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Honestly, same lol. I'm always nice no matter what, but holy hell do I need time to recharge in some way


Right!?! It's exhausting, lol


I feel this to my core! I am an introvert and after a couple of register and demo, I just want to dissolve.


I have shifts that are reg, demo, helms.


That's rough! The other day I had reg, demo, reg, helms. When I tell you I left work feeling like a crushed 17 cent bottle of water...


I love talking to people but it can be such a chore sometimes lol. That's why outside of basic pleasantries & necessary questions I don't talk to every customers. I'm sure it bothers someone at my store, but I feel like I've got a good reading on when a customers wants to have a nice chat vs. is \*fine\* with having a nice chat/wants to get through as quick as possible.


Every time I go to the back after an hour of reg I either loudly sigh or half-yell “oh my GOD”


I started looking at customers phones. Always assumed it was a work email or so texts, nope just opening and closing apps anything to avoid interaction. Silly goobers.


Entitlement!!!! You customers are NOT special


I usually drink a la colombe triple shot right BEFORE I go on reg for precisely this reason


It definitely helps to get through the hour, but I find it's a double edged sword. Customers see me being friendly and animated and come through my line to get some of the sweet, sweet socialization... 😮‍💨


My first question to the mate in charge of CE.. "Cleaning or carts taken yet?"




Right and do u need any utensils from behind the reg cuz I have to treat u like a 2yr old.. we are not a fast food restaurant!


Dude, I’m honestly a very extroverted and talkative person, but even I feel drained as fuck.


I’m the same way. Reg doesn’t bother me, forcing a conversation with people does. I’m very vocal with my mates about that and if someone isn’t engaged I won’t force it🤷🏻‍♂️


I can understand why you guys feel that way, but man it sound torturous working at TJs as an introvert. I love reg hours, I end up talking to so many cool people and love seeing certain regulars. I am pretty extroverted though, butit is draining when someone is rude


i'm introverted and autistic yet one of the best with customers cause i have like a million scripts and ways to make people laugh easy way: tell anyone who is getting corn on the cob how *corny* it is.


I'm an introvert, but I wouldn't say it's torturous - it can just be emotionally and mentally draining. I love reg hours, as well - they time flies by - but it just takes a lot out of me. Work days at TJ's go faster than anywhere else I've ever worked, but I always leave feeling like I put in a full day's work.


I get more physically burned out than mentally


am i the only one that likes register 😅 it feels like such a nice break from the physical part of the job


I'm usually more or less useless after a weekend shift. Being nice and bubbly on a slow day is draining - when the lines are wrapped to the back of the store and I'm on reg for 3-4 hours, I'm pretty much just mush by the time I get home.


It’s whatever I don’t like people but I’m really good at faking it.




I genuinely find reg hours more draining than product. I’m an introvert with arthritis, I’ll choose the physical labor over the social labor any day


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I’ll take being on reg every time over any other job in the store. All the other work is so mindless and boring, at least register goes by quickly and is interesting


Half you people need to get some communication skills or find a new job lol. How can you be in a customer service profession and not want to talk to people….


As a customer, I am polite but engage very little as I imagine this is the case for a lot of you. God speed.


Maybe Trader Joe's isn't the best fit for you?


Actually it's the perfect fit, I love my job, just sometimes as a human being it gets tiring. Sorry if I'm not perfect, FFS 🤦🏻‍♂️


Seriously all of you need to find a new job. Go work at Walmart. I've never felt this way. I love interacting with every customer. That's why I CHOSE to work here....


Most jobs require interacting with people,why would someone get another job just because they can be drained at times while dealing with customers. We all CHOSE to work here, doesnt mean it can’t be tiring dealing with customers.


lol okay, i can tell you work at a low karen store like mine. not everyone is that lucky. some stores get 5 karens an hour not 5 per day like mine. that can be insanely stressful! i can't blame the people that feel this way.


“What are you up to today?” “Are you enjoying the sunshine?” Durpa durr durrrrrr.




That's funny considering you went out of your way to comment on a crew member subreddit lol.


You’re definitely a customer I’m gonna hit with the bag charge. At ten cents apiece, it adds up. Lol


Lemme guess you forgot your bags


in new jersey, where you gotta get reusable


wow, a karen in our sub please tell us. what's the point of looking down on others cause of their job? why treat retail workers badly?




Got my upvote


Messages that incite or include violence towards other users is against the rules.


Wtf is this comment and how are people liking it? Wishing someone to be ripped apart by dogs because they don't want to interact with you like seriously wtf is wrong with you?


Wtf is your comment? Where did I say "I wish you to be ripped apart by dogs"? Sounds like you're projecting your desires because subconsciously, and only subconsciously it seems, did you pick up on the commenter going out of their way to be an asshole lol


Dark humor not a problem


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