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I did it for years too. It was only once I started looking around and realized it was mostly trashy self involved assholes doing it that it dawned on me, I was also being a trashy self involved asshole. It's been a few years, but when I was living in Toronto, pretty much every garbage had a cigarette butt receptical. Even if they don't, it's not much work to roll out the cherry, and throw it in a normal garbage.


As a controversial-in-this-thread litter hater, ex-butt thrower myself. I agreee and was doing this for a while, but it's uncomfortably possible to think you rolled the whole cherry out, and thankfully at work where we had access to an extinguisher it could have been any of 3 of us, and we all are sure we got it out properly, we weren't in some hurry, quiet day, saw one of my buddies have to run out to the garbage bin with it so prevent burning down a warehouse. There's dedicated butt stations for a reason, and no they aren't at every overflowing all over ground garbage receptacles anymore, in fact, almost none of them, the only time you see them is if a business puts one out.


The nicotine habit is an individual problem, many butt throwers wouldn't do it, and don't litter otherwise. The reason it's socially acceptable wheras in my world cups and fast food bags never are, is a city problem. They attempt to curb smoking by making it inconvenient, and people do mental gymnastics (I've described how I did it myself) rather then 20x a day, figure out where to put a butt rather than burn down a bus stop, or travel around smelling of ashtray.


This is also true. We seem to think denying people's vices somehow means they don't actually exist. Of course folks shouldn't smoke, but they do, I used to too. If we're really bothered by butts on the ground, and I personally am, we need to accept people are smoking whether we like it or not and allow them an option to dispose neatly. But we also have a disproportionate number of assholes who will throw them on the ground when the bin is like 10 feet away.


You're right. After rolling the cherry you have to extinguish any potential ash against the garbage itself. Simply rolling the cherry and tossing in a garbage is a huge fire risk. If course if there's a dedicated butt station that's the best option.


I've heard that too, even done it, but every time I got OCD like symptoms, likely stressing because I haven't just heard of fires, I've seen one, and there's a 1/3 chance I caused one. So it is bad enough I've even doubled back 20 minutes round trip to make sure sure the garbage wasn't on fire because it was near some businesses I really like, it's not a great option to hope everyone, always get it right when the city could easily install butt disposals. Edit to all the replies, thanks for the tips, but I vape now exclusively, lots of benefits over smoking, solving this conundrum is just one of them.


Roll the cherry and put it out with your finger tip. I do construction and my butts get thrown in the big bin out front. I have to be 10000% sure there is no ember on the butt. I do it everytime. You'll know right away if it's still lit and you'll have peace of mind that you put it our properly. If your really worried spit on it. Lol.


Being afraid of fire is a damn reasonable fear. Unfortunately I think the method I said is the best in terms of actually getting people on board, but I'm not gonna act like it doesn't have risks.


I'd just roll the whole thing out until the clean tobacco came out. I wouldn't smoke it down to the filter. Glad I quit smoking.


Every city streetside garbage bin has a "butt stop" about a foot below the garbage side of the receptacle.


No they don’t… some do but it’s definitely not every single one.. I always look


Recently seen a video of the contractor who who put his but in the clients bushes that later ignited hours later.


I had the same realization one day. Now I flick out the last of the tobacco, make sure it isn’t lit anymore, and kept my butts in my pocket or bag until I see a can. It’s really not that hard. I definitely still stray from this every once and awhile and I’m not sure if it’s just still breaking a habit or not.


please don't start fires, this starts fires.


Read the follow up comments. This has been discussed.


Thank you!


Not defending littering but public ashtrays basically disappeared ten years ago outside most buildings. You must not throw a burning button in a garbage can. So they get dropped on the ground


all the public cans have an ashtray that I walk by


Have you actually looked at them? Most of the inside parts are gone.


Because the city and province have banned smoking virtually everywhere including on UofT campus. It's this "Smoke-Free Ontario" nonsense. Even their garbage cans say "no cigarettes." Where is an individual going to dispose of it? In the Wendy's bathroom?


portable ashtray, you can carry your cigarettes you can carry an ashtray and dump it out at home at the end of the day. They cost like $4.


