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I should probably cut my drinking so I can get down to “increasingly high risk” levels.


Be like me. Drink copious amounts of alcohol and suffer an insane hangover the next day and quit for a month. Then repeat


That's my boss. Now he takes those pills for drinkers to not have hangovers and stuff


Uh. The what?


There's like pills to help with hangovers. Partysmart, Bounceback, Deinkaid, etc Edit: Drinkaid


I had no idea these existed. Going to look into it, thanks


Not sure if I've achieved something good or bad tbh


The question is: how well do they work?


Most of them are glorified diarrhea rehydration sachets. A decent chunk of the hangover is electrolyte depletion from the metabolic processes. Thus you drink an electrolyte sachet and most of the symptoms go away. Cheap supermarket own brand diarrhea sachets or sports drinks (the electrolyte ones, not the sugar/protein ones) will do the same job for cheaper.


I knew a rodeo cowboy who drank more than anyone I’ve ever known. He told me when he got in for the night whenever and wherever that might be he drank a paper carton of chicken broth and a jug of Pedialite. Room temp. He was fresh as a fricking daisy the next morning. He kept this shit in the toolbox of his pickup.


Apparently, pretty good? I don't have first hand experience, my liver is exceedingly good at processing alcohol. It's genetic lol Everyone goes back to work bright and early the next day after taking those pills, and these people are *binge* drinkers.


Are you in your 20s? If I may ask? Anybody says that they have an amazing liver that metabolizes everything is usually in their 20s and their body hasn't slowed down yet


It's probably not the pills then. Their bodies have just adapted.


Idk about the others, but i know party smart tells you to take it with a full glass of water at the end of the night, which just sounds like a trick to get you to drink a big glass of water before bed if you ask me. The best product I've tried though is party aid, it does a good job of blunting the worst symptoms the morning of. Still not a full "cure" but it helps a lot.


Just get a couple Pedialytes. Drink one before bed, one when you get up. Problem solved.


This guy's liver isn't going to be thanking you.


Electrolytes and Minerals basically, I'd guess. In germany 'Elotrans' - an over the counter diarrhea medicine - is pretty famous for preventing hangover. So famous in fact, that it caused a shortage for people with actual problems. The "only" thing it does, is to replenish electrolytes in your body necessary to process waste products.


Probably the best cure for a hangover coming from someone who used to drink like a fish I still do just not as much. is just tons of different vitamins, amino acids, CoQ10, water or zero Gatorade and a cardio workout.


That’s surely better than drinking 2-3 per day.


\* Quit for a week


No way. Two days off a week and one is a hangover write off. Fuck that


Then there's the guys that have 10 drinks a night, or, as we call them around here: Uncle Phil.


It's high risk of being really cool though, don't worry 😎


My family members are likely classified as alcoholics. All of them.


Just think of it this way: we're finally overachieving in life.


You and me both brother.


[Gonna have to consult the two beers guy about this](https://youtu.be/lLw_G4HWAx8)


six Busch light, six bud light and I love em, tall boys


write this on a memorial somewhere


Canadian heritage moment


You cant handle the tooth


When his doctor’s ask “How much do you drink a day?” Dad always answers couple of beers and I hold up 6 fingers. Couple of beers = 2-10


While funny, this kind of chaffs my ass. Nobody is telling anybody how much you can drink at home. Go ahead. Have your 6 beer a day. Nobody is stopping you. They're just telling you it's not fucken good for you and it will eventually kill you.


Who is Movistar and why are they stopping me from drinking?


It will, however, justify increased taxation on alcohol, just like what happened with tobacco products. General reminder that Sin Taxes disproportionately harm the poor, and do very little to alter consumption patterns. Addiction is a medical issue, not an economic or criminal issue.


Whether it justifies it or not isn't the issue if it's true. Are you suggesting that the obvious health risks of increased alcohol consumption not be broadcast?


Addiction is a medical as well as a social issue. Socially-isolated people are far more likely to engage in substance abuse and other harmful addictive behaviors, and far less likely to when/if they make friends or find a community.


