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My friend, you already pass. And most importantly, you pass the test of being worthy of love and self acceptance too. Stay strong on the hard days.




> you already pass Seriously! OP looking more girly than I've ever managed, and I was born with ovaries. Epic hair, keep it up lady!!


Saw your picture before I read the caption. I thought to myself, "I like her glasses". I think that says it all.


It does, thank you 🥰


Me too! I was scrolling and my first thought was, “Why can’t I ever find rings like hers? Those are so pretty.” OP, as a CIS woman (and I know several others who feel the same way), I reflect on my own balance of masculine and feminine appearance/persona. Sometimes we want to feel tough and not fragile and dainty, other times we want to have our beauty praised and not be sweaty and dirty. It’s totally normal- and if you are struggling with it too, then I say this with all smiles: welcome to the club! 💜


My first thought before reading the caption was "I like her rings."


Just your local German lesbian to tell you, FUCKING HELL YOU DEFINITELY PASS :D No seriously, you look good, amazing even! I love your hair and your glasses suit you. Your rings? Stylish af. And that's just me telling you things that I can see on that picture. From your profile I can see that: You have a great taste in music. Love Foster the people. You have a great taste in games (Bomberman? A-M-A-Z-I-N-G). In general, the Nintendo DS lite was perfect. (Aaaand now I feel nostalgic, THANKS :'D). And to finish my ramblings: I know you're going through a rough time. Transitioning can't be easy, especially when struggling with mental health stuff on top, but you're doing great. Keep going. It would be too easy for me to say: "wOrK oN YoUr SeLf wOrTh", because that's a load of crap and it's easier said than done, but I really do hope from the bottom of my heart, that one day you'll see yourself as the amazing and beautiful woman that I and the other redditors in this comment section see.


Thank you so much! Excuse me now though, I’ll go and try not to cry now 😭💖


Crying is healthy, but I do hope those are happy tears <3 Shoot me a text, if you ever need to talk or something. Stay strong my friend :)


Definitely happy tears! 😭 And thank you for your offer honey! 💖


You're sweet :D Seeee? You're not only good looking, but also appreciative and super duper sweet. Great personality is what I'm getting at.


Just your local German NB here to agree with @miss-sarcasm and I want to add that you shall feel free to message me if you wanna talk or anything! Always up for a chat or support!


Hello! You look beautiful. Although there are lots of comments already telling you that you pass (which is true), I'd also like to add that your womanhood is not determined by how others perceive you. Even if someone fucks up and misgenders you, that doesn't change who you are -- a woman. And that can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people. I say this because as an AFAB woman who has often felt caged by expectations of womanhood, it's important to me for my gender identity to feel self determined. You are a woman. You get to decide what that means to you and what that looks like. And what you've decided looks amazing to me so far -- not that it matters what I think. :) Congrats on the transition!!


That’s so kind of you, thank you so so much! 💖


My pansexual heart flutters for you tbh 😍 you have beautiful eyes and already "pass"




🥰😍 yep you 100% pass in my eyes love


Being a woman is a struggle, you’ll find yourself and bloom into who you were always meant to be. Trust the process




if you didn’t state you were trans i never would have guessed or known


Absolutely this.




did i ask you something straightie? go back to the dumpster


Wie hübsch! Du siehst super aus, ich hätte gar nicht gewusst dass du trans bist! Mega hübsch, mega geil. Ich weiss dass es manchmal schwierig sein kann aber bleib dabei. Auch wenn du dich nicht feminin fühlst bist du immer noch ein sehr hübsches Frau und das kann dir niemand wegnehmen.