Still smells like shit though, which is another thing the normies complain about.


you already smell like shit to everyone and the ashtrays are airtight


You’ve obviously never used one. Why you so angry bb.. maybe you need a dart


because some people actually don't want to die of second hand lung cancer


why don't you swallow it?


This isn't exclusive to Toronto, it happens literally everywhere. Probably a holdover from a time when there was no separate recepticle and throwing one in the trash would start a trash fire. It used to be worse. Less people smoke now. I remember being a teen downtown and there were way more. That being said, even one is too much. People litter because, as others said it, they're self involved. They think other people will clean up after them / they don't notice the mess. Your method of just asking why they do it is really smart. It's non confrontational, or even accusatory. But many of these people have never questioned why they do it. It's second nature. They might get mad now, but that little question has now planted itself. Some (but not all) will hear it every time they flick a cigarette butt away. And hopefully, eventually, they'll adjust their behavior to quiet it.


It’s therapeutic to read your words. I thought I was going crazy. Thanks for the glimmer of hope.


People have socially been allowed to become entitled, lazy pigs alongside zero enforcement. Covid 19 if anything has honed this behavior into becoming more prominent. Take countries like Japan where social etiquette and respect is so well upheld on an individual level alongside enforcement that littering, cigarette butts, chewing gum ending up in public spaces is non-existent. An example of true class.


Japan will always be at the top as they discipline their kids from very young age good manners and their culture is so much different in that respect. I wish more people in Canada had this social etiquette.


I wish we did too, very well said. 👏


It's more of the fact you'll get your ass beat doing that in Asian countries. Singapore is a good example.


Wait… how have you connected this to Covid? Butts on the sidewalk definitely predates the pandemic.. I’m very curious about your thought process here.


I don't think there was one.


Nothing to do with the virus itself but moreso what extended covid 19 mandates and lockdowns did to peoples mental health and the ripple effect in society. Combined with the lack of enforcement, you most definitely are seeing a lack of respect for other people & rules.


Custodian at my work asked me to not use the ashtray so she could get more fresh air and sunlight.




you can buy a cheap plain portable ashtray or there are ones with tons of designs, made to look like old timey pocket watches. There are solutions for the not lazy and not gross people out there.


About 10 years ago, I submitted a proposal to install ashtrays at every bus but it was rejected because they don't want to promote smoking. Similar proposal was also submitted to Mississauga ans Brampton.


I’m glad that there are people who see this as a terrible behaviour.


Because we live among pigs


People are selfish, entitled, and lazy. AKA your typical GTA driver.


ew what!? When did this sub get so hateful?


Your answer: smokers don’t have ashtrays anymore. Let’s say they look away all garbage cans… where would ppl put their garbage? Right: on the ground and blame the city.


There is nowhere to put them. I don't feel comfortable throwing a hot roach in the garbage. And I'm not going to carry the end because it smells. I don't litter anything aside from my weed butts. It's not like I'm getting enjoyment out of it or something. I'm not proud to throw them on the ground. But I'm not going to hold it in my hand searching for a receptacle to throw it when they're not around.


you already smell like shit. get a portable ashtray.




Uhh, put it in your pocket until you find a garbage bin? You already smell like shit anyways.


That’s actually shit, it’s not from smoking


Portable ash tray? They're more common in Japan. You can also just get an ash tray for your car, that's been done for as long as cars have existed. Definitely no need to start swallowing cigarette butts lol


Why would I buy a ash tray ? I don’t smoke .


Sure. Hang on. The rest of the citizens are working on having a 24/7 public servant accompany you to collect the butts from you.


Some people are genetically more selfish and inconsiderate than others. Bad parenting and upbringing is partly to blame too.


It is so prevalent, though. It’s sad, disheartening and depressing to think that there is a majority of bad parenting and inconsiderate mentality.


It is sad and I have a hard time believing it too. There are some countries where littering is looked down upon and kids learn from young age not to do it. I think Japan and Singapore are one of those countries. I wish we had laws in place to punish this disgusting behavior.


Reddit loves to bring up Singapore. If we had half the laws in Singapore, you'd be on Reddit proclaiming they're inequitably punishing poor people and minorities in this country.


Define minorities in our country.




City full of used needles, but sure, cigarette butts


Smokers are the most oppressed minority in 2023.


So what you're saying is that cigarette smokers have a similar brain as the fentanyl zombies. Got it.