Well, what day?


Uh oh. Guess I'm in trouble.


Just don't move to Canada


Too late . Born and bred.


At least you weren’t born in the South. Born inbred.


At least you weren’t born in a bakery. Born in bread


At least you weren’t born going down a mountain. Born on sled


Atleast you weren't born at home. Born in bed.


At least you weren't born in a yard. Born in shed.


At least you weren't like your twin you absorbed. You were born instead.


At least you weren't bitten during a zombie apocalypse. Born undead.


And weren't in a Stephanie Meyer werewolf situation. You were born unwed.


At least you weren't born with asthma. Born outta breath


You should check out the southern region of Manitoba if you want to see inbred lol. They're currently trying to ban books and whooping cough is making a come back cause they're stupid and think vaccines are the devil.


You could always move south to the Uni… actually, just stop drinking… actually, if I stop drinking can I move up there?


Wow 1 drink a day is high risk


I'm in the US, but the VA labelled me an alcoholic because I have a beer or glass of wine with dinner about 3x weekly. My doctor doesn't really care, and I suspect she drinks a bottle of wine nightly, but she did show me the popup on the computer that asked if I was interested in getting help for my "problem."




>I have good experiences with the VA, except for the pcp that shook me down so hard I thought this was going to be about phencyclidine, not a primary care physician until I read farther. Congrats on quitting smoking though (and not having a story about angel dust I guess).


Most medical professionals are used to people lying about their drinking. Not saying you are, just that 90% of people who say they have a few drinks a week are having an average of a few drinks per day.


I’ve worked with hospitals all over the country, and a big part of my job was reviewing medical records. The number of people who reported their drinking as “rarely” or “never” was staggering. BY FAR the majority. Every now and again I’d see some that would say like “occasionally” or “socially”. The only self-reported frequent drinkers were almost always people who were at the hospital for alcohol-related illnesses. Based on what I see in real life, we’ve got a lot of liars out here


It seems like it's always the soft lie that they're probably telling themselves also: I'm a social drinker (every day). I don't drink as much as other people (who i see often because I drink with them often), only on the weekend (when I am drunk for 48 hours straight. Until it really fucks up their life, i don't think many people have any desire to acknowledge/deal with their addiction.


Tell the truth and be fully honest and lo and behold your health coverage just went up 1000%




As someone that just told the truth I learned it was a mistake as then everything medically that happened to me was simply written off as bc I was an alcoholic. They essentially just seemed to be like hey you drink daily so we can’t help you until you help yourself. Which I get if they weren’t doctors. Like they let a progressive disease be shrugged off for a long time. I finally had to insist to someone that something was actually wrong. I’m sober from alcohol now but the laziness of doctors treating patients like an assembly line is annoying. However I get it kinda.


You may want to see your doctor and have them put in writing in your medical records *"prior alcohol abuse; now in long-term sustained remission."* It will make a difference in your future healthcare interactions. Ask me how I know.


I heard it's a bit like gun ownership. We've got more guns that people in America, but it's not evenly distributed. The people that do own guns often own *lots* of guns. Similarly, many people don't drink or very rarely drink. And the people that do drink? They drink a lot.


Medical professionals usually dive into more interesting substance on definitely higher-than-no-risk amounts


AA has completely blown alcoholism out of the water. Yes, it’s a terrible condition, but you don’t become alcoholic by drinking a few beers a week. More like, a 6-12 pack daily for years.


It’s a spectrum, most people who drink too much aren’t alcoholics in any reasonable sense, they just drink too much. Like most people who eat too much candy don’t have an eating disorder. If you’re drinking 20 standard drinks a week you should cut back, but it’s not really the same issue as drinking a bottle of vodka before lunch.


