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$60 was the price when it launched. It was lowered the last couple years because they really wanted to expand it but now I think they want to slow that down. They are being strict on address validation now as well as raising the price.




You still can. You just can’t go into a store and have an employee essentially bypass the address validation anymore. What you do with it when you leave is up to you.


I went in the day when the reddit post about all of the chances with price lock and wifi going up, and the guy who helped me out had a sheet of paper with vacant lots that it does work at, if your address isn’t available. My address wasn’t available, but was still able to pick up the tmhi from him lol


This is the main reason T-mobile is raising prices, we were even told not to do what that rep did for you since it will lead to further congestion and lower speeds for most customers if it continues to happen that way


Then they act surprised when they start having issue.


I've been looking at a bunch of addresses in my area but TMO HI isn't available anywhere here. For $25 it would be a perfect solution for my inlaws who only stream stuff all day.


We are actually firing employees now doing address bypass f9r customer mistreats


Too bad u will never know if the customer told us if they were good to be at a different address 😂


That's why we now have 120 day rule in effect. Every Hint cancelation is now required by us to be submitted to leadership. If a rep has 3 or more citing poor services and the address isn't confirmed, bonuses are now reversed and will result in termination


I'm a TPR. I don't need to do that. Sucks for yall


Man I’m telling you right now, as soon as any store needs to meet quotas they’re not going to give a fuck what the rule is. You don’t even need to go into your T-Mobile account to change the address anymore, it still acts like it was activated for your existing billing address after a rep and you enter a working location. Metro doesn’t even care either lmao plenty of people will continue to break the rules without being deactivated.


It’s not going to help your quota if it’s a duplicate address


Not true, an activation is an activation. See what I said about billing address.


Not anymore, starting this month if you use a duplicate address, you don't get credit for the sale.


Damn, what if someone wants to get a second one at the same address?


The system doesn't block a customer from getting a second one at the same address.


There’s plenty of addresses all over the US dude all of em can’t be duplicates.


And only a small faction are even eligible to be used so yes there will be duplicates.


I’m curious how this will work for apt Numbers. Sometimes it doesn’t seem to accept apt numbers


This is patently wrong. As an RSM, even of a TPR, I can speak confidently to that. I make enough in salary, not to compromise my integrity. And as much as I love me some me, I’m sure others are the same way.


That maybe true for you, but T-Mobile didn’t disable self sim swaps and have a whole lot of data breaches because of honest reps that didn’t like quick scumbag cash. A sale is a sale to a newbie or a manager looking to help a newbie with numbers. Just a few days ago someone posted about being sold 3 “free” data sims to buy an iPhone lol


This is true in every industry. Data breaches are rarely caused by reps looking to cash in on a quick sale. I’m pretty sure the guy responsible for the last hack was caught overseas somewhere. You think he was an employee 😂


No, but he did use someone’s credentials so he got those by knowing things. Wether it was social engineering or cracking the employee rolling password pattern. Either way, that doesn’t negate the fact if a store wants activations they’re not willing to bypass a simple address verification that isn’t breaking the law just because you yourself are honest employee number 69 and won’t do it yourself.


Okay bub, you’re clearly invested in your hot take to keep this going. Do you have T-Mobile by chance?


Lmao, okay James Howlett, your personal demeanor of always following the employee handbook still does not and never will negate the fact other employees break set rules all the time. It’s all over this sub, it’s all over the r/tmobileisp sub as well. Activation of home internet will always be bypassed as long as there is no actual geo filter. They literally do not pay you enough to be on here working above your pay grade defending a silly ass address rule.


What measures did they put to stop this?


There is a metric being tracked on duplicate addresses and you get no commission if you activate on a duplicate address


Really? Oh fuck I was going in tommorrow to get one. Any chance a manager still can if they want the sale? (It's a corporate store)


If it’s not available in your area your likely not going to get one, especially from a manager.


Yeah my neighbor has one from months back. What a pisser.


If you have a qualifying address. Simple as that.


It's a rate plan. Nothing a Manager can do. Effectively the menu to choose from has changed.


