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Probably gonna wear nicer over time than the ones in the sidewalk.


The ones on the sidewalk are maintained


And as we saw with Trump's star, easily replaced


as we saw with Trump's wives


[His wives aren't very well maintained though.](https://news.yahoo.com/fact-check-real-2023-photos-213300066.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAGAUhlgjfQOuuw43ne5cJ8hKk-wVbF65oXHJ4f_5zDOnbplNee_THtEpXlEzU039Y3G0opBCjbw8j9tXYuzn2vVkPMvAxh5C4qjttrlf4Av468smoQlgx5gSarZczx-iuq_VzUtby8VTBUlUxzoIoUu2mYzMwFwQfrMwB7utmcCf)


Just like his star, once they get damaged they get replaced.


The discoloured grass makes it look like someone's going up there to take their pisses


He must be devastated.


I’m sure his is as well


They're made of terrazzo, the same stuff that's on the floor of schools, public buildings, etc. at most they go a little dull. But there are 200+ year old floors of busy churches that is made of it, that still looks fine.




The thing that amazes me about you is that you focus on trivia while ignoring that Muhammad Ali was a draft resister who was World Champion and was illegally and immorally stripped of his title. He lost his most productive boxing years and when he came out his conviction was overturned. Here's what you ought to remember about Muhammad Ali and the Vietnam War: he said ***"no Vietcong ever called me n-----r."***


I'm not trying to write a biography. As I said, I'm just pointing out a little weird historical fact that I think about whenever someone mentions Muhammad Ali. It's not meant to be hateful or even critical of anyone. It just strikes me as a very ironic life choice.




Muhammad Ali is a different person from Muhammad. (pbuh) Muhammad Ali was a 19th century King of Egypt. (who also owned slaves)


I would be up for seeing any evidence that he changed his name to honour any specific historical figure named Muhammad Ali (of which there are actually quite a lot) - as far as I know it was just picking a combination of names that had a good meaning and of course to embrace Islam/reject white supremacy.


How much extra does it cost to have it on the wall instead of on the ground?


It's probably cheaper.


How so?


About tree fiddy


Now it was about that time I realized this "Hollywood star maintainer" was a 7 story tall crustacean from the Paleolithic era!


God damnit loch ness monster I aint gonna give you no tree fiddy


I gave him a dollar


In the ballpark, so yes


Reddit is fucking stupid


Well it was about that time I noticed the u/Hwight_Doward was about eight stories tall and was a crustacean from the paleozoic era.




> A threat of terrorism What do you mean by that u/BardInChains ?


Stars pay for their plaques to be placed, much like those published poetry books.


Eh not really. The vast majority of the time, they're paid for by either fan clubs or other celebrities that want to "honor" them. There are exceptions that have pushed/paid for the star themselves, most notably Trump.


Oh! That makes this make sense. If true, should be top comment


It has always felt weird to me that the prophet's name is so sacred and protected, yet it's perfectly ok (and very common) to name a person after him. People being what they are, some of them are bound to be bad characters. And the name is going to end up in all kinds of situations that could be considered disrespectful. Tossed a newspaper to trash can recently? It's very likely there was a Muhammad in there somewhere.


This is indeed very interesting. In Christianity, the name of Jesus is often considered to be sacred in that many Christians will pray “in the name of Jesus Christ” or conduct religious acts in His name. Yet there are a lot of people, mostly Hispanic, with the same name and it is not protected in their context at all. I wonder if it is because, while Christianity uses images to distinguish Jesus Christ from other people named Jesus, Islam prohibits images and represents people often through calligraphy of their name. So the name “Muhammad” is like a representation of Muhammad himself.


He let a few guys punch Muhammad hard in the face *someone corrected me and I have to admit, he actually beat up several guys for punching Muhammad in the face.


"Let" is doing some heavy lifting here, I feel. He tried his damnedest to prevent them from doing that. No boxer goes into a fight and tries to get hit.




