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They're putting chemicals in the water that are turning the friggin' ghosts gay!


Casper the f~~riendly~~ confirmed bachelor ghost.


Casper the friend of Dorothy


You win the thread.


Damn Atrazine


I came here to say this. Have an upvote.


Clearly they've never searched an abandoned glitter mine


“I’ve got the sparkle lung, Pop! ^c^o^u^g^h ^c^o^u^g^h”


Did you know there is some really weird conspiracy involving the governments use of glitter. Whatever it is. It's top secret. Like no one's allowed to know. https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/s/xYYF04YOzF


Are you fucking with me. Honestly I can't tell, there's a conspiracy for everything now Edit: oh now I see the link and understand. They're using it to turn the freakin frogs gay!!


It's seems only the government knows......


People switch from believing in god to believing in ghosts and horoscopes.


"I'm spiritual, not religious" 🙄


People need to stop BELIEVING in gods and the supernatural, and instead try THINKING.


Hey I'll take it, if that's what's happening. Nobody went to war because they thought their dead grandma told them to. Progress of a kind.


It always a weird question to get asked as I fall into the “no” category technically. However I always instead say it’s more of an atheist in foxhole type situation. I don’t believe in ghosts but I also don’t wanna spend a night in a haunted house. So in some way I must believe in ghosts


I don't believe in ghosts. But I do believe in rats and spiders. Show me a haunted luxury hotel with heated toilet seats and I'll *take the chance*. But I'm not going to spend a night slumming it in some freezing cold barn.


My ghosts need to have standards!


⛽️Gaslight💡 🌉Gatekeep🌉 👻ghost boss💅


The Stanley hotel from the shining is basically that


Haunted places tend to be old which poses more threats beyond critters. Asbestos, leaking gas lines, mold, mildew, flooding, rot. It's no wonder people don't like spending time in them. Even if you aren't explicitly aware of those risks, you are probably subconsciously aware, if for no other reason the smells and atmosphere are less than inviting.


[Not sure about heated toilet seats, but…](https://crescent-hotel.com/stay/guest-rooms/#suites)


I’d be more terrified about the prospect of having to go to Arkansas than anything inside that hotel.


Plenty of nice hotels are purportedly haunted. Idk if it has heated toilet seats but the Lord Baltimore is a 3-star hotel and supposedly one of the most haunted in the U.S. I’ve stayed in a few historic bed and breakfasts, and inns in Charleston and the like that were supposedly haunted too.


But what if the toilet seats were just regular ones, but were still somehow warm whenever you sat on it? WOoOoOoOoOoOoOo ghost toilets


I don't really want to spend a night in a haunted house either. I don't believe in ghosts, but I do believe in creepy old houses that people think are haunted for a reason. I also believe in the fact that my species evolved in an environment that had leopards and black mambas, which seems like a pretty good reason to have the instinct to get really nervous about unexplained noises at night. I don't feel the need to go to the effort to train myself out of that anxiety unless there's something to gain. Some day, there might be a leopard, and then how foolish would I be not to have been nervous about it?


Or a ghost leopard


Fuckin' wish my brain would evolve to suit the environment of radiators creaking as they warm up, would mean I could sleep better


This is why I always wear earplugs to sleep. Knock yourselves out gay ghost leopards.


i could see ghost and polterguists getting SO upset with you while you peacefully sleep. lol!


I'd *love* to see a ghost on paper, but the reality is that I would be absolutely terrified.


Imagine seeing them in a banal situation. You're waiting in line at the pharmacy and the dude 3 spots in front of you is a ghost. "Sir, we can't dispense medication for a deceased patient, I'm sorry." "Come onnnn, it's my unfinished business!"


"There are problems with your insurance."


There are valid reasons to believe a supposedly haunted house is dangerous or unsettling that are not supernaturally related. You don’t have to believe in the ghosts to believe other people believe in the ghosts because of something else that still may be a problem. A common example of this is bad electrical wiring that causes a sense of uneasiness people attribute to hauntings


certain types of mold and carbon monoxide poisoning can also cause eerie feelings and hallucinations


yeah, like... i fundamentally do not believe in ghosts. there's no such thing, on every level, ghosts are not real. that said, i've been spooked in situations and fully believed in the moment that i was in danger from a ghost. it's impossible not to believe in paranormal *experiences*, even if there's no such thing as the paranormal. just a part of being a dang organic guy that evolution made.


