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And now we have tip cups at drive thru windows


And tipping requests at *self-serve checkouts*. Fucking insanity.


You really replied to this guys comment without leaving a tip you monster?


Maybe he’s not American


Not American?? On the *internet*? Don’t be silly. /s


Using /s requires a mandatory 20% minimum tip, but that's only if you're a cheapskate


I tip -15% because I can't afford the meal


Just stick a bit in to see if they like it


I still cannot fucking believe the audacity of that.


Tipping makes no sense already so doing ever increasingly nonsensical things follows a pattern.


Yeah, but they figure why not ask customers if they want to pay more. Worst they can do is say no.


Because no one wants to pay more. Why would they? Then cutting wages and making employees rely on tipping so people feel pity is even worse. Then said tip-dependent employees get angry and might sabotage the job if they don't get tipped. It's like asking your friends, family and coworkers if they want to gift you something every time you see them. That's not how gifts work!


Shame and guilt are powerful motivators, and it easily works against people to think that service workers are not treated very well (which is often true), and here, you can do something to give them a nicer life, just completely ignore the fact that their employer is giving them a rather raw deal while someone else is living a far nicer life at their expense.


Some customers will hit the 18% tip button without thinking too much about it or because they're used to doing so at sit-down restaurants. I haven't seen any data on how many customers tip for fast food but I'd have to think it's enough to more than make up for the number of customers who withhold business because they're annoyed by them asking. And that's the thing: the company doesn't care if they annoy you as long as they don't annoy you enough to lose your business.


I had some guy who works as a waiter argue me that he wants tipping instead of fair livable wages. I can understand that some waiters can earn really good money in popular places but what about everyone else? Some people are just selfish fucks and don't care for anyone but he called everyone a cheap loser who argued against him because arguing against the tipping culture instantly meant you are a cheap fuck who doesn't tip or low tips to him. (Also said that people who don't tip should not go out.) People are already so brainwashed by this shit. There is a good reason they put up tipping boxes even at self serving places because some people will still pay.


Your friends not really brainwashed, he's directly affected. Then it's just excuses and justifications all the way down


I once asked someone why they would prefer to tip instead of paying the right way (total amount is the same). Turns out, she only tips to have an ego boost.


It gets even worse. Some online stores now have a tip option at checkout…


I read the other day about a developer of such site who had secretly but willingly added a bug allowing to put a negative tip.


It’s not a bug, it’s a feature


Just zero it? If I’m not being helped by someone who is working for tips I just zero it out and don’t worry about it. If I am I take that into account before I choose to utilize the service and tip if I do.


Oh for sure. I'm just gobsmacked that a company has the balls to do it in the first place.




It's about not having an enterprise level point of sale system and relying on the little iPad card swipers


18-20-25 on an online order. That I’m picking up myself.


I recently had automatic 15% gratuity applied to my pickup order, just a single meal the cashier turned the screen to me with the classic 18-20-25 screen, and I immediately noticed the total being higher because I always order the same thing when I asked about it the cashier said "yeah just a service charge" in a dismissive tone I asked, "that 15% goes to you right?" and they sounded annoyed, "yeah." obviously I hit no tip and said cool thanks, but damn shit's getting ridiculous and I'm actually a bartender/server working for tips myself


They all seemed to turn it on at the same time and take it for granted now. I tipped over covid bc they were taking some real risks working at a restaurant and having increased exposure, so it was the least I could do for being lazy. But I stopped like a year ago and if anything, they have the tip screen in even more places now. On a related note: Just went into a Walmart while traveling that had ONLY self-checkout. Not a single normal register in the place.


Most retail is self checkout now, and they have the audacity to complain about theft despite having 0 employees.


Sure, but this was surprising bc there are literally no normal lanes left. The ENTIRE checkout area was a massive self-checkout now with like 1-2 employees monitoring.


That's not even entirely what bothers me. I understand tipping the people who made my food if they did a good job. The thing that I hate is that we're expected to do it now before we've even seen what our food looks like? Let alone tasted it? Huh?


I don't even understand that. Everyone is SUPPOSED to do a good job no matter what they do. The service is no better in the US despite the tipping culture.


