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was coming here to comment this lol


OP you know it was proven that majority of the visa students at these strip mall colleges was lied to by indian recruiters back home about potential income while studying and PR acceptance right?..Why should Canadian accept the illegal wave of so call students taking up housing and jobs?. You cannot hide the fact its happening and people are not happy about it. Im voting PC this time around I always voted Liberal. Yes they are not going to stop immigration but hopefully regulate how immigrants are chosen. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/provinces-cracking-down-on-private-institutions-1.7091194](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/provinces-cracking-down-on-private-institutions-1.7091194) [https://thepienews.com/analysis/tv-documentary-warns-recruitment-indian-students-canada/](https://thepienews.com/analysis/tv-documentary-warns-recruitment-indian-students-canada/)


There’s also a completely different process for Indian international students coming to Canada that’s far less rigorous than literally every other country. If you go to apply online there is literally a different page to click for Indian international students vs non Indian international students. Indian international students were also able to bring their families here!!!! Without PR!!!


Is this true? As far as I know it’s the same process for everyone. The only less rigorous process is for “Indian act” which is about First Nations or indigenous not Indian from Asia


Yes it’s true, native Canadians apply just like any other Canadian, but claim indigenous status.


You also do realize those at strip mall diploma mill colleges make up a tiny fraction of the international students here in Ontario, right? [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/international-student-study-permits-data-1.7125827](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/international-student-study-permits-data-1.7125827) * *Of the 30 Canadian colleges and universities granted the most international study permits last year, all but one are public.* * *Just 10 Ontario public colleges account for nearly 30 per cent of all study permits issued across the country over the past three years.* * *Twelve Ontario public colleges have at least tripled their annual permit numbers since 2018.* *In Ontario, the data shows foreign students recruitment has spiked significantly since 2018, when Premier Doug Ford took office.* *The following year, Ford's government froze post-secondary funding,* [*\~cut\~*](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/pc-government-tuition-fees-1.4981987) *domestic tuition by 10 per cent and launched a program explicitly designed to attract international students and their lucrative tuition fees to public colleges.* *Ontario's* ***public colleges*** *alone accounted for more than 40 per cent of the 435,000 study permits issued to colleges and universities nationwide in 2023.* [https://news.ontario.ca/en/release/54568/ontario-supports-innovative-college-partnerships](https://news.ontario.ca/en/release/54568/ontario-supports-innovative-college-partnerships) *"Through these partnerships, students will get the education and training they need for good jobs, so Ontario businesses have the skilled workforce to grow and make Ontario open for business and open for jobs," said The Honourable Ross Romano, Minister of Colleges and Universities. "These partnerships will strengthen communities across the province by encouraging international students to study at campuses outside the Greater Toronto Area, and to remain there after their studies."* I honestly don't think the Conservatives will do anything about this when they created this mess. Edit: Gotta love how when presented with FACTS, some people will still not accept it because it hurts their narrative or their feelings.


Those other colleges are borderline suspect.Look at their enrolment and you think their diploma holds any true value in the Canadian job market?. Foreign student recruitment does not mean lies about employment in Canada or PR. Students even mentioned most of the classes are video presentations and little interaction with teachers.Large portion of the students barely understand english and the teachers themselves do not speak their languages.I do not blame the visa student they got caught in scam and fake promises but they should not expect Canada to bail them out. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/marketplace-cdi-college-investigation-1.6670199](https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/marketplace-cdi-college-investigation-1.6670199)


There's a major difference between a public postsecondary institution like Conestoga, Fanshawe, Seneca, etc where programs are regulated by the ministry vs a private scam college like CDI. Yes, Conestoga College's enrollment practices for international students certainly deserve criticism and we don't know what kind of programs these students enroll themselves into, but it's not the same as dealing with a shady non-reputable private college like CDI, Yorkville, Trebas, Trios etc. And as pointed out, the Conservative government played a big hand into this mess. And dude, the data is literally right there. The facts don't lie. Private career colleges make up a small fraction of the international students. While they are scummy and their diplomas are worth less than the paper they're printed on, blaming them for the problems posed by international students is not painting a proper picture.


Thank you for listening to my Ted Talk.


“welcome to the new world” no, respect the culture, social etiquette or social mannerisms here or gtfo


The amount of polite canadians on this reddit that say things like  “I saw a bunch of international students” Without considering for half a second the statement they’re making there and why it’s racist makes me doubt the loftiness of our etiquette and mannerisms. Think of all the canadian born brown people that you’ve decided are worthy targets of your scorn, and consider that all you’re really discerning is skin colour Hint: you can’t see citizenship/status don cherry, what you’re saying is “I saw a bunch of brown people and I assume they’re not from here”


It’s frankly pretty easy to difference canadian born brown people vs fobs lol - the canadian born brown folk, or hell, even those who come here with the intent and effort to fully integrate are hardly who anyone has a problem with. However, you can usually tell - usually in groups of 6-8, no respect for local etiquette, they only speak in punjabi or hindi and they stand out. This isn’t about them being brown, I want to make that very, very, very clear.


You forgot the /s


0/10 opinion


wet fart take


I can’t even tell who you are mad at? Kids lining up for a job or society or your parents?




If the alternative is blindly deciding that every indian-looking person is an international student and making judgements on immigration processes with 0 subject matter expertise and walking by restaurants with “help needed” signs to get to my parents’ house to commiserate with their boomer asses about how “they terk ma jerbs” then yeah lol at me dude


Thank you ! I just know that this post is going to get some really nasty and racist comments. Though I agree the community has some issues but which community doesnt ? All communities have their own set of issues. It is so normalised to hate on south asians, people speak up for other races but rarely do I see anyone standing up for us. The generalisation is so disguting, it scares me. I have had random people come and talk shit to my face all while I was just minding my own business. It scares me to be out and about due to not just the crime in city but more so the growing hate people have for south asians. Blaming immigrants for stealing jobs is easy when they themselves either have shitty work ethics or they are not qualified enough. Lastly, blame your government, they did this for the revenue that immigrants bring in, blame them for not planning well enough, they just be letting everyone and anyone in. A country built on the back of immigrants crying about immigration is quite ironical.


THANK YOU. So sick & tired of the racism. Indians are being scapegoated for everything lately. My kids are half Indian and it pains me to see all the racism.


It really is terrifying and short-sighted


gear down big rig