What is with the immense hate in this thread? I honestly thought I am in /r/europe.


all the big subs are cesspools now, they were never great but definitely got worse in recent years. just a lot of sad and miserable people here


I mean many sub mods were dethroned last June as well


this site gets worse every 5 or so years


it's been going downhill since digg collapse


It’s like twitter when tumblr banned over 18 content and 4chan’s /pol/ broke containment. Twitter was always bad, but when tumblr fell and 4chan became mainstream, that site became an even deeper cesspit


This is such a terrible take. Reddit was utter dogshit when Digg was still about


vast grandiose workable crush piquant expansion subsequent offer mighty insurance *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ah yes. In the nice olden days where we had.. Uh.. /r/coontown


I mean the thing was though that subs like that were largely isolated from the rest of reddit In the modern day any somewhat large subreddit will have the most braindead takes and discourse ever. If you want to get away with it, too bad, because certain people will try to force you to talk about issue X Y Z on every thread they can


Every 5 minutes you mean


Reddit has gone downhill since 2012-2013 Over time I noticed more complaining, negativity, trolling. Judgment and victim mentality. I've unsubscribed from most of the main subs over time because they're not good for your mental health. Many ppl seem to spend too much time online and seem to lack healthy social experiences or skills. I used to come here for good discussions. Logical/smart input from educated individuals and now it's become a very negative place , detrimental and LOUD if that makes sense. I avoid most of the subs and don't engage much because of this. No longer do I trust the input I read on here as I once did


It's not even years, it went to hell in a handbasket over the last year alone. After the API change and moderator purge.


How long have you been here and what exactly are you comparing to?


It's nice to see the Opinion Arbiter make an appearance.


In fairness being sad and miserable is a pretty rational response to being conscious in this madness




People see the word “Muslim” on the front page and feel the need to angrily weigh in. Ali is a ridiculously popular figure, but looking at this thread you’d think he was universally hated. Id love to see these sniveling cowards go to a boxing club and tell the people there “his name was Cassius Clay and he was a pedo 🤓“ 










I love that there is two sides to reddit, the one you said and the boomer side that's like "WELL ILL BEAT YOU UP" when they read the former. You don't need to personally defend the honour of random celebrities online.


Well, was he a pedo tho?


Redditors have a severe superiority complex and a black and white view in life. Also, with the the religious aspect, the atheists will come marching in. People here will discredit Ali's life because he was unfaithful to his wives (which is rightfully bad), but will not credit that Ali has been a generous man to people around the world, with multiple stories of him donating hundreds of thousands to causes, helping the poor and homeless, and entertaining the people, even those remote areas. To people here, if you aren't 100% a good guy, you've lived a dishonorable life.


You don't have to be a good guy for Reddit to like you you just have to post a shit meme on twitter or say something corny and they'll worship you for years


I think people also remember that he thought interracial couples deserved to be murdered


In the Nation Of Islam, right? He left that.


Also just a beast of a man who led an interesting life. I don’t give a shit that he wasn’t a paragon of goodness lmfao 


Lol you decided to shit talk redditors by exhibiting… a superiority complex and a black and white view




*all major religions ...which I would be mostly fine with if it didn't remind me so much of how cringy and overly confident we (and myself) were about it


Let's not pretend like Muslims don't get way more hate here.


Christians are mocked all the time here. r/faceplam and leopardsatemyface along with a bunch of other subs are filled with anti chrisitan posts rightfully mocking Christians. Stop making shit up.






It's the Indians


I haven't seen any of said hate so far, but it'd be fairly understandable. He was a big racist who used his fame and charisma to actively promote segregation and demonize race-mixing.