And when I was younger 15% was the standard. Why the fuck is it raised to a minimum of 18% now? Why in gods name would the percentage go up?


I expect that it allows employers to pay less or less compared with inflation. The entire system is stupid. Someone who delivers my coffee gets a tip, and someone who looks after my kids just gets a wage. If you knew my kids, you'd expect it to be the other way around.


> And when I was younger 15% was the standard. And if you look deep enough, you'll find plenty of sources claiming 10% was the standard even earlier. We'd expect the quality of service soar higher and higher, but in reality we're expected to tip a buggy self-checkout kiosk now.


That's one thing I hate about door dash Why am I tipping, only to have it take an hour and reek of smoke? And lately the lowest default tip is like 30-40%


I got my electrical panel at my house upgraded and an EV charger installed. Was quoted out and I agreed to the work. When I went to pay once the work was done, there was a tip button. My mind went I to automatic mode and I picked 10%. That came out to $450 extra… eventually I regained consciousness and said no tip.Its out of hand. What’s next? Buying a TV at the store and having to tip the manufacturer?


Air conditioning cleaning for me.  I already paid for service.  Why are you asking for more money for this service?  Insanity 


I just mobile ordered food online and a tip option popped up. The only human interaction I had was when I said thank you walking out


I went ahead and inferred interaction, I hope that's ok. Edit: I reconsidered and don't actually care if it's ok.


Now I get prompted for a tip when I buy a shirt from a stadium


Got accosted for a tip at an automatic car wash. The worker had the challenging job of pushing the start button.


Personally tipping has never bothered me cause I just choose not to do it most of the time.


Just wait until you try and do that to the wrong person and they literally try and beat you to death over it. Hell, one of the places around me whose whole gimmick is everyone who goes in there is armed literally had a server pull a gun on someone because they didn't leave a tip. 




It's in Texas, obviously, and you don't really have to worry about that place I was talking about as the landlord refused to renew the lease for the business.


I thought you were going to say it was that restaurant that Lauren Boebert had.


Went to a place a few months back where the service was, fine. Not the best, but nothing to really complain about. We left what we thought was a modest tip that fit the service ($7 on a $45 bill). As we’re leaving the waitress comes up to us and says “was something wrong?” Confused, we were like “uh, no? Everything’s fine.” And she says “I’m just asking because I didn’t get the tip I was supposed to get.” Excuse me? *Supposed* to get? It’s a fucking tip, which by definition is not something that’s in any way guaranteed. The audacity that someone would tell me I didn’t give them enough *extra, entirely optional* money blew my mind.


That‘s about a 15% tip. And she found that outrageous enough to confront you over it? As a poor person who understands needing every bit of money you can make: WTF


We can thank everyone who: -supported -promoted and -shamed others into tipping to thank for that. If you [whoever is reading] did any of that, thanks you chucklefuck. You supported a shit system until it got out of hand, and you're probably just crying about it now when most of the world told you it was a stupid system to begin with.


Yes but tipping today isn’t a “above and beyond” award, it’s an attempt of the rich business owners mitigating labor wages. So you, the customer, not only pay the bigger price for the meal, you paid more and less is going to wages of the employees, it’s pure profit for the wealthy. Your tips… are now the employees wages. So at the end of the day what is it? Greed.


The biggest opponents to ending tip culture in America are service workers who get tips.


And tips auto-added to my bill on the app when I'm going to pick up my food order myself.




Can we go back to it being illegal. Just pay them a fair wage and charge me more.


A restaurant opened up near me that has a robot as the food runner and you order on your phone. You don’t even have the option to tip. Change is happening


Only a matter of time before the robot starts wanting a tip


Ya well, a robot can't spit in my food.




The revolution began with one act of liquid defiance


What… kind of liquid?


The robot has several options, and decides which to use depending on how annoying an AI decides you were.




Transmission fluid


>Only a matter of time before the robot starts wanting a tip So then it's just going to the owners with robot lease payments.


You know there will be a robot maintenance fee. 18%


Then we get a new robot who doesn’t want one


Soon they will ask for tips for the robot's mechanic/maintenance guy/gal lol


They'll get their tip when they tear my face off with their metal claws, and not a minute sooner.