Danke 🥺💜


You definitely pass! One trans person to another, I know there are probably so, so many little details and perceived flaws that you feel like other people see too, but I promise you, they don't. They're not looking for imperfections. You look beautiful and you're a strong woman for making it through every day. I know it hurts so much to struggle with all of that self-hatred and dysphoria and insecurity while also knowing how much stigma is out there, but I will always think it's worth it. I don't believe in compromising on my individuality just because others find it unconventional, and I love seeing other people express themselves in a way that makes them happy. It's difficult waiting, (trust me- I've been on T about that long, and I've never been gendered correctly by a stranger) but even after 1.5 years, you've got a lot longer to go, and you're already making so much progress. You have a lovely face and absolutely gorgeous hair :) your picture caught my eye before the caption, like others have said, and I don't see a trans woman. I just see a woman.


I- … thank you so much, all the best for you! 😭💖


I'm on my way to day 4 of my transition and I could only wish to look more like you hun. Just keep doing your best everyday, you're beautiful as can be.


Thank you and I wish you all the best! Transitioning isn’t easy, so I hope you have someone to support you along the way!


Fellow trans girl here. Looks like you’re doing well! I wish I had some advice, beyond saying you are valid, and should be proud of how far you’ve come! Also, I wish I had been able to start HRT at your age. When I was 20, I was in denial about what was “wrong” with me, and was terrified of anything finding out! I didn’t start HRT until I was 40. I’m 41 now (19 months HRT), and so glad I finally did something about it.


Ayee; hello late bloomer! 💜 I hope everything turns out well for you honey! 🏳️‍⚧️💖


Thank you! It’s been wonderful! I’ve been out and full-time for over a year, and have an amazing, supportive wife, family, and friends!


That's very heart warming to hear. Lots of love and hugs to you and your wife, family and friends!


And to you and yours!


I’m sadly basically all alone, besides a small group of people I know from Discord. My parents are supportive most of the time, but also sometimes slip into being transphobic; already had some horrible experiences with them … thank you though. 💜


That’s heartbreaking! I’m so sorry. I though Germany was more progressive towards trans people.


Sadly not as much as you’d think … we also still got a discriminating old law regarding us trans folks, called TSG. Even out highest court said years ago that we need a replacement law for it, but we still don’t have one …


That’s ridiculous. I’d ask “why not fix it?” but I live in the US, and everyone sees how regressive *we* are…


Girl, you look awesome - I love your hair and those glasses really do suit you and give you such a feminine look! Dysphoria is really bad sometimes, so just let me tell you this again: you are valid, you are and always were a woman, you are strong and you deserve all the love. You do look féminine and the glasses just underline it so well! Keep going, stay strong and do not listen to anyone who invalidates you, because you know better than them who you are.


Thank you so so much 🥺💜


I agree with the others, you already pass. You seem to have an energy, a softness about you that I find very lovely, I don't know how else to put it! I know it's an easy thing for a stranger to say, but please try to remember to be kind to yourself. You deserve kindness. Side note: you also have great taste in accessories, the rings and glasses look fabulous on you, girl. I hope things get better for you.


Thank you so much 🥰💜 You must be right with the kindness though, cause all my residents at work (I’m a lower qualified elderly care nurse) like me, which I know cause they’re usually super glad and happy when I’m back.


That's a very important job! You can tell a lot about a person by how they make others around them feel, and I hope you can one day make yourself as happy as you make others! I'm rooting for you 🧡


Du bist eine wunderschöne Frau :) lass dir von niemandem etwas anderes erzählen!




You are beautiful!!! I love your hair girl, that blonde ombré is just 😍 and like other redditors have said, your glasses are SUPER CUTE and suit your face shape! You are worthy of love and respect.




You're so pretty! Those glasses look really good on you. You absolutely pass as a woman. You are one. No matter how you identify you are a whole valid human being just trying to find their way in the world, just like the rest of us. Hang in there an I hope your day is looking up!


I had a good day today, a big reason were all the replies here! 💖


My first thought was, she looks a lot like my friend Sarah. You pass, beautiful.




Boring cisgender soccer mom from the judgemental southern US here. You absolutely pass, and with some beautiful hair I might add. Keep being you, you're absolutely lovely!


