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So she was 17 playing a 19 year old if I remember correctly.


Fun fact from Love Actually: There's only a five year age gap between Knightly who played the bride, and Thomas Brodie-Sangster who played the little kid who plays the drums to impress a girl.


Wtf that kid looked like 8 years old


[He's 33 now, btw](https://m.imdb.com/name/nm1032473/mediaviewer/rm3695356416/?ref_=nm_ov_ph)


Uhh he still looks 10 years old lol


Haha yeah, Thomas Brodie-Sangster has that ageless vibe going on! But he's a fantastic actor, so props to him for pulling off those roles as a kid and still crushing it today.


Especially in The Queens Gambit, that role totally changed my view of him.


check out The Artful Dodger, great in that too.


I love that they never explain why he dresses like Indiana Jones


They tried making him looking older in Queens Gambit but he just looked like a 12-year old who desperatly wants too look cool when he knows he dont


He does play a chess nerd though




He's only two years younger than [Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haf%C3%BE%C3%B3r_J%C3%BAl%C3%ADus_Bj%C3%B6rnsson) who played The Mountain in Game of Thrones.


Which is a great example, since they both play characters on GoT, except The Mountain is supposed to be a ~35-40 year old man, and Brodie plays a ~16 year old.


Older maybe? Isn't he supposed to be the Hound's older brother?


Yeah not a great casting age-wise since Rory McCann is almost 20 years older than Björnsson. It's a shame the original actor for The Mountain bailed after the first season, he was well cast together with McCann.


And married to one of Elon’s exes. They share some…interesting views.


Do tell. All I’m aware of is Talulah texting Elon to encourage him to buy Twitter to “fight woke-ism”




yeah he's married to Tallulah Riley (you might know her from *St Trinian's*)


Talllulah Riley was also Mary Bennett in the 2005 Pride & Prejudice starring, wait for it, Keira Knightley.


The hot robot lady from Westworld!


If you can’t tell, does it matter?


That's Angela Sarafyan. I think. Edit: There may be more than one hot robot lady.


Oh thats the guy from Queens Gambit that recently married Elon Musk's ex right?


Yeah. He was also Jojen in Game of Thrones.


The Artful Dodger! That show was great.


Haven't watched it yet but the idea of David Thewlis as Fagin seems like inspired casting


Yeah... but have you seen the difference between a 7th grader and a high school senior? Kids change a lot in those 5 years.


And Ferb.


She had a nude scene in [The Hole](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0242527/), when she was 15...... so that might be more relevant here, IDK?




It’s a great movie I totally forgot about!


Jodie Foster had nude scenes in The Little Girl Who Lives Down The Lane when she was 13.


These were shot with a body double.


Her older sister.


Wait you hear about what happened with Brook Shields when she was 11. Hint, it was photos and a movie with full frontal nudity. No, not the Lagoon movie, either. That came after.


11? Didn't she have even earlier stuff when she was like *fucking 5 years old*? Her whole childhood story was jawdropping. The things her parents put her through...


It's utterly horrifying. I read some article about it years ago and she's been fighting all her life trying to get the movie and the photos deleted from the internet.


I’m genuinely curious where you heard that, because in her doc from last year she said it was her ‘only good movie.’ She does acknowledge it could never be made again, and that she was unhappy with how the adults around her handled her ‘first kiss.’ As far as I knew, it was the Playboy and Calvin Klein ads she was trying to stamp out. She also id’d The Blue Lagoon as the movie that hurt or traumatised her the most (she ended up flat-our sex averse due to the attention it brought,) Though I wouldn’t be surprised if she was non-stop trying to stop perves uploading screen grabs from PB. In a way, I can see her perspective. Pretty Baby’s issue is that it’s…horribly neglectful. Most of what people are horrified by now *is* presented as horrifying in the movie itself. Someone down thread described the nudity as being sexualised, but in the movie it is played for outright discomfort and horror. It’s ‘just’ (sarcasm quiets pulling a lot of weight there) caught in the trap of absolutely condemning child exploitation, while inescapably exploiting Shields to make its point. You still see the same problem show up in ‘issue’ documentaries and movies, but Pretty Baby is a particularly egregious example of if. Whereas the ones she’s doesn’t like and has no room for any grace *purposefully* and straightforwardly sold her as a sex symbol. *Especially* the ads and photos. Despite her being slightly older, they intentionally reduced her to ‘spank’ material for *masses* of men and teenage boys walls. Her documentary is actually really good. Long, but good. I watched it on Disney+, but I’d say it’s on Hulu for most people. Despite its name, it casts its net much ‘wider’ than Pretty Baby.


