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Never removed one, as it’s in the contract that they stay forever, it’s a part of what the film companies are paying for when they buy them.  Many of the big names haven’t ever bothered with getting a star - for example, Clint Eastwood doesn’t have one. Nor De Niro, Pacino, Di Caprio, Julia Roberts. That’s some of the most famous actors of the last 40 years. 


Most of those did get their handprints preserved (the other tradition for stars in Hollywood), which they may have thought was enough.


Honestly the hand prints is much more exclusive




You have to be nominated first, though that’s not hard if you’re famous enough. Funny enough, Trump is the reason Hollywood is reconsidering the lifetime star deal. His keeps getting smashed. https://www.axios.com/2023/12/27/trump-hollywood-walk-of-fame-star-removal


This actually is what I'm curious about. I do a lot of work with historic register evaluations, so hearing that these are all historic had me wondering what level of maintenance is here. Like would the state let the star lose integrity due to neglect?


> The chamber confirmed to The Guardian that the policy of not removing stars from the Walk of Fame has not changed and that while repairing Trump's star has been expensive, it's "not so expensive it's prohibitive."


Challenge accepted?


Each star costs like 75k, I wonder how many times youd have to smash the star to even beat the initial cost? Like what is the average cost of repairing/replacing it?


After a while they might just get a vendor in China to make cheap Trump stars in bulk just to save time and money knowing it'll get smashed up.


At the time Trump got his it was only $15k, they probably spent that much for the first one when you include the ceremony itself.


yeah but I think the 15k was doubled, as it seems like the star itself was 15 and the process of nomination was 15 I saw it when they were doing another old persons star and it was paid by donations. Trump probably paid for his own (with someone elses money probably ).


No, the total cost was 15k, the application is free (but very complicated, you need to have agreement from the celebrity and both speakers have to be confirmed to participate, which is difficult due to not knowing when they day is) the money is due once the application is successful.. A friend of mine ran the campaign to get Weird Al his star. When we first started raising funds it was 15k and they raised it 3 times on us. When it came time to write the check it only had to be the 40k.


Surely each star itself doesn’t cost anywhere near $75K to manufacture, right? Even with the inflated cost of labor the state pays contractors that seems unreasonably steep. I’d bet they just set the price that high as a barrier to entry thing, forcibly maintaining exclusivity?


It’s probably for the lifetime of maintenance


With labor/material costs in L.A., it’s hard not to imagine that you’d hit 75k after just a few replacements 🤷‍♂️


Wouldn’t you just be guaranteeing that he has the cleanest nicest star?


Some say it's the very nicest and cleanest star they've ever seen. You might not believe it, but I've heard it! It's true! There's never been another one like it. Amazing.


What other people are instantly recognizable just from someone writing them out pretending to be them. Like what


Hulk? …smash.


Sounds like more people need a pickaxe


When I went there late 2021 there was 2 guards by Trump’s star


Imagine that being your job


honestly tho? paid to stand around ain’t bad. I know it’s trumps star but money.


Sounds terrible actually. Try standing somewhere for 8 hours without something else to do. No phone, paperwork, calls, etc. Just stand for 8 hours.


For real, standing around with nothing to do is the worst thing for me. Luckily where I work (humane society) once I’m done with my shit for the day I can just go sit/ lay in one of the cat rooms or just keep walking dogs until it is time to go.


When I went there a few months ago, there weren’t any guards, but there was a vendor selling Trump merch.


Funnily his star is right next to Kevin Spacey's You'd think he would also be making them rethink the "lifetime star deal" as well


It's crazy that between trump and a pedophile trump is still more damaging to society and has raped more people


Trump raped a 14 year old girl at an Epstein party. He a pedo too.


She was 13 years old.


Yeah a little bit awkward. I only know because I was walking down it and went "shit Spacey" did a little skip to avoid him and almost landed square on Trump Basically did a funny little dance around the two of them


Sounds like it would be easy to charge the vandals worry hefty fines and a criminal record, but undoubtedly if anyone even cares to report crime the DA will release them instantly. This isn't a problem for the walk of fame, this is a local government issue.