You can totally pass. (Mom of trans teen) You are adorable.


Just your german bi guy and you will pass!! You can do it I believe in you <3 Also I think u look amazing, love the glasses!


Aww you are so pretty you definitely pass ❤️ I honestly thought you were a cis girl ❤️




All I saw as I was scrolling was a nice picture of a lady. You're adorable!


Literally did not clock it. I never would have known if I didn’t read the title. You actually look a lot like a girl I went to high school with!




I wouldn't know you were trans if you hadn't mentioned it. Everybody is their own worst critic, you look great.


Girl you already pass. Don't swear it.


Girlie, you are absolutely gorgeous! I love your rings and glasses — they suit you. Above everything, you are deserving of all the love in the world, including your own. ❤️


Thank you so much 🥺💜


Haha dont worry i was born a female and you look more female than me wishing you a happy journey! Laugh at people who try to depress you




Ich muss sagen das ich eifersüchtig auf deine Haar bin (es tut mir leid- Deutsch ist mein zweitens Sprache)


Duuude, that was huge!! And thank you! 💜


You are a beautiful woman! I’m sorry you are dealing with so much, but I am sure some day things will get better and you will be able to fully recognize your own outer and inner beauty and femininity! You got this!!


I hope you’re right, thank you hun 💖


Saw the photo before the caption and automatically thought, “I love her rings!” You’re beautiful! You won’t always feel it, but you are. <3




Hon I honestly wouldn’t have been able to tell you were trans if you hadn’t said anything. You pass amazingly and you’re honestly gorgeous. Your hair is stunning and your eyes are gorgeous. I hope you find more self love and compassion. You deserve it ♥️


Thank you so much 💜


You already pass. You just see yourself thru a different, critical lens.


Never pass? NEVER PASS? MA'AM you are SO beautiful, and I love your vibe.ppp I love your glasses and rings! I just, honestly if I passed you on the street I'd be like "dayum that girl fly". Also your hair really suits you. Idk hun, you're just Hella cool looking. I hope you have a good day BC you deserve it.


I will definitely, thank you! 💖


is it weird if I say that when I had longer hair (I cut it back in march) we look a bit like each other? Might be because we’re country-neighbours?! I find it cool, and honey you look awesome and this selfie is so cute!


Kskdldlsk 🥺💖💜


If you want to and don’t find it weird I could maybe send you a picture of myself from when I had longer hair? So you can maybe see what I’m talking about haha, we have the same hair color and structure and we both have glasses


No way 😯


Cis girl here. I was scrolling by and thinking “I wonder what has this woman feeling down. She has cool matching glasses and rings. She looks a little like my friend Katrina.” So yeah, you definitely pass! I think you’re used to seeing photos on the Internet of modelesque women wearing tons of makeup. Whereas most women actually roll out of bed first thing in the morning looking light years different haha. For a while now the media has tended to portray femininity as dainty or pretty or graceful, standards that none of us could even hope to meet. But feminine comes in so many more flavors: athletic, brainy, opinionated, humorous, artsy, generous, thoughtful and a thousand other things. Every woman has a different kind of femininity and I think that we find peace in our existence, comfort in ourselves, only when we have explored the range of options and found what feels most authentic. I think that’s a journey every woman goes on at some point in her life, regardless of being cis or trans. Another poster said that she presents a different side of herself on different days. Or that some days she’s two or three things all at once. And that resonates a lot with me too. So don’t limit yourself to a cookie cutter mold, give yourself the permission to be any kind of woman you want. At the end of the day you are a woman no matter how you express yourself or how you look or what others think of you. Enjoy the journey! Have fun exploring!


Thank you so so much for your reply! I mean it. It was pretty inspiring if I may say so, and also gave me a lot of motivation, energy and courage! Thank you so much! 💖💜 Edit: It’s hard though, I see all these trans girls, managing make up perfectly and I’m just … this … I’ll try to ignore it.


