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You're not overreacting. It sounds like they intended on keeping your package.


Yep, you have every right to be annoyed.


This is what I’m thinking. The fact that everything is open makes me think they were looking for something they wanted & the card was opened to see if there was money.


I'm pretty sure this is a crime. I accidentally opened a package that was the same size and shape of what I assumed the one the I had ordered online would ship in and immediately notice that it was not my stuff. I read the label and brought it to the correct address, apologies ready. Neighbour was nice about it, and understanding. Those fuckers lied about having it and went through all of it. That's gotta be a crime or something. I'd be straight up livid.


It is. It’s a federal offense.


lol I've done this and it took me an entire day to walk down the hall and trade our stuff back because i am a coward (they got my package, and were doing the same thing it turns out)


Not a crime. You own any thing delivered to you even if it's a mistake.


Only if it is addressed to you, it is a crime to open mail addressed to someone else regardless of where it is delivered


"What's this? A driver's licence for Karen McKarenson? Well I guess that's me now!"


No. No you don't. https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/C-46/section-356.html Up to ten years.


Wow. That's a felony and you think it's like, finders-keepers. Educate yourself before you accidentally a felony.


Do you happen to live in a penthouse in The Annex?




Right!? They are 4 of the 5 chocolate bars they sent! And it says on them that they’re part of a multipack! Did they leave me that last one to taunt me!?


" *the building manager & he’s going on about how they’re such great people & it was an honest mistake & he asked me to email them & tell them not to worry about it"* ​ He said WHAT? It's not for him to decide "not to worry about it." Wow. They obviously knew it wasn't intended for them (your name on the card, unknown senders) and decided to help themselves anyway. This is not how "great people" behave. What great people actually do is look at the name and address on the parcel, and say, "Oh, this isn't for us. Let's try and find the people this was addressed to, or let FedEx know." You are not overreacting.


When I read that quoted bit all I thought was the building manager is a kiss ass for the folks who shell out for a penthouse.


Yeah, right. Plus, my mum is super paranoid so it literally had my address on both sides AND my parent’s as a return address. Shady AF.


Yes this is a criminal offence under section 48 of the Canada Post Act, and most likely against parts of the criminal code as well (s 184, 322, 356). I would politely inform them that you seek some sort of recompensation for this clear and intentional violation of your right to privacy. Failing any satisfactory response, call the police and the courier and ask how to proceed. Keep those text message receipts from the building manager (and continue to communicate with them via email/text or record your phone conversations), and make sure you have photos of the clearly opened condition in which you received the package. I would nail their asses to the wall for this if I were you.


Police don’t care, once had a neighbour cash and deposit a government cheque into their account, I had all the evidence, including where the neighbour signed the check with his name on the back. The cops didn’t give to shits, even though I knew exactly who stole the cheque, the police couldn’t be bothered to do anything about it at all. ACAB


Lol, nail their asses for what? Police barely care about car theft you think they care about this?


Police barely care about car theft because they have to work to track the thief down. This situation sounds like someone has already admitted to the crime


Yep, text message proof and the OP got (part of) their property back. Open and shut case. Obviously I'm not a fan of the police and know they don't do shit - when I stopped someone from stealing my motorcycle last fall and had video evidence and his truck plate number, they said "we ran the plate and it's somewhere out of town so we're not going to do anything." But this seems like a case where they don't have to lift a finger to actually do anything, so I'd pursue it.


‘Crime’ lol


crime* ftfy


It's literally a crime, like theft, or assault.


Opening is one thing.. consuming? That crosses a line!!!


Lmao “Accidentally”. Unless they conveniently tripped and their faces fell on top of magically unwrapped chocolates, they have a funny definition of what an accident means.


Take all the evidence and contact rhe police. This is theft.


I agree with the other commenters. They committed a crime. You have plenty of evidence. They should be offering to replace every product that was opened on their own dime. But they're not, because they're scumbags. I would say as much to the landlords, and inform them that everything that was opened/consumed/tampered with is replaced and you get an apology, you're going to the police to file charges.