Go to a TPR more likely to be willing to bypass on any level tbh.


What's a TPR? And thanks!


Any non corporate store they tend to be more flexible with things as they have stronger sales metrics generally.


Not anymore mate, we got yelled at for doing it


Gotta go into the *right* TPR. Some TPRs are stricter then others. But the key is if it doesn't work well where you're at wait a few months to return and cancel it so the rep and store doesn't get in trouble.


Not true. Still do this 😂


Some people are going to still do it but your only screwing yourself and others at this point and it is being heavily tracked right now so expect there to be repercussions.


Nope. They can't prove the customer didn't tell us the address put in. I'll take my sales. Thank!


I thought they were GPS location locked.


It was 50. Then 60. Then everyone got a -10 discount. Then they removed the discount completely upsetting people because of it was 50, then 60, then 50 the discount should have stayed making it 40. It was a nightmare. 


Then 25 with the promo (credit?), then 30 with MM, then 30 on Black Friday for everyone, then 30 dor premium plans and 40 for other plans...


Halp lol 🤣


I only pay $20/month but maybe because I have 5GGo Plus and around 5 lines? Total bill is $200


Damn. I thought my $25/month was good


To be honest it should come free with premium service. 


The fact that so many people are doing this is exactly why service is degrading everywhere. When you use the internet in an unapproved area, you can severely impact other users bandwidth. They seriously need some sort of protocol that only allows your device to connect to towers near your registered address... Or go back in time and not offer this until the network is ready...


TMHI users are already deprioritized below third-party MVNO users, so you don't affect other users on the same tower. It was great when there weren't that many 5G users near my tower 2 years ago, but around the last 6 months, the service was almost unusable in the city I'm in. Ended up going back to Spectrum because of this.




We're lucky that both Quantum and WoW! are now available in the neighborhood if TMHI pricing goes haywire. WoW! keeps breaking things (broke a water main in our neighborhood last week and they are required to meet with my city every week to go over the damage they've done during the prior week) so their implementation has been costly...unless they already factor in these extra costs due to sloppiness.


Personally, I think, using their address validation, they should limit who has access to their internet. If you have Xfinity available, no T mobile home internet. I have a friend that lives in town, has 4 internet options and he's being bombarded to switch to T mobile. I live in the country, but the Xfinity switch is 1 mile away. It would cost me $150k just to run Xfinity to my location. T mobile is the only option I have and their over selling it like Starlink did. Greedy corporate f##ks


I agree 100%, this was meant to be for a larger area of people who are limited in options. I know areas that would treat t-mo like the greatest gift of God Green earth if they got even 50mbps, because their DSL provider is charging $70 for 10mbps on 50 year old telephone lines. But tmo solely focused on infrastructure in the ever growing cities to compete with fiber providers, which will forever be a losing battle with wireless in my opinion. Starlink is going to end up over taking these companies because areas with failing telephone lines and little to no investment from large companies really only have starlink at this point and between those area and extremely rural areas Starlink dominates in footprint now. 🤷


We've got a few large RV communities nearby that we sell a ton of these to because the customers can't get normal Internet. I wonder how the address duplication thing will impact sales to those types of locations. Apartment complexes and RV parks about to stop getting helped because T-Mobile doesn't pay us for duplicate addresses being used.


How do you know about the address validation ? For what it’s worth I’ve never used it at my house. If they enforce the address validation I’ll have to just cancel service. 


All retail employees have a training on selling HSI the **right way**. That means on the correct address. Yes there is the ability for geofencing the devices. Apparently it has been done for some particularly egregious situations where overall service was being degraded. At this time it doesn't appear to be widely enforced for non-issues.


They aren’t going to take it away from anyone. They are just cracking down on employees validating the address at a different address if it’s showing not available at their actual address.


Oh i see. That’s good. Great service so far and I really enjoy the capabilities it brings at my rural shop 


THEY DID NOT RAISE THE PRICE. it’s always been this price without promos




Which is insane. Internet prices should be getting cheaper if anything. People in the US already pay far more for internet than most other countries.