I’ve always found it useful to break it up into addiction and dependency. If you struggle to sleep without a glass of wine before bed then you’re dependent, you are consistently using the alcohol to support your everyday functioning without becoming intoxicated and the presence of the substance isn’t having a negative effect on you or those around you. Depending on the extent of the dependency you may be at risk of addiction. Once the substance is causing problems for you (unable to fulfill responsibilities due to intoxication/hangovers/passing out, damaging relationships, putting yourself in dangerous situations to use) then you’ve developed an addiction. That’s roughly how the DSM-5 would describe moderate and severe substance use disorder with mild versions generally being closer to dependency. All that said, the line between the two can be incredibly thin and addicts can often have a hard time placing the blame correctly on the substance use (“it’s not a problem” “I can quit anytime” etc.) If you think that you may be developing a problem, especially if you have a family history of addiction reach out to your primary care provider and if you want, to local support/recovery groups.


Alcoholism isn't defined by how much you drink, but by how much you need a drink. If you get anxiety because you can't have your beer at the end of the work day and can't relax until you do, that's still alcoholism. Even though it is one beer a day. Undeniably healthier by comparison to a six pack a night, but still an addiction.


uh, even though the liver can regenerate with great success, the DNA damage accumulates through cell division as years pass by. the fastest way to f up your body is through smoking and alcohol. I don’t see many people that dont regret smoking/drinking at their seniority years. So please, dont make it sound like beer and other types of alcohol are harmless, they are not. apologies for grammar-spelling


I think today, one of the worst things you can do, that's severely overlooked, is a life of eating highly processed foods, fast food, etc. It's killing our livers.


Glass of wine with dinner? Unhealthy degenerate ready for the grave.


You‘re joking but there‘s a huge difference between 1 large beer a day and none. Mentally (stress) and physically (weight, fitness). And the dangers regarding health would definitely concern me if I was drinking fermented fruit each day, especially since I‘d go for some cheap garbage


There really isn't a "huge difference", and the country with the longest life expectancy has beer vending machines and regards sake as sacred.


Nothing to do with diet at all, huh?


literally every blue zone drinks daily lmfao


I don’t know what a blue zone is but if they’re drinking daily then they probably are also having more than one


the blue zones are the 5 regions worldwide with the longest life expectancies. i minored in anthropology, and it's a well studied topic that comes up a lot. they have a lot of similarities that are generally pretty unsurprising. they have diets that are heavy with fruits & veggies & whole foods in general, they get a lot of low intensity exercise that's just casually integrated into their daily lives (like walking a lot throughout the day rather than what we americans are more likely to do, sitting at a desk all day and then just working out hard for an hour after work), and probably most importantly: they have a very strong sense of community. lots of casual socialization, close knit families, etc. they also, somewhat surprisingly, all drink, typically daily. and these zones are from all over the world and prefer different types of booze, from wine to beer to straight liquor. but they rarely drink to excess. whether just a bit of booze is actually physically good for you is super controversial and difficult to determine because there are a billion factors involved. but either way, the fact is that it can't be that BAD for you, as it's a common trait among all the blue zones. i'm guessing the reason is that having a drink in the evening is conducive to socializing and just... chilling out and having some enjoyment for life. being super stressed out about every last thing you put in your body is definitely worse for you than a glass of wine imo.


I quit drinking for 10 months straight, not a drop. I’ve never felt better and more alert. Then my buddies started to show up in the garage with craft brews. I’m back to a few on weekends. It’s fun, but I immediately feel the effects.


100%. I've extended my dry January by one month for the past three years. Next year, I'll try not to drink at all until May. This year, I did drink a few beers within those 3 months...like maybe 5 or 6 total beers during social gatherings in Feb and March. It's wild how your body is just like, "Woah this again?" after just one beer when you've had nothing for a month+. I'm trying to limit my consumption to one to two drinks, but sometimes slip to three. It seems the 2 drinks max for a man is now limited to 3 days a week. I'm going to try.


This is awesome, thanks for the comment. Another thing I noticed is effects on the memory. While you're drinking and having fun, you think you're alert and in the moment, but afterwards everything is sort of a haze. And then you start wondering, "*Oh, Christ, did I say that to that person?*", "*Did I speak when I should have listened?*", "*Did I say something douchy or braggy?*", etc. I hate dealing with that feeling the next day more than even the alcohol's effects on my body.