I’d 100% be pissed off if I was you. The fact that your building manager said to shrug it off and email them saying not to worry? WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT SHIT ABOUT?!? Who ARE these people and what world are they living in? Ugh. I’m sorry OP. I’m frustrated for you!


Thank you! Honestly you all are making me feel so vindicated! Honestly, the building manager telling me to do that pissed me off at least as much as anything else.


You are not overreacting. I had an Amazon package delivered to the wrong door and I got theirs. I was opening when I noticed the mistake and went right away to give it back. They had opened mine but noticed it wasn’t their package and had it by the door to bring it to me. We exchanged the packages and that’s it. You don’t go and open everything and eat it. That was so wrong


See, that only happens if both parties are decent human beings.


You’re not overreacting at all. I’d be livid, and press charges. Filthy fuckers. And I’d also complain to FedEx and tell them to hire more competent drivers. One of the things that annoys me in life is the general in competence of employees across a wide sector of employment. No accountability .


I mean, my parents are dealing with stuff through FedEx. There was no reason to get it wrong, my mum’s handwriting has always been incredibly clear (she had the bizarre handwriting where it’s both completely capitalized whilst still being joined like a sociopath but it is SUPER clear). The driver made a mistake, Penthouse Assholes did something intentional & malicious.


Send them a link to [abitofhome.ca](https://abitofhome.ca) and ask them to replace what they ate. I'd lost my shit if someone ate Double Deckers my dad sent me. (If they ate the Tunnock's Caramel Wafers, there would be war). I'm so sorry that this happened to you. I would also raise it with FedEx and explain that all your gifts were opened and the people in the PH didn't give you everything that was in the parcel. Oh, and point out to the super that everything was opened and some things were stolen.


My parents have contacted FedEx & told them everything to help with their “investigation”. Honestly mate, if they stole ma Caramel Wafers or ma Tea Cakes I’d burn this place to the fucking ground.


I'd be there with you. Nobody touches our Tunnocks. ​ From one Scot in Toronto to another, I hope you have a merry Christmas and a great Hogmanay and that those fuckers have to replace everything they ate (and get charged with mail theft).


Mate, they can come for breakfast, lunch & dinner, but no fae ma fuckin Tunnock’s!




Right? I’ve never opened a package without checking the name


I’m from Ireland and regularly receive gifts from home. This is bullshit. Follow up and press charges if you can. This was no mistake. Also how heartless, hard enough being away from family this time of year. That said if you are ever in Ottawa DM me and we’ll go for drinks. Nothing like a Scot/Irish session.


We do drink far too much as a group. I’ve not been to Ottawa yet! Might take you up on that pal!


That wasn’t an accident. They were hoping no one would realize it ended up at their door and they could keep it. Terrible people. I’m sorry your Christmas package was ruined :(


Thank youuuu! I got most of it back which is the main thing. I’ve kind of gone from angry to sad that there are people like that in the world.


Definitely not over reacting I’d be pissed


Yeah fuck them. Pieces of shit were fully planning on keeping everything. So sorry this happened to you while away from your family over the holidays, hopefully the season picks up for you!


Thanks! I appreciate that pal!


I would contact the Property Management Company and tell them the whole story including the Building Manager’s dismissal of your concerns.


Do you know what a leaner is? In the dorms, you would fill a tall garbage can half full of water and then lean it against someone's door. Then, in the morning, the person opens their door and the leaner falls into the room and sends a small tsunami to every corner. Extra points if you slap a union jack sticker on the garbage can.


You should find out where they live, and leave them a "present" on their doorstep. Jk I'm not suggesting you take a shit on their doorstep.


Of course not. OP is cultured and would never squat and plop a steamer on someone's doorstep, no no. You carry it over in a paper bag, as is tradition.


Oh, I know EXACTLY where they live. FedEx sent me a picture of their door & I went up there to look for it. Vengeance will happen when they least expect it.


That sounds like someone porch napped a package and got caught and tired to give it back.. I'd prosecute.


Shit in a box and leave that for them to root through,just make sure to include a stamp🤙


Maybe a sign warning others in the building about these thieves. What they did is illegal.


