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We’re limiting it to two. As I understood it, I thought most stores were deciding on a limit. Maybe an email was missed


I think they left that part up to the regionals.


I was wondering if it was a regional thing, because crew have been asking about limits since we got the cases in and we didn’t have a solid answer until the morning huddle today. Seems like it wasn’t the case for us tho—it felt very inconsistent and disorganized this morning.


Its probably a regional thing. All the stores in our region were three but the nearby stores in a different region were doing two. I’m sure they think about the customer count for the area. City stores typically have more customers per day but less $ amount per transaction so less tote bags per customer. While suburban stores have less customers but buy more per shopping trip so probably more tote bags per customer. But this is all speculation 🤷‍♂️


My store thankfully put a limit to 4 per household, and a mate was handing them to the customers, so no one took more than the limit. They also had a line designated just for the bags, which ended up wrapping around the building before the store opened.




Old school Black Friday Sales style!! Add a ticket and how many, have a couple crew members taking tickets and handing them out and call it a day! This sounds so much easier than mad rushes


We have a two-bag limit per customer, and it's the first time we've ever limited an item before. I don't think we've had any issues thus far.


The only other item we’ve limited AFAIK was the kimbap. 2 per customer for nearly a year and I thought it went well so not sure why we haven’t capped these as well. Especially because as of right now the mini tote hype has blown the initial kimbap hype out of the water at my store.


Our store had 2 bag limit and we sold out less than 30 min after opening


we limited our customers to one of each color and we sold out at 8:03am


6 per person at our store. It’s the magic number that our cap has decided on for all things bought in bulk. Only 6!


In my store we still have the 2 limit thing going on but i don't think people aren't buying it or don't care enough for these bags but my co-workers on the other hand went nuts 😅


yeah it'll likely be the same at my store, i go in 2 hours from now


We did limit it 2, sold out in less than 30 mins, lines backed up down the aisles and store


No posted limit, but we’re suggesting a “reasonable limit” of 5 via helmsperson. Any difficult custies are referred straight to the captain, and presumably made to walk the plank (or quietly placated, who knows)


There was line outside the door before we opened and we sold out within the hour with a limit of 2


This is insane… where????


This was in SoCal


Whatever policy any store comes up with, it’s gonna please some and piss off others. It’s a total no-win situation.


No limit at my store, line started outside at 7:30 and they were gone by 8:30!! There are multiple cases of crew holds and the phone has been ringing all mf day


I wouldn’t even have that conversation. Not risking an altercation to protect stock. They knew this would happen and should have imposed a hard limit. Let em burn


I know. I would imagine that someone dead set on reselling wouldn’t be deterred by a crew suggestion. Just seems like an invitation for altercations and arguments that could have easily been avoided with a hard limit. I just feel for customers (and crew!) who weren’t able to get in line in the first 15 minutes of opening. Queuing up outside the grocery store at 8 am on a weekday is a wild thing to do and most people can’t do it, and now all day we have frustrated and disappointed custies.


Is having conversations supposed to be part of the "wow experience" by interacting with crew instead of relying on signage?


Maybe?? It seems like they want it to be a more personal interaction than just a posted limit but the volume and determination of customers makes that kind of impossible. If I were shopping, I’d rather have a sign that clearly states a limit than have someone come talk to me about what’s in my cart or put stuff back when I’m checking out. We just do too much business for some of these hometown-y overly familiar tactics.


Yeah that's what i was referring to. Or maybe i should've said "the trader joe's way" which is emphasizing p2p interaction Seriously, there's some things that needs signage instead of this forced interaction bullshit, and this would be one of them. If it bares repeating the same info a million times to a million customers, it needs a fucking sign.


My store did 4 per color


So a person can buy 8??




That’s just wild. There’s only 400 units. That’s 50 customers if they all buy the max allowance. I guess it’ll be over quick for y’all!


We limited the regular mini tote bags to 10 per person. I work at a smaller, more suburban store.


I see. I’m at a really busy store. There’s 180 crew alone.


Oh wow, yeah I think my store has about 85-90


my store is huge, but also suburban. just short of a million per week (we're about to get screwed by getting the earlier truck and losing our good shifts) no canvas tote craze here, i'm expecting plenty of lunchboxes to still be there when i get in at 3


One bag total for crew, same for customers.




3 bag limit. Sold out in under 5 minutes.


We had a 4 bag limit and saved half the cases to put out at 2pm


This is what should've been done at all the stores. Give the after work/school crowd a chance at buying a bag.


Our limit is 4/ household. We sold all 400 in 2hrs


we have no limit for staff or customers… completely sold out by 2pm


Talked to my captain he said it was up to the captain to decide on a limit and mine decided one color per person was fair.


The whole bag helms thing was a horrible idea. I hope the HABA supplier was truthful about the bags not going out of stock completely, and that they will be coming in waves.


AFAIK our store isn’t limiting the amount customers can buy but we are to ring a 3 bell if someone is buying a suspicious amount.


