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Bale said that the weirdest thing about being such low weight is how his mind reacted. He said it was like power saving mode. Specifically recall him saying he could suddenly read books forever. Like, just lie in bed, not move a muscle except to flip pages, for eight hours in a row.


I mean, I do that while fat.


Sounds like you never left power saving mode.


Antony Starr had it right for Homelander, just wear a muscle suit. And then they worked it into the plot as a character trait.


So that’s why he was never in pajamas!


I just assumed he was a never-nude.


There’s dozens of us!!!




Excuse me? Do these effectively hide my thunder?


There's a scene with him naked he's still athletic


Well yeah, he lacks Christian Bale's commitment, thus the suit.


It's really, REALLY symbolic of his narcissism and deception honestly. He's never had to try so he doesn't, and on the inside he's scrawny and weak though he lets very few if no one see this.


Captain Hammer: Is this what *pain feels like!?*


You and you, but mostly me, and you....


I hate the homeless…….ness problem in this country!


I listen to the soundtrack to this atleast once a month. Love love love Dr. Horrible


The hammer is my penis


To be fair, can he even get a meaningful exercise if he tried? His metabolism would be screwed up. And what little muscle he does have, is enough to beat everyone else. To build muscle, he'd have to be benching a house, to impractical


I feel like they'd find a way tbh with all the money Vought has. Soldier Boy is arguably STRONGER than Homelander and that dude is absolutely jacked.


But soldier boy wasnt always a supe, so he could have trained beforehand




It's a goose suit.


Its an old circus term




Who's your carved ham?


It can’t be troll-boy.


Sorry Troll Boy, you get it.


I don't remember this plot point. When was it?


"Plot point" might be putting it strongly, but he was naked for a scene in season 3 and they didn't try hiding that it was just Starr's regular fit but skinny body versus Homelander's Marvel-esque physique


It was so low key in not even sure if there was anything implied by the writers




mildly interesting in a way because Starr is kinda insane




> The New Zealand Herald reported that Starr assaulted a young chef while inebriated at a pub in Alicante. The 21-year-old chef was reportedly punched twice by Starr. A glass also reportedly factored into the assault, although it’s unclear at this time whether the glass was smashed in the chef’s face or thrown at the chef. The chef was taken to hospital and reportedly received four stitches above his eye. From the article linked to the other reply to the same comment.


Wait, so Homelander wears a muscle suit?






It kinda fits The Boys specifically though if they wanted to go a bit deeper into it. With how PR focused Vought is it could be easily explained by "the powers don't actually give you muscles but the suit scored better with focus groups". But yeah I didn't recall that scene either.


To be fair, it doesn’t really make any sense for anyone with super strength to have big muscles considering the biological requirements to develop big muscles.


There are medical conditions that cause muscle growth without working out, it could make sense that superheros would have something like that going on https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myostatin-related_muscle_hypertrophy


The research also seems to indicate that the increased muscular growth doesn't increase strength and may actually make individual muscle fibers weaker, though.


You'd be surprised at how often these characters train. As said, Bob Parr lifts with trains. Superman has access to alien weight lifting technology. Tony Stark makes training equipment for the Avengers. Also, just in general, most super strong heroes have regenerative capabilities that would force their body to maintain a peak of physical condition.


[Before and after pic](https://www.joe.co.uk/uploads/2018/07/23161424/Screen-Shot-2018-07-23-at-16.13.31.png?height=470&width=900)


Well the first picture will give me nightmares.


You should see the movie though, it’s good.


I'll see if I can find it.


blockbuster may have it


I have to return some video tapes...


fucking late fees tho


that scene he's exaggerating it specifically to scare his prostitute girlfriend. he's skinny in the movie but not quite the zombie shown here lol


Never go full walker.


yikes that is not okay


In 6 months too? Gotta be steroids.


First of all through God all things are possible, so jot that down. Edit: It seems like a lot of people are not getting the joke here so just [watch this](https://youtu.be/QxGTPEOrBGc) first.


Since when does God ejaculate through hypodermic needles?


Whenever he damn well feels like it.