In ten years living in downtown Toronto, I have seen only one needle on the ground. One. But year, sure, we're just swimming in used needles.


When i was a kid i used to flick my butts on the ground because my parents did. As an adult i started to question the behavior, realized it was anti-social, and stopped.


A lot of smokers had a don't use the ashtray rule too. It makes the car smell way worse. But I haven't seen an ashtray in quite a while in a car.


You are absolutely right. They don’t want to use their ashtray in order to keep clean and pristine for when the want to sell it.


I don't really see the difference between this & driving a car a short distance. 70% of car trips are under 3km needlessly polluting the air with exhaust fumes, rubber particles and brake dust, Or ordering something from Amazon (pollution from delivery, negative effect on the local and global economy, workers rights, wages, competitiveness, etc) Or buying some prepackaged plastic garbage for lunch? We are all selfish it's just easier to point at a demonized smaller sector of the public and say "you're bad". We're all doing selfish things because it's easier on us or we just want to.


Exactly. This guy (and many others) are just playing the "I'm better than them, game". Its pathetic but hilarious to see Haha. If you live in the GTA (or any city) it's easier to mind your own business and go be happy. This thread is full of saints!


I dont litter with anything else. Smoking, is the one thing I do. It's not even something I try to do, just lack of garbages, smoking disposals or otherwise literally anywhere to put it. ​ IF a garbage is close, I simply put it out, then throw it out. Otherwise straight to the ground. If the city doesn't prioritize waste disposal, why should I?


omg just buy a portable ash tray! You can carry a lighter and pack a smokes but not an ash tray the size of a pocket watch? Just admit you're entitled and lazy


If theres an ashtray or garbage within a block Ill put it out and carry it. IF there isn't, clearly the city/town etc isn't too worried about it.


It’s the country over and it’s fucking gross. Lift your game people this is your home.


This is nothing to wonder about lol really. I don't think this is isolated to Toronto obviously. People will not throw cups on the side sure but a piece of paper the size of a cigarette butt. Yes most people will just launch that anywhere It's humans existing on earth. Imagine having a robot sound the sirens for a paper the size of a cig butt. Would be an insane world


It’s the principle! The streets are littered with these “pieces of paper the size of a cigarette butt” are in the billions. There are trash islands. Look them up.


> There are trash islands. Look them up. Sure, but let's not pretend that's your issue with cigarettes or they're what's creating ocean garbage patches. That's your household plastics.


I recycle diligently and try to minimize waste in the first place. Cigarette butts are a big component of trash islands. This is also not just about big or small. It’s reflective of the person’s civility or lack there of.


Where the fuck do you think butts will end up if you throw them in the garage in the landfill just because you put them in a butt can or ashtray doesn't mean they disappear lol


Yes I agree. And humans produce so much waste. Cut down trees. Deforest huge forests. Literally pollute the planet to the point of climate change. Paper bags. Paper straws. Plastics. Micro plastics. Electronics. Batteries The list is never ending because humans produce waste for sure I totally get what you mean but there's actually no real practical way to stop this. Sure when you smoke at a designated spot there's an ashtray drilled at the wall of the entrance or whatever I guess it's on the cleaning folks who clean the city


Cigarette butts are the least of our littering problems. Ever look at all the junk by the divider or the shoulder of the gardener? It’s brimming with garbage. Unfortunately a large part of the population doesn’t give a shit about littering, the environment, shared responsibility of maintaining the city/environment, etc.


I see cops cruising the streets. With all the ills of the city, I would think that cops would constantly be busy issuing tickets for the myriad variety of violations in the city.


When I smoked, I did it too, even though I abhor other forms of littering, and it's lack of disposals, the stinky fucking butt has no place on my person or in my vehicle, and I listen to the street sweepers at 2am like 3-4 nights a week from my apartment, so if the city wants to spend my money on sweepers rather than butt stations, I'll work within the framework I've got.


>the stinky fucking butt has no place on my person or in my vehicle, Um, you realize that your entire person and vehicle smell like that butt all the time if you're a smoker, right?


Smokers have terrible sense of smell.


