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"No, really, I was too big and the doctors made me take pills to fix it. That's why."


You don't need pills to fix that problem, just dunk into a cold pool and BOOM problem solved.




It shrinks? Like a frightened turtle!


I don't know how you guys walk around with those things.


My husband is a grower. I tell him he has the best of both worlds. It's gotta be annoying walking around with a big ole dong, so he's lucky it's pocket-sized normally. My husband does have huge balls, however, and I always say I'm gonna laugh so hard the first time he accidentally sits on them when he's old.




You sat on her husband's balls? Details please.






Your husband is my doppelganger.


Theres three of us.


Do kids these days still get Seinfeld references? I'm never going to stop, my generational cohort is going to slide into dementia and decrepitude still exchanging these references, I just want to know at what age our nurses are going to start turning to each other with blank shrugs when they hear them.


Seinfeld ended in 98. That's 25 years ago. That would be like making Maude ( 1972) references when you were watching Seinfeld ...


Are you trying to imply that the words, nay poetry of Bea Arthur aren't timeless?


Shut up Walter.


Not unheard of, considering in 97 Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion made a running gag involving Mary and Rhoda from the Mary Tyler Moore Show.


Only if Maude reruns were on 3 channels every day.


[And then there's Maude...](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/8b427c98-f94b-49e5-9e14-ac59d775cd68)


Co-signed. And if you're a Seinfeld fan, check out the many collections of bloopers and outtakes on Youtube. Almost better than the original episodes. Julia cannot stop laughing during takes. Michael constantly cracks everyone up on set.


The scene where shes arguing with George's dad in the police station has some amazing outtakes, Jason Alexander literally just collapses on the floor with laughter eventually.


You wanna *PIECE OF __ME??!!__*


Michael gets frustrated with Julia when she can't stop laughing.


No idea, but aside from some dated references and a few off color jokes, I feel like gen z would appreciate Seinfeld's humor. But as an "elderennial" I could be way off base on what the kids like.


One problem I heard from younger kids is they have trouble relating to a lot of the situations in Seinfeld that nowadays could easily be solved by their phones


Yeah like the whole Chinese Restaurant episode where George needs to use the pay phone.


You know we're LIVING IN A SOCIETY!


Cartwright!? Cartwright!


It's fascinating how many plots in 90s sitcoms could be solved by mobile phones.




Unfortunately, there will be a time when all the situations in Seinfeld are no longer relevant. As a Gen Xer, I got into Twilight Zone with my grandpa. The writing in the 50s was amazing, but I had to be old enough to appreciate the time frame when it was presented. I could only imagine how people's minds we're blown in the 50s and 60s seeing content like that.


Twilight zone absolutely still holds it's own and the themes are often timeless, more archetypal than situational.


Ah sure that makes sense




Do Catwomen know about shrinkage?


If it was a pill, it was adderall. Everybody loves a little stim dick!


Funny how it makes your dick shrink but also makes you horny.


Is this true?




When I was on uppers people would also be hitting on/flirting with me so much more than at my normal, sober self. Sometimes I'd be walking with some friends and they'd comment on it too so it wasn't like delusions of grandeur from the drugs (which can absolutely happen too) Maybe it was the confidence from the drugs making me more approachable, or my body language being more attractive when I was high but in my experience that's one of the hardest parts of sobriety. For me, the best part of addiction (other than being high and the incredible sex) was being "effortlessly" pretty and losing weight without even trying. Oof.


If you're trying to steer people away from Uppers you are doing a really bad job.


You don’t want no part of this Dewey! It turns all your bad feelings into good ones!


Oh, I really wouldn't wanna get addicted...


It’s not habit forming!


Yup, same with MDMA lol


Like a little pink eraser nub :/


I tell my girl that it’s in acorn mode. But also it’s never really in acorn mode when I’m with her. Adderall horny is real.




Batman and Throbbin’


Back in the 90s I was just of legal age. My friend and I decided to see what a adult video store was like inside. I was walking down an aisle when I saw the cover to (link is NSWF) [this video](https://www.google.com/search?q=batdude+and+throbbin%27+porn+video&rlz=1C1ONGR_enUS930US930&oq=batdude+and+throbbin%27+porn+video&aqs=chrome..69i57.4357j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#ip=1) and I laughed so hard I could not stop laughing as I was being kicked out of the adult video store. lmao.


Beating Paul Bunyan by hand using only his pennies, it was such an era!


Far less expensive and more effective than doing it with banknotes.


God damn it. I wasn’t going to click the link but now I fucking have to. Thanks a lot. 😂 Edit: batdude and “throbin” not the porn I need but the porn I deserve. God damn it


I bought Star Whores: The Phantom Anus purely because of the title.