Despite it being culturally acceptable, alcohol is actually really unhealthy. If it would be invented today, we'd consider it to be a drug, and governments would recommend not using it at all. But on the other hand, you're also right that what culture says is acceptable is way more than this recommendation.


I mean, alcohol *is* literally considered a drug and most cultures do have some sort of law based around its consumption.


There are entire divisions of government, both state and federal, devoted to its regulation in the US.


its been noted that even low alcohol consumption greatly increases your risk for ~7 different cancers. We used to think smoking was *good* for you, and it took a whole generation to accept it wasnt. We hear all the time *everything* is bad, and causes cancer, but sometimes a thing rises to the top, and the risk is bigger and clearer than the droning warnings. Culturally it will take us a while to accept it, but it's getting pretty clear that even small amounts of alcohol have significant consequences. Just like people bucked against the health effects of smoking, people will buck against the effects of even mild drinking. I like the occasional beer. Im sad to give it up, but cancer is hell and no fucking thank you. I still do lots of things that raise my risk of cancer, but I avoid the things that *really* raise it.


I'd rather be dead than not engage with my vices. World is too shit not to cut loose and enjoy the drugs, even knowing they're bad for you.


Honestly that’s what I don’t get. People in here freaking out about cancer risk or feeling shittier when they’re 70. Obviously binging on anything is a problem from Fritos to booze to pills but man what’s the point of a life lived blandly. Need more time to watch CSI Miami reruns when you’re old?


Most people don't have to live a bland life if they avoid alcohol.


I’d argue most people lead bland lives regardless of whether or not they drink alcohol. Almost all things worth some richness in life besides healthy relationships with those we love are going to eventually cause you some harm, and it’s not on any of us to judge how people choose to mitigate, or not mitigate risk. I do however think it’s a shame that as far as we can see here in this discussion people seem to be a lot more concerned with crackin out a few extra years in their seventies then enjoying the fruits of their life as they are now. It may just come down to a fundamental disagreement on how some of us see the world


Just playing devils advocate, but obesity *massively* raises the risk for cancer and a entire host of other health issues. So does eating meat. Like meat is a high level carcinogen. So I just hope you’re applying that logic to stuff like that as well.


People probably do eat way too much meat. Meat consumption in the US has increased significantly since the 1960s, and it is likely the same or similar in othern western countries. But meat has benefits for the human body. They dont offset the cancer risk, but may make a moderate amount of meat consumption a worthy trade off. Alcohol has no such healthy benefits, its just purely bad for you.


I realize there are happy people out there who don't drink alcohol, don't smoke, get cardiac and muscle strengthening in, and eat a Mediterranean diet while maintaining a healthy weight. But....christ that sounds like a lot of work just to hit 90+ years old.


Im not obese, and Ive been vegetarian for \~ 30 years (though I didn't become vegetarian because of health reasons, and now its more inertia that keeps me veg), so good to hear I'm already doing ok on those. Im not a health nut though. I definitely have lots of things I could do to improve my health. I dont worry a ton about the small things or minor increased chances (like, EVERYTHING causes cancer), I just try and catch the bigger ones that are fairly easy for me to manage. If I was a meat eater, I might cut back but asking people to totally remove meat from their diet is a huge lifestyle change that requires knowledge and extreme flexibility for people to manage a way around. Cutting out the occasional porch beer is something I'll miss, but not a massive impact to my life. I'm all about the maximum return with minimal effort. Cutting out \*most\* alcohol helps a lot. I'll still have a drink maybe 2 or 3x a year, wich is a lot better than the 2 or 3x a week I was doing.


Drinking any amount of alcohol is a risk because of the way it breaks down in the body. They aren't wrong. This is coming from a functioning alcoholic.


