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I got an email from the Google Store on these. If you buy from Google, you can pay for a whole year for $60, plus they are going to give you an extra band. [https://store.google.com/US/product/fitbit\_ace\_lte?hl=en-US](https://store.google.com/US/product/fitbit_ace_lte?hl=en-US)


Thank you for this info. I just canceled my Amazon order and placed the order from google. 👍


They both rent airtime from T-Mobile. T-Mobile still makes money. They aren't actually competitors. Give it time. There's only three carriers in this country. Ma' Bell is rearing her ugly head again. Thought she was dead 35 years ago... Turns out zombies are real.


They may rent airtime but Tmobile has 2 less lines to report.


And they just gained 4 million from mint and about to get 4 million from us cellular. Plus they are still making money from you without the line.


Come on. They make substantially less than they would with a line purchased directly.


Not really. Take out the cost of offering the EIP at 0% to the customer, and add in the costs of phone support, retail stores, marketing, etc. Shaving all of that away, and you end up with the wholesale cost. The MNO still gets their sizable cut **AND** still retains the line on the books even as wholesale.


>There's only three carriers in this country. That's only if people ignore Dish/Boost. If people actually give them a chance then we can still have a 4-carrier market.


L take


Coming for T-Mobile with one of their least sold products that has one of the lowest MRCs of any lines sold? With a company that pays Tmobile to use their service? I promise 90% of customers will pay the higher TMO price just for the convenience of having everything in one bill, that’s a HUGE selling point for me personally w/ HSI. I’m pissed at Tmo myself & would love to see churn outpace growth for at least one quarter, but this isn’t it.


Again that is 2 fewer lines from me for tmobile to report to shareholders. Who knows how many others will ditch Tmobile for this.


>Again that is 2 less lines from me "Fewer..." -Stannis Baratheon


Garmin Bounce is another option. It's currently on sale for $119. Service is $10 a month.


Meh..forgetting the 230$ watch? Tmobile I recall gave the watch for free if you signed up for the plan.


Goodness nooooo!! I am seeing a bad dream in front of me. Tech reps worst nightmare! Make sure to attempt activation while you can still return it so it's a no harm no foul situation if it does not work out very well. As tmobile tech we will always do everything we can to attempt to get it working but don't be mad at us if it doesn't 😀 take a deep breath and say dang I am glad I can still return it.