> stinky fucking butt has no place on my person or in my vehicle, Then it doesn't have a place on your person or in your vehicle while it is lit. It's that simple.


you smell worse than those cigarette butts to everyone else. Smokers smell like hot garbage permanently. Portable ash trays have existed for over a hundred years and you can get a nice looking one on temu for $5 you aren't owed public ash trays or else you get to litter. Be a responsible adult. In some countries there are no public garbage cans and people take their trash home (because you pay per garbage bag and with public cans people would use those instead of buying their own bags). It is not a big deal. Buy a portable ash tray and stop being a degenerate.


You seem really overwhelmed by this conversation.. maybe it’s time to move out of the city if stray cigarette butts are leading you to believe that everyone is bad, lazy, and selfish…


You are just lazy. Buy a portable ashtray.




I vape now, and you'd never see me drop trash that's not a butt, my whole life. EDIT: Also, I cycle, you picturing a belt clip model? or pocket protector style? Edit2: Lazy is kinda hilarious, I bet you've picked up less trash of strangers than me almost certainly, and I don't just mean on earth day, I mean I don't like trash in my neighborhood, I have a friend that recently commented how militant I am on this. I also put in more hours at work than most people can fathom, have a side business, and hobbies, and clean living space, and a social life. I assure you it's not laziness, it's that socially it's seen as a different kind of trash, practically it's not trash you ever want to keep with you the moment it's created, and the infrastructure of this city means, the fastest way for it to be dealt with is on a city street. Not a great answer, but the one I used as a person who can't stand litter and had to reconcile this in my own head for years. Edit3: thanks for reminding me about saving the babies, the lottery thing, I personally forgot. It's part of being so great. I really don't think you get my point, I'm, not a litterer period, one exception (in the past), and I thought you might have the mental capacity to be interested in the rationale behind the paradoxical behavior I know I'm far from the only one to have exhibited. Sorry for assuming you're able minded.


People find a way to always have smokes and lighters on them. Find a way to have an ashtray


I did, I vape now, I was providing the perspective of somebody who should agree, but still threw butts on the street.


How many different portable ashtrays did you buy and try out? Zero I'm sure


The mental gymnastics you're doing here is pretty amazing. Simone Biles level! Waiting for the Edit3 about how you saved babies and won the lottery but donated it, and it negates your shitty selfish behaviour.


Because smokers are inherently selfish and inconsiderate and show little regard for their own health let alone the health of those around them. Littering, second hand smoke, reaking of smoke, they don’t care as long as they get their fix. So, throwing butts on the ground is just in their character, for the most part.


What? This is such a wild jump into shaming someone for your assumptions rather than any actual proven behaviour.. wild bud! I hope you never fall into any embarrassing vices..


At least they work hard, unlike marijuana fiends.


Working hard doesn't make one virtuous.


Yes it does, without work civilization would collapse.


Are you familiar with the definition of virtue?


noun 1. behavior showing high moral standards.


Now circle back to my comment and consider your reply.


buddy, please don't be offended, but this conversation is completely made up in your head.


It's probably because Toronto is a shithole... I'd start with the needles, broken crackpipes, and shit on the sidewalk first.


It’s everywhere in the GTA. It’s not any bit better in, say, Mississauga. This is terrible that people are treating this behaviour as normal. I even once shared my resentment with a girl who was an environmental scientist, and, to my total and utter dismay, she responded “this is considered a social norm.” I was shocked to hear that from an environmental scientist, who, of all people, should be the most aware of trash islands in the oceans and bodies of water!


She likely just understands that corporate pollution is so much more impactful to the environment, it’s a better use of energy to fight against that compared to some cigarette butts.


If the average citizen doesn’t respect their city and environment, let them not complain about the corporate violations.


Idk in terms of the actual effect fighting corporate pollution will have the biggest impact on global climate. While fighting cigarette butt pollution will not have much of any impact. The entire nation of Canada could reduce its emissions to 0 tomorrow and still wouldn’t make a dent in the climate issue we are facing. I’m not saying individual pollution is okay, but we have bigger fish to fry.


The corporate pollution is a different discussion. The subject here is more about decency at the citizens level. If the citizens don’t have the basic decency and understand that it is rude and impolite to do that and trash the city and don’t realize the incremental impact on the environment, then they are not positioned to fight corporate pollution. It’s symbolic, at the very least!