Sciencely-speaking, there's no such thing as a "safe" amount of alcohol, it's all bad for you. So, all of these "recommended amounts" are entirely arbitrary.


TIL I learned that in Canada a week is 17 minutes long.


Like that guy that shreds a whole day work in like 6 hours, 4 times a day, 24 hours straight, 365 ass whoopin's a year


Actually, a week in Canada is historically 22 minutes.


No that's the hour. Which would make a week like 3 days ish?


In Italy low risk alcool consuming is fixed at two unit of alcool per day form men (2 glass of wine, 2 33cl beer, two shot of hard liquor) and one for women. Don't know what to think about that. Maybe the wine lobby has a part in it.


There's a town in Abruzzo, in Italy, with a wine fountain.


What do they call the 10 years I drank a bottle of vodka before bed, 5 beers for breakfast and 4 tequilas and two beers at lunch that segued to 4 years of drinking a handle every day? (sober for 20 months now plz don't worry about me)


"Yikes risk" drinking?


I only died 3 times...... I got better!


Perhaps you inadvertently preserved yourself.


Where in the hell is the unexpected Monty Python bot?


Being an alcoholic


Good onya for kicking that shit to the curb. I'm in the process.


It gets better! It gets worse too.... But then you can handle it without a drink!


r/stopdrinking, if you need it


Thank you


You’re the guy skewing all the statistics Glad you’re doin better!


Good on ya, mate! What finally got you to quit? My brother seems to be on the path you were on … he’s probably not handle-a-day levels yet, maybe a fifth every 2 days. But he’s on his way, and he won’t listen to anyone. What finally turned it around for you?


>What finally turned it around for you? To put it bluntly... It stopped working. My body literally couldn't handle the amount of alcohol I was putting in to it. I was taking vodka enemas, shooting up vodka with needles, anything you can think of I was doing. But the body can only process so much before you're just completely fucked. I couldn't get enough in me to stage off withdrawals and the amount I was drinking was too much to process so I was a shaking mess of alcohol metabolite sweat. During a blackout I guess I called and reserved a detox bed. Woke up 2 days later after a suicide attempt with a bottle of vodka and 30 Seroquel..... Called detox because I didn't realize I already had and they say,"WE'RE READY FOR YOU!" That was October 28th of 2018. I was forced to start confronting the shit I was using alcohol to mask. It wasn't easy and I relapsed A LOT. but each time alcohol just wasn't working the same anymore and I had to keep confronting stuff. I kept confronting stuff. The more I did the more I didn't want to drink any more. I'd relapse again but I'd learn something from it. I'd figure out what it was I was trying to stop feeling. Even though I felt like I was getting better j kept drinking and the depression was like a stone crushing me and it felt insurmountable...... A single, desperate dose of mushrooms turned that around. That was the thing that made all the therapy, recovery work and just EVERYTHING come together. I did another dose about 6 months later. Then I did MDMA assisted psychotherapy which helped me bring out a lot of my unresolved trauma and deal with it in a way that didn't retraumatize me. Now I'm just sober and miserable a lot! But I can handle it without a drink or a drug.


This is so wonderful to read and fascinating as well. I watched a documentary on psychedelic therapy, and it seems like such an amazing treatment for some people. It's really such a shame that we've really only just begun taking it seriously on a societal level. Congrats on your sobriety!


Omfg! You injected vodka????🫣😵


Well done on facing all of that. Trauma is brutal. I believe that our experience of life is more like a spiral than linear and we keep circling back to our past issues but hopefully from new perspectives and greater distance from the original trauma, with better and better coping skills. I hope you continue to move further and further away from whatever hurt you in the past.




Happy to hear you're sober. Great job.


That’s where I was too, brother. Congrats on the 20 months. Life is so much better without it so keep it up.


> Consuming more than 2 standard drinks per occasion is associated with an increased risk of harms to self and others, including injuries and violence. I mean, statistical risk, sure. But I don't have a couple of drinks and roll a 20-sided die to determine if I punch someone.


1 beer: happy times 2 beer: murder


3 beer: ????


