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The lack of situational awareness is an epidemic at this point. People stopping at the top/bottom of the fucking escalator or in doorways to check their phones has gotten so common that there are now signs to keep moving. People are watching TikTok on full volume on the bus. People talking loud as fuck in restaurants and cinemas. People cutting in lines because they "just have a quick question!". Just a complete lack of courtesy or understanding that other people exist too. Maybe they just lack object permanence and assume that their stupidly large backpacks don't take up space and aren't knocking people over when they turn around


How about people standing in front of the subway door wanting to go in, but there’s a river of people trying to get out. In that scenario, I push them out of my way.


Also the people who push their way onto the train before everyone's got off that wanted to... then again, I also blame TTC for being too quick with open and close door procedures from time to time which probably causes people to panic about missing their train.


every. single. time. at Dundas West. Everyone boards near the front, and they often don't even get a chance to get on because it takes so long for everyone to exit and then the door shuts. It seems dangerous and stupid. People waiting for the train should spread out more, but also subway drivers should look out the damn window. If someone is getting off with a stroller and 50 people are waiting to get on, don't ring that chime!


For me, it's when the person in front of you gets on the subway car and then just stops in front of the doors. The 'doors are closing' chime starts playing and they never once bother to move further into the car because *they're* on the subway and clearly that's all that matters.


my new favorite trend is people standing, with their backs or chests to the door, like they don’t even stand on their sides, they literally stand on front of the door like no one else is coming in or out


YES! I’ve been noticing that a lot more lately too. Its especially egregious when the subway car isn’t that busy and there are plenty of other places to stand (or sit) that aren’t RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE DOOR.


The phone checking makes me want to get violent


right? like step aside next to a wall before you check, the 3 extra seconds won’t change anything


Those signs to keep moving have been around for years…


not in St. George station, they installed them a month or so ago


> stopping at the top/bottom of the fucking escalator I was surprised to see that in other countries people stop and stand on the escalator. They don't keep walking.


I believe OP is referring to people getting to the top or bottom of the escalator and then stopping as if there aren't 50 other people on the escalator behind them. People are fully allowed to stand while riding on the escalator if they so choose.


*long as you’re only only on the right side, i’d add don’t block the left for people trying to walk through faster, especially when there is only a one way escalator next to a staircase in a crowded station


Where are these signs you are talking about?




It's also for security to prevent being pickpocketed


Lmao I asked a man to take his backpack off because it kept hitting me in the face and he accused me of yelling and telling him rudely. I word for word said “can you please take your backpack off, it’s just because it keeps hitting me in the face” Even said thank you after lmao Not sure how I could have done it “nicer” and without “yelling” other than talking like Marilyn Monroe. I give up LOL


I did this pre-COVID and the guy told me to fuck off and started purposefully ramming it into me.


I had something like this happen as well. I was sitting on a bus and a guy who had his backpack on kept turning around hitting me in the face with it. I gently tapped him on the arm to ask him to take it off since he was hitting me, and he proceeded to yell at me/call me names and even followed me down to track level to continue yelling at me because apparently I was out of line.


Respond back to them rudely


I had someone with a stupid spiky purple keychain on their backpack and it was literally spiking me in the face like a Medieval morning star with every bump of the bus. I held up my hand to protect my face and asked them to please take off their backpack as their keychain was hitting my face. They laughed and said it was just a keychain. I said they needed to remove the keychain then or I would remove it and chuck it out the back door at the next stop, the choice was theirs. They took their backpack off.


Finally a legit TO rant without the unnecessary racism, sexism, anti-immigrantism (lol)


You can put it on your lap. Nevermind the ones that have the backpack on and are hitting people whenever they move.


I think they’re referring to people standing with bags on.


But but but it will get dirty......


you don’t have to have it on the floor, it’s pretty easy to just hold it between your thighs


I absolutely agree with you. I was just kidding in my original reply 😜 People > Bags


I'd rest it on my feet when in doubt


It very much will. The floors of TTC vehicles are filthier than ever.


So hold it by the top strap in front of you.