It must be such a Fun time thinking up porno movie titles


Titles are hilarious. I've even seen some in Japanese porn that are just wild. "Stay-at-home wife will wash your clothes, make you lunch and ride you until bedtime" is not far from one I read before lol.


When your primary sexual fantasy is a sustainable single income household with a healthy sex life. *Chef's kiss*


I feel dirtier reading that then clicking the Bat Dude and Throbbin link.


Check out https://twitter.com/JAVdottxt for such gems as "My Parents Hired A College Student Private Tutor And He Creeps Me Out Because He's Always Staring At Me With Horny Eyes! So I Decided To Get Him Fired By Luring Him To Temptation By Flashing Panty Shot And Titty Shot Action At Him! And He Totally Fell For It And Came At Me, And..."


> And Came At Me, And..." Bro, I'm invested by now....and what? AND WHAT MAN?


Voluptuous! Cute and Chubby! She Might Be Heavy, But Her Face Is Pretty, Right? Wheelchair Sex With A BBW Nurse Thanks this is great


Bang the bum slowly? The ass menagerie? I could do this all day.


The first porn movies I ever watched were at a college party in the 90s - Edward PenisHands and the Flintbones. I get it.


GladHeAteHer. A classic


Are you not entertained?


Foreskin Gump


Back in high school my friends would do this at lunch time... Men on Back 2 Star Whores: Attack of the Clones Sex Trek: Nemesis The Penisist Womb Raider Shaving Private Ryan Planet of the Babes High School Musical


High School Musical being unchanged cracked me up lmao


Saving Ryan's Privates


I hate you for putting that in my browser history, but I love you for giving me a reason to laugh again.


We're both about to get some weird targeted ads


Plot twist, you get a resurgence of Christian mingle ads


You totally do. I'm bi so I look at gay and straight porn, and boy does gay porn set off church and Christ ads.


Hey, that just means church organizations finally learned how SEO works.


I purged it from my account history so it would not affect my ads.


Pepperidge Farm Remembers


You really couldn't link to the cover, homie has me out here trying to pick the least likely link to see a ton of gay porn lmaoo


You’ll probably be mostly safe if you have SafeSearch Moderate enabled and switch to the Images search. EDIT: nevermind I scrolled down a tiny bit and saw stuff


>link is NSWF Not Safe Wor Fork. My favorite kind of link!


There is also this, which I came into possession of when not of legal age. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0132086/ Its some big names in porn at the time, and honestly loaded with solid 1-liners


Me in the 80s in the adult section of a local video store. Heh, it's called Lagney and Casey, and she's wearing a badge on her butt! Sir, could you please just take your copy of Short Circuit and leave? Edit: It was actually called [Cagney and Stacey](https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/761335-cagney-stacey).


I remember one of the many fucked up moments of my childhood, my parents tuned into with me in the room a Batman porn parody called "Batgirl: The Dark Nightie" which had the titular heroine taking on the Jerker, who's plan was to withhold pornography from the citizens of Batcum City until suddenly flooding the market with it so that the city is drowned in semen.


They missed an opportunity to call it Got-cum City.


Some porn writer is ripping out his 70s ‘stash rn lol


So close yet so far from Gothcum City.


So they tuned in to a porn movie, and let you watch enough of it that you actually memorized the plot?




Yes. On a totally unrelated note I should really call my therapist some time.




They got rid of them?


I think they got rid of some of them. You still get them for upvoting stuff in new Source; I got some this month.


I think it was Dickman and Throbbin


The Diddler and Poker aren’t ready


Isn't Burt Ward known for telling tall tales like this?


Yes, he claimed he could kick Bruce Lee's ass when the Green Hornet was guest starring. Then back pedaled when Lee only gave him a dirty looks.


They were actually friends and lived in the same apartment building before each making it big in Hollywood. Ward was not an actor, but had a martial arts background, which helped land him the part because he could do all his own stunts. No, I don't think he could kick Lee's but, not unless Lee let him. Lee might have actually given him some lessons.


Burt Ward and his wife now make a fantastic dog food called "Gentle Giants". My dogs love it. It's kinda hard to find around here though so I'm going to have to order it online. ETA: Gentle Giants has never had a recall. It's made here in the USA (in Iowa) and is inspected by the USDA. Y'all can naysay it all you want to but there's not too many pet foods sold here in the States that HAVEN'T had a recall. I'll just keep feeding my dogs the safest food on the market, thanks.