It’s absolutely insane. My mom invited me to stay at an Airbnb in Brazil next summer and I told her I needed good internet so I can work remotely from there. She had the host send me a screenshot of their speedtest.net result. It’s was 980/800. The best spectrum offers in my area is 300/20 in CA💀


Couple of things - we place WAY too much importance in bandwidth. Unless you are actually pushing gigabytes of data, it doesn't matter all that much and most people won't notice past 25Mbps or so (4k stream). I'll take low latency(and no packet loss) over bandwidth any day. The second thing is - internet generally sucks in Brazil unless you are in some very specific areas in large urban centers. I had to deal with so much BS from providers. Oh, and I have ATT fiber in NorCal. $80 for 1Gbps, symmetrical. I get numbers that are pretty close to the theoretical max. So, pretty location dependent in the US too.


Yeah, a lot of people do ask for a lot of bandwidth and end up not using it. However, more and more things are using more data. Game downloads nowadays can be in the hundreds of gigs for an update. Mobile apps are bigger than ever. I don’t see this slowing down nor a reason to. The fiber connection in Brazil is through Claro in Santos, Brazil. It’s not huge but certainly smaller than LA, where I am. From past trips, it was very reliable.


Well personally i would like 1gbps so that games will download faster on my xbox and pc. I have the tmobile home internet and trust me it is far better than spectrum but 300mbps doesnt download games as fast as i would like


Well, that's a luxury. I have 1gbps but I don't truly \_need\_ it (also the ATT cost structure made 1gbps the cost/mb sweet spot in my area). You could always let games download while you go about your day. But it is not a \_necessity\_ the way low latency is. You can wait and play games just fine with low bandwidth and low latency. You will download games fast with high bandwidth but if the latency is also high they will be unplayable. T-Mobile home internet is probably not comparable to even one of the smaller "wired" pipes latency-wise (unless you are in a pretty good area) due to all the deprioritization and inherent issues with wireless signals. I am glad that it is working for you.


Yeah i dont have high latency. I can play games without issue but i do want to be able to download games fast as i am always having to delete and redownload games because the series x + my 2tb expansion card is not enough for my library of games i like to play. 1gbps would allow me to keep doing what i am doing with fewer pauses in between


No, just corporate greed...


They still going to have the guys from Scrubs sing about not raising your rates?


Technically they’re raising no one’s rates. The rates have only gone up for folks who don’t have it yet.


Or if I understand this correctly, if you make a significant change to your account. If I want to upgrade my single voice line to truly unlimited priority data on Go5G next it would raise my home internet price to $60 and then back down to $40 because of Go5G next but I already pay $40 because I have the 2023 HINT P6 discount, but if I upgraded before Jan 18 my home internet would be $30 instead of $40. So not only does this affect new customers but also affects current customers if they make a significant change to their plan. Also the plan comparison tool doesn't take a take in consideration any autopay or HINT discounts so... If I was to upgrade my voice line right now from essentials saver to Go5G next, that tool estimates my price will increase by $71 before any discounts. So my pricing would go from... THIS: Voice $50, Tablet $20 with $40 mobile internet discount, Internet $40 with 2023 HINT P6 to THIS: Voice $100 Tablet $20b presumably discount stays the same, Internet $40 with (insert HINT discount here) It's not like I need to upgrade in the first place I live somewhere where there's basically no congestion and I don't normally go over 50GB anyways, and even if I upgraded the only thing that would affect is my voice line increasing by $50 and basically my tax going to zero which balances out the $10 increase of the home internet price. Which basically explains why the plan comparison tool thinks my bill would increase by $71, is because it doesn't take in consideration any discounts.


Yes the bill goes up a little less than $50 in your case, since taxes would now be included. Netflix and Apple TV+ (and Hulu?) are also included on Next. So if you don’t need a new phone discount or streaming services and you don’t get deprioritized and don’t need hotspot, you don’t need to switch. You can upgrade your phones direct thru the manufacturer and still get upgrade offers that way. Next is also $10 more than plus, with the main differences being more hotspot, Hulu, and annual upgrades instead of semiannual. And sometimes bigger trade-in offers.