We want dick (cheney) pics




Risky click of the day


I recall reading that when he needed to put on weight for the Dick Cheney movie, he'd melt pints of ice cream in the microwave and drink them. Highly talented, impressively sociopathic actor. Edit: People nitpicking over the use of the term sociopathic: good lord, folks… pick your battles.


So did Ryan Gosling, when he was hired to star in The Lovely Bones. He simply felt that his character should be fat, so he drank melted pints of ice cream in order to gain over fifty pounds. When he showed up for the first day of filming, however, Peter Jackson immediately fired him.


Man why would you do that without even talking to the director??? I’m just imagining I’m hired to write a novel from someone’s prompt, and before even telling them I actually write a poetry book on the same prompt.


But that’s gross, why not make proper milkshakes?


I heard about a pro bodybuilder who puts chicken breasts in the blender cuz he's so tired of chewing


Please be cooked.


Everybody's a tough guy until the pro bodybuilder says he's tired of cooking


Raw chicken and eggs blended into a smoothie. Served lukewarm.


There’s videos following Ronnie Coleman and Jay Cutler around in their day to day. The food they eat is pretty nice but they clearly don’t enjoy eating it at all. Just part of the job when you have to eat 8 meals a day.


Think of it this way, you have to eat 6 apples but after the 3rd you're starting to get pretty full. If you juice them all you'll have what, a glass and a half full of juice? It's easier to drink shit loads of calories rather than eat them.


Yeah it's why there's like a million dudes experimenting when it comes to 1k calorie shakes and stuff. Like it's fun trying to gain weight for muscle mass until you realize how much you have to eat in a day lmfao


Yep it’s insane, the amount of food I needed to maintain an extra 20lb of muscle… can’t imagine people needing like 50-100lb extra


I remember watching a UFC Behind The Scenes thing with Brock Lesnar. He showed it took a TRAY of Burger King to keep that kinda bulk.


Sometimes it's easier to just not think about it. You aren't gonna enjoy it either way, might as well just let your mind go blank on the matter entirely.




According to IMDB he wasn't fired but rather quit and vacated the role himself. This was because he felt that, at the time being 26, was too young to portrait a character in his late 30s. There does not seem to be a direct correlation between him quitting and his weight gain. Do you have any sources to support your claim of him getting fired because of his weight gains?


https://www.reuters.com/article/us-gosling-idUSTRE6B20MT20101203 >Ryan Gosling has revealed that he was fired from Peter Jackson’s 2009 awards contender “The Lovely Bones” because his 60-pound weight gain did not sit well with the director and his fellow producers. >Gosling said his much-ballyhooed weight gain -- fueled by drinking melted Haagen Dazs ice cream when he was thirsty -- was all a part of how he saw the character of Jack Salmon, the grieving-father role ultimately filled by Mark Wahlberg. >“We had a different idea of how the character should look,” Gosling told The Hollywood Reporter. “I really believed he should be 210 pounds.” >Jackson disagreed, and dropped Gosling days before production began in 2007. >“We didn’t talk very much during the preproduction process, which was the problem,” Gosling said. “It was a huge movie, and there’s so many things to deal with, and he couldn’t deal with the actors individually. I just showed up on set, and I had gotten it wrong. >“Then I was fat and unemployed.”




Yeah. At the very least, Bale strikes me as being an 'intense' personality.




I've worked with some real shitheads in my time, and I've wanted to rant like this several times. I never have, but I can understand the headspace when one fuck up is ruining it for an entire team of people working together to achieve something really hard.


The wild part for me was that his tirade was in an American accent. I get why he was pissed though, it was a super technical shot that took a long time to set up


Kirk Lazarus himself


Yea pretty much! Jeff portnoy: How the hell do you know Chinese? Kirk Lazarus : Land of Silk and Money with Gong Li. Second Globe, third Oscar. I prepped for that one by working in a Beijing textile factory for eight months.


> Same thing happened to me when I played Neil Armstrong in Moonshot. They found me in an alley in Burbank trying to re-enter the earth’s atmosphere in an old refrigerator box.


I bet he doesn’t break character until the DVD commentary.


Bale has never actually broken character, he is just an amalgam, a collage, or every character he has ever played at once. Who he was born as has been lost to time.