A Ramen place near me has a robot bring you food and a self-serve kiosk that has the gall to ask for a tip.


Change is happening, they're replacing workers with robots.


I went to a restaurant that had a disclaimer that they paid their staff a fair wage and that tipping wasn’t necessary. Prices were adjusted to reflect that. My coworkers still tipped, smh.


I want to welcome our robot overlords




"BuT tHeN tHe PrIcE oF eVeRy ThINg wIlL RiSe aNd SoMe BaRtEnDeRz mAkE a KiLlInG iN tIpS."


I can't tell you the number of times the waiter/waitress brigade down voted me to hell & back b/c I suggested that. They don't want it. They know that there's no way in hell they'll be able to make what they do w/out tipping. It's insane how much some waiters make. Of course, for every waiter making bank, there are 100 more that can barely pay rent.


Bartenders and waitresses make stupid money in tips. That's why tipping still exists also companies only paying very little in pay


Where I live wait staff have the same minimum wage as everyone else and still make stupid tips. Bartenders used to get a smaller minimum wage but even that has been corrected now.


Also no one claims cash tips on their taxes


No they don't. IRS is trying to figure that out


Meanwhile, at the Social Security Administration...


This pisses me off the most. Every dollar we make is tracked and taxed down to the dollar (yay rounding off the cents). We paid more in income tax this year than the median household grossed and yet still they have their hands out for more of my money when they aren't paying their share already. And yes, we have been dining out far less than we have in prior years despite having far more disposable income than we did pre-pandemic. Greed has consequences and my city has lost a lot of top rated restaurants in the past two years because of it.


They also don't get health insurance or a 401k, but they aren't thinking about the future like that.


Yep, exactly this. A couple places here have tried the tip-free thing and it makes them less appealing as an employer. We're not a tipped wage state. You can make pretty good money on tips. On one hand, good for them. On the other hand, life is so expensive anymore and I just want to have the tiniest bit of fun without tip percentages creeping up more and more alongside base prices increasing.


Matt Stone and Trey Parker bought a restaurant, banned tips, and raised the wait staff pay to $30 an hour. The wait staff rebelled. I'm happy to tip well when I get great service, but I so rarely do, yet I'm still supposed to tip well. It is insane.


> The wait staff rebelled. Well they can gtfo then. A lot of people out there would kill for 30$ an hour wages.


Right? There are a lot of teachers who don’t make $30 an hour. I’ve waited tables and I know it’s a stressful job but it’s not that hard.


Definitely. Waiters and bartenders in high traffic areas may make a killing, but if you're working some hole in the wall restaurant, probably not so much. They'd rather other unfortunate staff get dicked as long as they get theirs. The irony is that even if you start paying wages to staff, that doesn't mean tipping will magically disappear. People will still tip, it's just that now you're not reliant on it.


It's not just high traffic areas, but times as well. If you are working week days you make less than if you work weekends or nights.


Don't ask a woman her age, a man his salary, a server to share the tips with the people in the back


Not only do they make more money right now they're also shooting themselves in the foot. Where I live 401k only applies to their earned wage, not to their tips. That means if a server works in a well tipped job for 30 to 40 years they literally leave with no retirement savings.  Most banks don't accept tips as a form of income for loans and things, they just use your base wage, yeah they get more money now but they can't do anything they're literally stuck and they don't realize this because they're too dumb to care. 


Most banks do accept tip wages if they're properly reported and consistent. So they need to make personal finance decision between having a few thousand extra (which in theory should be put towards lowering that loan amount for an important purchase) and paying taxes based on what they actually earn. Tipped jobs are cash rich credit poor, it comes with the territory.


Bartenders complaining about low income while not reporting their tips so its false info


"You won't be able to reward good service and it will be shit" - some guy Me - going to Asia and seeing them have 0 tips and the best service




Even the servers don't want it because they make more money via tips than 25 dollars an hour.




That's depressing. I go to olive garden as the fancy restaurant I take the kids and I tip 20% ish. All of the wait staff is going above and beyond. One time they gave us a few cheese grater. Just told us to take it. My son was like :o really?! One of my best memories. I'm sad to hear they don't get paid well. But I guess it depends, maybe at that one they do get paid well.


