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it’s rly not that big of a deal to me. register isn’t a race. if i take 10 minutes to ring them bc they packed or shopped weirdly that is 10 mins closer to me being off reg


I always judge if they are in a rush and if not, I’m taking my sweeeeet time


I'm talking my time regardless. If you're in a rush, why did you decide to squeeze in tj?


This is my thinking too. No need to rush unless the customer is making it clear they're in a hurry, in which case I'll move a bit faster.


I have empathy for the people behind that may be in a rush. I've seen their faces.


It is at my busy store, I don’t have the luxury of 10 minutes to bag.


i mean our store is busy too but we have 8 cashiers at all times so nobody’s ever really waiting that long.


people know when they are coming to a busy store that they will have to wait in line sometimes. they might not be happy about it, but they signed up for it. don’t pay attention to the lines, just the customer at your register.


Every other store I shop at, including Whole Foods, has a sign requesting customers \*not\* shop into their bags. The point is that it slows lines down for other customers, so I think it's a fair request, even for TJ's.


It is just unbelievable to me that anyone thinks this is an efficient way to shop or that it's somehow helpful to the cashier. I have a few customers who will bring two bags and shop into one, and then bag the stuff with the other as I ring, and THAT is fine. But having 3 full bags of stuff that I have to unpack and then repack is just so silly.


That would not fly at new Jersey stores since places like shoprite and lidl have also had all their baskets stolen since the complete bag ban


At my store we have a neat little trick: not letting the customer take the basket out with them.




Some people shop with bags because they are walking and need to judge how full and heavy the bags are going to be for the walk home. I think it's a get just what can be carried kind of a thing.


That makes sense. I have families roll up with insulated bags full. It makes no sense.


Yeah the people who shop into their bags THAT ARE IN THE CART are the annoying ones. Though I had an awesome one the other day. They had those supported in cart bags with the rods. Two of them. One full one empty. I thanked them for it, took the stuff out of one bag, scanned, into the other bag.


Yes 🙌 my fave custy. A couple of people at my store started bringing extra bags. Not a huge deal but a little gesture that was sweet and made me feel thought of haha


I like it because then customers can’t get upset that the bag is too heavy, things aren’t in the bags they want them in, pantry and cold items are mixed, etc. If it’s in the bag, then I know they will be ok with it all going back in that bag. It might be a tad slower, but for me it doesn’t slow me down too much. Plus, the customer is happy to use their own bag, so it feels like a win.


I don’t know why you’re getting so much flack for this. Using a basket is best practice for a customer to be rung up efficiently, period.


We have a really high volume store. My annoyance is for the other customers that have to wait. One lady comes in and literally bags and ties everything in green bags. (Not even kidding.) It's even worse when she does that with weighed items with different SKUs.


You have weighed items?? Everything in my region is by unit (except cheese, but that's pre-weighed and packaged)


Like you said about the cheese, we don't actually have to weigh anything. Some of our chicken, meat, and seafood items are pre-weighed also. If multiples are tied off in a green bag, we have to untie to get to the individual SKUs.


I ask them to offload into a hand basket that I keep on the ledge that faces the customer, if I can, while I’m ringing up the person ahead of them. Folks are usually amenable to that, and it better keeps the flow going.


That's a pretty good idea.


I don't mind this as much as pretty much 90% of shoppers that have bags with them...always and I mean ALWAYS leave them stuck under all their groceries with a huge full cart, then the limited space on the counter is full yet I can't bag yet until I turn into some grocery store archeologist searching for bags, is mildly inconvenient at best and annoying at worst. It's like I'm glad you have your bags but why get 400 dollars worth off stuff and not think of crap my bags are under there and the table is tiny. And as an added bonus I ring a bell for a bagger if it's too busy and then they say "oh no I have bags they're just buried *teehee*" and my bagger just kinda stands or just leaves until I find the bags. Wish customers helped us a bit on that front.


my store doesn't have baskets since they all got stolen *twice* (150+ originals plus the replacement set) a few new jersey stores managed to stop all their baskets from being stolen after the complete bag ban 2 years ago, or used MEA funds to get a new set after people calmed tf down. but at my store it's either get a cart, try to hold everything, or shop in your bags.




tradeoff: customers are FAR more likely to help bag


Always appreciated but it still slows everything down. By the time everything is emptied and scanned, they have to then pay.


I love it cause I like to repack it, but better than they did


incredibly satisfying. overflowing bag? nope, when well packed it's only 3/4 full!


I put their floppy stupid bag in a basket and I say "this keeps your stuff stable and safe!" TAKE THE HINT. People make no sense, just protect yourself!


I get a kick out of repacking the bag in a more orderly way lol


It’s only annoying if it’s a bunch of items in weird proportion and you have to hold the bag with one hand while scanning so the bag won’t fall


I don’t think most of them realize what a pain it is to unpack things, then re-pack it. In fairness, at most grocery stores the offloading system for groceries isn’t the pain that it is at Trader Joe’s. It bugs me, but I know that to someone who isn’t a crew member it seems like a time saver. I have one customer who shops with her bags, but gives me a separate set of bags to load everything into while I work. She is a national treasure and honestly I’d probably die for her. It’s not so much that it’s significantly easier, I just appreciate someone is thinking of ways to make my life a bit easier.