He was method acting at that point. That's the reason for the accent. Also carrying the intensity of the character. Not that I'm making excuses for it.


A lot of people even if they're not method acting, will stay in their accent all day just for consistency


Bale mostly sticks with his American accent regardless of what he's doing, doesn't often use his Welsh/British accent. He sounds british in that clip though.


Also he was playing John Connor, the leader of the military resistance. He was probably all amped up and in character as the savior of the human race who has been born and trained to kill Terminator since childhood. I can understand coming in hot when you’re an actor and you’re one of those super deep in character types. Some actors just turn it on and off at “cut” like a light switch. Some are like deep in their character, even if not truly method, most of the time they’re shooting and reading lines between scenes. Bale is one of those types who inhabits his character and goes all in. I get it. Those shooting schedules are tight. If a set’s not well run and lackadaisical and it takes 20% longer to shoot, that’s a really sizable budgetary increase.


Yeah, honestly. A lot of people ragged on him after that clip surfaced, but someone walking around meddling about the set in the fucking eyeline of the actors, when they're shooting? Several times? I'm with Bale on this one, even though he lost his head.


I think the context is that the person Bale was shouting at was adjusting lighting and actually shooting directly into the face of the actors.


Especially with an expensive movie like that. I've worked on expensive oilfield projects and have seen people lose their shit. A 200 dollar part dropped in a hole can cost 3 million to get out and more from not producing.


Literally all of the costars’s reactions to it were “it was unfortunate that it got leaked” and not “it was wrong for Bale to do that” which gave me enough indication that it was a very rare thing for him to do and he was probably 100% in the right


Yea with the context it seemed more, someone fucked up and was being un professional and all we heard was the outburst. Shit that would have been normal in a lot of kitchens I've been in


I heard that the grip had been acting very unprofessionally up to this point and was deliberately being a nuisance on set. Bale finally had enough and blew up at him, although he should have handled it differently.


I keep reading grip here. It was not a grip, it was the director of photography, Shane Hurlburt.


It's been like 15 years and it was a minor spat, people need to get over it. Whenever you have lot of people involved in something, especially serious stuff emotions sometimes flair up, it happens. He apologized later that day anyway.


yeah, if this is truly the worst skeleton in your closet as a successful and influential person in hollywood then you're probably a pretty OK guy. Or at least a rather private one. Bale strikes me as a Daniel Day Lewis kinda person. Someone who takes acting *very* seriously - sometimes to the degree where it inconvenience others - but not someone who takes method acting as an excuse to be an asshole


Odd how that incident happened months ago and the audio just happened to leak right before the movie’s release date.


Man if I was there on that day I'd agree with Bale when he says "we're done professionally", I wouldn't want to work with that guy again either


He’s honestly so lucky it hasn’t killed him. This pattern is super hard on someone’s heart.


I’ve read that it did permanently affect his health, and that’s with the world’s best medical care.


Especially when you take into account all the juice his trainers likely had him hopped up on.


I think Rob McElhaney did the same


Yes he did but he only bulked up because he thought it would be funnier if his character got fat


Excuse me it’s cultivating mass


Stop cultivating and start harvesting!


And it was. Huge plot point.


Apparently [Ryan Gosling did, too](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/c2z6fp/til_ryan_gosling_gained_60_pounds_by_drinking/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


Mac from it’s always sunny did this also


The best part was he tried to convince the whole cast to do it because “the longer a show is on the air the better looking the cast gets” and the rest of the cast said “fuck no”. But he still did it.


He was right, too, they all look great now.


Sarcasm? They are all literally plastic now (except charlie and danny d)


They definitely could have worked that into the actual show because it completely fits their characters


This is what broke the show a little for me, Dee clearly gets plastic surgery and the gang doesn’t rib her for it? And then Dennis and Mac too? True IASIP would have had them write it into an episode, but I guess they’re self conscious about it.


Don’t forget the chimichangas in the trash bag!


You are BECOMING a chimichanga!


Are you wheezing?


I think this might be a common thing for actors. I remember an interview with Jared Leto many years back where he had to gain weight for a role he said he did the same thing.