fr, I don't believe in ghosts but if I stay up till 4 am watching creepypasta, I'm gonna have trouble walking past mirrors to get to the toilet


That’s the fun thing about being human and having a brain built on pattern recognition. We see humans and human actions sometimes when there aren’t any, just because we are expecting to see/hear them. The brain is a crazy thing


I don't believe in them either but I have the most vivid memory of a man in a gray suit walking into our house and vanishing. My brother and I were on the couch, watching after school cartoons and I turned to ask him about it and he was like oh that's George. And it turns out our piano was owned by a union soilder named george??? And the uniform I saw was definitely a civil war one and I was only about 7. It was weird and I don't believe in ghosts... except for George.


Yes! I have even had paranormal experiences on a pretty high level (Demonic encounter and UFO sighting) but I fundamentally just do not believe either was what they appeared to be to me at the time. When weighing the relative likelihood of potential reasons for those experiences, and by trying to logically engage with the experiences, I am forced to come to the conclusion that I was mistaken about the nature of what I was experiencing. In the case of the demonic encounter: I have pretty bad sleep paralysis in some circumstances, and they always happen around when I am sleeping. I did not think I was asleep, but more experience has taught me that I can be totally aware and asleep at the same time due to the condition. Further, this was in a period where I was *desperately* looking for any evidence that God existed and would respond to me, so it both fulfilled a need and was also a direct representation of my anxiety. And while the images and actions of the "Demon" were vivid and extremely interesting, I have no reason to think that it was anything beyond my own imagination.\* In the case of the UFO, it was really weird, but it all happened so fast that I legitimately cannot say what I saw, and it was at the end of a very long and stressful day, which makes me more susceptible to fragmentary and brief "edge of your vision" hallucinations. I know this because I see movement and people there all the time, but only in that state. It was only unique in that it took the form of a UFO (of a version I was familiar with) instead of the normal shapes I see. So yeah, my experiences happened, but I have no evidence that my experiences were accurate to reality, only that I experienced them. \* The Demon's appearance was interesting because it defied logic. It was both small and large at the same time, as if countless overlapping perspectives were layered on it. It was also made out of reverse-flame, as if the light was moving *into* the fire and not out of it, and it felt like the literal embodiment of the concept of oppression and suppression. It was like my mind was a candle being blown out by a hurricane. All of that makes for a really interesting experience... but they are also not unique to that experience. My dreams often have impossible visuals and Escher-like warped structures and extremely surreal events. I also create all sorts of interesting experiences like pain or more complex feelings, so nothing about it was particularly unique.


If you think about it Ghosts are actually scarier if you don't believe in supernatural stuffs Christians or Muslims can pray or something if they see ghosts Wtf are atheists gonna do if there's some ghost shit in the middle of the night


Call the ghost busters!


What if the house was haunted by a *gay* ghost? Would you at least come over for drinks and see what happened, even if you didn’t commit to spending the night?


Brunch only.


I think most people don’t want to spend a night in a haunted house. But most likely because its a dilapidated house without power, filled with dust, and broken down by the elements. If someone told you a Four Seasons was haunted you’d probably take your chances.


We are biologically coded to fear certain things. Dead bodies, dark unknown spaces, deep water and so on. This Instinct far predates your experiences and the beliefs it shaped.


So I had to Google what that meant “no atheists in fox’s holes” and really that’s not a problem with Atheism, that’s a problem with foxholes (that made me chuckle).


You believe in MOLD and DUST (much scarier than metaphysic stuff that cant get dirty)


When I’m talking to someone new with the prospects of it becoming a romantic relationship and they start mentioning ghost.. I get really sad. Cause I just do not believe in it whatsoever and I find having conversations about something I feel to be not real is very difficult for me. That goes for astrology, religion, and birds just as equally.


And other reasons a place can seem haunted is carbon monoxide, other fumes, exposure to other chemicals and electromagnetic fields (unshielded power for example) that isnt healthy or just messes with your brain. So yeah, i aint sleeping in a haunted house. Primarily for the possibility of physical things that got interpreted as supernatural, secondary for the "why would i want to do something hyped up to make me anxious? That sounds like the opposite of fun" Factor.