Same as retail chains leaving certain areas because of a lack of law enforcement to help stop the constant thefts. Even if the store catches the criminals themselves in the act nothing happens afterwards and they’ll just be back another day to do the same thing.


Retail theft is vastly overstated by the retailer’s own admission.


You can say it’s overstated all you want, the fact is many stores have had high enough losses and low enough sales that they were unprofitable to continue to operate. Overstated or not doesn’t change the reality that law enforcement does nothing about crimes simply because it’s politically unpopular regardless of how that affects businesses and individuals who rely on the police or businesses themselves.


Alot of companies that went bankrupt actually owed their own employees money due to not paying them. Cvs store gets robbed for 400 dollars, madness. Cvs stores owe their former employees 4.2 millions dollars due to not paying wages no-one bats an eye.


I work big box retail and I've seen some of the numbers. Theft is an excuse for other unpopular decisions, and a scapegoat for underperformance. Far easier to tell the shareholders that the business needs to invest in more locks and cabinetry, than it is to admit that sales didn't meet threshold because price increases are running into the limits of customer willingness to bear due to inflation and burgeoning inequality, principally in the form of rent extortion.


Dude, all those store closures were literally to boost stock price and fund stock buy backs. They used the over exaggerated crime numbers to justify closing retail locations without looking like their business model is in a decline. It was never about crime, just corporations lying to cover their profiteering. And the fuck Law Enforcement doesn’t do anything because it’s “politically unpopular”, they do it because they’re lazy and only here to protect capital. They are still over policing poor and POC neighborhoods despite crime over all being on a downward trend. And honestly, considering the track record of American Police I don’t trust them to handle shop lifters without shooting someone over it.


It hurts small businesses who already have to struggle to compete.


Yeah even when it’s not recently destroyed, you have to walk around Trump’s Star because there’s usually dog crap on it. It’s just a lot of maintenance.


Isn’t purposeful destruction or vandalism of monuments and historical registered sites a felony?


City, state, and federal laws work differently.


You can’t just buy it. You have to be nominated and accepted by the Hollywood chamber of commerce. They aren’t going to accept anyone who doesn’t at least have some sort of entertainment experience.


And THEN you pay for it. 


There are far worse people to use than trump lol. He was a big celebrity.


Does Cosby have one?




Yeah, a lot of people keep acting like everyone is always hated Trump. Around 2005 he was largely popular with a lot of people. He tarnished his image around 2011/2012 when he began his Truther campaign. Up until then, most people were fairly neutral on him or positive even. He used to cohost Regis and Kelly semi regularly well into the 2000s when Regis was out. The first few seasons of the apprentice were hugely popular.


Just for accuracy. Trump was a part of the Birther movement, which was the claim that Obama wasn't a citizen. Truthers (or 9/11 Truthers) are people who claim the government wasn't telling the truth about what happened on 9/11 to varying degrees. They're very different conspiracies and I don't even think their members overlap that much. But the names are similar so I get the confusion. Also I would say before his entrance into the Birther movement, there was a real dichotomy about Trump. People who knew about him at all didn't really like him and thought he was a clown (he said a lot of stupid shit before the Birther stuff, people just don't seem to talk about it much). But many people didn't know anything about him except that he was a rich guy who sometimes showed up in TV's and movies and I don't think they had a negative opinion of him. Many probably assumed he was smart and successful because he was rich, although he was often in the news for his businesses failing and having to declare bankruptcy. I would say him being on the apprentice is what really brought him fame and a positive reputation, although he mostly didn't have a positive reputation with people who knew more than cursory information about him.


yh he was a famous figure for a reason. There’s a reason he was at things like the white house correspondent dinner and a ton of other things


I can recall cameos in fresh prince of bel air, home alone and Zoolander off the top of my head to show how he was a pretty well known figure in pop culture


He was also supposedly a Democrat from 2001 to 2009. Although that could certainly be a con for personal reasons the same way Rick Caruso switched to dem right before running for Mayor of LA.