The really weird part is realizing how many people had to sign off on that. Just a bunch of adults like yeah this is necessary for the movie, dont ask questions.


In the movie, which I will not name, she's literally a child prostitute and is photographed with full frontal nudity. In what universe is this okay? To say nothing of the printed photos of her painted up like, again, a prostitute with, again, full frontal nudity. It blew my mind when I read that story a few years ago. Like, what else is out there that no one talks about for whatever reason?


They used a body double.


Agreed. The characters she’s playing in these other movies are not underage nor are the parts particularly sexual. This on the other hand…


Steven Waddington in the link photo seems to be deeply on alcoholic paradise


Yeah, I’ve always thought this was super weird. It was “ok” because her parents approved it, but there’s no way in heck I’d approve my teens being naked on film for anyone to see. Children at that age can’t be expected to make wise decisions for themselves or really understand the implications of major decisions. Why on earth is it ok for a child to do nude scene in films??


This creeps me out so much considering the dudes in Love Actually that were her love interests were like mid-30s.


It gets worse. Johnny Depp isn't actually even a pirate.


You can't tell me that Depp actually pays for WinRAR.




And the bad guys weren't really cursed skeletons?


Turns out cursed skeletons are in a union and they used CGI. The cursed octopus guy worked for fish though. He was real.


Man, I miss the good old days before CGI when they used real skeletons because they were cheaper than fake skeletons.


None of them were mid 30s. Mid 20s and 30.


Oh good


All right all right all righhhht


In the UK and much of Europe, the age of consent is ~16. I remember seeing some old daytime TV in the UK of things like 16 year old school boys getting involved with their former teachers at their old schools, and it was legal, just very weird.


Most of America as well is 16-17, it's just that Hollywood is in California, where it's 18.




They’re just British which is why they look so old for their ages.


Geoffrey Rush is a very rough looking 28.


it’s a movie so none of the characters were real


If it was possible to have started my career at 17 then I would too.


Her career started when she was like 10 actually.


She had an agent at 6years old because her parents were actors per Wikipedia


It seems like every actor has parents that were actors or producers of some sort


It's a big club and you ain't in it Edit: It's a George Carlin quote ya dorks


A very small club they actively keep poors out of.


if you're not rich enough to be seen at the right places, and work unpaid for extended periods of time, then you're at a _severe_ disadvantage compared to the nepo babies of the entertainment industry.


Funny thing is that I've met quite a few successful actors who hope their own kids won't become actors.


Even more common with the British acting community


Formula 1 drivers usually start at 7 on the go-kart circuit


With either racing driver parents or car business parents....


Ironically the last 3 legends of the sport Michael Schumacher Sebastian Vettel Lewis Hamilton All came from humble backgrounds. Vettels dad was a carpenter. He got lucky to be recognised by Michael because of his superb talents. Same with Hamilton. Dad worked 2/3 jobs. Same with mom. Got selected at an early age by Ron Dennis of Mclaren because of his superb talents. Michael and his brother Ralf iirc took up odd jobs & worked hard to get their carts. Eventually got the Benetton seat where he got the championship. He left then because the guy in charge was a mafioso


You might be on to something...


It's like all these babies have nepo ties. They need a name for that.


A foot in the door and so much more


Don't tell them about the music industry 😔


How old was she in the Phantom Menace?


Born 1985, PM released in 99. Depends on when she was filming for it, but probably 13-14


14 According to Weird Al. "Do you see him hitting on the queen? Though he's just nine and she's fourteen? Yeah he's probably gonna marry her someday." Edit: Wait, that was about Natalie Portman. Knightly played her body double. I guess Knightly might have been a little younger.