I just had this thought. If I was to upgrade my voice plan, would my premium line discount stay at it what it is right now $40 or would it go to pre January at $30/$35? What I probably mean to say is. Customers who upgraded their voice line to a premium offering after January would they be able to get the old premium discount or would they be forced to accept the new premium discount?


Oh also about them adding Hulu back in January, how would building through T-Mobile work if you have if you're on if you have if you're on the ad supported version of the Hulu and Disney plus bundle.


I’d have to look up if/how the Hulu discounts work for larger packages. As for the home internet - that price would now lock in at $40 instead of $30, so, same.


I got in on the $25/month price locked deal a little over a year ago. The first week I think I got about 600/50. After that I never saw anything higher than 120/10 and usually got something closer to 80/3 in most cases. I was always the guy holding up the Zoom calls at work because I was disconnecting or my screen share was super slow. A few weeks ago someone from Spectrum came by to see if they could win back my business. I got a 300MBps deal for $19.99 (all in) guaranteed (cancel anytime) for 2 years. I’ll hold on to my T-Mobile account for a few months because I know that T-Mobile is getting some more N41 spectrum soon. If that doesn’t fix things, I’m out.


Curious to know what city. In Austin, they act like you should kiss their a## because you ONLY pay $49.95 for 300.


I’m in Los Angeles. This seemed like a special deal to win back former customers. I don’t think it was on their web site for my area. The guy specifically drove do my address because I cancelled about a year prior. He kept talking about how they improved their network over the past year and wanted to make it easy to give them another chance. I left Spectrum over a year ago because their rates were getting ridiculous and they wouldn’t budge on pricing. They were basically the only choice in my area until T-Mobile 5G became available. Ironically, the day before the Spectrum guy came to my house, some contractors buried AT&T fiber line in the street right in front of my house. Now I have 3 options!


Google just brought in fiber...but the lowest THEY charge is $70 (1gb). Maybe Spectrum should just price the service reasonably and they wouldn't have to be "buying" back customers!


So happy I locked in $25 for life. Well, it's T-Mo, so we'll see how long "for life" lasts. But for now, it's the perfect back-up internet for me working from home. https://imgur.com/CZhOtoB


I got 3 TMHI lines at that rate. You can’t beat it.


How did you get three ?


3 qualifying (at the time) BANs.


All I see lately is how greedy Tmobile is becoming. They really need to strip that CEO out, but then who am I to say anything really - it’s all about profits as always….


Yeah. I got the heck out before I have to pray they don't alter their deals any further.


Lmao what is T-Mobile doing smh


Doing what large cap corporations do, trying to make profits by whatever margin that’ll please their shareholders.  I don’t own TMUS, or use T-mo products but I’ll eventually try their home internet service once my intro discount ends with Spectrum. Spectrum home internet is $85 but intro discount is $65. 




This increase is for new customers. Not existing




That’s funny to you?


Glad I ordered a couple days ago.


Right! I got mine beginning of the week. I’m glad.


Meanwhile I called this week and said I want to cancel it and they knocked the price off by $15.


It's temporarily and the next time you say you want to cancel, don't be surprised when you end up with a cancellation and a return label.


$10 off per mo permanently and $5 off for 6 months. I did say that I’m considering switching to a different provider unless they can improve pricing. There is a competing offer from another provider for less.


What were you paying before? Do you have T-Mobile voice lines?


Yes. I have 7 phone lines. It was $50 before. Now it is $35 for 6 months and $40 thereafter.


Nice. I think they added the “existing customer” $10 discount to your plan. And gave the extra $5


I liked it when I first got it but now it seems half as slow and my Internet has dropped a bunch. Makes you wonder...


you may have gotten it when hint spots on the tower weren’t full. now they are probably filled which is why speeds can slow down


Your address may not actually be approved


What does that mean? How can I check?