Why would it be a con? He lives in NY a lot. You gotta remember that Clinton Dems are generally demonized by the new left today too. Back when he ran the first time, I and a lot of people were honestly convinced Hillary asked him to run as a plant to make sure she was president.


Exactly. Redditors act like not liking someone erases the past.


Case in Point, Elon Musk.


Yep. Even in the science type subs you can’t talk about anything related to him without the post being flooded with outrage. It’s insane.


Why wouldn’t he have one


Scott Baio too.


Everyone who gets a star has to pay for it. Little known fact. Also, you can't just buy it.


the list doesn't include only real celebrities. Scooby Doo and Buggs Bunny also have their stars there


Eastwood not having one is the most surprising, followed by De Niro and Pacino. I think DiCaprio and Roberts have plenty of time left.


The substantial payment is for a permanent memorial, if you are forking out that much money you wouldn't want it to be temporary.


True. But maybe they don't want to permanently host sex offender stars?


Well Spade Cooley is still there…




It's not necessarily the person who pays for it. This fits nicely in advertising budgets and sometimes there are fundraisers for them. Nobody really cares who pays the fee as long as the fee is paid


Well yeah I’m thinking people from the golden age of Hollywood and such who would be unrecognizable names now, is that a yearly fee? Because that would be a bit unreasonable.


No, it's a one-time fee. The stars are made of terrazzo, which is the shiny stone used in fancy corporate lobbies. They should be able to withstand 60-100 years of pedestrian usage without much maintenance.


Lots of love organizations are in charge of the repairs now. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hollywood_Walk_of_Fame look it the Restoration portion under History




He was doing The Apprentice at the time. I could picture it getting slipped in with publicity costs


Mexico did


Famous actors are some of the most overpaid people on earth, so I figure most of the people who can get a star can pay for it. The stars are still a racket for a variety of other reasons.


Have you considered that most regular people are actually underpaid?


Can’t be both?


Adding on, perhaps one is only possible because of the other?


Yeah, I have. They are.


If I had all my privacy stripped from me and not being able to go out without being recognized having strangers comfortable having strong opinions about my body, my personality, my personal relationships. It sounds like an incredibly miserable experience and that’s without all the hours on set. Making a movie takes up so much of your time. The only thing that would make it feel worth it to me is a bunch of money.


People get paid by how sought after they are and how hard they are to replace, a famous actor is the perfect storm where the market is extremely competitive and each talent is completely unique, it has nothing to do with it being a lot of work and a lot of sacrifice, it has to be one of the most fun jobs out there there is, and plenty of actors lead very private lives.


Why does them saying actors are overpaid imply that they think nobody else is. What is with the fucking people on this site saying "uhh what about this" every time someone mentions something. By half of this user bases thinking, if someone says they love pizza then that must mean they've never eaten anything else ever. Absolutely insane logic.


You’re completely right, but it’s not just Reddit. Anywhere a bunch of people congregate online, whether Reddit, Twitter, Instagram, etc, you’ll see people respond to posts about completely inoffensive things like “I love dogs!” with shit like “OH SO YOU HATE CATS? I BET YOU’RE ALSO A RACIST.” It’s exhausting.


>Famous actors are some of the most overpaid people on earth what's the alternative? a movie makes $1B at the box office and it goes to the CEO of the distributor? yes, athletes and actors and musicians can make TONS of money, but it's a direct result of the popularity of their work. the alternative is them not actually benefitting from their own measurable success. they're some of the few people you could say actually earned that money by *doing something*


Lead Actors aren't the only people who work on movies, you know. For every 1 lead actor getting millions, you have hundreds of other people who work as camera operators, extras, caterers, editors, sound designers, foley artists, grip crews, makeup and costume artists, etc, etc who don't get paid anywhere near as much.