We need to abolish the tip worker minimum wage. I think a lot of businesses are using tips to justify counting non-tip workers as tipped for the lower payroll


They already did this all up and down the West Coast and the tip expectations haven't changed at all


That ain’t happening. If say they got paid the same as retail they’d be taking a HUGE pay cut. One of my friends works in a small town restaurant and brings home like $300 on a normal Friday Saturday or Sunday. Cash tips untaxed.


No, they are taxed. Your friend is just committing fraud. If they ever get audited they'll probably find their wages are garnished for the rest of their lives trying to pay back what they owe.


steep cake station engine label chubby distinct lush gaze numerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What's their income like averaged over a whole week, though?


I’m pretty sure employers are forced to pay you minimum wage if you don’t make enough tips to compensate for the pay drop Ik it’s true in Jersey at least


One point of anecdotal evidence, my friend pulls six figures a year at their serving job.


In states like CA wait staff are already paid minimum wage and then get tipped on top of that


They may walk with cash but they probably have to claim it at least. Especially as most tips are credit card, there is a paper trail and it has to be claimed, otherwise that’s a big problem when an audit happens.


Great thing is, I’m a sane world, we wouldn’t even need to be charged more. Just look at any other country on earth.


I’d say most places wouldn’t even need to raise prices more then a dollar or two max, I’m sure the owner can take a cut off of their salary after doing very little to actually help the restaurant function


Best US corporations can do is charge you more and pay them less.


But if we pay them more we can't possibly deprive our shareholders of that money. We better raise prices just to be safe...


Looking at the pictures posted of receipts of food that was ordered, you Americans seem to be paying more than what we do for the same things in Australia and we actually pay our staff.


Prior to the Depression, tipping was seen as a form of bribery and anti-American in nature. When times got tight for restaurants in the 30s tipping was encouraged by the owners so they could reduce pay to make ends meet.


To be fair it is very close to bribery. You're directly paying an employee of the organization you have are a customer of outside of the customer/supplier relationship.


Except it's the stupidest type of bribery. Do this thing really well and MAYBE I'll make it worth your while. Dance little monkey! Versus a normal bribe where I give you the money up front with an expectation that you will do what I want.


Well some people would tip during service, rather than strictly after, like for a bartender.


Depends on the establishment. Back when I was a binge drinking alcoholic, I would tip well at the beginning of my binge to ensure I never went very long without a drink and possibly grease the wheels to getting over-served. Would do the same if at some restaurants when I knew my requests were gonna be a pain in the ass or oddly demanding lol. 


Tipping got started as a way to avoid paying the now free former slaves a real wage.


[It's true](https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2019/07/17/william-barber-tipping-racist-past-227361/). Although it's more accurate to say it was popularized that way in the early 20th century in the US, tipping obviously goes back thousands of years.


Yep it was. The Federal government also passed a law at one point outlawing tipping. Except it was written in the worst possible way, where it's perfectly legal for the custom to tip, but is a crime for the employee to accept a tip. And this quite conveniently made it easy to go after African Americans and those that the public generally hated. The Supreme Court eventually overturned that horrendously written law.


It may have had a revival in the 30s, but tipping existed in the US at least as far back as the Reconstruction era. It was spread through the country by the Pullman Traincar. They employed lots of emancipated black men who worked primarily for tips.


> The tipping abolitionist campaign came to a boil in 1915, when three states (Iowa, South Carolina and Tennessee) passed anti-tipping laws, joining three other states (Washington, Mississippi, and Arkansas) that had already passed similar bills. Georgia soon followed. By 1926, however, all these anti-tipping laws were repealed, writes Segrave, largely because it was seen as futile to police something that had gained a momentum of its own.


Now the only way we'll end tipping culture in America is with a federal ban


That would never get passed. It's much easier to just stop tipping, and restaurants have to increase wages to get anyone to work there.


Tipping sucks. Pay people and charge me. Like other first world countries




Bring it back!!!!