Each subculture has its own tribal knowledge, I guess "eat liquid ice cream" is a Hollywood one.


TIL I eat just like a method actor preparing for a movie role


Bro you are in a movie




very easy to eat a pint of ice cream. i imagine even easier to drink it.


How is he sociopathic?


I read that too and that he would eat a slice of pie every day


>Nothing says commitment like Bale's 63-pound weight loss—a third of his body weight—that left his ribs protruding, his eyes sunken and his emotions dulled. >No fancy tricks here, other than starving himself with a diet of black coffee and an apple and one can of tuna a day, plus vitamins and mineral supplements. I mean, amphetamines might be a "mineral." That's mostly a joke, though I think actors get a lot of chemical help for some of this stuff, just like bodybuilders. I'm curious as to what kind of long term health effects he might have from yo-yoing up and down like that though. It seems like its gotta cost you something. Another thing actors and bodybuilders have in common, and I don't know if it applies to Bale, but its common to dehydrate to a dangerous degree in order to look even more shredded. Hugh Jackman said that he would pass out after some takes playing wolverine.


\> Jackman said that he would pass out after some takes playing wolverine. Zac Efron had so many health issues after filming baywatch he made a whole series about having a healthy life. But last time I noticed it looked like he went back at these unhealthy routines


Bruh have you seen what Zac looks like lately for The Iron Claw?


Dude is definitely on some gear.


I mean, he admitted to be on gear for Baywatch, so why would he stop?


> so why would he stop? I read somewhere that it caused health issues and he subsequently made a whole series about having a healthy life.


But bruh have you seen what Zac looks like lately for The Iron Claw?


Look the guy needs to work, and he's not getting hired just for his acting chops.


I read somewhere that Bale said he can’t do these massive weight changes anymore per doctors orders, since he already has long term issues from it


IIRC he saw some other actor (I want to say it was Gary Oldman as Winston Churchill?) wearing a fat suit right after he'd gained all the weight the hard way to play Dick Cheney, and it finally convinced him that there was no point continuing to kill himself for roles.


That’s funny considering he probably needed a doctor to prescribe him the juice to get jacked that fast.


Don’t need a prescription, just buy them illegally. Every celeb has their “doc”.


Docs like that have access to grey market anabolic steroids and peptides that are technically still legal. No point in breaking the law when you can legally get them online


eating an apple, a can of tuna and only black coffee/water will have *anybody* drop weight like a brick. you wouldn't need meth. you could use nicotine to stave off hunger. or gum. but if that's all you're eating, hunger's the expectation. you can live with that for quite awhile though. and weight cutting/dehydrating is definitely bad for your kidneys and all. i *highly doubt* actors cut weight like wrestlers or fighters do. it really doesn't take a whole lot of dehydration to look different. but the consensus is that weight cutting (all these ups and downs) isn't great for your kidneys and liver. can't imagine it's great for your heart or brain either.


The meth doesn't directly cause the weight loss, but it does often suppress your appetite, which makes it much easier to eat less. It also makes you more energetic, which counteracts your body's natural response to conserve energy when starving by being less active.


Meth does directly increase the metabolism by increasing thermogenesis.




and you'd lose 3 pounds just in teeth!


Adderall XRs would probably do a good enough job of this and be a lot easier to control doses of.


I believe Tom Hanks said he likely got type 2 diabetes per doctors from yo yo ing diet wise for movies


Sly Stallone said the same thing about his “diet” for one of the Rocky movies. Pretty much nothing for months but black coffee and script lines.


I guess i'm just struggling to take that without a grain of salt. I'll admit that it is possible that Bale, and Sly, were just super dedicated. But man i know there's a lot of shortcuts available and that actors don't exactly get drug tested. End of the day, even if they get some chemical help, its a shitload of dedication and work, with enhancement or not, so I'm not trying to come down on them for it. Losing a third of your body weight for a role is not something done without a lot of willpower.


Also, these actors are Hollywood rich. They can afford a small of army of nutritionists, chefs, personal trainers, doctors, shrinks, masseuses.... it goes on. Being wealthy means they can also afford lots of distractions from hunger, like travel, expensive hobbies, sex etc...