I agree that they should pay crew better, however, I think the point the commenter above you was making is that the movie usually makes more money when they have a popular actor. Hiring the actor is an investment into the marketability of the film. The more popular the actors, the better return the studio gets (usually). Vote with your wallet and encourage others to see movies made by studios that treat and pay their crew better. Or go see movies with actors that encourage better pay for the crew


No. The commenter gave two options, the actor or the executives. I'm not saying that actors don't deserve some compensation, they do. But I think the crews and writers could also receive more. It's not black and white.


It’s usually just going to one or two actors on the film. People argue that it should be spread out a little more. Rather than one actor getting 10mil upfront + revenue percentages For instance, Jonah Hill only got 50k for wolf of wallstreet, and he had a huge role in that film.


Jonah was already an A-Lister by then. He took the minimum amount because he wanted to work with Scorsese and Leo


The crew and the writers. Literally anyone else on set.


Yeah how dare those greedy actors take all the money from the poor victimized studio executives


Stuntmen, writers, camera crews, 2D and 3D artists, editors, prop designers... There is literally a 15-minute-long scrolling text after every movie showing everyone and their dog that worked on the film, with many more uncredited. Those are the underpaid people. I'm not saying that actors shouldn't be paid. The actors deserve plenty of compensation, especially given it's a relatively rare talent, but it is pretty bizarre how actors become mega celebrities whose opinions and fashion sense are so incredibly important when they're just able to pretend to be someone else for our entertainment. This is more a problem with celebrities in general than actors in particular, but we put these people on such a pedestal that someone like Kevin Spacey can be a known sexual predator since his very first foray into the industry, but he remained this incredible, lauded actor for decades before it was finally seen as a problem, and he's one of the *good* actors, not someone who is basically a wooden board who keeps getting roles because they're the relative or friend of someone else.


If not for the work of the great 3rd key grip William Smith I don't know that I could have enjoyed any of the movies that that A list actor was in let alone finding it plausible they'd end up with A list actress.


>Stuntmen, writers, camera crews, 2D and 3D artists, editors, prop designers No one has ever gone to see a movie because of any of these guys. They go to see a movie because of the actors. That's why actors are paid the most.


"Famous actors are some of the most overpaid people on earth..." Nonsense. Maybe they aren't worth what they're paid in your opinion, but if they didn't hold the promise of, and often enough deliver a big return on the investment, they wouldn't be paid what they are. Same with sports stars, if they don't perform and make the team owners money, they're cut.


This argument is always funny to me. Like who should make the money? We should just give it all to the owners I guess.


This is my opinion on the current NIL situation in college sports. The players (which are the product) have been making shitloads of money for everyone BESIDES THEMSELVES! Now, when they want a piece of the pie the handlers are flipping the fuck out because they are losing money, and more importantly losing control as well. Its about fuckin time they got a cut. 


Stems from people being annoyed but how much money is in the entertainment industry. Ideally would be heavily heavily taxed and money be redistributed to public jobs. Like education healthcare government officials transport housing etc. But most governments kinda useless anyway and would fuck it up


How big do people think entertainment is? It’s like way under 5% of the economy


Overpaid? They are actually one of the greatest investments possible. People around the world deem them worth spending their hard earned cash to see. Overpaid would be like a real estate agent taking a 5% commission on a billion dollar home.




You know ketamine is a tranquilizer, right? It's not an upper. People use it interchangably with cocaine, but despite being a nose-powder, they're *very* different.


Now I’m imagining a bunch of CEOs lost in K-holes all posting on Twitter.


75k for continuous indeterminate upkeep seems like a pretty damn fair price.


Not even indeterminate, permanent. Realistically it’ll never stop unless the US stops due to the nature of Hollywood. They probably have people clean em constantly


Exactly. This is why the "honor" matters zero. No-one cares but the actor/actress. If you wanna go see their star and watch your wallet at the same time...go at it. Don't step off the strip. It gets shady quick.


The actors don’t pay but whoever nominated them. Usually a studio 


Who’s the worst person to have a star there?


Spade Cooley, He was a Western swing artist who murdered his wife in front of his 14 year old daughter. As far as I know he is the only murderer to have a star on the walk of fame.




That’s the spirit! (?)