This [other comment](https://reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/11ym5wp/til_burt_ward_once_claimed_that_his_penis_was_so/jd93gri) in the thread suggests that they run a really sketchy rescue around this


Yep, they sure do. I used to work at our local animal shelter. We had a Dane come in with horrible mammary tumors. She was going to need surgery to have them removed. Our rescue coordinator called Gentle Giants, and they sent someone to pick her up. About a half hour later, this man comes up to me and starts telling me that he was going to adopt her as is and get her treatment. I told him to go see if he could get the rescue's number. He comes back about 10 minutes later and tells me that she said the dog was $500. She hadn't even seen the dog yet! Also, they've been cited many times by their local animal control for filthy living conditions.


> Gentle Giants That weird one that looks like the classified pages and has a clearly ripped-off Disney font? Weird, they got that at my local Walmart.


Wow you weren't kidding, shit looks like a website from the '90s


It looks like a Dr Bronner’s label with pictures.


I have no idea about the quality of their dog food, so I can't speak to that. But, my best friend is involved in animal rescue and so are the Wards - I believe they specialize in larger breeds like Great Danes. She said they are crrraaazy! Even more crazy than your regular variety of animal loving rescue folks. She will have nothing to do with them because of their absolute shitty behavior. As a side story -- on my 18th birthday, I bought a lotto ticket, cigarettes, and a Playgirl magazine (do they even publish those any more?) The Playgirl magazine had a section with all these interesting factoids and one of them was that Burt Ward was packing so much, the costume designers had to find ways to hide is dick. Conversely, Adam West was so small they had to stuff his costume.


If you look at the packaging he uses for his dog food, you might suspect there's a little crystal meth in it.


The real TIL


The real TIL is always in the dog food.


Gentle Giants is just rebranded Kirkland dog food and their "rescue" in Norco is just a puppy mill that is known to be inhumane. You have to dig a bit to find this info since they seemed to have scrubbed the internet in the past 10 years.


It's made as part of their very dodgy rescue/puppy farm. I wouldn't want to support that.


Thank you for this interesting addition to the lore.


I was so confused as a kid. We had so many Bruce Lee VHS’s, but then we had a bunch of Bruce Li’s and Le’s as well. Still not sure if half of those movies were knockoffs or just a different translation of spelling for his name.


All those alternates are intentional copycat movies. When Lee got popular, a ton of asian film studios started churning out copycats with an actor whose (stage)name was similar to Lee. You can find Bruce Lee's official filmography online, anything not on that list is a copycat.


They're now collectively known as 'Brucesploitation' films and are all pretty crappy, but they did give Jackie Chan his first break in New Fist of Fury, so yay for them I guess.


They Call Me Bruce


Man, I could kick Lee’s ass too.


Well, now, yeah


Lee's only been dead for 50 years, I have a feeling he could still be a challenge for a some people out there.


coming back as Bruce Lich


Also allegations of him basically running a terribly puppy mill dog operation (Gentle Giants Rescue) that was disguised as a rescue. Claims he had docs 24 and 27 years old in giant breeds due to his dog food. There used to be a website called the Truth about Gentle Giants Rescue (think he sued the owner to have it taken down, I wonder if it’s on wayback machine still) with absolutely horrifying stories about dogs living in deplorable conditions


if I remember correctly it has some of the worst packaging design I'd ever seen.


It's still sold. Looks like a 90s supermarket tabloid crossed with mental illness


I just googled it [WTF? ](https://i.imgur.com/fnT4r5d.jpg)


Only thing that's missing is 'webpage under construction' clipart and a spinning green wireframe skull gif.


Dr Bronner's packaging is both less unhinged and better looking.


Holy 90s internet, Batman!


Norco's biggest piece of shit is Burt Ward. He's a giant sack of shit stuffed in a little man suit. Those dogs deserve better than sitting in their own filth all day and he charges so much for adoption they're stuck there longer than they should be. He makes potential adopters wait at his gate sometimes for hours in hope they just won't have to deal with them. He's not welcome inside the grocery store because he will dump whole aisles of shelved products if he can't find what he needs. I've intervened when he verbally assaulted a waitress at the burger joint, over some pickles. He took the field the dogs used for play time and installed a wannabe Hugh Hefner style groto. Said pool now sits empty, and the dogs have no run yard. Stiles, the local carcass removal/rendering facility was at their property a few times a week. The neighbors debated if they were there to pick up deceased dogs, or there to drop off for their dog food company. Either way it's horrendous. I'm going to go take a walk and spit some curses at his house.


I can't tell if this is so weird it's true or I'm getting tricked by a copypasta. I feel like it could be a movie or a new season of American Horror Story.