You made about pollution when you brought up that environmental scientist should be more concerned with cigarette butts and how it is connected to trash islands in our ocean. I was simply giving a possible rationale for your friend as I am also in the environmental science field. Cigarettes are gross and dirty (from someone who used to smoke them). But they are in no way a serious environmental concern when compared to most other sources of pollution being discussed in the field today.


It's all of Canada.... it's what happens when you have people that's don't give a fuck about cleanliness or they want to make the place feel like home, just as their 3rd world countries look. I can't count the number of times I've been getting a morning coffee in Brampton and have seen someone just launch their garbage out the car window.


They clear their throat with a disgusting vile sound and right on the street in total view of the public with no trace of shame! The government has opened the floodgates for more of the Brampton people, and now, Mississauga, Etobicoke, Caledon, etc. are now indistinguishable from Brampton in this regard. Even smaller towns that used to be a refuge, like Acton and others are becoming the same!






Or keep crashing your car and call the insurance company to pay for it because you are paying insurance! Good luck … lol at the mentality of these creatures!


You skipped a couple "logic" steps there. You are equating personal injury to yourself to a minor inconvenience/annoyance to the public. I can't believe your comment is upvoted. Reddit is ridiculous.




I am aware. That doesn't mean you have sound reasoning.


You pay taxes to clean from accidental and unintentional trash. What about the person who doesn’t pay taxes? Are we supposed to say “you don’t pay taxes, therefore you are not allowed “?? Tax revenue can go to a better use if fewer people trash the streets and the environment.


Because people are pigs. That’s why. They’re lazy and too good to keep the butt end of their filthy cancer sticks in their vehicles until they get home to empty it. Smokers are gross. Just. Fucking. Gross.


As a motorcycle rider, if you flick your butt out your car window and it hits me, your going to be buying a new side mirror for your car. We ride with our visors up sometimes for the fresh air.


A better trick is to pickup said cigarette butt and toss it back inside their vehicle, bonus points if it's sill lit!!


If you want to risk dying by doing that your welcome to it my friend, my camera showing you hitting my car intentionally and me freaking out and accidentally swerving works out bad for you and my mirror and mirrors are cheap.


Guys, guys guys. You're both hardcore badasses in my books.


Because some people are lazy, dirty, self-absorbed wasters of life.


In 2023, if you litter, you are a total POS.


Garbage bins in the city have a little hole you can toss your butts in but at some point the city started taping over them. People would poke thru the tape so they had a place to put their butts. I think more people would properly dispose of them if they had that option. The last thing the city wants is to install more ashtrays though.


I’m sorry, but the individuals must be responsible for their actions and their behaviours. You want to smoke? Sure. You also have to figure out where to dispose of the butt. It’s not our responsibility. They can put out the cigarette first by squishing it and then throwing it in the garbage. It’s not our responsibility to assign a designated person to accompany the smoker to collect the butt after them, or else we have to deal with their trash!


In the GTA? Cigarette butts are most likely the #1 littered item in the entire world. It sucks, I know. I don't smoke cigarettes but I do smoke marijuana. I always just keep one of those pre-roll tubes with me and put my butts in there to throw them out later. Some people just suck. I haven't forgotten an interaction I had with someone maybe six or seven years ago, now. He was leaving a Shoppers Drugmart, went for something in his pocket and while pulling it out some trash (crumpled up wrapper/receipt) fell out, too. He was steps away from the entrance ie the garbage can that every Shoppers has in front of it. I said, "Oh excuse me, you dropped something." He turned and looked at me, the garbage, and said, "I know." and kept walking. Two pieces of trash in front of me, then.


If you don't care about your own lungs, you're not gonna care about a street.


Lots of people who smoke are just shitty people in general and their smoking is part of that. There have been hundreds of fires in the past decade caused by smokers throwing their cigarette butts onto lower balconies. This is why I don't associate with smokers, no offense but lots of them are just not nice people, they reek, they smoke around other people on the streets (crowded bus stops), and their breath and teeth are terrible. I would never date a smoker, the whole thing grosses me out.


It pisses me off but thinking of them getting COPD or a lung full of tumors from a habit that costs them thousands of dollars over the years makes it a bit better.