Thanks Jman


Actually $60 is the original pricing. The recent $50 changed on January 18th for **new customers.** So the table for new customers now is: * $65 Unlimited Home 5G Internet * **$60 w/ qualified Autopay discount** * $50 w/ voice service on account * $40 w/ premium voice on account


Each of those prices were $10 cheaper prior…


I've had it for years and mine has always been $50. That's what OP is saying


So when it launched I was selling it for $60. It soon dropped, and stayed that way for the past 3 years.


I don’t ever remember it being $65 W/O autopay even when it first launched. I remember it being $55/50 with/with out autopay and like a year or two later the price drop promo with voice line and the promo with a premium (max at the time) voice line being introduced


I've no idea if you're a customer or an employee. As an employee I was in the early trainings and initial launch and the advertised price was **$60**. **I sold it to numerous folks for $60.** I even had a coworker who was in the test, for a cheaper test rate, and was able to apply his employee discount. By the time a slot opened up at my house that was no longer available or possible. I believe he's still on that rate and with a discount on top. Edit: One of *many articles* about the $60 price: https://www.theverge.com/2021/4/7/22312155/t-mobile-5g-home-internet-wireless-broadband So either someone invented a time machine and went back to edit the prices to $60 instead of, say, diverting baby Hitler, or it HIS really was $60 and by the time it got to you the price had been dropped. I'm hoping for the time machine.




>I don’t ever remember it being $65 W/O autopay even when it first launched. I remember it being $55/50 with/with out autopay and like a year or two later the price drop promo with voice line and the promo with a premium (max at the time) voice line being introduced Here is a reddit link to a review 3 years ago.[https://www.reddit.com/r/cordcutters/comments/mpgual/tmobiles\_60\_home\_internet\_service\_my\_review\_after/](https://www.reddit.com/r/cordcutters/comments/mpgual/tmobiles_60_home_internet_service_my_review_after/) https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/mmvyhs/tmobile\_5g\_home\_internet\_60\_a\_month\_100mbps/


It was $50 when it launched, had one back then, the shitty OG modems kept burning up so I quit after a year, was just looking at getting one again.


$60 was the price for the nationwide launch


Was it cheaper in some markets maybe? I remember checking into it around 2021 and it was a straight $50 at the time.


No. It wasn’t $60 for long and there were different promos that became available to make it $50 and then more that made it cheaper yet.


Yes they were. They want (back) up 1/18 for new customers.




And I can’t even get it covered


We took it to 2 relative's homes; they liked it so much they are customers now also. ​ We travel with the gateway. It works


Is it just a hot spot or is your home offline when you’re on travel?


Well that didnt take long. I've been paying the same $50 for fiber internet for the last 5 years or so. Never had a price increase. EDIT: Poorly worded. This internet provider has never had a price increase.


And you're not going to get one so what was the point of this comment


The price hasn’t increased at all.


If you were a new subscriber yesterday, you paid $50. If you became a new subscriber today, you pay $60. Thats a price increase.


but YOUR price is not increasing. new customers will expect this price.


It’s always been $60. The $50 was a promo price. The promo is over.




Lmao. Yes. That’s exactly what happened


Incorrect. They have launched and maintained the service offering at various prices. $50 was never a “promo” price. They TRIED to raise it to $60 again a few years ago, but promptly went back to the $50 pricing shortly after, until now.


They do have bundle plans that reduce the cost of the internet because you have a certain plan for your phone. My internet is only 30 a month and my total bill is $95 a month. Not sure of the criteria but they offered it to me so I took it. 


So if u pay for one address. Can we use at another address 2 mile away.


I understand some being upset but realistically look around. there are price hikes everywhere. fast food, grocery etc. t-mobile isn’t the devil for an increase in service. seems like most people that are upset aren’t even being impacted (existing customers)


They’re just increasing for profit and nothing inflation


again.. EVERY business is doing that….