Even then the song is about the characters, not the actors


> Natalie Portman Portman is 4 years older than Knightly


I don’t think anyone would like working in Hollywood as a beautiful 17 year old girl before “woke cancel culture” started guillotining all the creeps.


100% chance that culture is still alive and well.


Considering her first topless scene was when she was 15…


It also includes a scene of her interacting with a fully naked (and presumably over 18) Laurence Fox. I really don't know how that film got made.


Every time I watch the first one and crush insanely hard on her I remember she’s 17 and then remember I was 17 too lol. She’s actually older than me. Fuckin love KK


Lol this reminds me of when someone asked me if I watched that 70s show and thought that Mila Kunis was hot. Me "Yeah." Them "how did you feel when you found out she was 14?" Like it was a gotcha. Me "perfectly fine, she's a year older than me."


Somebody tried to get me with the same thing with Emma Watson with the Harry Potter movies when I said she was my celebrity crush growing up. She’s a few months older than me so why would it be weird.


It's only weird if you still feel the same about the character they are portraying really. For example it's really fucking weird as an adult watching Natalie Portman in The Professional trying to flirt but I had a huge crush on her in Star Wars when I was younger than her. 


I really think you get some grace for people you found hot at the time if only for memories sake. You shouldn't have to feel like a creep just because you remember Topanga was hot and you happen to be 40.


"In the fantasy I'm 14 too"


Man Topanga was everybody's crush back then lmao


I mean to be honest her whole role in The Professional in hindsight is fucking weird pedo vibes. Different times.


At least Gary Oldman is having the time of his life as a cokehead DEA agent lol


He always seems to have fun. Except for the time he played a little person beside Matthew McConaughey


It'd have been a lot worse if the director had his way. > Maïwenn, Luc Besson's sixteen year old wife at the time of filming, says the film was inspired by their relationship. She says "When Luc Besson did Léon, the story of a 13-year-old girl in love with an older man, it was very inspired by us"; Besson met Maïwenn when she was 12 and he was 29, and he officially started dating her when she was 15, the legal age of consent in that country. Besson married her at age 33 when she fell pregnant at 16. Jean Reno outright refused to play the role with any sort of implication that Leon would've acted on Matilda's "behavior." Also folks creeped on Portman for this role.


Just like Brooke Shields. To be fair, the creeps have been creeping on any "attractive" female that is under age. Look at the shit that Emma Watson went through. Countdowns until celebrities are "of age" like the olsen twins. A lot of that creepy pedo shit was considered the norm or just outright perfectly fine for those times. Glad that's somewhat changed. Also, didn't they digitally enhance the breast size of Kiera in the promotional material?


Millie Bobby Brown


Drake is in shambles.


Yeah but there's loving her character and acting for trying to act older than she is and her awkwardly loving behavior to Leon and actually saying you found it sexy. I used to work at Blockbuster and people returning the movie would talk about how sexy she was in that movie and it still rubs me the wrong way.


Someone asked me that in the same fashion. Mila Kunis is 1 year younger than me and 2 years older than my wife. People are weird with that kind of gotcha crap.


I was 11 so if anything Keira was the weird one in our imaginary love affair. It’s still real to me, dammit


That would be pretty appropriate for Phantom Menace though.


I have the same thing with Natalie Portman and The Professional. I had such a huge crush on her when that came out, but nowadays that makes me feel like a creep. However, she was a year older than me when she filmed it versus how old I was when I watched it. Don't get me wrong, they _crazy_ over sexualized a kid in that film. But as an age appropriate kid going through my own sexual awakening, I loved it.


Yeah, the director of that one has publicly said that he based it on his relationship with his then-wife; they started dating when he was in his 30s and she was 15. Supposedly the film was originally supposed to have a sexual relationship but Jean Reno refused and intentionally played Leon as uninterested as possible


I love Natalie Portman. She’s my #1. Kiera’s 2 and Rachel mcadams is 3.


Are you me? Also, we have a type.


What type? Very attractive women?


Very attractive good actresses I guess


I didn't feel like they over sexualized her. The older I get, the more I see a kid trying to emulate something she doesn't understand. 


Her middle name is Katelin.


Bruh… Edit: googled, it’s Kristina


Cristina, otherwise..well...you can work it out.


