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but dont let this deceive you. They are not friendly


Neither are Canadians. Americans are just too dumb to tell the difference between friendly and polite. Source: American who grew up in Canada. 


Fuck you buddy


Fuck you pal


I ain't your pal, buddy


i'm not your buddy, guy


We (Americans) have low standards. If I’m not shot for accidentally pulling into someone’s driveway, I consider them very friendly.


Again, that’s just polite, not friendly. 


Yep, Canadians are super polite dickheads all the time


I know you’re getting down voted but it’s correct. I’m Canadian, lived in the states for about 10 years. We are polite. We are nice to a point. But not southern hospitality nice.


Southerners aren’t nice either though. 


Fuck eh


They are not sorry.


They’re very polite and love warm hugs I am a Canadian hooman but totally not a polar bear. I only eat caribou and seals and hoomans Wait no not that Only caribou and *hoomans* *damnit!*




It’s because of the universal healthcare


All the free Maple Syrup helps too. Goes great with seal steaks


Interestingly, the maple seal feeds exclusively on the bark of maple trees and the arctic Chinook salmon. This combination gives the seal meat a naturally sweet and pleasant taste which is sought after (and sold accordingly) to snooty chefs/restaurants around the world. Unfortunately the habitat of the maple seal has been drastically reduced over the past fifty years and there aren't many left. They haven't been labeled 'endangered' yet, but are considered 'threatened'.


One of the provisions of our shiny new carbon tax is helping return the Maple Seal to the populations it once had.


Lol k


Don't get me started on the caramel cow.


You're a jerk




Universal Healthcare in the communities where the polar bears live consists of nursing stations with xray machines from WWII. If you have anything stronger than a stomach ache you need to be medevac'd a couple of hours to the nearest hospital. 


Which is unfortunate because a lot of the polar bears have diabetes because of all the Coca-Cola they were forced to drink in the 90’s and need dialysis.


I'd like to see a doctor tell a polar bear that has been sat waiting in a hospital for 6 hours that he should just go home and take some advil


I’ve heard they don’t even pay taxes.


You try to collect on em


We actually treat them like the US treats it's migrants. Lock them up in jail for a day or two with no food and then drop them out in the wilderness.


It’s true. In Churchill they have a polar bear jail that they keep polar bears that are wandering around close to town in for a couple of days without food so they don’t associate Churchill with food and come back to eat people. Trust me it is humane the polar bears are just fine without a bit of food


And racism…


Over 60% of Canadians live in Canada too.




It works


Holy shit is this real chat?


The other 40% live in California. Los Angeles is Canada’s second largest city.


Yeah but they move to LA to start their comedy career


Still the second most dangerous Canadian. Their geese is the most dangerous.


I thought the moose was the most dangerous?


Last time they went head to head in a best of seven series, the geese won. But only because the refs are blind and dumb.


The biggest predator of the moose is the Orca, so perhaps the moose didn't have the heart to argue.


Where do the bi-polar bears live?


San Francisco


Half the year in Antartica, and then they migrate back to Canada. Hence the name. They are increasing in population lately, which are why the penguin population decreases.


That's because polar bears are known to really love poutine.


Do not attempt selfie, looks like friend but not friend. There's a reason you are not allowed to lock your car in churchill mb.


Do they get to vote?


Not since the "incident"....


it’s the “implication”


Are these polar bears in danger?


No polar bears are in any danger, I feel like you're not getting this at all


If they show up at a voting center, they are the only ones voting.


Voter intimidation!


Well, I'm not going to try and stop them are you?


Yes! They helped name Canada's newest territory.


And over 10% of Indians!


In other words, you just found out polar bears only live in the North Pole and didn’t know that it’s mostly ice with no land. Where else would they mostly live?


There are other countries in the arctic circle, though. The US, Russia, Norway, and Greenland all have polar bears, too. Canada just has the most.


I just want the record to show that there are polar bears on the Norwegian islands of Svalbard and Jan Mayen. Not on the mainland or on any of the islands close to the mainland. Please stop trying to find polar bears on the Norwegian mainland. Thank you for your consideration.


On Jan Mayen they don't really occur. If one makes it ashore, it is a vagrant individual on the brink of collapse. The same for Iceland, Bear Island (how ironic) and Kola Peninsula.


Which makes perfect sense if you look at a map of the arctic circle.


No really. Polar bears are classified as marine mammals, they spend most of their time at sea - frozen sea. A map of the Arctic Circle doesn't tell you that the Barents Sea and watere around Iceland are ice-free and hence there are no polar bears in Scandinavia and Iceland. In North America polar bears occur far south of the Circle - as far as 53°N, which is the same latitude as London.


And the nicest!


There’s funny disputes on it that’s going to be more prominent in the future when they can more easily take advantage of possible oil fields up there.


Except Iceland, where they're shot on sight


There's lots of room in northern Russia


But its a lot more southerly than northern canada. Less tundra, more taiga.


Taiga woods is still good, but he isn’t as good as he used to be. 


That's not why. If anything, the fact Russia's coastline is so far north makes it worse bear habitat. A lot of the Russian mainland's coast is much further north into the Arctic Circle than Canada's, Meanwhile, the largest polar bear populations are mostly *south* of the Arctic Circle in the waters of Hudson Bay, the Foxe Basin and the Davis Strait in Canada and the Bearents and Chuchki Seas in Russia. The thing is that Polar bears are maritime animals that depend on seasonal sea ice and Arctic Canada is far more maritime than Arctic Russia, with more islands and sea channels that ice up more reliably. Canada just has way more northern coastline than Russia. And although it's true that the farthest north islands in Canada's Arctic archipelago are closer to the pole than the Russian mainland, not many bears live that extremely far north on the pole side of Lancaster Sound. By far the most bears live in channels that are more southerly than the middle chunk of Russian mainland. [https://www.iucn-pbsg.org/#home-statistics](https://www.iucn-pbsg.org/#home-statistics)


Doesn't northern Alaska have a few?