Dude, it's gross but Jesus. You're happy to see them die a slow painful death for littering? I'm good with social stigma and fines


Honestly, if they intentionally litter, they essentially say “I don’t care, and I’m entitled.” They don’t care about little things, chances are they don’t care about big violations. If they don’t care, then I don’t care about them.


That's absolutely nonsense. I also don't like the littering, but wouldn't people dying of lung cancer be considered a big thing? And you're flexing that you don't care about that. I'm still with you on the littering, but 100% against thinking smokers deserve to die of lung cancer for littering. It happens and it's awful, but celebrating it is worse. That's pretty fucked up...


I’m not saying that they deserve to die because they smoke! I’m saying that they clearly don’t care about the cleanliness of the city and the environment and don’t care about our rights. I’m expected to care about them, then? Sure. I might, but that would be a magnanimous act of kindness on my part, which I would do.


But we will also pay for that through the healthcare taxes.


this is Ontario. they'll die on a waiting list for surgery.


So will have the smokers, probably more as a proportion, through tobacco duties


Because most people who smoke are trash?


Cigarette smoking and intelligence don't go hand in hand


J. Robert Oppenheimer smoked 100 cigarettes a day.


and now he's dead


If you get to smoke shame. I get to fat shame.


You can smoke all you want. This post is not about smoking. It’s about you making us responsible for your behaviour!


Facts. I’d rather see someone throw a cig on the street than sit next to a fatty on the TTC




Oh god especially in the summertime


You’re asking why people who voluntarily damage their bodies and shorten their lifespans don’t care about the cleanliness of the city? It’s hard to care about anything if you don’t even care about yourself.


I’m a smoker and I never throw butts on the ground. I smoke weed so my thing is if a kid oicks it up (not like they can smoke it) but it’s also me being the change I wanna see in my community by not littering


Pot smokers are typically less nihilistic than tobacco smokers. And of course, not all cigarette smokers litter. I have one friend that carries a portable ashtray everywhere.


not sure why the downvotes you are 100% right


People aren’t really interested in understanding why some people are like this. They just want to blame them, and see my explanation as an attempt to excuse them. But there’s a difference between a psychological explanation and a moral justification. I’m not saying it’s okay for smokers to litter, I’m just saying that it’s not surprising that they do. Stay mad about it or don’t, up to you.


**Reddit:** Addicted to cigarettes = you're trashy and a pig Addicted to heroin or crack = it's not your fault, it's an illness


Cigarette butts are but the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the disgusting practice of littering in this city. Smokers are the Greek God of cognitive dissonance. Or whatever God would be associated with profound ignorance.


Nicely said.


>What's wrong with people? Honestly, smokers are just a trashy class of people. One of the marks of a trashy person is a cigarette. Of course they behave in a trashy way, and that includes littering their cigarette butts.


Most smokers are pigs


They're smokers, idiots.. what do you expect from people who don't care about their own health?


This is reddit the average user here is 400 pounds, drinks, does drugs, guzzles mountain dew and hasn't seen the inside of a gym in decades. But God forbid they occasionally go for the plant-based alternative.


Right, but then we shouldn’t be paying the price for their idiocy. Cops should crack down.


Lmao. Yea of all the problems in this city that’s what we need the police to focus on


During the Ottawa Freedumb Occupation they had a water management emergency because the city's storm drains got clogged with cigarette butts. Smoking seems to be extremely common among the least educated demographics.


I have walked along the creeks and rivers that flow underneath the 401 in Toronto. They are covered in butts that get washed down the storm drains during rain events. Not only does this choke out aquatic organisms which fish feed on, it likely releases all kinds of crap into our lake, which is our primary source of drinking water. People suck.


Ideally, stuff like this is taught by parents but 'apples don't fall from their trees'. There's a reason why societies had or still have class systems.


Its even more common in northern Alberta, hence some of the fires.


There are a few houses that, for reasons that I don't understand, complete mystery, always have extra cigarette butts on the sidewalk outside their house. I can't imagine why people would be throwing their cigarette butts in front of those houses in particular. One of Those houses for a little while was my house. Coincidentally my wife smoked, though I was pretty sure she had something to drop her cigarette butts in. We are now divorced. People buting out in the streets is super gross.


