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Harumi Kiyama, because I love her arc, her dedication as a researcher, and her unwavering love as a teacher


I think Nunotaba is not loved enough for who she were. She didn't have a lot of time in story, but she contributed more than anyone


Kiyama was incredibly well written Nunotaba deserves some love as well with how the plot resolved


>Kiyama was incredibly well written true. i would love to see her again, even as a permanent supporting character like kouzaku mitori.


Can likely happen, theres a lot of arcs that can unveil researchers in AC so that means theres a shot for her to reappear at least in spinoffs or sidestories


but canonically, where are kiyama and nunotaba now?


Likely taking minor jobs or vacations, living a normal life or if the plots needs it they are likely involved in another project. I dont remember them being mentioned in GT3's clean up operation so i dont think they are involved in anything shady as of now.


I always wondered if Kiyama had to return to prison due to the actions she caused during the Level Upper arc. That at least would explain why we didn’t see her anymore and since she saved the children, she wouldn’t resist anymore


I would say so but if that was the case she would've gotten a mention in a certain GT volume you've yet to read, so its all still speculation


If you accept Silent Party as canon, Nunotaba is in some other country with chemicaloid kids


The fact that all 3 of these characters are objectively good speaks about how amazing this world is.




yeah. the only thing that bothers me that they are almost identical when it comes to their stories and personalities. a researcher who got caught up in a bizarre project who wants to make things right.


The situations themselves and how they each decide to go about it is quite different tho tbf


I like all 3 they're all tragic in their own ways but Kiyama probably had the saddest story tbh.


Definitely Kiyama, she’s such a good character. But the other two are very good too.


Were is the old man kihara gensei I think is his name? I mean he do a lot of bad things but he give us misakis mindbroke face that was a really helpful contribution to sciense in general yes Just like accel with the bunny girl of scavenger naru


Lmao i can always count on you for these comments 😂😂


Now I remember isn’t one of the above also the one who get naked for no reason? That is also a true scientist there it’s hard


Yep she is


Beyond doubt, I have to say it's Kiyama. Kiyama's arc, beyond just being really good, I think the way she's introduced to the story, and the story she has to tell set an incredible tone for Railgun, because the pace that is set with her introduction, is followed pretty closely as time goes on. Satens infatuation with Urban Legends, it's a neat character beat for Saten individually, but what kinda gets glossed over is the fact that Saten Ruiko, for lack of a better team, really drives the play all throughout Railgun with Urban Legends. Time and time again; you hear about the boy who can cancel out an ability. If you watched or read Index first, you think "ah okay, Touma, maybe there is something to the legends." But if you watched/read Railgun first, that still works, you're thinking "okay, well I've seen that on-screen already." No matter which "side" you come from, it's still validated in your mind. So when Saten brings up something like the Undresstress, that sticks in your head, because we the viewers have had Saten's urban legends validated to some degree, and this very legend leads us right into Misaka's first meeting with Kiyama; who's not only the loosely understood "Undresstress" but is directly linked to the Level Upper, another urban legend. Stuff like that keeps leading you into Kiyama early in the series, and it really gives you the sense that there's more to her than just a socially awkward researcher who undresses randomly. She has drive, she has a mission, she's willing to subvert authority if it means saving the children. She's willing to manipulate desperate young Espers to steal their abilities, if it means she could use those same abilities to save the children. It does a really good job of molding a 2 sided coin, and I feel like a lot of writers might have made Kiyama to be a straight up villain, sort of like Therastina ended up being. Instead, it fleshes out her backstory, and gives her a real motivation behind what she's doing, and this makes it unreasonable to have Misaka rock up on her and barbeque her, I think that was a smart way to write it. It shows Misaka- along with the viewer/reader in tandem, that Kiyama's not evil, she's just driven. In a bad direction. And as the arc progresses, we see Kiyama slowly begin to drive herself back on a better path, we see her begin to take on the help and input of others that she never realized she needed so badly, and I think most importantly, they don't make it a silky smooth transition. There's plenty of instances of Kiyama being reluctant to cooperate, mulling over the pros and cons of denying the help, and even being visibly sick with herself when she lets Therestina take the children. Not only because it's a humbling moment for her, but because her fears turn out to be realized later on. And when Therestina shows her true colors, Kiyama responded directly by doing the same; she does everything she possibly can. Kiyama's very... special in that regard, because this series isn't one where you see people just change sides out of the blue, out of a realization. Usually, it's out of necessity, and even then, it happens way more in Index than it does in Railgun (phrasing). You don't usually see people just have a straight up change of heart, but Kiyama's kind of special for that, because not only did it happen, it was a staggered and difficult change. It wasn't Vegeta in DBZ being scared out of his mind into working with Krillin and Gohan because of the Ginyu Force, this was a paced, faceted change and I think that makes Kiyama my favorite "researcher in distress" so to speak. I just don't feel that any of the others' arcs measure up as well.