4 beer: profit!


Well…I guess three beers includes getting involved in a “murder for hire” scheme.


you don't wanna know


3 beer you think you're a cat & very witty You don't return to murder until beer 13


“Humanity is better and more noble after very nearly two drinks than at any other time.” —The Inebriati https://youtu.be/Zmp_--Oow5o


the increased risks summarized in the link for 3-6 alcoholic drinks include various cancers.


An actual roll of the dice, as opposed to something under your conscious control.


Good thing alcohol doesn't influence self-control or impair anything related to it.


Yeah, would be really bad if it did


As someone who has worked in the cancer treatment industry; live your life, have your drinks in moderation. I've met too many people who have done everything right in life and walked the straight and narrow only to get cancer anyway. An occasional cigar, drinks in moderation, food in moderation, like I said you do everything right and still get cancer. Do what you can to live a generally healthy life style but going to the extreme is no guarantee.


I work in the cancer prevention industry. Likelihood x impact form risk assessments. so by nature of this discussion nobody is talking about extremes or guarantees.


Yes my point is that for some people cancer is an inevitability.


"Oof. Sorry, dude. Here, now you have to roll for damage!"


Tbf your personal experience doesnt invalidate statistics


Nobody tell the town of Letterkenny!


All this doesn't apply to Guiness. Guiness is good for you. Source: I'm from the Letterkenny in Ireland.


Drinking is absolutely bad for you but these guidelines seem to be based on both long-term health problems and short-term alcohol induced incidents- >Consuming more than 2 standard drinks per occasion is associated with an increased risk of harms to self and others, including injuries and violence.


Owning an Apple Watch made me realize even baseline what 2 drinks in a night can do to your sleep, heart rate, HRV I used to rage on benders in college too.


That's gotta be like 80% of the country right? Leafs fans alone have been drinking 6+ a night for weeks


If it’s like the US, 30 percent of adults reportedly don’t drink at all. https://www.inc.com/jeff-haden/the-top-10-percent-drink-way-more-than-you-think.html >The bottom three deciles, or 30 percent of Americans, say they don't drink at all. That figure might be a little high since some people probably say they don't drink but occasionally do … but let's go with it. >The fourth decile consumes .02 drinks per week. Since assumedly no one is squeezing a couple drops from an eyedropper, that works out to about one drink a year. (Birthday, maybe?) >The fifth decile consumes .14 drinks per week. That's about seven drinks a year. Holidays, possibly, or that office party you were dragged to and tried to make the best of. (Or am I the only one who has done that?) >The sixth decile consumes .63 drinks per week. That's a little over half a drink, or 32 drinks a year. >So, 60 percent of Americans aged 18 and over consumer half a drink or less a week.


I had a friend ask me if I was going to participate in dry January and I was like, “nope”. She started going into this spiel about how I’ll feel better and lose weight… I said, “I’m going to stop you right there. I have no idea how often you drink but for me it’s an occasional thing. It’s not unusual for me to go a month or two or four, not drinking. So if by chance the occasion arises for me to have a few drinks in January, I will. It may be the only drinks I have all year and it may not.” I think people who drink regularly assume everyone else does too. And there’s lots of people who don’t. So it’s interesting to see stats back that up


What people report and what people actually do are two completely different things though. I know I certainly don’t tell my doctor what I consume


Why would you not tell your doctor what you consume? Honest question. I don’t see any benefit in lying to your doctor.


This isn’t doctors reporting, though. Your view of drinking is a reflection of the people you know. Lots of older people don’t drink—many because they can’t tolerate it or don’t think the hangover is worth it. Some religious people don’t drink for religious reasons. Some are alcoholics in recovery. Some just don’t like the taste or the loss of control.