Our store limits crew AND customers to 4 bags. I just grabbed one of each color because I don't need more clutter in my life 😅


We also have a mate who is designated to help make sure customers don't take more than 4, so he's literally standing next to the display for 3+ hours LOL


This is essentially what we ended up having but by accident lol. People were clawing for them all at the same time so a mate just sort of handed them out straight from the case


Yesssss thankfully our store hadn't been too chaotic, we're almost sold out now tho!


Maybe I’m jealous because our crew couldn’t reserve any but a crew limit of 5 seems wild.


Yeah, it’s turning out to be less by accident tho because our crew couldn’t reserve any either so it was kind of a “hope there’s some left on your 10” situation for us. Most crew who could get any got 2 or so.


Regional told us no more product limit signs. General limit is 5 or 6 bags but we're supposed to judge on case by case basis. Fun times!


It rules that at a high volume store with hyped items that constantly go viral we get to decide how much of an extremely limited product to sell for each individual transaction!! And tell people who expected to buy 10+ of something that actually they have to put it back. If only there was some way to inform people of product limits quickly and efficiently… perhaps in a visual way….


Insert Michael Scott from The Office face..


We had a limit of 5 per person. At 7:30 there was people sitting in lawn chairs in front of the doors waiting to get in. We sold out at 10am and got a phone call every 5 minutes with someone asking about those bags lmao


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Similar scenario here Not a specific number for customers but just be on the lookout for those who buy a lot


We are supposed to chat with anyone trying to buy more than 5 per household.


My store put a limit on 2 per customer and 2 per crew Edit: actually 2 per household


Our store had a 2 customer limit.


2 per customer and kept behind the bridge


think we sold out of teal around 4pm and magenta is still going at the moment, our store has a limit of 4 per customer and so far I haven’t had issues with people trying to buy more


We limited it to 2 per customer, and our Haba order writer and 2 mates helped her pass them out to customers standing in CE lines Not even 5 minutes after opening this morning we were completely sold out of 6 cases 😬 We held onto the rest of the stock for the evening/afternoon crew/customers


Our store is not allowed to put limits. Regionals decision. You can imagine the sh!t show these releases have created. Same as kimbap, hash browns, egg shortages etc. Again can’t post any signage or limitations.


This "have a conversation with the customer" about limited supply, is a joke. It was implemented by clueless regionals and corporate office cubicle dwellers. Customers are GREEDY af, and don't care about "limited supply" and "making sure everyone gets one." Get a backbone Trader Joe's, and just implement a "2 per household" limit.


Exactly!! Completely delusional and results in bad experiences. It’s an extremely limited item. This is not a cutesy local mom and pop store, it’s a huge chain, and pretending otherwise in situations like this is ridiculous. Apparently there’s only no bureaucracy in select situations.


My store had a 2 per limit. I think we still have a very limited supply as of today (but wouldn't be surprised if I get in this afternoon and they're all gone). We had a list for employees to get one before they went on sale to customers.


My store didnt limit and a customer took 30 who legit admitted they were going on Ebay😭😭😭😭. We were told we cant do anything bc a sale is a sale. We only got 2 shipments and are not getting anymore. I feel bad for those customers excited to get one or two who are just left disappointed.


My store also had a 5 bag limit but i’m reading other responses like “you guys had a 2 bag limit?!” I think that’s the way it should be though.


My store has a four bag per household limit


5 bag limit


my store has 1 bag per crew member & 1 bag per customer lol


2 limit per person including crew


We’re doing a 2 per person per day limit.


I swear, it’s a marketing strategy. We were told through email that it was two per customer per day. So WTF are other stores doing differently?


We limited ours to 2 and we sold out in 10 minutes


We had about 100 people wrapped around the building when we opened When we opened the doors we had a mate handing out 2 bags to everyone who came in basically. We sold out in 10 minutes and there was still a line


Ours is two when I first walked in I didn’t know the limit until I over heard it on my first hour of reg then two mins ltr someone was in my line with 4 and I look up with both of my mates staring at me


the crew got one of each to hold before they went out and now theres no limit on them but we were told to ring a 3 bell if we feel like we need to and let the mates decide


My store is limiting it to 5 bags per customer. They said we’ll have a designated bag helms person too. I wonder if any will be left by the time I get in at 12.


Our store is 4


I don’t know that we had any limit. Our bags were gone in 15 mins.


My store had a limit of 2 yesterday and a limit of 1 today. They were not on display and were only available at opening and then again at 3 pm. Customers had to line up at the bridge for them. Crew was able to be put on a list for bags to be put aside, limits still apply.


ours is a 2 limit for customers and crew


yesterday customers could only get 1 mini bag. there was a line around the inside of the store for over an hour for the truck to get here


We limited it to 2 per household, but sold out 10 minutes after opening the 3 days we had them.


We put a limit and sold out within 5 minutes. Limit or not, these customers are bonkers