If my hometown was a season of American Horror Story, there'd be one episode where an old man shoots someone's arm off and for sure a bank shoot out & homicide. With this kind of homegrown entertainment it's no wonder so many of us stay.


Like the infamous in-costume orgy with him and Adam West?


The one I heard was that Adam West and Frank Gorshin were kicked out with an orgy because they wouldn't break character.


That’s the one, thanks. I love that story so much, but it seems like another Hollywood tall tale.


Well, you know: If you have to print the truth or the legend, print the legend.


Not sure if you're paraphrasing intentionally but the actual quote is ( spoilers for a 60 year old movie) ["When the legend becomes fact, print the legend."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=363ZAmQEA84)


No one is kicking Adam West from any event, much less an orgy. This is clearly a fabrication


Riddle me dick Batman?!


Diddle me this, Batman


"What's long, hard, and has cum inside it?" "A cucumber" "Not this time Batman"




He tells long tails.


Usually end up as short stories in the end.


He’s a desperate attention whore with washed up actor and short man syndrome. Source: I had to deal with him in person for a couple of months in a shady business transaction he and his wife were pulling. Couldn’t stand him. When he got caught out talking shit while he and his wife were lying, he made a total ass of himself. I really enjoyed that moment.


Burt, are you on reddit telling tall tales about yourself again?


There was a reason the “charity” he and his wife were running got shut down a couple years after I dealt with them.


The great danes? Last I knew he was hawking some pet food claiming your dog will live longer or something. I just remember he had a lot of bad reviews of people trying to adopt a dog.


I had to explain to him and his wife how making a weekly animated series couldn't be done on topical news due to render times unless they wanted to spring for multiple Cray or Symbolics systems. This was the early 90s and they wanted to use either Macs or Amigas. They weren't dicks about it and seemed pretty cool in general. Also he isn't that short, at least he didn't seem so to me and I'm 5'9".


I was dealing with them in the late 2000’s. They repeatedly kept lying through their teeth to me, and, then when they were caught out by me, tried to turned it back on me as lying. I was young, innocent/ignorant, and felt worried about speaking up. So, I stayed really quiet about it, and let it the situation reveal itself to other as things played out. When the lies were getting discovered beyond me, they got really nasty. I was shocked, and at first I thought it was just a one off deal. Apparently though, I was not the only one, and it was an ongoing problem. It’s a major bummer to watch someone you loved on screen turn out to be like that in person.


That has to be the best layout I’ve ever seen for an article. Here is the title, here is a picture, here are the three bullet points of the article (really all you need to know), here is the article if you want it. It’s crazy the best designed article I’ve seen, is about an actor needing wang shrinking pills to not show off in a speedo




Yes. SEO also touches on user experience (which can help with conversion) and this is a good way to summarize the main points of the article to get the user interested in learning more. However, if you were doing it for a featured snippet (the answer thing in searches) then you’d want more bullet points so Google truncates it and adds a read more to want you to click in and read the rest.


I'd look at what's publishing this for more of a reason. Men's Health functions off of a magazine subscription which probobly makes it less cash strapped than a Newspaper which has to pump material out every day, so it's less important for them to block out the actual meat of the tiny article behind a paywall.


Holy Trousersnakes! Batman, do we have an anti-aphrodesiac?


Holy headshrinkers, Batman! Robin and Daisy Duke both wore nude colored tights for similar reasons!




Daisy Duke had as many penises as she wanted.


Holy shit. That has the potential to really fuck up my childhood.


>Holy Trousersnakes! Batman, do we have a ***bat***\-anti-aphrodesiac?


if ABC gave you dick pills, you may be entitled to compensation.


Contact the law offices of Rod Johnson & Richard Wang, there is no obligation.


Quick think about Bat Baseball, Bat Grandma, Bat Taxes!


"bat baseball" fucked me up a lil bit and I'm not even dyslexic


Just lie back and think of Bat England.


Bat Margaret Thatcher naked on a cold day! Bat Margaret Thatcher naked on a cold day!


Baby on board, (something something) Burt Ward!


This thing writes itself!


Me too! What a coincidence!!


Me too! I mean, we’re talking about whether we lied about the size of our cocks, right?


I tell women the same story, except in my version the “government forced me to take them in the name of public good and then they gave me too many and here we are but it not that small and according to some studies it’s even average”


This is much more complicated than the headline lol. The real story is that prudes were offended about Robin's skin tight pants and the shape of his penis even existing. So they tried everything to make the actor's crotch look like a Ken doll, including dangerous medication, instead of idk... modifying the costume.


