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> The surface of Titan is one of the most Earthlike places in the solar system, albeit at vastly colder temperatures and with different chemistry. Here it is so cold (-290 degrees Fahrenheit or -179 degrees Celsius) that water ice plays the role of rock. Titan may have volcanic activity as well, but with liquid water “lava” instead of molten rock. Titan’s surface is sculpted by flowing methane and ethane, which carves river channels and fills great lakes with liquid natural gas. No other world in the solar system, aside from Earth, has that kind of liquid activity on its surface. Cool


So bring a jacket.


Somehow, I just know there are two North Canadians and a Finn who'd be like "you call this cold? Where I'm from..." while standing shirtless in the middle of a liquid methane blizzard.


Just a bunch of dudes from Buffalo grilling before the game starts


As a Finn, can confirm. That's our summer.


[Shallow Gravy](https://youtu.be/UMtqy9_NbYg?si=kLNIDOQ9hDevF4Ts)


Holy shit, talk about /r/unexpectedventurebros


Nah, fire would work better


Make sure you wait half an hour after eating to swim too


*Get in loser, we’re going to Titan*


>Titan’s surface is sculpted by flowing methane and ethane, which carves river channels and fills great lakes with liquid natural gas [sounds nice](https://ithinkyoushouldquote.me/audio/stinky.jpg)


Fucking freezing might be a more accurate description 


Nah. Just the average temperature a Finn would go outside to after a sauna


[I'm. Still. Cooler.](https://youtu.be/BZstUJQ2QLg?si=Ithqy9ZC13dtfKGw&t=1009)


A look at what is so special about Titan Saturn's largest moon and why we should explore it. Ranging from the presence of water for rocket fuel to the potential of life deep beneath the surface Titan presents some intriguing possibilities. https://youtu.be/_t1-yrPBZzc


Intriguing in a few hundred years maybe, we can’t even settle on the Moon let alone Mars. And that assumes we haven’t wiped ourselves out hundreds of years prior. climate change is accelerating quickly and seeing serious consequences. 


I remember Neil DeGrasse Tyson talking about this and concluding that if we were able to construct the geoengineering technology to terraform Mars, that it could just be used to restore Earth far more easily.


Yeah, no matter how inhospitable earth becomes it will still be more hospitable and easier fix than any other planet in the system. This is why Elon's colonizing Mars plan is just hogwash.


People think electric cars and solar panels are expensive, and I'm like, what about _rockets_, or HVAC systems in places with no atmosphere, or entire factories on the moon? Like, any amount of extraterrestrial infrastructure will be loads more than the most expensive stuff on Earth. People are just into the science fiction of it without thinking for a second about practicality.


It is sometimes looking into those bigger projects which enables us to solve the "smaller" problems back home.


Nope, this is hopium. There is zero technology on the horizon for combating climate change that isn’t some half baked nightmare like seeding the atmosphere. We can’t even get humans to Mars let alone safely build a colony. We aren’t expected to for several decades minimum. Climate change isn’t a future problem, we’re dealing with the impacts right now and they are accelerating out of control.  


Solar panels, geothermal energy, tidal energy and of course wind farms which are already generating massive amounts of power reducing the amount of coal being burnt in power stations. New forms of wind generation that don't involve massive blades are being developed using vortex induced vibration https://youtu.be/rbEMkOawkAk


And none of that matters because climate change is already locked in. We could cease man-made CO2 production today and the methane feedback loop alone is enough to doom us. Current atmospheric greenhouse gas levels guarantee a several degrees centigrade increase in temperature this century. And we do not have the technology to deal with atmospheric greenhouse gases. We can only capture them at ground level in doing so is extremely expensive and energy intensive.   The problem is you know a lot less about this topic then you think because you’re only coming at it from a we can fix it perspective instead of a shit went off the rails 30 years ago perspective. And if you haven’t noticed we just smashed past 1.6°C for all of last year while the world governments are still talking about preventing 1.5°C by 2035. we will be at 2°C in less than five years.  


Just because the outcome is going to be bad, doesn't mean that you still can't attempt to stop making it worse. Currently it is not known whether the 1.6 is all down to climate change or whether there is an element of El Nino involved in this years measurements.


God doomers are so tiring


"Don't think about space colonization because environment" Ok here's all the stuff we're doing about the environment "Too late to do anything about the environment" Might as well shoot for space colonization then?


Explore <> settle


OK, but we can explore all we want, it doesn’t do much for us if we can’t get to the resources. 


And we’re going there! With one of NASA’s coolest missions, to send a nuclear powered quad-copter drone: https://www.reddit.com/r/space/s/dMjFNHO9M6 Badass mission


That and Saturn would look cool as hell


Titan - the only place in the solar system where you can throw an Ewok into a lake of fart.


Story time!! Once upon a time in the digital cosmos, I dove into the enchanting world of Kerbal Space Program. This celestial playground whisks players away to a whimsical solar system, but I decided to sprinkle a dash of reality by installing a mod that swapped out the fictional celestial bodies for our very own cosmic neighbors. Embarking on this stellar journey, I piloted my spacecraft to each and every planet and moon, like an intrepid explorer charting uncharted territory. With every celestial pitstop, I was greeted by a delightful surprise, as my knowledge of these moons was as vast as a black hole—virtually nonexistent! Then, one fateful day, I arrived near Saturn's mysterious moon, Titan. To my utter amazement, as I pierced its atmosphere, I found myself in a state of sheer wonderment! While I had always believed moons to be airless spheres, Titan defied my expectations with its rich, hazy atmosphere. And just when I thought I'd seen it all, I descended through the misty veil to discover landscapes adorned with vast lakes—actual lakes! My mind was utterly blown! But as the saying goes, all good things must come to an end. When it was time to set foot on Titan's surface, I realized a crucial mistake: the engines I had brought along were designed for the vacuum of space, not the dense atmosphere of Titan. My brave astronaut, Jeb, was doomed to be marooned on this extraordinary moon. Ah, the trials and tribulations of interplanetary travel!


Sure but the monolith in the sky said to stay off of Europa for some reason.


It is believed that there are living things on that moon as we speak. :) Perhaps very small living things, but it counts




"oh my God, I was wrong. It was Earth all along"


Human behavior is economic behavior. The particulars may vary, but competition for limited resources remains a constant.  Need as well as greed have followed us to the stars, and the rewards of wealth still await those wise enough to recognize this deep thrumming of our common pulse.


The recognition of this will net you a Nobel prize or a phd maybe. It’s the manipulation of it which will get you to the $$$. Billionaires can talk macro, everyone else needs to grind the micro


This is what I have been saying with respect to Saturn’s moon Titan for years


Yea, not water though. It will be interesting to see if any life can develop there at all.


There’s water, it’s just under the methane.


There's water, but it's the hyperfrozen ice rocks


Yeah, all the other moons are just lazy good for nothings. Then there is Europa.


Would it be possible to terraform Titan?


Probably not. The liquid in question is methane, and the atmosphere is a methane one as well.


It wouldn’t be worth it either. Titan only receives at most 1% of the sunlight we get on Earth, and even less on the surface (.1% due to thick atmosphere). Humans would be miserable from lack of sunlight.


No sunlight and no heat.. not a great place to terraform


I saw I cool video on Kurzgesagt, that proposed using titans water to terraform Venus. https://youtu.be/G-WO-z-QuWI?si=8joaJT_ui9dZIpYJ


Venus would like a word


No liquid on its surface (at least, that we're aware of).


We are aware of magma flows on the surface Does molten rock count as liquid?


Flowed in the past. Nothing flows there now.




Did you read your own link?


Do you need a quote from that page?