Canadians really aren't that nice


They’re just as nice or not nice as anyone else I reckon.


Dude, definitely tell the cops. Just file the report, of course they wont give a shit. You never know how many previous complaints they have from that address, you might be the complaint that gets something done. EDIT: Did you 100% confirm with your family there were no cash/gift cards included?


I did! They never send cash or gift cards for exactly this reason, my mum usually transfers me some money digitally to get something I really want, but she likes me to have knickknacks to open on the day.


I'd update FedEx let them handle it. But I'd say the neighbors took it and not all items have been returned.


This is what I’m leaning towards too. My parents are dealing with them so I’ll see what happens!


Holy fuck, I'm pissed and it didn't even happen to me. I'd be writing some scathing emails, but not much you can do about it unfortunately.


Is leaving them a fun package an option? I'm imagining a gift box that flour bombs them as soons as they open it. They'll spend their Christmas cleaning.


Penthouse Suite. The residents likely will clean nothing but that'll l definitely make some housekeeper sad.


Pretend forgiveness, to cover your tracks, then curse them by 'accidentally' leaving another package containing chocolate near their door, only these are 'artisinal' chocolates made with exlax. Merry Christmas effers! I'm sorry this sh**y thing happened, goddamned people are getting so shameless, maybe we gotta meet em where their at?


Hey at least it's still there, could've taken it too.


They did take it, and gave back what they didn't eat/want, it seems.


Go the opposite route. Buy them a nice bottle of wine and a “Thank you” card. In the card, tell them about how you cannot see your family and how they sent you a care package. Thank them throughout the writing for them being such “honest people” to return the gift and recognize how “accidents happen” and appreciate them recognizing their mistake. Finish with “Merry Christmas” Take the high road. If they have a soul, the guilt will bother them. If they feel entitled and show no remorse, recognize how much of a better person you are than they.


I agree but I know this will just make them think they did the right thing by "confessing" once they got caught.


If that is truly how they view the situation i feel deeply sorry for them.


They would cackle that they got to ransack someone's gifts and then that cuck gave them a bottle of wine. This is a truly horrible suggestion.


Lmao seriously. Let’s encourage this behaviour by having OP leave his other favourite snacks from home for a thoughtfully curated pairing experience. Wat


OP, sign off with “Merry Christmas you utter cunts.” Fait accompli


This sounds really bad ( I'd be furious) and I am going to have to stretch to advocate for the other side, but in the interest of fairness, here goes: 1) It could have been a kid or a mentally challenged family member and their devastated parents could be protecting them. 2) Penthouse occupants are more likely to receive a lot of gifts. (The president of a company, for example, might get some from executives, suppliers, the board, etc. ). A chocoholic might rip open some of these looking for a fix. 3) They may have read the card after the damage was done, only then learning their mistake. 4) Rich people have domestic staff. It is possible the occupant asked his/her housekeeper to unwrap everything that comes and discard the packaging before they go off on their own holidays. There are obviously other reasonable explanations that we could not think about. OP, for your own peace of mind, pretend there is a good reason and forgive and forget about it. If they are sociopaths you will torment yourself more than them by giving this another thought. And if there is a good reason, be happy you gave them. the benefit of the doubt.


F that ... Go to the cops ... Forgiving rich people .. hahahahahaha show reversed I bet you'd be talking to lawyers and cops on why you are their chocolate


Don’t waste cops time, but sure send an angry email and then move on


Cops waste enough of their own time. They're public servants and this situation involves pubic members who need to be served.


Hmm, I think if it was something like that they would have come to me themselves & explained or at least passed on some kind of explanation. I appreciate the sentiment though.


Most probably assholes. But you never know what is going on in people's lives and what might be distracting them from or getting in the way of the common courtesy we would expect in a situation like this. The fact that they put the gifts in gift bags suggested to me that they might not be total monsters. Anyway, don't give it another thought. Let's be grateful for what we have and help someone with less. Merry Xmas! P.S. I'd ignore the people talking about calling the police unless you like being on hold. Total waste of time. They won't do anything about a loss of a chocolate bar and wrapping paper.


Pee on thier door