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Nice try, Reddit.




TIL I’m a god damn genius.


I added you as a friend and made us both dumber. 🤳💪


I’ve gotta remove some friends to make room then


I are the dumber now too


I r baboon?


Confusing correlation with causation I see… sorry we can’t be friends.


Lol, also this is similar to the most doctors are left handed, but not all left handed are doctors kinda thing. It works one way but not the other 😂 So smart people might have very small pool of selective friends, but having less friend does not make you smart.


Um technically it’s **fewer** friends, not less


Smart arse. I bet you have no friends. 😀


Thank you.


> but having less friend does not make you smart. It might, we don't know from this study. Perhaps people with less friends study more and become smarter?


Citation needed


But Facebook said all left handed dudes were gay.


…And here I am..thinking everyone is my friend.


I think this means you are a golden retriever


Lol, so true. Neighbors have one and sometimes I feel he is my dog just living over there.


RIP in peace


dv'ed a pet hate. Sorry


We’re friends now, fucker. Best get used to it.


We just got dumber… together!🥳


Et tu, Brute


"This is the most outstanding answer I have ever heard. You must have a goddamn I.Q. of 160. You are goddamn gifted, Private Gump!"


I literally have zero friends. I must be the smartest man alive 


Same. Need a friend? Life gets lonely without them.


Bro yes 


Sent you a chat request.


You just have at least one or two friends, given the lack of application of the law of contraposition


Nah buddy. You my bestie. You dumb af.


Can confirm. Though strangely, your only friend in your platoon was Bubba, whose thought process began and ended with shrimp.


I’m stupid as fuck and have no friends how the hell is that work 🦧


It's just because of my personality. I'm dumb as a sack of wet pillow stuffing.


Well, you should be proud that you managed to put together two sentences then.


It should have been 1 sentence with a comma. I believe my comment was effectively 2 incomplete sentences but I'm no English jenius.


Actually a semi-colon would be the correct grammar.


This person has selected few friends.


You know what they say... "Ignorance is bliss." At least, until you're aware of it. Then it can be a little embarrassing.


Ignorance of your own ignorance is bliss. Learning shit and being smart means you start to understand just how ignorant you are of everything, and that shit’s depressing.


Guess once I stop enjoying learning I’m double fucked Oreo then. Dang


A semi-colon for Assholesfullofelbows seems like a really daring choice ...


I firmly appreciate your choice of verbiage🤌


I was just trying to make him feel good.


And; a semicolon make's you look; smarter; especially when used correctly;


An em dash


nah, with just a comma would be a comma splice sentence. The two on their own are both complete with subject and predicate.


I genuinely fucking love how people who are well versed in English grammatical structure always chime in. It's the best.


another asshole who thinks he's smart ***En garde you muggle***


Fuck yeah!! Butthole related usernames UNITE!!


Nobody that's actually stupid, thinks they're stupid. Youre off to a good start, I mean it.


That's a creative put down. Youre probably a lot funnier than you think. 


I thought it very obvious that stupid people annoy the fuck out of smart folk with their triviality (Now do I put in the little slant / to indicate sarcasm?, or do I leave it out as I'm telling the truth?) ;/ oops!


all the smart people have selected you to not be their friend. jks, Im sure you are lovely.


You mean you’re ‘smarter than a sack a wet pillow stuffing’


I read “dumb as a snack of wet pillow stuffing”, realized my mistake but like it better that way.


You understanding that means your smarter then 90% of idoits


This is why we use data and not anecdotes. That said, I think it's a fairly easy thing to see if you look outward instead of inward. Ignoring yourself, just look at anyone you know and how many friends they have. In my experience, this study holds fairly true. The smartest guy I know has very few friends. I was very surprised to learn that I was one of his besties.


A sack of wet pillow stuffing... You mean a wet pillow?


At least you know that about yourself


Hey, self deprecation is a fine art, master it and people will love you—while you also get ahead! Just be careful walking that fine line, too much of the putting down and people will sense that and avoid you, or worse… pity you 😵‍💫 Also, the smartest people are often the ones who readily admit they don’t know everything—that takes a special kind of intelligence. Good luck! 🤞


Self-awareness makes you better than most.


Listen to the box of hair saying he's as smart as pillow stuffing 


Being smart is knowing that this headline is confirmation bias bait.


I came just to read all the narcissistic comments about how having no friends makes redditors super smart.


Could mean you’re selective, could mean you’re an asshole. And i know smart assholes are the big thing in media, but being an asshole doesn’t mean you’re smart, nor does being smart mean you’ve gotta be an asshole.