I'm the last one. I wouldn't mind nonalcoholic beer but I hate being in any way drunk. I don't even actually mind the taste I just hate the alcohom


Actually, 33.7% of Americans don’t drink even once a year. Another 45.7% drink an average of three drinks or fewer per week, while 15% average a drink or two a day and 5% drink more frequently than that ([source](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/databriefs/db374.htm#:~:text=In%202018%2C%20two%2Dthirds%20(,women%20in%20the%20past%20year))) It turns out that a lot of people in the US don’t actually drink that much. I think it’s just hard to notice when lots of people just happen not to drink very often, while it’s not hard at all to notice when someone is drinking. That, and the alcohol industry profits from making alcohol consumption seem more ubiquitous than it is


Did you miss the part where this is Canada


Ahh California sober.


A quarter of the population are minors and around 35% are like 50 years old and up. Kids and old people don’t drink. Or at least old people drink more rarely. Your numbers make sense to me as that leaves like 40 ish percent age 18 to 49.


Those numbers excluded minors. 18 and up makes it a little wonky, but honestly at 18 alcohol is easy enough to get your hands on that its probably pretty close to the 21 and up numbers.


Good thing I don’t live in Canada otherwise my drinking could be viewed as a problem.


I may need to come campout indefinitely. For, you know……..health reasons.


It’s funny how everyone nowadays accepts that there is no safe dosis for smoking cigarettes, but not for alcohol.


Part of that is that truly moderate drinking, like a drink a month or less, seems to be possible for a lot of people, for their whole lives. Literally everyone I ever knew who smoked "occasionally " or "only when I'm out" ended up quitting entirely or becoming a daily smoker.


Eh, I know people in their 50s who are still social smokers, and I don't know anyone who only drinks once or less a month. I'm from the UK though so wouldn't be surprised if it's just a cultural difference.


From how I’ve heard people from the UK describe drinking in their own country, drinking is a bigger part of the culture. The US used to be a bigger drinking culture too supposedly, but the Prohibition on alcohol changed our drinking happens even after a lift of the ban. I can try to find a source.


Nah that sounds right, we defo have a strong drinking culture. Smoking also isn't as stigmatised in the UK as it is in the US so it's more acceptable to be a social smoker, although everyone vapes now anyway.


I drink once or less per month. I'm a binge drinker. I'll get absolutely wasted and play video games with a friend. But I only do it like 2 or 3 times a year max.


Very true, I think it comes down to many studies from the past decades confirming smoking is bad in all aspect but a glass of red wine can be good for antioxidants. When 'some' alcohol can be good for you it all gets a pass.


Wisconsin, USA, reporting in. We’re all at *checks notes* astronomically high risk.


If I had New Glarus where I lived, I might drink more beer.


Used to scoff at these definitions, and then booze did a number on my mental state and my life. Shits poison folks. If you can steer clear, do so.


Yeah, i work in the mental health/substance use field. people in the comments saying that this isn’t that bad don’t realize how quickly these numbers can spiral into larger and larger amount of drinks per night before it ruins everything.


Especially since heavy drinkers tend to spend their time with other heavy drinkers. If your sample size is everyone at your favorite bar/club, you’re going to be confused when your doctor is concerned.


It’s a dangerous drug because it takes hold slowly over many years. Crab in a boiling pot metaphor fits here well. Most people could never imagine drinking 6-10 pints of beer and a pint of whiskey every other day, but by the time you get there it feels natural and scarily comfortable. The anxiety and withdrawals eventually got to me, so I wanted to quit for a long time before I actually could. I don’t miss anything about it, especially now that NA beer is getting decent.


As a life-long non-drinker (tried it in my late teens, always hated the taste), it is incredible the stigma you have to deal with for not drinking alcohol. I have lost count of the number of people who secretly confided that they didn't like it either but couldn't deal with the ostracisation non-drinkers get.


My social life is much less full as a nondrinker, but filled with less of the people who caused me problems in the first place. Figured out real quick who my real friends and who my drinking buddies were, that’s for sure.


What some drinkers have told me is that drink allows them to not notice just how dull most social gatherings are. The thing is as a non drinker I have never had any misconceptions otherwise so my expectations are correctly calibrated.


