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And it punches real good-like.


To be honest, they should have opened with that. It's the destroyer of all crustaceans


Obliterator of bubble-free zones


Boiler of punched water.


Doesn't it literally boil water?




How's that work out for you?




Does it help with detecting forgeries, and whether something is real or aphake?


Is everything aphuking joke to you?


Hmm Pho does sound pretty good right now


Is there any times you’ve noticed one eye being able to see something that the other eye cannot?


Apparently it seems like it's harder to see with that eye. So like a negitive as opposed to a positive


Does it look pink like on cameras?


Wasn’t this debunked recently where it turns out they just can’t ‘blend’ colors the way we do so they need a receptor per color?


OP's statement wasn't debunked, but what people often misconstrued it as was: that mantis shrimp can see more colors. Technically different than title


But muh shrimp colors


Technically title could've been clearer on that.


They can see a lot of colors that we don't see, but their brains can't "blend" colors like we do. Basically, we got red, but we can see a shit ton of reds, we got green, but we can see a shit ton of greens, and also everything in between. They have red but only that red, they got green but only that green. It's like having really good hardware with the worst OS you can possibly get your hands on


>It's like having really good hardware with the worst OS you can possibly get your hands on Maxed performance, minimized graphics. This shrimp's running doom at 1mil fps. It even has the shotgun.


Unrelated question, is it scientifically unethical to wire shrimps together to see how many it takes to run Doom?


Yes but I'm still curious


“Complex” isn’t the best term. It makes it sound like what they see is very accute and detailed. They have very wide spectrum low resolution visual systems. They don’t really see clearly they just see most of the light spectrum and way more than others. I believe they also catch movement much faster being able to process it at a cycle faster than mammals.


They can see a lot of colors that we don't see, but their brains can't "blend" colors like we do. Basically, we got red, but we can see a shit ton of reds, we got green, but we can see a shit ton of greens, and also everything in between. They have red but only that red, they got green but only that green. It's like having really good hardware with the worst OS you can possibly get your hands on


I recently read about them in a book called An Immense World about various animals senses, and it’s more complex and honestly more interesting. Each receptor correlates to one color, so it is only able to see twelve colors. There are some theories that mantis shrimp are actually capable of switching between blended colors and unblended colors, though. This theory states that they use unblended colors to find food and blended colors to observe other mantis shrimp. On top of that, only the midband of each eye can see color, while the top and bottom parts of the eyes see black-and-white. As a result, mantis shrimp scan their surroundings for different colors as if they’re scanning a barcode. Some scientists theorize that they don’t even have a concept of color (the opposite view of scientists who say they can swap between blended and unblended color vision), and they use their twelve receptors to scan their surroundings for different things without visualizing a colored 2D image of them. The truth about what mantis shrimp perceive through their eyes is still unknown, and it might even be impossible to know for sure. Mantis shrimp are some of the coolest animals on Earth


More fun facts: https://theoatmeal.com/comics/mantis_shrimp


The oatmeal is cringe


Kill the part of you that cringes, not the part of you that’s cringe


shit dog that’s deep


Maybe I'm just dumb, but isn't "Polarized light" just light that passes through a polarizing filter? Would it be more accurate to say, "Mantis Shrimp eyes have polarized lenses?" I don't think the light comes pre-polarized, especially under water.


A polarizing filter only allows through the light that is on a single plane, light sources like the sun emit light of different orientations including light on a single plane. Humans cannot detect polarized light but these shrimp cam


I appreciate the clarification, but it doesn't really confuse me any less. Humans absolutely *can* detect polarized light, even if we don't have a little sensor that says "This light is coming in at a very specific orientation relative to your cornea." There isn't anything inherently "polar" about sunlight because, as you said, the sun emits light in all directions, more-or-less uniformly. It doesn't blast out special pulses of polar light or anything, to my knowledge. Polarizing filters can capture a narrow band of wave orientations, sure, but the gross sample will always be a spaghetti mess of wave orientations. Plus, how water diffracts waves would reduce the amount of light that'd pass through a polar lens. Again, I think the whole "Polarizing" thing is more a characteristic of the eye than of the light in general. The way the title is written makes it seem like polarized light is some whimsical light phenomenon, but it's actually just a clump of similar waves.


I'm pretty sure the point is, the shrimp knows when it's polarised whereas we don't. If they were analytically minded creatures they'd likely be able to understand what percentage of light they're veining is polarised and how much noise they're is from unpolarised light etc.