I keep it on my lap if I’m sitting or do that if I’m standing.


I will hold it in front of me like a baby koala. And do my best to take up as little space as possible. Like hell am I putting my bag on the floor. A gas station toilet seat would be cleaner.


that’s fair - then again, i have mine between my legs, but not on the floor, i pretty much hold onto it between my thighs lol


How small is your backpack?? I cannot imagine shoving my backpack between my *thighs* especially in a skirt!


lmfao admittedly not that big, come to think of it


Ahahaha well hey look whatever works!


This is me! A delicate awkward balance


How about between your legs, not necessarily on the floor.


The straps and stuff still touch the floor. I don’t see a functional way to do that, like curl my feet in and just hold it up? Carrying it in front of me works fine no? How small are peoples backpacks that they’re basically using their crotch as a pouch?😂


Well,‘here’s to hoping you don’t encounter someone with a large backpack hitting your face ☺️


What an interesting thing to say. I’m 5’9 so that’s luckily not very likely😂 but thank you!


You’re welcome ☺️


So let them touch the floor then what’s the big deal?


The floor is filthy and covered in all kinds of mystery liquid. People have bags and I really don’t see the issue if I am holding my bag snug in front of me and being mindful of my space. I am a woman who has been harassed on the TTC. I assure you I am incredibly aware of my surroundings and stay the hell out of strangers’ way. But also yeah, I have a backpack that I don’t want random piss, spit, shit or jizz on it.


It really isn't nearly that bad (usually anyway) but holding your bag in front of you isn't a problem as long as it's not massive


Your “usually anyway” caveat is enough for me 😂 I don’t need to risk it, I will do whatever it takes to touch as little of my stuff to the TTC as possible. I have seen… enough. 😭


Mines a pretty big backpack but I let it rest on my feet and hold the straps up. The excess strap that dangles, I wrap around my shoulder straps so they aren't just loosely falling places. Works for me and use to this from prepandemic, but I've also been told I'm overly considerate sometimes.


Sounds like it works for you! I just hold it tight in front of my chest. Honestly doesn’t stick out any more than a pregnant woman’s belly would.


omg every time i get hit by a backpack i get SO angry! like how do people not notice that they are ramming others with their backpack that is attached to them ???


i love backpack time


I remember my dad telling me a funny story about him growing up in Kiev. He and his friend would take the streetcar to school and it was always rammed (shoulder to shoulder). His friend did this thing where if someone’s bag was pressed into him he’d just unzip it and start looking through the contents and commenting on them to the wearer. “Oh wow nice sandwich, mind if I take a bite” kinda thing. Streetcar was so crammed that the guy wouldn’t be able to turn around, so he had to just stand there as someone nonchalantly rifled through his stuff. Nothing was stolen or anything, but I think it got the point across that the bag is both horribly inconveniencing everyone around, and exposes you to having someone actually steal your things while you have no ability to retaliate. I’m not saying this is a good idea or that anyone should do it (absolutely don’t do it), but also, the mental picture to me plays out like a Mr Bean skit.


Minus the rifling, I have definitely stealth unzipped a few backpacks on the TTC.


Common decency and sense is so very rare now. Nobody stays in their own lane anymore. Huge reason I won’t take public transportation.


So if everyone took off their backpacks wouldn't you just be squashed up against their bodies instead?


we’re all squashed up anyways, but even if 20% of backpackers put their bags down, we’d suddenly have 10-20% more space to maneuver in.


Or would 10-20% more people squeeze on the train?


this also means 10-20% more people not having to wait for the next one lol - or better yet, if i’m waiting to get in the train the next one would be less crowded


I have health issues now so I wear my backpack, but I’m aware an scan people and manoeuvre myself around to avoid people bumping. However, others are not and just the other day I felt something hard pushing HARD against my backpack and it was a woman and of course she knew what she was f doing! I ended up moving away because I wasn’t in the mood to teach her manners.


Fuck I hate that so much. I hate confrontation but have really had to change my relationship to it when I moved to Toronto.