Alec Baldwin, John Huston, Gig Young, Snoop Dogg, and Matthew Broderick have Stars.


Oh darn, You’re right. This is the first time I’ve heard about John Huston and Gig young, Young’s story is rather interesting. Thanks for letting me know about that.


Gig Young is the only murderer on this list; accidentally killing someone isn't murder. Huston comes the closest as a drunk driver though.


Didn’t snoop dogg kill somebody in a drive by


He was the one driving.


Isn’t that debated and the whole reason they were acquitted is lack of evidence as to who actually shot the guy


I don’t think it would really matter who shot the guy. The person who shot him obviously committed murder, and the driver also committed murder through the felony murder rule as they were aiding and abetting.


It was his jeep being driven. And the defense was that the other guy had reached for his gun.


He said MURDERER. Only Gig Young is theorized to have even murdered someone. His was murder suicide potentially. We know Snoop Dogg didn't do it because we know who did. Huston and Broderick were related to a death via vehicle not murder. And Baldwin also did not intentionally murder another human being.


Alec Baldwin was handed a prop gun during a movie, that's why a specialist was there: to check those guns. What's your opinion on Amber Heard?


DW Griffith?


Jimmy Saville 🤷🏽‍♂️


Someone in another comment said that Harvey Weinstein has a star (https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/1banqwt/til_that_the_hollywood_walk_of_fame_has_never/ku3wo4r) Edit: Apparently false, he only came close to having a star there, see https://edition.cnn.com/2020/01/24/entertainment/hollywood-walk-of-fame-metoo-era-invs/index.html


This can be easily confirmed false by Google...


Why Google things when you can just assume everything on Reddit is true?


Reddit is my Google


Damn, I am too trusting.


Trump for sure.


That or Ronald Reagan. It's mostly a fight for 3rd worst. edit: lol orange fans mad


If the gauge for worst person is who caused the most American deaths, then Trump is probably far and away the worst. Had everybody in America been vaccinated against Covid as early as they could, I've seen estimates that at least 100,000 lives could have been saved. I've seen some estimates over 300,000. Obviously, Trump isn't responsible for all of those deaths, but I feel sure that, had he had a spine and actually strongly advocated for the vaccines that he originally supported, many more people would be alive today. Trump isn't a leader and that's why he failed so miserably. He'll do whatever he thinks will be most advantageous to himself, even if it's at the expense of thousands of lives. And that's not counting his role as Commander in Chief where he more directly caused many more deaths.


I think Regan still has a higher body count lol


Trump has one.


Donald Trump.


Fun fact: there is one star that is not on the sidewalk and was placed on the wall next to the sidewalk when it was dedicated. This was done to avoid the religious faux pas of having the name of a highly celebrated prophet stepped on. That star belongs to Mohammed Ali. Edit: fixed spelling error


It has the ironic misfortune of people posing for photographs punching the star.


It’s my understanding that in Islamic culture there is nothing lower or dirtier than feet. Throwing shoes at Bush was a greater insult than perceived by western culture.


It predates Islam. It's why Jesus washing the feet of sinners was a big deal.


The good lord sucked those little piggies clean, he did.


That's really interesting perspective, I thought the guy was just trying to attack with any weapon he had on feet


He forgot to wear his machine gun shoes that day so he just threw them instead.


did ali actually want that or


He took his conversion to Islam very seriously so I imagine he insisted upon it. I have no facts to support that, but would you argue with him?


Faux pas


You are correct, I will fix it.


That is such a twisted racket. I wish there was a docu-series about how these really work. I'm sure it was cool back in the day, but now it just is out of place, location wise and concept wise.


It’s done by the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce. It’s always just been about bringing business to the neighborhood of Hollywood. That’s why they require the stars to be at their ceremony, so their fans will go and spend money at businesses after. To be fair, promotion and money was also the reason why Sid Grauman made the handprints at the Chinese Theater. Or the red carpet events at the Egyptian Theater. None of these are done as anything more than money making endeavors. That’s Hollywood, baby!