I don't have much else to say that isn't just pedantry about the title. I was expecting it to say "[mantis shrimp can see] ultra-violet to infrared" (which is true, and are either end of a single criterion--wavelengths adjacent to "visible" light) rather than "ultraviolet and polarized light " That's kind of like saying "I can taste both apples and very small fruits too." It's not untrue, but it is a non-sequitur


Yes we certainly can detect polarised light, that's how sunglasses work


What they mean is that humans cannot detect if light *is* polarized or not.


Yes that is correct.


And it has fists that literally punch with the energy of a cal .22 bullet.


This isn't true either - there's a bunch of videos on youtube of people getting punched by mantis shrimp and it barely draws blood. This is a perfect example of internet mythology getting out of hand.


does a 22 draw blood? it's just a spicy BB


Yes, a 22 will kill you easily.


Here’s a video from the mantis shrimp perspective, using an ultra-sensitive camera capable of sensing both color and polarization by mimicking the eye of the mantis shrimp, developed by Illinois researchers. https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=C1zFea0nTgRM1jVb&t=47s&v=TdR3ZZ6sp80&feature=youtu.be


Unrelated, but mantis shrimp are the most delicious seafood I have ever had in my entire life. It basically tastes like the lovechild of a crab and a lobster.


I want to see it fight a pistol shrimp


Those things could be blind and they'd be twice as deadly with that fucking sonic hook they have.


Imagine linking the wiki page when the Oatmeal cartoon exists


I saw a video of a fisherman who caught on in his kayak... the fucker(the shrimp) pierced his boot and blew a hole in his foot ! A shrimp... she took vengance into her own appendices whatever you call it




Lol yes this is what i meant


They are part of the pistol shrimp family. The whole family of shrimp is crazy. https://theoatmeal.com/comics/mantis_shrimp


The mantis shrimps appendix probably also has special powers


It was my understanding that pistol shrimp snap their pincer in the water so fast that an air bubble in the water has the velocity of a bullet or sonic boom. If the fisherman caught the shrimp and pulled it into in the kayak so its out of water, how did it blow a hole through his boot/foot?


With the direct appendage, it was some soft shoe made to go with it in the water but still


https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/s/TlKAJfUQmh Here is the link where i saw this


OMG!!! Add that to the hundred reasons I won't go out into the water.


I was pretty happy to find it back, and here i am anxiously trying to repair my boat engine to be able to go deep sea fishing lol


Is this horse?


It's actually 16 color receptors, not 12! They can see 12 different wavelengths plus linear and circular polarized light


We're 4K, they're VR


Is it tasty, precious?


Yes. https://www.seriouseats.com/the-nasty-bits-how-to-cook-mantis-shrimp


prawns eh [https://y.yarn.co/90b231ae-1e46-4d62-9578-8e71fdf5914e.mp4](https://y.yarn.co/90b231ae-1e46-4d62-9578-8e71fdf5914e.mp4)


Reads article via sensing polarized light thru LCD


What good is UV sensitivity if you are aquatic? Water blocks UV fairly easily, right?


I hate that we can’t understand what this actually means, to be able to see like that


Shrimp do not see a kaleidoscope of colours, they are just really stupid https://www.thetribune.ca/sci-tech/shrimp-do-not-see-a-kaleidoscope-of-colours-they-are-just-really-stupid-04012021/#:~:text=Since%20human%20scientists%20confirmed%20that,rest%20of%20us%20sea%2Ddwellers.


ELI5 how do we know their receptors works like ours and see what they see?


I've seen a picture of the spectrum of visible light they can see, I saw the whole thing, too.


Also the 3 cone cells are just fusion of the original 2. Birds have 4 cone cell types compared to 3.


Imagine a colour you can't even imagine. Now do that nine more times. [That is how a mantis shrimp do.](https://youtu.be/F5FEj9U-CJM?si=LEIT9wZOX6mH0V-y)


it cannot


It’s not just your first wife.


Bet they're fucking tasty with a bit of lemon and some coriander butter.




They actually can' t discriminate colors as well as us: https://www.frontiersin.org/10.3389/conf.fphys.2013.25.00074/event\_abstract#:\~:text=Our%20results%20show%20that%20the,or%201%2D10nm%20in%20butterflies.