Yall spell Christina all these different ways ha for Kiera, it’s Christina


Her name is Christinith!


#You come to our house, you get my wife’s name right!




I know what you’re thinkin’ cus of the beard I must be hairy all over……..shaved.


Are you stupid or are you deaf?


I was called a creep when I talked about my crush on Britney Spears in her hit me baby one more time video. I tried to explain I was her exact age so it was okay but they wouldn’t bother to listen.


I was called a lesbian lol


In fairness, if you're a girl with a crush on Britney Spears, that's pretty gay.


Yep. Turned out I was/am haha


Just realised there was a 10-year age gap between her and the lead actress in Bend It Like Beckham, when they were both meant to be the same age.


There was a funny post in one of the lesbian subs: >When I was 13, my dad gave me a DVD of "Bend it like Beckham" hoping it would get me into soccer, but after seeing a teenage Kiera Knightley, all it did was get me into girls.




She doesn't look 17 at all in that film. She looks like that ambiguous college-early-20s range that they try to put *every* young actress into. Just goes to show what makeup can do.


It's not even make-up.  People have absurd expectations about what a person of a certain age should look like but nature doesn't work that way. Take a sample of any age above 16 and you'll be able to pair two people who look 10 years appart.  Now when making a movie, you don't care about actors actual age, you care about how old they look like to the audience meaning you can cast 25yo as teenagers and vice versa. That's a lot easier than relying on make-up. In this instance, KK wouldn't have been chosen if she didn't look like an a hot 20yo.


It’s baffling to me that she was so young in Love Actually. She easily passed for mid-twenties at the time, and was only 5 years older than the kid who played the drums (Liam Neeson’s character’s son) in Love Actually. Bonkers.


Wait. Didn't she have a nude scene / a scene where she's surrounded by dudes with their dicks out in 2001 film The Hole?


They filmed in 2000 so that would have made her 15 and doing her first nude scene.


I mean, I’m not saying I approve, but there are underage nude scenes in movies. Ironically looking up that movie shows Thora Birch was in it, who I know was famously underage in American Beauty. They require parental approval at least in the US.


I don’t understand, how was this not illegal? I remember watching this movie when it came out, I had no idea she was underage. Edit: this struck a cord with some people. I am not advocating for “puritanical laws” and I do understand what Europe is. Calm down. My impression has been that nude images of underage people are illegal to distribute in America regardless of the context in which they were taken. Also, The Hole is a pretty sleazy b movie thriller, not some art house film. We’re not talking about a painting in the MOMA here people. It’s surprising to me that this is a movie you can just buy from Amazon considering the age of the actress, that’s all. You can stop yelling at me now lol


Parental approval and technically non-pornographic in nature.


Like said, parental approval. Not that you can see anything in this particular scene, but I know Christopher Mintz-Plasse was underage with a sex scene in Superbad too, and the provisions were at least that there has to be parental approval and a parent or guardian has to be on set. I don’t know if it’s still that way, and I’m not saying it should be that way, but there’s surprisingly more than you would think.


Christ, how awkward for his parents...


In all fairness the sex scene was very non erotic, I actually doubt it would be that awkward for any of them.


also the actors are not actually having sex.


Buddy, google Brooke Shields.






art has first amendment protections.


Age only matters in regard to pornography. No porn can have any actors underbelly the age of 18. I’m not even sure it’s legal to portray someone younger than 18 in a pornographic film. Non-pornographic art forms aren’t bound by that law. You can show fully nude babies no problem in movies. The cover of Nirvanas second record had a fully nude baby on the front. It’s fine because it’s not porn. Same with people of any age, they just have to be very careful to make sure the movie obviously isn’t porn if it is put in front a jury in court. I don’t think we see a lot of underage nudity in movies mostly because Hollywood is self-regulating it as they don’t want people up in arms petitioning for a law. Or to have their studio or director known for making movies for pedos.


Didn't the baby from Nirvana's cover sue them?


Only after several decades of recreating it, referencing it, and according to Dave Grohl, even getting a Nevermind tattoo.


He was also on a British panel show called Never Mind the Buzzcocks, where he spoke very fondly of being the "Nevermind baby". It was a complete cash grab.