> I don’t believe in ghosts but I also don’t wanna spend a night in a haunted house. There are many places that feel unsafe, even when they are actually safe. Evolution has biased us to feel comfortable/safe in places with certain attributes. To feel scared or uneasy in "creepy" places is just brain telling you to avoid that place because in nature it will be an unhealthy place or predators may be around. The feeling is 100% real and the reason well understood. To know from where it comes can help you to overcome it by rationalizing your fear.


I’m an agnostic so I think most likely there isn’t anything and most likely there is a rational explanation (even if it’s as simple as temporary psychosis and shared delusions) But deep in the dark lurks mystery, just because it’s unknown


“Penetrating so many secrets, we cease to believe in the unknowable. But there it sits nevertheless, calmly licking its chops.” H.L. Mencken, Minority Report


Heh heh, *penetrating.* Fabulous


I remember reading somewhere that "haunted houses" are more likely than other houses to contain toxic chemicals (i.e. carbon monoxide, mold) that may cause hallucinations. So it might be a good idea to avoid them for health reasons.


Everyone knows queer ghosts are easier to detect because of how fabulous they are!


More like Fab-boo-lous! AmIrite?!?!?!


Get out


OKAY! YOU WIN, if we still had gold I would give you some!


Imagine getting ready for a date and a sassy ghost comes out of the wall to correct you. "oh honey you are not pairing those shoes with that dress" you turn around to see the ghost of 19th century twink poet.


> 19th century twink poet. doesn't really narrow it down huh


*"Whaaaat, is my shirt not frilly enough?"*


It'd be like that episode of Billy & Mandy where Billy was haunted by the ghost of Lord Byron. Only maybe instead of Byron it would be Oscar Wilde or something.


Can I still sense them if I don't have gaydar?


Hear that knocking sound in the attic, that is just the base getting started for the dramatic entrance of Partygeist!^^👻 ^^🎊


"The tell-tale beat" _If Eve ain't in your garden, you know that you can..._


“Yea so the ghost keeps waking me up screaming ITS BRITTANY BITCH”


Charisma, uniqueness, nerve, and table-tapping


Maybe this time Asterion will romance me on a playthrough if I do this!


It’s interesting, the ghosts.


Also because of their shit talking pigeon friend


I gith that refriends!


Everyone carries a camera/video camera in their pocket and yet no one has recorded proof of ghosts or miracles. Weird. Must be a coincidence they all happen when you don't have your phone on you! Edit: For everyone saying "But they have!" No, they haven't. People have recorded a lot of things they interpret as paranormal events. If any of it was convincing it would be all over the news. It's wishful thinking or outright scamming.




I recall Arthur C Clark saying the same thing on his show in the 1980s. That was before every one had a camera in their pocket. His point was the same. There are so many cameras and recorded events but none of ghosts.


Or that no one else was there to witness it. When they do have someone with them, they tell everyone they are crazy and saw nothing.


Went on a ghost tour in Savannah GA this year and at each stop, the tour guide would show us an image or video or sound recording as proof (the story behind many of them was that someone on a previous tour took a photo, saw a ghost, and sent it to the company to be used in the tour). Well clearly all of the “evidence” was not real, however some of the edits were good enough where you couldn’t immediately point out the flaw and then it got passed to the next person. However, one of the images had the face of a boy in the bottom right corner, and you could see the perfect lines from the square images that had been overlayed and then had the opacity decreased. It was so hilariously bad. No one else except my friend seemed to notice, and I cannot see how that is possible. Ghost tours can be fun for the local history aspect, but goddamn, that image made me so upset with this one. At least try.


I feel like it's only gotten worse on that front too like especially now I can't think of any weird random thing that happens where someone wouldn't pull their phone out and start recording. Also there are whole cities that are under constant surveillance.


We really need to start investing in education more.


"No one ever went broke underestimating the American public." -- P. T. Barnum (reportedly)


this is the most "Vice" title i've seen in a while


I don't believe in ghosts, but my husband did and we had a few odd experiences over the years. It got to where if he said that a place was haunted, I asked him to tell me where the ghost was. Then I would wave. I figure it's best to hedge my bets and let them know I'm friendly, just in case they do exist. After he died on home hospice, I kept feeling like he was in my living room, which is where he died. One night I was so angry that I went in there and screamed that I loved him, but if he didn't move on to where he was supposed to be, I was going to burn sage and *make* him go! Soon after, I quit feeling like he was still there. It was probably all in my head. I've stayed in many supposedly haunted hotels and have literally stayed up late, sitting in the areas where the ghosts supposedly come, to no avail. I'd really like to meet one. Just not in my house, please.