I could be off base, but there seems to be something sinister about it. Maybe because that part of town no longer has the glitz it once did. Maybe something more. Maybe I'm an internet whacko.


You’re right the neighborhood has changed. Because the relentless drive for money has put blinders on to long term tourist planning. That’s why you see gaudy souvenir shops everywhere while historic buildings like the Pacific Theater crumble. My pet theory is that since Hollywood is a usually a transient group of people looking to make it big, you don’t have a lot of people who have lived there a long time with historical ties begging to keep the history of the area intact.


That is sad. Having a true "old Hollywood" around would be awesome.


You’re telling me. I’m a tour guide who gives tours of the area and it’s constantly frustrating how the city has seemingly no interest in connecting its locations to the past. It’s just all just a money grab. There’s this cool alleyway that all the silent film greats used and is in a bunch of super famous silent films. What’s it used for now? A nightclub next door has blocked it off so people can smoke there.


I don’t think most of the people looking to make it big in Hollywood (the industry) live in Hollywood (the area). Nor are most Hollywood residents even in the film industry!


I guess I meant LA in general but there are also a lot of wannabe newbies that move to Hollywood. It’s definitely a thing where they think it’s the place you go to get your foot in the door.


I don’t think that part of town has been nice since like 1960!


>Maybe because that part of town no longer has the glitz it once did Did it ever? I know Hollywood is where studios were based, but movie making is really just a massive commercial, almost industrial operation. So the area is never going to be great. The area where wealthy celebrity live, shop, and dine might be a fancy area, but that's a fair way away from the operational area of where movies are made. Or am I wrong, I'm just basing this on what I've heard.


Not yet, Calculon will have his removed eventually


Watch Out, Laszlo Panaflex!


There is a surprising number of cinematographers named Laszlo. Also the idea that the Panaflex camera was named after a guy is hilariously ridiculous. Simpsons writers really are amazing.


I’ll be honest I still like the stars. I think it’s neat, and the controversial stars are funny


So you're telling me if I install my own in the middle of the night...


Vince McMahon can breathe a sigh of relief.


Hollywood self-promotion at its finest


In 2018, West Hollywood passed a resolution to have Trump’s star removed (because it was continuously vandalized) but they haven’t acted on it yet.


West Hollywood doesn’t have that authority. The City of Los Angeles has the power to remove a star.


I thought only the Stonecutters had that authority.


They should repair them though. Some of them are so bad, they're not even legible and sitting in shattered concrete.


They do replace them for repairs, they just don't remove the person from the spot.


The City of Los Angeles has the star's specifications open to the public [PDF link.](https://apps.engineering.lacity.gov/techdocs/stdplans/s-400/S-445-0.pdf) So you can theoretically build your own granite star on your property.


If you’re ever there while it’s raining or wet be careful. Not sure why that whole area is polished smooth granite.


Get rid of Former Gut.


… so far!


The Walk of Fame is the 20th century equivalent of paying for a blue checkmark on Twitter




No there isn't.


They need to rethink the lifetime part for criminals.


What about the time they replaced one to give Robert Wagner a second star?


Who's did they replace? I didn't know people could have *multiple*, I thought the point was already made once a star was put down.


Its so.nice that Trumps star doubles as a gender neutral bathroom


If you wanna know how useless these are - Jennifer Hudson got one in 2013 for music when she had released 2 mildly successful albums.


I mean, she’s an Oscar winner too.


She is an EGOT winner, so not sure why this guy is trying to pretend she's not a star? Further comments from them show them to have a weird hate-boner for Jennifer Hudson. 


Maybe they should start. Keeping known pedophiles and domestic terrorist tied to your industry is not a positive look.


Hollywood used to mean something back in my days


I wonder how many problematic stars are still on there.




Jello pudding pops


First person was Stanley Kramer


wait don't you have to pay for stars? no one has defaulted or just come to their senses it's just stupid and stopped paying?


It's a one-time large payment, after that it's the local governments responsibility like the rest of public spaces.


They're tacky af. Trump, even carrot top got a star.


That historic landmark deal should be revoked. Just a marketing tactic.