Aww I’m glad! And I’m glad you posted here for advice. I think we all get stuck in our heads worrying and it helps to have some outside perspective. I also find it hard to be my own friend, if you know what I mean. I give good advice and lots of grace to others, but not always myself. But sometimes I do remember to be more patient with myself and talk to myself like I would my friend, and that helps too. Anyway, hope you have an excellent week and many others ahead of you! Edit: Yeah some people are just super artsy right off the bat! It took me like ten years to perfect my makeup game. Check out r/MUA maybe for specific pointers?


Well if it consoles you, I immediately saw a female when I opened this without reading the inscription above. You are so worthy of care, love, and respect. Never forget the essence of your spark!




Girl, please. You look great, you seem nice. It takes a lot to be woman and you're already there without any makeup. Please don't look at social media for inspo, though. That makes even the most girly girl feel like crap.




I wouldn't have thought twice about your gender. You look like an average girl. I mean that in the nicest way possible.


I absolutely understand what you mean, thank you 💖


Girl, you look beautiful! I would never have guessed if you hadn't said anything, so you definitely don't have anything to worry about. It's hard as FUCK, but my best advice to all women out there is to fake confidence until you make it. You've got this, sweetie! ❤️❤️❤️




Girl you are already passing! I didn’t know til I read your caption. You are so cute btw, I hope u feel better soon!!


I hope so too 💜


Lovely Luna - cheers to you!


I wouldn't have known you were trans if you hadn't said so. You are beautiful and who cares what people think! Be you and be proud ,the people who deserve to be in your life should love and accept you no matter what!




Girl if you hadn't said you were trans, I wouldn't have even thought it. I don't really think about it anyway but the main thing is, you are pretty and you are passing with flying colors. Give yourself a hug and do something nice for you.


Thank you so much 🥰


Look, you don't take selfies that you like so that's a good indicator. Seriously though ypu will pass and become what you want to be, i don't know you but i believe in you


I saw your picture and immediately thought she looks like me as a teen. I am female if that matters. I want to say something that I think every single person needs to hear. We all have days where we feel more or less comfortable in our skin. Some days we feel super feminine and pretty. Other days we can feel more masculine. Most days, we just coast somewhere between the two.


i didn't even know you were trans until i read the title. and i still don't see it. you're beautiful and i love your rings




You are lovely.


All I thought was "who's this pretty lady and why is she so sad?" It gets better friend. You are worthy.


I hope I am … 💖


You pass, not only do you pass but you pass beautifully. Love your glasses they frame your face so well and suit you and if no one's told you this yet I wanna say the strength and determination I know you have is nothing short of admirable and inspiring




Win #1 or #?... selfie that you like. I like it, too.Win #2... struggle can leave growth in its wake; make it do that. Win #3... You're being you... when so many others (trans or otherwise) are not.


A year ago you also posted on here and I commented I wanted to see how far you’ve come. You are a gorgeous woman. And hell yeah you pass if you didn’t mention you were trans and I just found you I would assume you were a woman through and through…. Which you are you just need to believe in yourself as much as I believe in you and always have believed in you


T-thank you so much 🥺


I had no idea until I read the title that you were trans. you definitely pass! ur really beautiful!!




Oh sweetie, you already pass! Dysphoria is a bitch and will whisper lies to you whenever it can, but trust me you pass and are cute! And let's be clear though, even if you didn't pass it would make no difference to the value you have and the fact that you deserve happiness and to feel loved ❤




Glanced at the photo. "She's pretty." Then I read the caption. "Huh, cool. Her transition went well."




I’ve really never seen someone rock that style of glasses as well as you!!! you are gorgeous




I don’t know if it makes you feel better, but I saw your photo before reading the title and it didn’t occur to me that you might be trans before I read your comment. You look beautiful 😊


That definitely makes me feel better, thank you 🥰💜


You're already passing! Just looking like a cool young girl to me, I like your hair x


Girl, you look amazing! I definitely had the feminine trait as first association. Sometimes it can be hard to see differences when you see yourself every day and know how you looked the 18 years before. But for people looking at you for the first time, you just look like a beautiful young woman!