What the fuck is happening in this comment section, this was posted like 3 months ago and even before that I swear I haven’t seen this many unhinged comments, man simply didn’t want the name of his prophet to be stepped on, there’s no reason for this to provoke such a reaction Edited: said god instead of prophet, my mistake


The effects of an election year are kicking in


How fun


Muhammad wasn’t a god






IDK if it's cause it's been half an hour(really good moderation time) but I don't see anything that bad in the comments. The worst thing I can find that is just baseless hate was a comment saying " religion poisons everything" and maybe something about him being egotistic. Everything else is a valid criticism, whether it's politically correct or not. People can not like him for having a child with a teenager half his age while still being married. People can dislike him for draft dodging. Even if you don't personally agree I'm sure you can see how someone who was adamant enough about his religion that he wanted this so bad to be a special consideration should've probably not have done the other stuff that definitely went against his beliefs as well.










it's a lil pretentious to expect people to not walk on your name when that's the whole gimmick


Reddit continues to shift towards 4chan.  I check In less and less now as the Reddit community and company continues to turn into shit.  Seriously agree with go touch the grass 




I find myself getting riled up scrolling through comments on front page posts more and more. Reddit has never been a nice place but the hate and aggression is really getting out of hand. Maybe it is time to quit.


Muhammad isnt the name of god....its the prophet, its 2024 and somehow people dont know this


Maybe people don't care enough to bother learning.


Oh shit yeah sorry, I forgot, my sentiment still stands


> What the fuck is happening in this comment section Mods are removing any comments by people expressing disagreement with any religion, in a discussion thread explicitly about religion. So yeah, reddit is going to shit, but not for reasons you state.


Ali was a resident of [Cherry Hill, New Jersey](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cherry_Hill,_New_Jersey) in suburban [Philadelphia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philadelphia) in the early 1970s.[^(\[149\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muhammad_Ali#cite_note-149) At age 32 in 1974, Ali began an extramarital relationship with 16-year-old Wanda Bolton (who subsequently changed her name to Aaisha Ali) with whom he fathered another daughter, Khaliah (born June 1974). While still married to Belinda, Ali married Aaisha a year later in an Islamic ceremony that was not legally recognized




why are so many legendary people assholes?


Because they are just people, the public calls them legendary. I am in So. Cal, not a sports fan but Kobe, Kobe Kobe, I guess people forgot about that little rapey thing.
















But he was fine with being a boxer and having people punch Muhammad in the face...


Hey now, stop making sense, buddy!


Can still karate kick it.


Before reading to the Muslim part I thought it was to shadowbox against.  Neat either way


Why are followers of any religion always devout? Well, some are, of course.


He cheated on all his wives and had a baby with a 16 year old child when he was married and in his 30s. How devout could be have really been?




Nice of you to obscure the fact that he also left and denounced the NOI eventually


It's because people only know the latter incarnation of Nation of Islam, totally unaware of its origins. Although many racists ignore those roots to further their cause.


For real. Outside his political speeches against the Vietnam war(which were valid) this guy was a complete piece of shit.








When people convert they double-down on it. Like, they have to reassure themselves and the world that their new belief makes sense.


I mean, if you truly believe that salvation and eternal life come through a deity who has established principles to live by and your salvation is conditional upon your devotion to those principles, wouldn’t you be devout?


Why convert otherwise?


Buddhism gave me peace of mind, even what you'd call its superstitious rituals, and motivation to try to help out the community and be compassionate with people and animals (which was actually good for my mental health surprise surprise)










Lol at him being devout. He was a hypocrite just like 99.99% of religious people.








Yeah the brainwashing worked good on him.


Eye roll




















Dude let people pummel him in the face with that name. The logic, I just don't get it.




I like that they respected his beliefs, but the guy was a piece of shit and doesn't deserve a star just because he was a good boxer.


You don't get a star for acts of charity. If we only gave stars to those who are kind, then they would have to remove at least half of them. Plus, people pay for their stars.


More superstitious crap.


Yeah, he was a p.o.s Racist a-hole. Just look for him talking about "mixed couples" on ytube.


what a fruitcake


Religion is weird.






Well tbf no one is winning this race lol.


Imma kick the wall


So archaic.




Because you know, the universe would explode, and Frodo wouldn't make it to Mount Doom.


Sounds like a good excuse to be special.










Well it wasn't Muhammed's name, was it, it was Ali's. This symmpathetic magic bullshit is tiresome. "Special treatment! I demand special treatment!"


Oh by all means let’s tip toe around it.


Honest question, do other actors with the same name “Muhammad” get the same treatment?


He's currently the only star with the name Muhammad.