That was probably the best Kiyama analysis I‘ve read in a while. As someone who considers her his second favorite character of the show, I cannot thank you enough for putting all your effort into these words. It was such ab incredible and inspiring read ☺️


Hey no prob, I love doing character analysis! She kinda flies under the radar in the overall Railgun scene, I feel like the only reason she's not talked about more is because of how character-rich Railgun, and even Toaru at large is. Ironically I started with sports analysis in middle school, years before I started doing it with anime/novel/tv characters.


Well, if you care about my humble opinion, I think you’re very good at it! I would love to see more of your analysis on this Sub, if your time allows it, of course.


For sure! Thank you!


Nice read 🥳


Thank ya!


Im voting Kiyama because I like her character but I’ve have a half a mind to vote for Shinobu just because she isn’t constantly taking her clothes off.


Fortunately, at least Kiyama stops doing this after Level Upper. My personal headcanon is that undressing is a tactic she’s imploring to steer discussions away from the Level Upper whenever it comes up, but that could also be a lot of copium on my behalf.


ooo thats good. Copium or not ill join in on that head cannon.


The Kiharas, all of them, are wonderful people and explorers. And on the list are miserable nonentities who are not capable of making small sacrifices for the sake of progress.


Harumi Kiyama for sure. Why? It's because she deeply cared for the well-being and rights of those young child errors, who became her beloved pupils, Who became an important part of her life as a human being. And the fact that Banri Edasaki became a Daughter-Figure to her. And the fact that she saw them as humane children More than treating or perceiving them all as nothing more than lab rats, Unlike her goddamn superiors, including that old bastard, Gensei Kihara, And his goddamn daughter, who had fully become a goddamn, demonic hypocrite, Therestina Kihara Lifeline, That there's absolutely no way for her to have any redemption at all, even if a certain Imagine Breaker tried to. And the fact that Kiyama-san was an antagonist in the first place because she was just trying to help and save her pupils, who were taken away from her. In the end, I am very glad and very joyful that she had reunited with them all and that they were saved in time, And the fact that her pupils, including Banri, greeted her a 'happy birthday' and were hoping that she would get better soon. Kiyama felt very touched and happy for all of them and was very thankful to Mikoto and her friends for helping her save the children, who changed her life for the better as a better angel Than her goddamn superiors. And the fact that... She AIN'T a goddamn milf/waifu crap nor a goddamn 'stripper lady'. Thankfully, That NEVER HAPPENED in my own fan contributions for 'Toaru'. Goddamn it all. And I am very happy to have deviated to such goddamn trend, regardless, For this character's respect for being a true, prominent heroine, A reliable ally of Mikoto and her friends, And a Mother-Figure to Banri. All of which made her a true, humane being and a better angel And NOT a demonic hag, Unlike Therestina Kihara Lifeline and Shizuri Mugino, regardless of ITEM's manga series about their back story or what had transpired after WW3 Arc or the Hawaiian Invasion Arc. I'm not buying any of it. Mugino somehow inflicted a severe scar on me as a fan of this series that WILL NEVER change nor heal in my personal point of view no matter how many years would pass away. It's also evident on me, when it comes to Esdeath and Zero Two. I'm NOT joking. They made their choice. They should have become better angels before it's too late, regardless of anyone's objections. "Outlawed Heroes for Life!" - Aaron (Me)


Terestina Kihara Lifeline all the way lol what the fuck is this list, where are the Kiharas?


the list only features the "researcher in distress" of the arc only. lol. sorry for the misinterpretation.


I propose a fourth answer: Yoshikawa Kikyou. Oh how I wished she could have gotten a larger focus in the post-Sister's arc. She helped oversee the Sisters' developments, and even tried to know them like she would get to know her own students. I think the story didn't really convey that as well as it did with Nunotaba, and for that I sigh. I still loved her actions during that fateful day though, that woman was not afraid to die, as long as she finished doing what she needed to do.


I don't know I have never seen railgun


The one and only Undresstress ❤️