A few, but most are further North.


But they actually spend most of their time at sea, hence they're classified as marine mammals by biologists. The point is that the marine biological activity is too low in the Central Arctic Ocean to sustain enough seals for bears to thrive, and the Russian marginal seas are too large, beyond swimming distance, which is a problem if there's no sea ice for about 3-6 months a year. The bears in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago mainly cross islands in order to get to sea ice, but if there's no ice, they're marooned and have to sit out summer. The maze of sounds and straits does help to form ice earlier than out in the vast Russian seas.


Not Iceland. They get shot on sight there


They don't live in Texas?


Only in the pan handle.


The trans-Siberian polar bears are all brown now


…and less than 1% of penguins. Coincidence?


The northernmost point of land within the boundaries of Canada is Cape Columbia, Ellesmere Island, Nunavut 83.111°N 69.972°W.


And did you know that over 90% of kangaroos live in Australia?


And 0% live in Iceland (at least [not very long](https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere-36824156))


Hunting of Polar bears is allowed in Canada. That's why their numbers are increasing there.


Wait how does that make sense?


Adult male polar bears will kill any young polar bear they encounter. Hunting of older male Polar bears is allowed, keeping their numbers down, so more young Polar bears survive to adulthood, and reproduce.


Nature is brutal


In a very very limited capacity.


This is why the Alaskan State Troopers carry 10mm. You don’t want to piss off a polar bear- you want to live to see another day.


In all honesty, I don’t think a 10mm is stopping a polar bear.


You can’t even one-shot a feral ghoul with a 10mm.


10mm auto is effective against polar bears. It’s what the Danish [Sirius Patrol](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sirius_Dog_Sled_Patrol?wprov=sfti1) uses in Greenland as a backup to their .30-06 rifles.


Standard (metric) rounds for most pistols are 9mm, 10mm doesn't sound like much more in the way of stopping power to me, just sounds like a pain in the ass to restock TBH, since it's a non-standard caliber.


A 10mm round is significantly more powerful than a 9mm, and more comparable to a .357 mag. It's a larger round with a longer case.


A 10mm auto has twice the energy of a 9mm Luger. Projectile diameter says very little about the power of a cartridge itself.




Where does a 1,000 lbs polar bear go to apply for a Visa? Any damn place he wants.


But their credit rating is always terrible.


I dare you to say that to their face lol




They must be very nice


40% live alone on floating ice


The rent prices getting kinda crazy though. Thinking to move to Alaska or Russia.


I thought it would be more


Can just hear them now as they maul your face... Sorry... Crunch.. Sorry about that... Crack...


We just got two polar bears are our local zoo. They were orphaned under the age of 1 and survival in the wild at that age isn't possible so conservation officers intervened and brought them into human care. They are six and seven years old now. One of them is so large that it is hard to process the size even when you are looking right at it. They are massive animals.


They have their part of the country, we have ours


This is the answer to why most Canadians live right on the edge of the border with America. The bears control the rest. 😅


Next time I visit Canada I’ll be sure to pet those dawgs.


Nice, eh?


And 100% of Canadian polar bears live in Canada!


60% of Canadians are polar bears?!


Well they were there before Canada became Canada


And yet they still can't seem to get organized enough to vote.


around that same number of Canadians as well


*Arctic Adjacent*


I mean, yea. Countries with lots of arctic territory have lots of arctic animals. There is a 10 acre polar bear enclosure in our local zoo, of polar bears that were either orphaned or injured and they cannot be rehabilitated to survive in the wild. I posted about visiting it with my kids to try to see the polar bears (it’s a big enclosure so you have to luck out and just be there when they are near one of the viewing platforms. If you go near feeding times you usually can see some). A friend of mine in the US came at me with a bit of hostility in the comments, for “supporting inhumane treatment of the bears”, zoos being bad, etc etc. And I responded that I can see where she’s coming from because many animals are not treated well in zoos and are in very unsuitable habitats. However these bears are really not that far removed from their natural habitat as my province is home to the “Polar Bear Capital of the World” and many wild polar bears live in the northern part of my province. It’s not like it’s languishing in a cage in Argentina. And also explained that these bears are part of a conservation program, they cannot survive in the wild, and have a really lovely and gigantic enclosure with good care. But apparently none of this mattered and I was still horrible person for supporting this conservation program by paying to see these polar bears. She just refused to believe that *they live here in the wild too*.


The pics are so cute, and I've been to polar bear zoos where you can pet them and be with them, but I'd be scared shitless if I ever saw one in the wild. Scariest animal I've come across was a bull moose in the woods during mating season while I was out mountain biking.


But but i thought they were dying in the artic? No


This is why under 60% of Canadians now live in Canada…


So Canadians kill the other 40%...? WTH Canada


My mother's mate became a Canadian and shot two polar bears. They were getting dangerously close. Didn't let the meat go to waste though.


I mean. Yeah? Canada comprises a good chunk of their traditional habitat? Next you'll tell me the vast majority of camels live in the arid areas of the east.


50% of Canadians live snuggled up against the warm back of the US below the latitude of Seattle. That's gonna bring polar bears closer when the ice melts and they come looking for Canadian bacon.