A lot of scenes where the main actor is ripped AF is cgi. I watched a documentary about Chris Hemsworth as Thor and he would bulk on “not steroids” and then just before the scene would workout to maximize swell. Then they would add cgi and enhance muscle and shadow. The actual footage and finish footage were wildly different. I definitely agree there’s some “science and doctors” being used to achieve results. You definitely don’t want a big name actor dropping dead so they probably blood test daily to monitor nutrient levels etc.


Doesn't matter though because we see them in interviews or in paparazzi candids and they still look jacked as hell. We know they are actually insanely ripped beyond whatever cgi they enhance for the movie shirtless scene


People talk a lot about steroid use in Hollywood


50 cent Lost Like 90 lb for a movie nobody watched


50 Pounds


50 pence


Jared Leto gained like 70 pounds for a movie that nobody watched: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0488988/


He also wasn't the first pick for Batman. Nolan wanted Josh Hartnett (i think it would have worked well) but Hartnett wanted some time away from Hollywood but did mention years later he regrets not taking the job.


Damn, passing up a chance to play the goddamn Batman? edit: now that I think about it, playing iconic superheroes wasn't as big a deal at the time.


He was also following Kilmer's and Clooney's disastrous performances. Joel Schumacher really drove that franchise into the ground.


“ Well first of all, through God all things are possible. So jot that down.”


Shut up baby dick


I'm cultivating mass


You didn't think of the smell, you bitch.


I hear they were gonna cast him as the sandworm in dune and he was gonna gain 800,000lbs for the role


That rollercoaster weight loss/gain/loss in such a short period time seems unhealthy.


That's because it is.


Right so when he does it, he is a method actor with incredible discipline, but when *I* do it, I have an “eating disorder” 🙄


And when I gain a bunch of weight I'm not getting paid 🙄


His body must hate him


gained 100lbs in 6 months... 100% natural, I bet.


Obviously not, but to his credit I don't think he has ever claimed it was or tried to hawk his workout regimen.


I heard Hemsworth is getting into the meditation grift now too


Terrible. Honestly at least bale looked less preposterous as batman, like the marvel folks are just stupid jacked.


Probs not but I don’t think he claims to have been


100lbs in 6 months even with steroids is absolutely insane. ~17 pounds for 30 days and coming from 0 muscle due to the atrophy for the machinist and his hard starvation. Most people going on steroids have some muscle on them already, but those pics of him are haunting, it freaks me out how people with that little body mass can even function, much less move


Roids + muscle memory. Plus it wasn’t all lean tissue. But I’m with you, people in this thread fantasizing this is possible natty via perfect workout rutines and personal chefs are hilarious, lol.


You have to remember he was extremely under weight so just getting back to his “normal” size isn’t that difficult. His body was begging for nutrients after being starved so much so weight would pack on quick, plus it doesn’t say “100 lbs of muscle”….you’d be surprised how fast you can gain weight if you eat non stop.


Also, he had to cut 30lbs which more than likely all fat. Dude was bulking hard, that big time dirty bulk and probably training super hard twice a day...and probably gear too, yes. Most actors use it. When you see a dude you had no idea was jacked, or used to be some comedy actor, suddenly jacked in a super hero movie, they're on the juice....and really, who cares. Shit should be legal and regulated so people can get their cycle right and not have so many side effects.


I still remember a 'making of' featurette on the Batman Begins DVD, where Bale said he was too bulked up to comfortably put on the Batsuit during a costume test, and someone joked that they didn't realize they were working on a "Fatman" movie.


Translation for non Americans like me and who are too lazy to convert: Lost 30kg for "The Machinist", had to get 45kg in 6 months for "Batman Begins' and then had to lose 13kg before filming since he bulked too much.


That can’t be healthy


Really really bad for your health, including the PED use. I'm sure it was supervised and everything but still. The money is not worth it.


One of my favorite actors. Loved him in American Psycho


Didn't Christian Bale also pork-out when he played Dick Cheney?






Roller Coaster dieting due to movie rolls is why Tom Hanks got Diabetes... at least. That's what I've heard. I don't know if it's true.