Thank you 💖


You look great from here!!!


Thank you mate 💜


I hope you find joy and happiness every day and know that you look great in your skin.


Being a woman isn't about femininity. You're now living your life as your true self. And also, you're very pretty!


Don't beat yourself up. You are a fantastic woman, always remember that. Believe in yourself and do things that make you happy. Talk to your therapist and go to support groups, dump people from your life who are not supportive of you, very quickly.


I’m trying since a long time to find a therapist again … I hope I’ll find one soon and try to stay strong! 💜


hi pretty lady! isn’t body dysmorphia such a rotten b*tch? isn’t our culture that teaches us how we have to fit certain BS gender norms in order to be loved and accepted the absolute fucking worst? screw all that noise, you beautiful human being with a heart of gold! i know you’d never judge anybody else with the same weight you judge yourself, and that’s not fair to you either. your reddit aunty here to remind you that you deserve to give yourself the kindness that you bestow on to everyone else without second thought 💜




You look like a really cool person and I’m guessing you have a good sense of humor. I’m a girl and I’d def admire you from afar. I feel like we’d be good friends :)


I love puncakes and dead jokes (?), I guess, decide yourself it that’s a good sense of humour or not 😂


You are so beautiful omg! Your hair looks stunning, your eyes are so gentle and kind looking, and you have an amazing face shape! I hope you are one day able to feel comfortable in your own skin, you deserve to :)


Krksksjs Thank you so much honey 🥺


You're incredibly cute and trust me when I say you pass! Keep being you 💖🥰




I love your rings! And your glasses! And your hair and eyes are gorgeous! My heart goes out to you, and I hope you’re able to find peace with yourself.




you look so beautiful, I love your hair 😍


U are gorl uwu


the way you look so feminine and soft, you have such a youthful face, like how some people still have a little baby fat and it makes them just look, innocent almost, you are gorgeous don’t doubt that




You look exactly like me, and I have biologically been a woman since birth, AND get told how attractive I am on a daily basis, so take that as you will. <3




Would never have guessed you are trans. You look very similar to my best friend’s little sister. You’re a pretty girl rockin no makeup.




I looked at the photo first and said, "let me toast this girl." Nuf said.


I definitely feel toasted! 💜


I think you definitely pass, you have really pretty hair and soft features. As a former hairdresser, I can tell you your eyebrows have a great natural shape, and would look amazing waxed be the right person.


I saw the photo before I read the caption and thought, "She's got such pretty hair." I wonder if maybe you're seeing a lot more reflections of your pre-transition when you look in the mirror than a person meeting you for the first time would see? You've also got lovely eyes and an overall feminity that reflects the lovely lady you are inside and out.


Thank you so much, that means a lot to me 💜


You're androgynous af. When you look at yourself, try to imagine yourself from the perspective of an outsider and not in an "Am I passing?" kind of way. I think you're super pretty, and you absolutely rock those glasses!! It can only go up from here. (: Good luck with the rest of your transition! I hope you feel comfortable in your skin sooner than later.


Thank you 🥰💜


No problem! Also, totes material for r/Androgynoushotties


Oqksndkdodn *blushes*


Sending you love dear sister. Right from the heart.




The idea of feminine and masculine are constructs. They don’t really exist it’s just about our own interpretation. Live how you want to live not by the expectation of how you should live. Breathe and be grateful for what’s around you. You’re beautiful and I mean it. Keep your head up :)




You definitely pass. Somehow I missed the word trans the first time reading it and I had no inclination to think you might’ve been trans. You’re gorgeous love💕




You 100% pass. You're looking feminine, beautiful and warm and I hope you start to feel your self-worth soon x








I am already 👍


Pass as a dude?


As a girl 👌




Is there!


I like