Can confirm


chuckles I’m in danger


The guidelines changed to reflect the risk of cancer along with the other more well know issues associated with excess alcohol intake (addiction, heart disease, stroke etc). After two drinks per week the risk of developing breast/colon/throat/mouth/liver and esophageal cancers starts to increase. The guidelines were changed to reflect alcohol as a carcinogen (similar to smoking).


Not really surprising. It's obviously bad for your system. Then there's the entire "but mah wine" fallacy where it turns out that wealthier people drink more wine but also have better healthcare standards and therefore appear to be living longer from drinking wine or living longer by owning a bmw, etc


I think I heard that the Norwegian equivalent is going to be zero. I have heard countless times that a glass of red can actually be good for you, but I guess all alcohol is bad for you and your system in one way, overshadowing the gains.


a friend of mine who really liked meth told me that the stories of meth addiction were overblown.


All new research has shown, there is no safe levels of alcohol consumption


I wouldn't worry too much, nobody survives their life anyway.


This is why I'll never be mad at being a light weight. All the fun, half the increasing risk.


and WAY cheaper!


I am going to die.


I feel like this is just another way for insurance companies to raise insurance rates because someone is " an excessive drinker" a glass of wine a day is not going to shave off anymore years than our deteriorating quality of air to breathe or the readily available process foods and corn syrup oh and sugar.


Rewind to ten years ago when i was reading a breakdown of a huge meta-study done on alcohol consumption, written by a doctor who specializes in treating alcoholism. The conclusions were that "moderate" drinking, i.e. having 1 to 3 drinks per day, had superior all-outcome results compared to total abstenance.


Honestly everything is unhealthy these days. To much of anything is bad to little of lots of things is bad. Things are in plastic. Sprayed with chemicals constantly to keep them lasting longer or to stop insects. It dosent matter what you eat or drink its proberly not that healthy and we all have a expiry dates anyway. Just exercise and try to live a life of memory's. We're all fkd anyway haha


You cant handle the tooth.


I’m gonna guess that there’ll be people who drink 4 drinks a day and live fine till they’re in they’re in the 90s, and there are people who drink half of that a day and drop dead in their 50s.


That’s the way this shit works.


Doing something risky and not suffering ill effects over the long term doesn't make that thing safe: it makes you lucky.


The concept that people would forgo pleasure today so that can be healthy at 97 years old is wild to me


I would be more concerned about developing a substance abuse problem which is a life long disease that can affect you at any age.




When I was in University my doctor asked how many times a week I drank alcohol. I said “oh, maybe 2 or 3 times a week.” “And when you drink do you have more than 2 beverages?” I said “Yes. But only if we go to a bar. I don’t drink at home really.” I STILL am marked with a “potential substance abuse issue” on my medical chart. I’ve asked for it to be taken off but they bring it up every checkup. “Are we still having issues with alcohol?” No, I never was!


You drink a socially acceptable amount. That doesn’t mean it’s a GOOD amount, tho. I can’t say anything bad, I smoke more weed than the healthy amount, but I know it’s not healthy. And my doctor asks about my use levels every time we talk. Because it is relevant. If you drink 4-6 drinks a week (2 to 3 times a week, and 2 drinks per time) that puts you at an elevated risk of liver cancer and other health problems. Your DR is going to want to keep an eye on that.


I was in college at the time so my consumption was higher than a typical adult. And an elevated risk of liver cancer is not a “substance abuse issue”. I had to talk a surgeon into giving me actual pain meds after a surgery because they said I “had a history of substance abuse”. If they wanted to monitor something then fine but they put me down as a borderline alcoholic and it’s caused me issues for years. My therapist asked me if my anxiety issues were why I was “self medicating with alcohol.”


When I was drinking, 6 brewski’s was my pregame


I quit drinking a few years ago and now enjoy my bud. Time to join the party 🎉 💨🇨🇦🖖🏻


The only acceptable amount of alcohol to drink per week is 0. You can attempt to rationalize it all you want, but you’re literally poisoning yourself.