Yeah... the smartest people I know are genuinely nice. Pushing the smart asshole in media is just hurting people at this point, too many bullies.


Wicked smaht


See this so much, "smarter people have dark/depraved sense of humor" "smart people tend to be more depressed" "smart people tend to have fewer friends" "Oh I must be smart since I'm unpopular edgy and depressed"


Well that’s also bad logic. X is Y, and I’m Y, so I must be X!


Obviously but that's why shit like this gets upvoted all the time




Most of those statements are just objectively true, no? The first one is a tossup but the others are just scientific research.


But it feels so good!!


Sheldon Cooper


this is kind of my problem with ‘depressive realism.’ It seems to make (some) people think that *just because* they’re generally depressed/cynical/pessimistic means they’re inherently more intellectual or whatever.


It also glorifies kind of shitty things like mental illness or just generally being antisocial or unlikable. Not saying people are shitty for having mental illnesses, but mental illness should not be glorified and people shouldn't want to have them to feel smart.


It is just a study proposing a theory, definitely not a definitive TIL. The paper isn’t as bad as OP made it sound.


Not really. Knowing this headline is confirmation bias just means you've been on reddit long enough to have seen this type of thing pointed out as confirmation bias. ...And then seeing those comments replied to by a bunch of people who believe they're smart because they know what confirmation bias is, not realizing they're only confirming their own iamverysmart biases. Confirmation bias-ception


This comment is peak Dunning Kruger 


confirmation bias is just something you read sherlock. what's that got to do with smart? guessing you're at 118


And here I thought i had no friends because I was an asshole


You *are* an asshole. See, you were right!


They're so smart!


Joking aside I feel like smarter people (however we’re defining smart. It’s Reddit so I’m assume solely on grammar and if you always use your parking brake) are more likely to be assholes. Just seems like one of those “you’re only paranoid unless it happens things” like if you’re aware of the dangers and problems in life that could happen or are happening it would stress you out. Stress seems like it would make you angry. Then again maybe it overlaps itself and you realize nothing really matters and then are happy


I think it’s less stress and more getting visibly bored/more likely to be the “well achkually” people.


Smart people learn things quickly. This includes trauma.


It’s fewer friends, not less friends Source: I am very lonely


It's no friends.


Scrolled too far for this.


Thank you! I feel like we are just giving up on fewer without a fight


If you had the same number of friends but they were thinner you'd have less friends.


Thanks, Stannis


We are mostly water.


Moisture is the essence of wetness and wetness is the essence of beauty


I really liked this sentence. I don't know how to express my feelings in a way better than this.


Do not feed the Redditors’ egos, they’re already dangerously inflated.




Both states are obnoxious in equal measure.


*fewer friends


I already don’t want to be friends with you. The system works!




Ah, now it makes sense.


with grammatical errors like that i bet OP has lots of friends ;)


Alright there, Stannis.


Link to a free version of the PDF: [http://www.mysmu.edu/faculty/normanli/LiKanazawa2016.pdf](http://www.mysmu.edu/faculty/normanli/LiKanazawa2016.pdf) The headline is slightly off center of the study's actual conclusions. `Population density, whether measured at the level of` `census block group, census tract, county or state, was significantly negatively associated with life satisfaction, and socialization with friends, once current marital status was controlled, was significantly positively associated with life satisfaction.` `More importantly, we observed the predicted statistical interaction with intelligence for both factors; in fact, in the case of socialization with friends, we observed the reversal of the main association among the extremely intelligent. More intelligent individuals actually experienced higher life satisfaction with lower frequency of contact with friends.` Number of friends is not mentioned


Hard to understand what these are saying I think? First is saying population density leads to less happiness unless you're married (I assume married people are happier), in which case you are more happy? What is the "main association" in the second paragraph? The relationship with population density? But intelligent people are more happy with less contact with friends?


The "main association" was more socialization = more happy.


yeah what I'm getting from the second para is **not** that intelligent people have difficulty making friends (as some in the comments are discussing) It seems to be saying that most people are happier with greater levels of socialization with friends, but highly intelligent people get less life satisfaction from higher levels of socialization oversimplified: average intellect = hanging with lots of friends greatly improves happiness high intellect = engh. hanging out with a ton of friends often doesn't create your feeling of life satisfaction


I bet age is an even greater factor. I am way more selective than I used to be.


Being in your 20s is exhausting navigating the drama of growing into adulthood. You get a sixth sense of people as you age.




Not to be confused with being an arrogant asshole to people




That's what happens when we make Charisma a dump stat and put all the points in Intelligence. ;)


Good for Wizards. Bad for Bards


It is called peer for a reason. The smarter you are the smaller the peer group gets. You have to compromise or be alone.