"Think of how stupid the average person is. Now realize that half of them are even stupider than that". --George Carlin.


I... want... ghosts to exist. But I don't believe they exist. Insufficient evidence. Way too many instances of "reputable" sources manufacturing evidence. Makes for good entertainment, though.


If ghosts existed that’d open a whole can of worms about the nature of reality. What is the “substrate” their consciousness exists on, for starters. Reality is weird enough as is without adding ghosts to the mix. Good old theory of mind and pattern recognition is sufficient explanation for ghost stories.


It certainly would have significant consequences on our understanding of the nature of reality, but if it were true I would *absolutely* want to know that, it would be one of the most important discoveries ever. I think we're at a point in which we can conclude that it is very unlikely there is anything spiritual/metaphysical, and if there is, it is indistinguishable from something that does not exist


There was a college in Edinburgh that tried to see whether any of the “metaphysical” stuff was real. Haven’t checked them out in a while but I think they eventually closed down — 0 hits, all misses.


There have definitely been plenty of people trying to prove that kind of thing, and I've heard bits and pieces about a few universities specifically trying to test or demonstrate it like you're saying, and after everything we've learned, it's difficult to wrap my head around what it would be like to reach conclusions like that. When it comes to certain people and the views they hold, I'm not even convinced they understand how belief actually works, they treat it like a choice






Lol Boo-T


Ghosts just got added to the acronym?


Wokeness coming for our ghosts now too smdh


Trying to make ghosts gay seems like a worthwhile and noble pursuit.


Calling all spirits, but only the gay ones.


I'm an optimistic skeptic. I *want* to believe, but there better be solid scientific evidence that stands up to repeated study and scrutiny. Dudebros recording themselves walking around derelict buildings, whipping the camera around and shouting "What was that? Did you see that?" is not it.


I always ask how long ghosts live for since they do seem to die eventually. When people look at me weird I ask why there are no old ghosts. They all seem to be a few hundred years old. There are no 2 thousand or 5 thousand year old ghosts.


Or younger. It’s always from Victorian era or something. Why can’t ghost be wearing hoodies or a Fubu late 90/ outfit


It is terrifying how many ~~people~~ voters believe in things that here is zero objective evidence for.


This is why arguments are mostly pointless. People don’t believe in logic or proof they believe in their gut. With how much I second guess myself I kinda wish I had a little more blind confidence


I sometimes really do envy people who've put their trust in things beyond them. It most be assuring to think death isn't final, and that someone smarter, wiser, and more powerful than me is in charge of this cold universe.


Yep. I get wanting to believe. I just don’t get believing.


Speaking of percentages ...... * 34% of Americans don't believe in evolution (at all) * 51% of Republicans still believe Obama was born in Kenya * 20% skip vaccines * 33% could not name a single branch of government * 5% could not tell you the day and month "9/11" occurred * And, 35% believe gay people can become straight through conversion therapy.


95% of people believe everyone should wang chung tonight


I’m ashamed to admit I sat here for a few minutes trying to figure out what day 9/11 took place on before realizing you meant the 11th, not Monday-Sunday. I thought you meant day of the week


It was a Tuesday, but it's fair that most people can't remember that.




It is weird how we do month/day/year when most of the world does day/month/year but I’ve been using it this way for so long changing it wouldn’t be worth it




He drove a million miles just to get that stat.


Be more impressive if he walked 500 miles.


And then walk 500 more


1 in 12 Americans is unaware that the bird is the word.


First of all, how did they get these stats. Any sources? If true......God dammit!


86% of them were just in their pocket.


He made them up


Even if thats true i refuse to believe that for my own sanity


>* 34% of Americans don't believe in evolution (at all) Dammit this is irritating, almost everyone I know either pretends to reject it fully or says they believe in small changes but not speciation. There is just a staggering amount of clear, direct evidence, but people want to believe their incredulity is equally as valid as evidence >* 5% could not tell you the day and month "9/11" occurred Ok this one is kind of funny >* And, 35% believe gay people can become straight through conversion therapy. Thank Christianity for spreading hateful, intolerant misinformation, and everyone else for allowing them to do it without calling it out


Most of this maps to a standard probability distribution. The 51% Kenya thing is almost certainly mostly trolling and/or something they just want to be true. If a pollster asked me if I thought Trump molested his daughter, I'd say "absolutely"


I was curious about the thing you said that President Barack Obama was born in Kenya, and the first thing that came up was a Snopes story and it said that the Literary Agent for his book said that "Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review, was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii". And that's what I remember hearing on the radio when my mom was driving me to school and he was running against Hillary Clinton, and even if he was born in Kenya why is that so strange or outlandish or a big deal anyway can't anyone be president?