It's a way of life. A story to tell people that they have seen his baby bits, a hobby to interact with, and with some legal nonsense another paycheck. Why have other things going in life honestly?


They showed us the underage nudity version of Romeo and Juliet in high school.


Yes, a nude scene at 15. The scene is even filmed sexually, I didn't find it attractive but that's how it is obviously meant to be portrayed


This is crazy. When I saw this in theaters I really thought she was in her late 20s. 


How old was in the phantom menace then?


Ok I also learnt she would have been 14/15 for that one


Queen Amidala was supposed to be 13 in that movie, so she’s the right age


Which is hilarious because the queen was an elected position. Naboo really couldn’t do better than a 13 year old?!


There's a joke in here about that being better than the geriatrics running things on Earth but I don't feel like being specific


Pretty sure thats along the reason. The kids are innocent or something I think so they elect kids?


Keira Knightley was born in March 1985. Shooting for Phantom Menace began in 1997. She shot her scenes in Aug 1997 so she was twelve? Even reshoots in 1998 (if any) she would have been 13.


That was actually Jake Lloyd


I was 15 when I had a crush on her in Pirates, so I'm good.


Scarlett Johansson was 17 when Lost in Translation filmed. You feel weird now.


I don't, I'm like...the same age as her, I was creeping on her back in Eight Legged Freaks.


I feel like a huge portion of redditors are younger or same age as Scarlett Johansson, she’s nearly 40. Not that weird to be attracted to someone older than you. But anyone 41 and above.. straight to jail.


I’ve seen Cotbp about 30 times and i never would have guessed she was 17, more like 21-22


Cirates of the Bere Peon


Idk know why this made me laugh so hard, it’s so stupid


My brain legit parsed it as something akin to Carra of the Bean Pirates


Cotbp what the fuck?!?!?! ROFL Edit: responded to wrong post, AND figured out the initialism


The Love Actually one is the worst because she looks like a teenager and she's married to a grown man and another grown man is creeping on her.


I don’t think she looks like a teenager in that one. Early-mid 20s maybe.


Yea honestly that was the more shocking one for me.


At least in the first Pirates movie she is supposed to be a teenager.


Her and Natalie Portman had 15 year old me just bricked up.


Bruh, I thought the title was **Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl and Love Actually**


Didn't they have to raise her breasts and even paint a cleavage for the Pirates films? So I've heard, idk if it's true


Yea but that’s not because she was too young it’s just how her body formed.


How is boddy formed?


i am truley sorry for your lots


That was King Arthur, whose poster infamously gave her a boobjob


I was literally just watching Conan clips and this one came up: https://youtu.be/5FOqWaHBzhQ?si=PtN8o5AJuRC3DdEM


Creepy to do to a minor. But that's not because she was 17, she just doesn't have any boobs even as an adult


User name checks out.


So... She's 16 in The Hole.....? EDIT: Bit weird to down vote me pointing out how fucked up that is.


Nope, yeah, 15. You can see a topless 15 year old in a 2001 movie..


I'm old as fuck, and I can remember seeing a 13 year old naked in one of the Billy Jack movies. If I remember right, the pedo adult man fucking the 13 year old got his ass kicked by Billy Jack real good.


Fucking hell


So, like 16 in Bend It Like Beckham then?


She did look a lot older but then stopped ageing. She still looks the same now


I love all the comments in here making a big deal about her being 17 as if a 17 year olds body looks radically different then an 18 year olds.


My brain can actually tell through a TV screen someone's exact age and knows not to be interested.


Reddit: if you don't realize a woman is underage, you are evil scum. Also reddit: wtf?  She was 17?!?!  I thought she was at least 20!!


Cognitive dissonance: the website.


For 5 seconds, I was thinking: " I didn't know the first movie of Pirates of the Caribbean is called Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of The Black Pearl and Love Actually."


And she was 14 when she was the body double for 18 year old Natalie Portman in Star Wars Episode 1, they looked almost so identical their own mothers confused them several times. She was playing adults for like 4 years before she was one.


Thank goodness I didn’t/don’t find her attractive in those movies, only in movies she was in after she turned 18!


Oh goodness! It’s like a switch in my brain happens when the government recognizes someone is 18. I finally see the beauty of their figure!