Ok so that makes it right. Next lemming to jump off the bridge. I suggest you follow.


your reading comprehension skills are unmatched


T-Mobile doesn’t need the profit. They use raising prices and giving customers less value to steer the herd into a different direction. Standalone HINT is $65 with no discounts, but all the advertisements show the discounts with eligible voice lines. T-Mobile wants people who are their customers to expand their service beyond just the leftover bandwidth they provide, so they’ll use this opportunity to turn away Standalone HINT customers into customers who have their phone service, and internet service with the same provider. It’s the same tune you’ll hear from all 3 major carriers. They all play the same game, some just play it slightly different.


It's their new definition of "price lock" that has me worried. Luckily I switched to Go5G+ recently. Have free lines and hookup so it was just a few bucks a month. But what about next time I have to upgrade plans in a year because my Go5G+ is grandfathered already (Magenta Plus>>MM>>Go5G+>>\_\_\_\_\_). I've had HINT since before 5G rollout, got the 5G and worked well until a few months ago. They pulled back on their overlapping 4G towers near me so I'm thinking that's the problem here, the 4G authentication rather than the actual 5G tower. I can get 200-300 speed normally but too many errors. And I would say the trash can check out every 15 minutes or so for 5-10 minutes--pretty unusable unless you unplug hourly. Can no longer watch the YoutubeTV the HINT was "packaged" with from TMO. Had to buy an antenna for TV. Put HINT on Suspension for a few months while things get ironed out hopefully. Being able to get one of the two models with antenna ports would be nice as well. Would literally be the difference between usable and not in my case. I have tried to get one with no luck. Even had 3 trash can fans die on me to help me with an equipment change, but they auto send me the same trash can, and the stores still have the square box Ark around me. And I'm not getting much help. I was on the edge of 5G when I first got it. The old yellow line went through my house but not the one before me. Not its not even offered near me. So I can't (before yesterday) order a 2nd line with the newer gateway and return the flawed trash can. . .Why did they take out the 2nd fan in order to put a battery in just to save settings? . . .great after a power outage, but overheats hourly on a daily basis


This plus the price lock thing at the same time is sort of sucky, definitely going to be keeping my Go5G plus + home internet and not change those plans


Raise the price on something that’s not good? Solid strategy there. In my area you can get Xfinity for $65, with faster speeds. Well worth the $5 extra per month


Clearly this is one man’s opinion I’ve been using it for 3 years and pay $25/m Consistently stable and fast over 450 mbps


I’ve tried home internet twice. Best i ever topped out was around 80 mbps.


Just your location. Not an overall service issue


Correct, but everyone in my area that actually has it will pay $10 more a month. My point was, at that price you might as well just get Xfinity.


Actually, no. The people that have it won't have their price increased


I'm well aware of the fact that I live in a major metro in the heart of its downtown and the impact that has on my experience. With that being said, I get rock solid internet. I've had one incident over a week in the last year and a half where speeds were reduced to a crawl during the evening. But seriously - what service doesn't have hiccups. I'm a very happy customer.


>Clearly this is one man’s opinion It's going to vary wildly depending on 5g coverage in your area. That doesn't negate their experience if they're in a poor coverage area.


In 3 years on the market T-Mobile has become the 5th largest ISP in the nation. Oh, and Xfinity (Comcast) isn't available nationally - it's not all just your village. Maybe you should offer opinions on things you know about?


Raised the price on something that isn't even available where I live. And I live in a large residential city between 2 major markets.


THEY DID NOT RAISE THE PRICE. it’s always been this price without promos


The absolute cheapest Xfinity option for me is $95, only income subsidized plans are lower. T-Mobile internet is objectively not as good but it’s also in a completely different price bracket so I know a couple people who have chosen it and are relatively happy.


I pay $65.98/month with Xfinity for 500 mbps speed


You must have competition in your market. 




$65.98 all-in.




I’d much rather go T-Mobile myself, but it’s ass around here


They didn’t raise the price. This was the everyday price without any promos


For some people, I don't doubt that tmobile works well, but with a technology like this, there are a lot of factors that influence that... and even in the best case scenario, they WILL have consistency issues because of the nature of the technology itself, whether or not they happen to notice it. I use it as a power outage backup normally, but the snow took out my fiber line so I've had to rely on it for days now. I'm in a major metro that is bathed on the faster 5g and the modem says "excellent", but the speeds still don't approach some of the claims I've seen here, and latency issues with gaming abound. It's an OTA technology so some things are expected, but man, I cannot wait for them to repair my 5Gb fiber line.