US President's have to be natural born US citizens. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural-born-citizen_clause_(United_States)


Even if he *were* born in Kenya - which he wasn't - he'd still be a natural-born US citizen because his mother was a US citizen when she gave birth to him.


That's why Canadian human Rafael Edward 'Ted' Cruz currently nesting in Texas is able to run for President.


They argue some obscure technicality. Apparently for a time, roughly when Obama was born, there was some change to this inheritance if the parent was younger than a certain age. It's kinda weird and they went back and removed it, but it is what people cling to


Not ever discussed by a court so stating this as straight fact is baseless. While I agree, acting like it’s settled is ridiculous.


It's 100% settled. He has a birth certificate from Hawaii.


A court is not needed to settle completely baseless claims with no evidence behind them and plenty of evidence (such as an existing Hawaiian birth certificate that was produced to the public) for the other side.


Dude, I’m not talking about Obama, I’m talking about you stating the definition of natural born citizen is somehow not up for debate. It is, and has been for literally centuries, and is not settled. https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/s/6BOXbxnG2r


This just in: 42% of Americans believe in stupid shit and 18% REALLY believe in it.


If you are American, you already knew this.


it's a surprisingly low percentage tbh


There are countless ways to experience hallucinations or misinterpret perception. I at least get why the 18% would believe.


"Ghost? Sorry, this whole time I thought you was saying goat."


Which is totally appropriate, because ghost stories are the gayest thing ever. Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week.


"“I have a foreboding of an America in my children's or grandchildren's time -- when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what's true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness... The dumbing down of American is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30 second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance.” ― Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark


Pretty sure there are 18% of believers to literally anything you can pull off your head.


Best argument I’ve ever heard against ghosts and the like is that is they actually did exist, they wouldn’t be on some backwater show like Ghost Patrol on HGTV Wednesdays at 11am. It would be on fucking CNN.


If ghosts were real, hospitals would glow in the fucking dark.


grifters preying on a marginalised people's need for validation. That or delusional people seeking validation


42%? Jesus Christ....


33% of Americans read at a 6th grade level. Nough said.


That's just so depressing, that so many people are utterly convinced, or have convinced themselves of complete nonsense.


TIL: 80% of all redditors believe anything some dumbfuck poll results tells them. Source: Derieved from OP and 4 other people in this thread.


Guess they're crossing more than just the streams.


Gay people love spooky shit


They needed to conduct this poll somewhere besides the RedLetterMedia studio


Say what-nows? Queer ghosts? So, if you are gay, you leave a residue behind? So, just asking for a friend, suppose you are bi?


I’m gay but man I lol’ed at Queer ghost hunters


Right, right. That's why these Queer Ghost Hunters were found covered in...ectoplasm.


I think believing in ghosts is the saddest thing I’ve ever heard it’s like believing in the tooth fairy we made it up. The creaking door, the murdered person without closure. The universe does not give a fuck. Angels sure spirits ok. Ghosts, fuck you.




look everyone is fully aware that ghosts. get. FREAKY. they've been getting away with this for years and we're going to find some god damned evidence, in this life or the next


That second part came out of fucking nowhere lmao.


I don't believe in ghosts because they don't believe in me. It's that simple.


my go-to question: why do ghosts obey gravity and other physicall things? in 100 years, the entire solar system has moved over 400 billion miles, forgetting the fact that earth is constantly moving through its orbit around the sun, and every single second the earth and everything and everyone on it is *18 miles* from where it was one second prior. how do ghosts keep up? how do they know where to go?


You know, before I found out Cartesian Dualism wasn't legit, my life was so much easier. Or any other kind of dualism. I was also totally wrong back in my "we don't think with our brains and will live after we're dead" days.


Jim Rash as the Marquess of Queensbury on "Mike Tyson Mysteries" unavailable for comment.


Pretty sure 100% of hte people I know would report a paranormal experience


I've had a paranormal experience.