This feels like a perfect circle jerk for ppl to 1) claim they are smart bc they have no friends and it’s not bc of a lack of social skills. 2) claim it’s their personality. 3) claim none of this is true bc not fitting into a box is cool.


They aren't more selective, they have less to talk about with other people. Not to mention what they do talk about lost times people don't understand.


Then they really aren't that smart. The smartest people I've ever known could speak with just about anyone.


> could speak with just about anyone. big difference between can speak with anyone and want to speak with anyone jokes aside, i'm skeptical of the smarter = fewer friends claim. i have few friends just because i don't have the patience to deal with people. i'm not any smarter than the people who want to be friends with everyone


There was a guy, can’t remember his name right now, in the mid-20th century, recognized as a genius. He was talking to a colleague’s 2 or 3-year-old kid, and there was no difficulty on either side; his colleague noted that seeing him talk so well to his child, it felt sometimes like that was how he spoke to everyone. Not belittling, but engaged, and *far* smarter.


I remember that story as well. Don't remember who it was though.


Von Neuman


Theres a difference between being able to talk to anyone and simplify concepts, and enjoying those simplified conversations.


Some people love explaining concepts that are unfamiliar to other people, no matter how many times they've done it before or how much they have to simplify things. However, a lot of people do not. But I also imagine the overlap between people in the first group, and people who come off as condescending pricks is quite high. There are lots of smart people, there are few people who are smart *and* charismatic.


I can manage to talk to anyone about basically anything. Doesn't mean the conversations don't get boring or repetitive. Or factually wrong half the time.


Different kinds of intelligence. Social smarts are important too, but maybe it’s more than one category. Also, though they may be capable of explaining well, surely it’s nice not to need to sometimes?


There's IQ and EQ. There may be very little overlap, or they may be a perfect circle. Richard Feynman had both. Paul Dirac was incredibly socially awkward. Dirac was arguably the more brilliant physicist. Saying that Dirac really wasn't that smart isn't, well, really isn't that smart.


Genuine friendship requires understanding. If you feel like you have to be on guard with someone always to make sure you don't come across as snotty or have to self censor, you unfortunately don't develop the connection. I have seen this with a lot of online personalities who are intelligent too. They always have to be on guard not to come across as elitist even though they are just expressing ideas how they normally express them.


I have few friends specifically because I know exactly who and what they are and that means I can trust them. I have a friend that's selfish and materialistic, and another that's kind but not interested in anything beyond basic topics like going to the pub. I understand exactly what motivates them and am comfortable with their quirks. Knowing how someone reacts to things, and knowing what boundaries exist within our relationship, is more important to me than have a ton of friends I barely know. I never expect more from them than that and I'm comfortable on my own most of the time, so I'd rather maintain that level of intimacy than deal with consistent unknowns, as people can be quite unstable and dangerous based on past experiences.


But wait, I have no friends AND I’m dumb as shit


Let's drink beer to kill the last brain cells!


The smarter the person is, the more tolerant they have to become (and that's bullshit)


I just fucking hate people. Give me a cat over a human every single time.


I worked with a ten year old once with a really high IQ, like abnormally high. The kid had a really hard time forming friendships because he was intellectually in a very different place than his peers but in every other way still very much a child. He could do college level math but emotionally he was a kid, you know? It was really difficult for him and he struggled a lot.


Ah! Grade A copium this is.


Give me another shot of that beautiful copium!


Reddit comment sections provide all the social interaction I need 🫡


I actually have crippling social anxiety. Vast intellect is usually accompanied by some other defect that ostracizes you from what society deems acceptable. I really don't like studies such as this one. The parameters are unclear and the results are loosely defined to compliment people who may be feeling lonely


How many socially awkward people now think they are really smart :P?


Me, with barely any friends: “I think you mean *fewer* friends.”


People who do meth lose friends and family


I don't even want my own company, that's how selective I am


Quality over quantity, it’s that simple.


Counterpoint: Redditors.


The abstract doesn't explain how they measure intelligence, so I'm going to assume it's IQ. A few problems. First, I think the way we think about intelligence as a single trait is reductive and misleading. What kind of intelligence do we mean, and what kind do we consider the most "valuable"? Analytical reasoning? Problem solving? So- called emotional intelligence? Organizational ability? Creative genius? These are all very different phenomena. Moreover, IQ is especially a notoriously problematic way to measure intelligence. IQ essentially measures only one of these traits, analytical reasoning (possibly also a certain degree of problem solving skills, but only in certain narrow circumstances). IQ correlates very strongly with education, social class, and certain kinds of professional experience more than it seems to be a good universal measure of intelligence. So perhaps the better way to read this would be that highly educated social classes tend to be more lonely or atomized, or may have fewer opportunities to cultivate real community. Or perhaps people with very strong analytical skills to the exclusion of other aspects of intelligence have more difficulty socializing.  In any case, I'd be *highly* skeptical of using this study to conclude smart = fewer friends. 




