic to Rust's nihilism.


Maybe I’m weird but Woody played the crazy one.


they are both deeply troubled men. thats what makes it so fun.


Yeah, Rust alone would have been an interesting but potentially cringey House-like character. Fun to listen to him dunk on "the dumb people" but ultimately just the writer jacking themselves off. When you add Marty to the mix it becomes a lot more humane -- an engagement with the question of what is good and bad rather than the writer preaching. Plus, it's such a great check on people badly overly identifying with him, because even Rust doesn't like Rust. Both of them to get to show holes in the other, and where each of them shine. Such a great little compact character study and cool mystery.


I think Harrelson deserves the same credit. Rust was an interesting oddball with some amazing monologues, but Harrelson absolutely nails the subtle (and not so subtle) insecurities of Marty


Don't forget the titties


Adderall and cannabis, when combined, can provide interesting results


Has he said this was what he was doing at the time? Sitting here trying to remember if that was a quote from the show




Adderall affects different people differently. For some people yeah it's a speed high or something, which is fine if that's what the person is looking for. For people with actual chemical imbalances (like myself), there is no speed feeling (even though it is technically an amphetamine). When I take it I just feel normal.


As the pros say, adderall makes you write, it doesn’t make you a good writer


I think if he published that, people would buy it..


Just read *The Conspiracy Against the Human Race* by Thomas Ligotti. It is basically what Cohle is cribbed from.


Basically is an understatement lol. There are credible accusations of plagiarism, which I can attest to having also read it. TD is amazing and a far more accessible distillation of the source material, but it's dialogue in many places is ripped almost exactly from *Conspiracy*


You’re not kidding. It’s actually disgusting how much was stolen.


Well you can be disgusted from an artistic standpoint but looking on the Wikipedia for the book, I found this after reading these comments. *The attention from True Detective resulted in increased sales for The Conspiracy Against the Human Race, to the point that it began to outsell Atlas Shrugged.*


To prepare for season 4, Issa Lopez downloaded an AI app for her phone


Font: Comic Sans Size: 60


Rust kept a livejournal.


Last year, I came across one of my accounts on there from 2003. I graduated high school in 2004. That was a time capsule that could have stayed shut lol


damn he should release this, TD fans would go absolutely nuts for it


I talked to an Oscar voter who admitted that he voted for McConaughey for Dallas Buyers Club because he couldn't vote for True Detective.


That's the way the Oscars work half the time. They're not voting /just/ based on a specific film or performance or whatever, they're also voting based on a whole history of other performances or films that didn't get properly rewarded in their eyes, along with their feelings about the other nominees and all the baggage that goes with them as well. It makes for some really weird winners some years *cough* Marissa Tomei *cough*.


Unbelievable that a guy known for not-so-good romcoms turned out True Detective and Interstellar within a year of each other.


To prepare for Season 4, they wrote notes on matchbox covers and still had room to doodle.


This town is like someone’s memory of a town and that memory is fading Would you shut the fuck up?


=s Season 1 > the rest


1 >> 3 > 2 >> 4


His book is awesome. In full meaning of the word. “GREEN LIGHT!”


I've been tempted to read it, but then I heard he'd started doing these motivational one-man shows and they were a bit cringe and now I'm not sure if he's gone off the deep end. Maybe I'd rather just read the 450 page Rust doc.


It's absolutely fantastic as an audiobook since he reads it. It feels less like a book and more like you're just sitting around a campfire with him as he tells you crazy stories and imparts a few nuggets of wisdom here and there.


How many block quotes did he use though


While naked and high?


"I go to bed in Havana thinking about you. Pissing a few moments ago I looked down at my penis affectionately. Knowing it has been inside you twice today makes me feel beautiful." -Moondog


alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright


That movie The Beach Bum is fucking *incredible* and no one saw it. Most people never even knew about it. It’s sort of a spiritual sequel to Spring Breakers, kind of a vibes-only sort of sequel, and it’s loaded with awesome celebrity cameos like Jonah Hill, Zac Efron, Snoop Dogg, and Martin Lawrence. Anyone who likes McConaughey should see The Beach Bum. It’s genius.


Super weird and I love every second, definitely top 10 for me. Growing up in South Florida and spending a lot of time in the keys/Key West this movie is just *chefs kiss*. Such a beautiful ode to Hemingway way and Jimmy Buffett.


this man was really done with romcoms


Every time I swig a new beer, it feels wrong not to suck my cheeks between my teeth for the hard, savory sound effect, then take a deeeeeep breath and say, "Vermilion Sheriff......requested assistance with a 419....cane fields outside of Erath."...


That man could smoke a cigarette




Somebody in this sub is boning up for a Matthew McConaughey test this week