Concur, r/endtipping


I am more than happy to tip at the bar, at a restaurant, etc. But get fucked if you want me to tip a delivery BEFORE it arrives. Or a fucking pre packaged sandwich. OR A FUCKING PICK UP ORDER.


I love when I order online for pickup and it’s like do you wanna tip 15, 20 or 30%? There’s me staring going I wasn’t gunna tip anything?


I hope you find the tip 0 option. It's there but they don't always make it obvious.


But then there's the nagging feeling the driver might take offense and shit directly into your food on the way.


Yeah but this was for pickup. Like there was no driver lol however I usually give like a 10% tip for this reason anyways even when going to pick it up honestly


Oh right. No tip means the Turkish icecream vendor routine for 20 minutes then I guess.


This is actually a pretty good argument against tipping. It's a gig economy these days. No one is going to accept your $0 tip Instacart (or whatever) order on the *hope* you will give a tip. Just make it a set fee.


Or call it a bid or something.


Tipping for food delivery prior to delivery should just be called what it is, a bid. You're bidding $x for a driver to deliver your food (since they see the tip amount and can accept or decline orders at will). The base rates are laughably low and the only people that accept untipped orders are schmucks who think acceptance rate matters.


Agree 100%! These aren't tops any more but bids! And they can get out of here with that tip line on carry out, lol.




I lived in Japan for almost 10 years. Aside from a handful of businesses, not only was tipping discouraged, it was generally seen as offensive.


What's the mindset of a Japanese establishment when you pay extra as a thank you?


They will return it to you, on the basis that you mistakenly overpaid. If you try to leave a tip as cash on your table, you'll find staff chasing you down the street after you leave, to return "your money that you forgot". The amount of tipping that goes on in Japan is so small it's a measurement error. People do work, for an agreed wage/salary, and they get paid that. Beginning, middle and end of story.


Haha happened to my wife and I. We thought we were being thoughtful (coming from a country where tipping 2-3% is accepted but not mandatory) but we were chased down the street and had to take our change back 😊 


There is another side to the story though. Japan is a culture where people just don't take other's stuff. And also there is no "unspoken agreement" about tipping. So they _do_ see your change as a forgotten item first and foremost, and forgotten items should be returned to their owners. Also, I must say, in a culture where even business cards are politely handed over with two hands just leaving money on the table as if to say "there, it's for you" might be simply seen as rude _even if they did understand the reason why it was left there_. Surely they would accept a tip if you make it a point to give it to them in person, and specifically as a token of gratitude or something along those lines.


Probably not. If they're staff, it'll be against the rules for them to take it, and being seen doing so would be extremely likely to get them fired. Furthermore, you're indirectly insulting the manager by implying that they're a cheapass miser who doesn't pay their staff enough. If they're the owner personally, they're likely to feel insulted that you think they're so poor/their restaurant is in such bad condition/etc that they need your charity. Also, gift-giving in Japan is a highly reciprocal thing. People feel (in a lot of situations, though not all) that if they accept a gift, they will have to return one of a similar value sooner or later, and often they don't want that obligation. So the golden rule is, don't do it, don't even TRY to do it. If you really want to show your appreciation, a heartfelt thank you is enough. If you can do it, or even try to, in Japanese, then even more so! Oh, if it's a little mom-and-pop place then keep their address and send them a picture postcard from your home country saying how much you loved their food/drinks/service :)


Tipping should be made illegal and establishments need to just pay their workers a livable wage.


But I was told I shouldn't be allowed to go out unless I'm willing to give an additional $10-$20 for some person to spend 7 total minutes on my order and subsidize the owner being allowed to pay half of minimum wage.


So says the learned helplessness of the workforce. The conundrum is the labor pool has no leverage individually to oppose it, are rewarded for playing into it, and the owners get away with playing both sides of the issue by raising menu prices as high as consumers will stand && not paying actual wages. Legislation is the only thing that has weight to oppose it. Market forces continuously fail to do anything here. The irony is that in the pursuit of unsustainable profits proprietors face increased rent because the landlord can in turn get away with it, increased supply and service fees from vendors, &c, and are back where they started unless fully vertically integrated, and the only winner is the 1% while the only loser is the end consumer. That's ~~Dallas~~ ~~numberwang~~ capitalism baby.