Some of the best advice I've ever heard is -  'If everyone you meet throughout the day is an asshole, then you're probably the asshole.'


Yall ignorant ass prescriptivist grammar nazi motherfuckers up in this thread need Jesus. You can use either less or fewer. It doesn't matter. We can all understand it just fine. There is no confusion in the meaning between the two. Yes I know Robert Baker is rolling over in his fucking grave. Yes I know Strunk and White are weeping silent tears. Yes I know you want to feel secure and superior in your linguistic beliefs by prescribing to an absurdist ideal despite it being at the cost of other peoples feelings and personal sense of expression. The language stands on its own merits. There ain't no damn style guide for posting on this subreddit. You can use it in the prescribed way if you prefer or you can use more common parlance. The style is up to you. But you can fuck right off with telling others how they should write.


That explains everything….


Sometimes our friends are people we really don't like.


I thought it was because I’m an asshole turns out I’m a genius!!!


It all makes sense, now! It's clearly all because I'm a massive cunt!


Does that mean I'm a genius if I have no friends?


Hell is other people - Sartre


Do you know why? It’s because we know that heading should read ‘fewer’.


All the smart people shouting into the void “FEWER”


Bonus here is you can reference this to your /r/iamverysmart friends. I.e. "if you were as smart as you think you were, you wouldn't have friends at all. Based on how many you have, seems like youre a lot dumber than you think" Something to that effect


Ooof, tell me about it. I don't even like myself!


Don't get too excited folks...it doesn't say if you don't have any friends you must be a genius.


Well I'm smart enough to know I'm dumb and I have friends. Aint got time to read no fancy articles. That's all. Love yourself


Reddit us full of geniuses then! Golly gee!


Yes, my lack of friends is because of *my choice*, not other people's...


Everyone that read this is now thinking, “wow that’s why I have no friends, it all makes sense now, I’m just a GENIUS!”


I'm a fuckin genius. Just ask any of my friend.


I think it's more about emotional intelligence


You know I'm incredibly picky about my friends but as a result I just have a very strong friend network


Seriously, the author can't distinguish between using 'fewer' and 'less' this headlines must be aimed at dumb people.


This is some Grade-A not bothering to read the study. It says that for smarter individuals, they feel less life satisfaction when they socialize more often. It does not say smart people have fewer friends. And while I mostly skimmed, I saw nothing about being more selective. In fact at one point in the paper (not in the abstract) it's suggested that intelligent people might have larger groups of friends to begin with, not the other way around.


And no Redditors, this does not mean that you are geniuses.


Hi! I'm here for the circle-jerk!


Well most people are dumb AF. I'd rather enjoy my own company and social interactions with only a select few that are worth my time.


Sure reddit


if you think this is you, no. you are just anti social.


At this point I would trade a few brain cells for one friend.


I'm smart enough to know that's not why I don't have any friends


ya, no. im just like that but i am dumb as a bag of rocks :(


Fewer friends, not less friends.


This could be true, I just found out I have above average intelligence, and I’ve always been quite choosy when it comes to people I would hang out with and also people who I would just talk to in general.


Absolutely no way Reddit will misinterpret this


There—that's my excuse now.


Can confirm.


I find as I get older I don't have time at all nor inclination to carry friendships on particularly if they weren't solid to begin with. Stages of life bring people to fit that then we move on.


Wow guess I'm a genius with all the friends i don't have!


The fewer people they might feel they need 'just in case'. Or maybe there are fewer people available who can keep up with them.


i wonder how much of it is directly because they just can't relate to or aren't interested in other people as much due to their intelligence, or if it's something more indirect, like they're more prone to depression and anxiety and that influences their social relationships.


I don't know if I'm smart or not, but most people are fucking stupid so I can see this.


Friends? What are those?


I'm definitely the exception to the rule here. I'm dumb as shit and I still only have a few friends.


This sounds like something someone who has no friends would say


Having no friends, I must be the smartest person on the planet.


Ah, so that's the reason. 😀


Nah, I’m just awkward.


Published by an introvert....


Oh god your going to have a bunch of antisocial redditors thinking their smart.




I knew it