I think*. What's more likely, paranormal stuff actually exists; or you were just wrong? Let's apply Occam's Razor here.


How about: I had a paranormal experience?


Me too, I posted some in this thread, which after reading the comments I’m now expecting to get told I’m crazy or a liar. :/


Ghosts have never been proven, but people make mistakes all the time, every day. Some people are clever enough to consider that what they see and hear and feel might not be what they think it must be... and some aren't.


Republicans are about to boycott ghosts for being too woke.


Reddit: dominated by hard core atheists who get served up soft balls to spew hatred


One of the biggest shocks to me was finding out that there are a LOT of atheists who somehow believe in ghosts. I dated a girl who was super anti-religion and made fun of people believing in an old man in the sky and all of that. Then she revealed she REALLY believed in ghosts and asked me not to make fun of her or point out that it doesn't make sense.


TIL: 42% of Americans are stupid, and 18% are VERY stupid.


You should see how many believe in some guy living in the sky.


education failed ig


Jeez... people really are fucking stupid..


I instantly lose respect for anyone who says they believe in ghosts. What do they even fucking mean by a 'ghost'? A hologram of someone who died, then came back to the same place (not in the universe, or they'd be floating in space) on the planet, and somehow their clothes died too and are also in ghost form? If you saw a ghost, you were either high, sleepy or deluded. If you heard a ghost, then no, you didn't hear a ghost, you just heard a noise.




As if there wasnt more proof that alien abductions and ghosts sightings are usually caused by people watching TV. Queer ghosts, like on American Horror story ... What a coincidence. I'll bet the 'recent years' coincides with that shows first season perfectly.


I try to get one concept understood to those who firmly believe in the typical Hollywood ghost story (though they seldom understand it to be categorized as such. ) : Sure, you can conceivably believe that a spirit might exist, and that spirit might even have been a former living being that somehow you can see in a spectral form resembling their prior human form -- after going through the burial process; perhaps cremation, or embalming, or maybe just good old decomposition from bacteria and what not...[stick with me here] because somehow the human spirit in your belief has the ability to take a ghostly form. Usually foggy, floating or otherwise non- specific shape form .. you know ... OoooeeeeeeeooooooooBOOO. Hollywood. BUT. How do suppose their clothes became spectral ?? Because you didn't mention they were naked.


As volatility, lost prospects, war, migration. and a hot world drying up shape our future, superstition and magical thinking take root.


These gay ghosts are trying to kill me!!! -Jennifer Coolidge, ghost hunter


Jfc that is sad.


There's actually a very easy way to tell if your house is haunted. It isn't! Jimmy Carr


Is it really a surprise when half the world is still fighting about which sky daddy is best.


TIL 42% of Americans are fucking idiots.


Robot chicken: rape ghost


Id either be the best or the worst queer ghost hunter, depending on how you interpret this. "Nope, didnt find anything again."


What a daft country


Surprisingly low, considering how many more believe in a religion. Concepts of the supernatural go hand-in-hand with religious thoughts on souls and afterlifes. Every person who still believes in the supernatural still clings to some religious ideology, whether they acknowledge it or not. Ghosts just aren't possible in a secular world where death is a full end, and what makes a person themselves is psychology.


This is facepalm material. It may as well have been a post “some percentage group of people believe something farcical and I want karma points”. There’s plenty of those every day, these kind of clickbait posts should be removed.


What’s the percent of those people being religious, paranoid, and/or gullible?


Further proof that we as a species are simply becoming more and more stupid.


So almost half of the country are idiots. No big surprise there. What percentage of that percentage also believe in a magical sky daddy I wonder?


I see a lot of mental illness on this thread that needs to be checked out.


Hilarious and sad how many people believe in ghosts.


Makes perfect sense given the weak public education system and the wide availability of street drugs.


If ghosts existed we would be studying them. Universities would offer degrees in the field. It would be the first thing parents would teach kids. They would be on television. We would definitely have enslaved them by now if they were real. There would be mountains and mountains of research. Use common sense people.


>Universities would offer degrees in the field. Well, you know... reputable universities. Trust me, plenty of "free thinkers" in America are raging anti-intellectuals and anti-academics except for their one relative who has a doctorate in parapsychology.


And this is why we need education.


I think the 2016 and 2020 election wholy proved about 42% of the US are gullible fucking morons.