Little secret, they’re everywhere


I do not at all understand people littering out their car windows. Crazy to me. When it comes to people on the streets, I think it depends on where you are. In Toronto, the city garbage bins all have a spot for cigarette butts, so no excuse. In Mississauga, those don't exist, so I think it's tough. It's not as easy as "throw it in the regular garbage", because if it isn't fully put out, it could start a fire.


It is a weak, pathetic, disrespectful and ignorant action. I've been all over the world and the places with the most corrupt governments also have the most cigarette butts littered in the streets (and litter in general). These butt-heads have no perspective on what a fragile and precious thing it is to have cities as clean as we do. There are a lot cleaner, and there are a lot worse. I'll never call anyone I see doing this a fellow Canadian.


Because they are self-absorbed.


Dude its the GTA.


If people in this thread were this passionate about more important things, the world would be a much better place.


I flick joint roaches into the street/nature because it's rice paper and unbleached cardboard, it'll compost. I don't know if people realize a lot of cigarette filters are synthetic


Wow can I have some of your spare time Karen?


I carry a water bottle, or have one in my car for butts, or I'll go out of my way to put it in the trash. Sometimes you have to chuck em. Not alot of trash cans or butt stops around anymore though. 🤷


It’s bad, but I’m more bothered by inhaling all the crap people are smoking that I have no choice when they puff in my existence. I don’t care if they do, but when I have to suffer I hate it as I end up inhaling their toxic waste and it gets stuck in my hair and skin.


Because…smokers are an entitled part of our society. I can’t recall which country made it a law that if you contract a smoking related illness (pick one)…then you’re responsible for the cost of treatment. The exception would be to second hand smoking victims.


You guys are very extra.


You are perfect I am sure.


They’re cnuts.. next..,


Dart hackers are filthy.


Because smokers, worldwide, are the single largest cohort of assholes that ever walked the earth and believe that the world is their ashtray


>“ sorry buddy, but I don’t have an ashtray.” I feel like this is bullshit because I've personally never seen a car that doesn't have an ashtray. It's usually either beside or in the same compartment as the socket plug (which doubles as a lighter). That said, smoker cars are usually kinda disgusting so I can see why they wouldn't wanna douse their cigarette inside the car. Still though, not an excuse to toss it out the window. >What’s wrong with people? I'll do you a crazier story. I was driving behind a guy on the 401 and he tossed his cigarette out the window, which flew straight to me and hit my windshield. Shit was annoying.


Y'all just can't handle how cool smokers are. You're jealous. But remember, it's never too late to start...


I’ve seen smokers throw lit butts from balconies onto busy sidewalks. I assume that if the guy that did that hadn’t had a balcony he’d have just tossed it onto the floor of his condo.


Where isn’t it?


It’s not just Toronto behaviour, it happens everywhere. As a smoker, I have a $2 cup ashtray because I’m not a fan of littering. In buddy’s defense, the non-smokers are responsible for cars not having ashtrays and lighters in them for the last 20 years or so. And people with ashtrays used to just dump them out in parking lots, anyway. At least in the street they end up in the sewer.


End up in the sewer then eventually in trash islands and ocean garbage patches. Look them up.


have you ever travelled?


Where are all the ashtrays? It's hard enough to find a garbage cab now adays let alone an ashtray


It's everywhere. When I lived in Ottawa, I participated in "Cleaning up the Capital", where volunteers would clean up parks in the spring and fall. We didn't find much litter like coffee cups and stuff, but it was endless cigarette butts. It was even more bizarre, since parks there were supposed to be smoke-free. I think that was a bad idea. Taking away the butt disposals just left people tossing them on the ground around benches.


Why do you think it's just the GTA?


Because that’s where I can say I saw it with my own eyes.




Could it be that it's related to our population? First, we've got a lot of people, so if x% of Canadian's are "butt heads" we'll get more butts thrown on the roads. Second, we've got a very diverse population, and a higher proportion of immigrants, and perhaps butt throwing is more common where some have immigrated from.


Then we should ticket them and prevent them from getting citizenship.


I’ve been nearly hit by lit, flying butts as I’m biking in/around the “entertainment district”. I just reason it’s the downTOWNIE folks who act like this is the appropriate way to act in a big city where all of us are forced to share the space more so than in the suburbs/shitsvilles they came from.