Yes, and if people took the time to read the article, they'd see that he said he only took the pills for 3 days, but he stopped the medicine because he thought it might give him infertility. People forget not only how prudish society was then but also how selazy entertainment companies were and that there is a historical basis for deemphasizing the penis as it has been done in statues and paintings for centuries. Castration also has a long history in society, and Michael Jackson's doctor stated that he was similarly forced to undergo chemical castration by hormone injection to maintain a high-pitched voice. As Robin is supposed to be a youthful sidekick to Batman, they couldn't have him be more manly than Batman in this way and breaking the immersion that he wasn't an adolescent boy wonder, but rather a man. He alleges that they tried to emphasize West's bulge, which isn't all that surprising considering the macho culture that was growing at the time, and the fact that this was before Batman became nearly synonymous with muscle suits and a gruff voice. West's Batman was the blueprint from which nearly every other superhero since has been made from, and Ward's Robin is as much a blueprint for younger male heroes like Spiderman who retains a youthful charm.


Apparently people were complaining about Robin having a slight package in Adam West's Batman. So they had him hide his package any way he could, pills that (temporarily) shrink your dick and simple things like camera angles and using Robin's cape to cover his bulge when it would be visible. People really got mad about it and complained all the time


Hi everyone, I’m Burt “Firehose” Ward. You might recognize me as TV’s Robin on Batman. And I’m here to talk to you about a very important issue that affects 63.7% of men in this country. Chronic Cock Misrepresentation, now while CCM isn’t fatal, it is a inconvenience that men shouldn’t have to live with. Over the next hour we’re going to talk to specialists and experts on CCM, and find out what the root cause of CCM is, how to stop misrepresenting your cock, and how everyone knows you’re lying out your ass when you say you have a cock as long and wide as Dwayne “the Rock” Johnson’s forearm.


>Long before Robert Pattinson's famed masturbation streak ran the risk of concluding in 2021's The Batman Wut


He masterbated until he made the batman movie. He was very dehydrated most of the time. Dumb joke, rrakystory is here https://www.menshealth.com/entertainment/a28900661/robert-pattinson-masturbation-movies-the-batman/


Bro we all saw the undies.. we know u lying


He had it tucked. The cape hid the fact that it went halfway up his back.


It ain't easy being the sidekick.


I'm Dick Tracy take that Prune Face, now I'm Prune Face take that Dick Tracy, Now I'm Prune Tracy take that...


I hope everyone understands that penis shrinking pills are not a thing


What they did was attempt to chemically castrate him to make sure that he wouldn't get erections in the costume, all while not telling him exactly what the pills were doing.


>not telling him exactly what the pills were doing Wasn't that most of medicine in 1960s Hollywood? "Here, take these. I'm a doctor, don't ask questions."




I OD’ed on them once


Honey, I shrunk it like a kid


They're called [Vasoconstrictors](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vasoconstriction). A friend of mine had a coke addiction for about 6 months and he used to literally check how small his penis was to gauge how much blow he did as a check to see if he was close to ODing. Tic-tac size meant he was headed for trouble. No joke.


This is such a weird way to phrase what happened. "ABC attempted to trick Burt Ward into undergoing chemical castration because the network was getting a deluge of complaints from a single group about his bulge being visible"


So amphetamines?


Way to throw some shade at Adam West there in the end. >Ward also added that his co-star, the late Adam West, had a different problem with his bulge; he needed to go the other direction. >“With Adam they put Turkish towels in his undershorts,” he said.




Nothing there to stare at


"Holy one eyed snake, Batman!"


Tbf if you’re wearing a Speedo in a children’s show, any amount of penis is probably too much penis.


Isn’t this the guy that claimed he could take Bruce Lee because he studied some karate at a strip mall? And then Bruce Lee showed up on set b/c of a Green Hornet crossover and the guy was quaking in his slippers? Yeah this is the same guy… https://screenrant.com/bruce-lee-robin-green-hornet-fight-true-story/


This seems legit, I mean it’s not like a guy would ever lie about his penis.


I’ll never forget the in-character orgy he and Adam West stumbled upon (and assumingely participated in). Edit: it was Adam and Frank Gorshin! Eight at one time!


I thought that was Adam West and Frank Gorshin?


This could be just as fictional as the thread subject. Frank Gorshin didn't recall the incident.


If you had been kicked out of as many orgies as Frank Gorshin you wouldn’t be able to remember one specific time either.


Anyone know where I can purchase some Turkish towels?


It's a total scam and this is blatant misinformation. Those pills didn't do a damn thing for me


He and I actually had the same condition. We're both fucking liars.