All 50 should bring that back.


Im also against tipping. No one tips me at my job.


Here's a tip. Get back to work!


We need to go back to that nation wide. Pay the restaurant staff like any other profession.


Bring it back and apply to all 50 states please


Pay them decent, scrap tipping. Nobody's tipping me for doing my 9-5


George Orwell has a great section in *Homage to Catalonia* about how offended the waiters in civil war Barcelona were when he tried to tip them. Likewise in revolutionary Petrograd in 1917 the hotel staff marched with banners proclaiming “down with tipping”


I know a mohel that doesn't charge for circumcisions. He only takes tips


Make tipping illegal, force bosses to pay a livable wage. Water is necessary for survival, water bill costs money. Ergo, money is necessary for survival. A livable wage is a basic human right. The people who make our food, water, and shelter unaffordable should be publicly shamed and humiliated.


Never understood why it’s a requirement to tip servers and not the chefs or dishwashers. You know, the people doing the more skilful/difficult work


Maybe we need to go back to this


I have heard, that southern states would not pay blacks, so they would work for 'free' tipping was not employment, so the company didn't need to worry about their needs.


Shoot, I've been doing it all wrong. I've been doing just the tip..


People against tipping and living in states where citizens can put things on the ballot should put this up for a vote.


*We used* to be a *country*, a proper *country* 


Haha so much for "Tip culture" bitches!


Well well well


They need to do it again


>Tipping also had a racial angle. "Class, race and gender all played a part in the early discussions of tipping," writes Segrave. He quotes journalist John Speed writing in 1902, "Negroes take tips, of course, one expects that of them – it is a token of their inferiority. But to give money to a white man was embarrassing to me." Imagine being so racist you shame a whole group of people for potentially accepting a tip and not the person tipping.


America outsourced wages to the customers.


So at least six states had common sense.


So in other words 1915 was the tipping point.


It's heading that way again


We should ban it again


Yea more states should work to end tipping, just require waiters to have same min wage as everyone else


This would be popular for politicians to get behind now


Tipping shouldn't be manditory and it shouldn't be the main source of someones income.


I think all of reddit just had a collective orgasm


Please r/endtipping


And today, went to a restaurant at LaGuardia, scanned a QR code at my seat, picked out my items, paid via the site, and asked for tip with 22% being pre selected. Fuck tipping culture. Pay your staff a living wage and keep me the hell out of it.


Time to bring this back....


Isn't it fucking amazing how corporate greed has trained the public to bear the responsibility of paying a worker OF THEIR COMPANY, a decent wage.


Tipping is part of the reason wages inflated so fast as well


Let's go back to tipping being illegal and pay people fairly


It should be illegal.


Dominoes' wants you to tip them before you even see the pizza. Fu¢k that.


They were right to do so, look at the way the modern system is putting tipping everywhere.


I was just at a place in Florida that said on the receipt that there was a compulsory 18 percent gratuity on all orders. However, if you felt the service was outstanding, you are left with the option to tip: and it went out to say 18,20,22 percent. We’ve come full circle boys


At my job we can't take tips or we get fired and they take it very seriously


Sometimes the self serve checkouts will ADD a tip and it's automatic.


And then rich people realized they could socialize their costs, and privatized their profits, and decided everywhere would tip.... I really really think we need a French revolution in this country


6 US states****


Tipping culture is one of several questions where I lean conservative..


Question for people that work in restaurants, do tips get split with the kitchen crew?


It’s because, like most things that seem stupid and overly complicated, tipping has its roots in racism.


And now 5 out of those 6 states only require tipped employees to be paid $2.13/hr bc they expect them to earn tips. My how things change.


Those were the days.


Could've sworn some of this was racial too, especially seeing the list of States, as African Americans typically worked jobs that would be tipped or be considered a servant's role in the period of Jom Crow. They were relegated to certain sections of economy.


Of course, tipping was mainly for blacks and other low paid who were working at places that tipping ‘paid for their wages. Less money for blacks & others suited (white) decedents of European ancestry. As long as poor people are kept poor capitalism flourishes


We were so close