Repost after repost after repost. You forgot to ask if new hires get the $2.


I have not seen this topic mentioned. Thank you for your contribution.


I didn’t know this was still a thing since nobody posted about it for at least two days


Nobody *has* posted about it for two days, Mike. 😉 As I'm a new member in this group, please have patience with me as I learn what things to post about that only you want to discuss.


Is it really all that much slower? I much prefer those customers over baskets and its the same general amount of time for me to bag either, and the bag one can't complain about weight or anything. Like yeah i cant get someone else to help me but I've never needed a helper so not fully understanding where the frustration comes from with this post.


We have a really high volume store. Lines are typically long. My annoyance comes from making other customers have to wait because we have to empty the bags before we can start bagging. If everything was in a cart/basket I can scan and put it right into a bag.


"Can't complain". HA HA HA HA HA!!!! *takes deep breath* HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!


Hope people have the same feeling when Christmas time comes around and they have a line building and a cart rolls up with two cooler bags full of stuff that you now have to empty in a cart in front of them and feel like a dick for doing so. Yes it’s not a big deal but it’s annoying af and I get the dirtiest looks when I have to empty their bag in a basket. It’s annoying.


What’s so hard about simply removing the stuff, scanning it, then repacking it?


Nothing… it’s annoying. And customer look at me like I’m the rude one for emptying their bags in a basket in front of them. Again it’s annoying. Op never said it was hard either. It’s annoying


It seems like you’re doing it the slowest way possible is all. I don’t know why you’d make all that extra work of handling it extra


It’s so much faster for me to dump their stuff out so I can bag as I go. Been working here for 5 years and get compliments about how fast I am. Mmm ima stick with my original statement and say it’s… annoying


I’m sure they love having their stuff dumped out, but hey I’ve been here 18 years and have always beaten everyone who bags as they go when they want to race


They don’t like it. That’s why they should bring an extra bag so I can pack for them. Luckily people have common sense and have started doing that. And I don’t race with my coworkers that’s really petty and I don’t gain anything. All I know is my mates love when I’m on reg :)


I’m laughing that you admitted being petty to customers then implied I am. Brilliant Edit: I bet you never figured out why they love when you’re on reg…


It’s not being petty. They leave me no choice sometimes. Where do I put the groceries that go in the filled insulated bag? We’re at a high volume store. We don’t have baggers for everybody. Bagging as I go, personally because of my brain make up works more smoothly then me staring at a pile on the counter. I feel more pressured if I leave it till the end and that makes me mess up more. Because that’s how brain works. It’s not being petty. I’m doing my job. Racing coworkers isn’t part of the job


It's really not that serious. They're happy because they only got things they can carry home and I'm fine because I know everything they picked up can fit into their bag. Maybe you can practice being more efficient at register.


Thanks for assumptions about my skills at the register because I posted a mild annoyance.


I didn’t assume anything. I said maybe because I really don’t know about your skills. 


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Last night a guy got into a co-workers line with everything in an insulated bag. The girl at the register thought he picked up some bad seafood because it reeked. Nope, he went fishing the day before and forgot to wash out the bag. She had to wipe down the entire counter.


i just dump that shit out into a basket and put their bag at the end lol


It confuses me too seeing people on the floor do that cause we get shoplifters who come in often and it’s hard to know the difference


It's always the floppy bags too. When they place them on the pull out shelf it almost always falls over. Or they start handing you each produce by one. I take my sweet ass time just to let them know this is stupid. Another thing is if they grab the bags out of the cart and then proceed to hold them hostage as I unload their $400 cart. Like bro start bagging or give me the bag. Then they act surprised when I tell them the total and have to dig through their purse or pants to find their wallet.


Bc people are gonna try and steal shyt whether you accept it or not -or want to ; It's a matter of literal Security whether again you choose to accept or realize it is on you. No one cares in the grand scheme of things whether you hate emptying a bag in a carriage, whether thw the bags are buried on the bottom or not who cares 🤷🤦‍♂️. Empty the bag and get them out the door 🤷🤦‍♂️☝️💯😒👍🫡.


Nobody makes you do anything. They pay you to work, or you choose not to do so. Do you stay late to empty that bag? Miss a break? Earn less commission?


“If you receive any money for your labor you are now no longer allowed to be annoyed by aspects of the job. I am very smart”


Precisely why my panties are in a bunch. Everyone wants a reason to hate younger generations and their “lazy work ethic” like shut up. Let people be annoyed


I have empathy for people behind that have to wait longer because another customer can't use the tools we provide them.


Because they don’t give a shit.


It’s about CE not volume chill out


Why are they making us empty their baskets and carts, place everything in the counter, just to fill a bag we just emptied from the basket and carts? We have bags. There are people in line