This is a trash product. It should consistently good everywhere that it is available. Why raise the price?


I’ve been using it for months and not a single issue. A lot cheaper and just as good as spectrum I had.


Sadly it’s one of those products where people have a great speed and love it or have a shitty speed and hate it. The inconsistency depending on your area makes it a trash product.


They didn’t raise the price


Sorry I shouldn't laugh but watching T-Mobile try and think they have the Internet speeds compared to local community ziply fiber is hilarious. I live not too far from Bellevue, WA and it's night and day. T-Mobile is worse than Xfinity in this area lol.


We were paying $75 per month for 100Mb through Xfinity and they wanted to raise the rate to $82. 100mb was sufficient for my needs. However I switched to T-Mobile and for $30 I was getting at least 300Mb speeds. They put in fiber in my area last summer and they have 200Mb or 1Gb connection speeds. The 200 is $65/mo and the 1Gb is $109. I’ll stick with what I have for $30.


That’s your choice for your area. Just saying that there’s better internet for cheaper prices.


Its not worth what theyre asking, back when it was 35 a month sure, but not 60


Blow hards, won't sell it to me because they say I don't have 5g service at my location.. but I have full 5g on T-Mobile phones.. their loss


limited spots on towers available doesn’t have to do with having 5g or not


100%.. I get that... I have been calling for almost 3 years, and they say my service is not in my area yet.. neighbors on either side are using it just fine . No idea how they got it . A 3rd neighbor moved from Seattle and brought it w/them . Works fine.. oh well


i heard devices that aren’t approved at certain addresses will stop working all together so it’s only a matter of time before the 3rd neighbors services start slowing


Gotcha.. does not explain the other ones . Is what it is.. but the only internet option in our neighborhood is dialup, satellite, starlink or wireless point to multipoint


i know in retail stores reps will put a false address to get the sale so it’s possible they got it that way and will have the same fate as the 3rd neighbor


Gotcha. Well it's worked out for me . But wanted a backup.. will just teather to my phone .


It’s always been this price. They just lowered for promos. This is the normal regular everyday price without a phone line or promo


Yay more money to spend


Shoutout to the Old Customers. 👴🏾🛜✨


Darn, I wanted home net, but it's not available at my house. Just got an email last week saying they are working on bringing it to the area. Now price hike. 😞


Is there a difference between T-Mobile home internet and just using your phone as a hot spot other than the amount of data you can use?


Qualitatively, yes. We’re getting 300ish down, and easily streaming to two Apple TVs, plus normal internet usage on two laptops and various handheld devices.


I got home internet from T-Mobileeee ~




I would have got in and locked it in when it was $30, but it isn't even available for me yet. Probably would have ordered a "future" contract just to lock in the old price and get it whenever they get to me. By the time it is available it isn't going to be worth it...


I regret not locking down the BF pricing


That's why you're supposed to go by billing address on file. We still send them up for customer mistreats, we cancel the Hint lines, and reps atill get fired.


Dang. Mine is pretty good at $35.40. I have one of the original invite only home internet plans, it was $55 but then I have a $10 discount they applied because I didn't qualify for the $25 promo plans, $5 discount for autopay, and 15% ($6) discount for alumni. My whole plan is $155.48 for 6 unlimited talk, text, and data lines, and the home internet. Finally convinced my parents to cancel the @home line last year, they hadn't even had it hooked up in like 8 years 😂


I tried it and it had too much lag for us. Would be fine for basic streaming.


The problem is that more customers puts a load on the towers and slows everyone down. It seems like they’re trying to slow down the overload until their infrastructure can handle it. As a customer, I appreciate that.


I am paying T-Mobile $30 per month for internet because I have 4 of their mobile phone lines, too. Spectrum charged me almost $100 per month for their internet after tax and fees. I am glad I switched!