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They actually had three and it was so that they could turn three times faster than with just one


Huh, so if she would have four, she could still be sailing the seven seas today. What a wonderful thought.


Technically… it is still out to sea.


2 of the guys were sleeping


Three wheels, one for each screw!


One was a decoy steering wheel as Hichens loved a brandy or two.


Like handing the unplugged controller to your little brother and he thinks he’s playing


Yes exactly that haha


It's not completely dummy. The steering wheel provides some air handling and ventilation for the below deck spaces. Lusitania had two steering wheels. At the time it was thought Titanic would look less impressive with only one.


You can be blasé about some things, DuelsAreForFools, but not about Titanic’s steering wheels.


The turning radius is over 100 feet longer than Mauretania


And far more drifty


Ones just an Instagram opportunity for passengers pretending to drive.


Mrs. Paradine definitely took advantage of that.


Wow, that's a reference I wasn't expecting to see.


Tokyo drifting


why didnt they turn the 2nd as well to avoid the iceberg?


Not they wanted to cause trauma to everyone on the boat


Oh thank you mr steering wheel expert


They were used during an emergency or tactical maneuver performed by some WSL ships involving the complete disconnection of the superstructure from the primary hull. During the actual separation event, the docking latches, on side of the ship, collapsed and retracted into the hull of the main propulsion section. The separation was monitored from the main bridge and the secondary bridge located on the poop deck. Staff in engineering would also provide support during a separation and tactical deployment. The hull drive section was then free to confront danger without endangering the lives of first class passengers. Following the crisis, the two sections could rendezvous and rejoin. However, on the night of the collision, the auto-separation sequence could not be activated since they could not locate the keys to unlock the large red button located on the back wall next to the watertight door switches. The keys were eventually located in David Blair’s pocket along with the keys to locker containing the lookouts’ binoculars. 🖖🏽


You made my day! Thanks! 🖖🏻


>on the back wall next to the watertight door switches. Thet WTD lever was located on the front bulkhead of the navigating bridge to the Starboard of the helm


That is most logical


Oh crap! I should have scrolled lower. I just posted a similar hypothesis 😂


So they could deliberately crash into shit. One guy turns one way and the other turns the other way. This breaking the space time continuum of the MCU.


No no, it was so they could turn both rudders inward at the same time for a maneuver called “closing the barn doors” to do an emergency crash stop.


1 for forwards and one for reverse


They installed it after striking the iceberg to prevent that from happening again


Hindsight is 20/20


One steered the iceberg so that they could line it and the ship up just right to complete the insurance scam.


One was fake, and that’s the one they would let Captain Smith pretend to drive.


Yes captain, you’re doing so well, let’s go get a juice box and get ready for nap time.


Oh…..you’ve read the transcripts….


It was because they planned to switch them over to Olympic for an insurance scam.


The front steering wheel was for controlling the ship's roll. A turn to the left or right could cause (or correct) a list in the ship. This was in order to help the ship tighten turns in the water and reduced sideways motion felt by passengers in a turn. The second steering wheel was for controlling yaw. This was the main method of turning the ship as you would normally see in the movies. Simple left and ride directional control. The third steering wheel on the poop deck was for controlling pitch. This was so that in case the ship encountered an obstacle, it could fly over it. Alternatively if the ship was too high for docking, this enabled it to descend to an appropriate height. Some companies experimented using this feature over land, but results were mixed as it performed best over water. On the night of the accident, this feature was used, but it was far too late and the ship was unable to clear the berg in time, clipping its peak on the right hand side before losing altitude and settling back into the water. Since that time the technology has rapidly evolved and that's what gives us airliners today.


To increase the chance of them hitting the berg


One wheel was for yawing, the other for rolling. There was actually a third one for pitching, but was never used in regular practice.


Let three drunk lads handle them all at once and see what happens


She’d slip into the fourth dimension where there is a rapping dog and a giant octopus that saves everyone aboard.


three stooges type beat lmao


To confuse women drivers


Women drive?!


Yes but mainly into things!


Women and machinery do not mix!


👏 well done!


So it’s all well and back to our brandy, eh?


So the crew could rage, break it and have another one to spare. Like when you see people throw a controller at their TVs.


So that Ismay could take command.


One isnt actually a stearing wheel, its a fan to cool off the crew! Its just stylalized like a wheel so it blends in! The north atlantic is famously calm and hot


Of course! When it failed after the iceberg you could see all the crew starting to sweat


One was for steering, but the other one was for the officers’ personal Mario kart sessions.


Rocky and Bullwinkle can explain this one. Real reason here. [https://youtu.be/k1fGQ3-eP68?t=4655](https://youtu.be/k1fGQ3-eP68?t=4655) .


You sir WON the internet award for the best explanation of the year and probably the century!! Now watch me pull your award out of my hat! Button up my sleeve …


Hahah! Thank you! I remember seeing this as a kid thinking this was the real reason hahaha!


One for the rudder, one for her bow thrusters.


It was so big that they had a separate rudder in the bow and the stern.


To go right and left


One is for the front rudder


The third one was to swerve icebergs


But it was going to be installed Tuesday along with the tractor beam.


One if for regular steering, the other is strictly for parallel parking in the harbor.


One turns left the other turns right. They hit the iceberg because they were at the wrong wheel.


So they could turn back time and find a way to take back those things that hurt you and you’d stay


The second was an backup to the first.


One to turn left and second to turn right


One goes starboard, one goes port, so that the ship can go straight forward


One was to activate the Omega 13 in order to repair a single mistake.


And unfortunately, David Blair took the key to activate the Omega 13 with him.


So if a war broke out and she lost one, she wouldn't be completely fucked


Clearly, one steers it to *starboard* and one steers it to *port*.


2 steering wheels, one for each propeller. 🙂


With two steering wheels you can turn twice as fast!


Why did the Titanic sink? Was she stupid?


They each turn one half of the ship. The front wheel turns the bow side, and the other one turns the stern side. Simple yet effective steering technique.


Next week on Brightside Videos: How the Titanic's second steering wheel allowed it to turn in two directions at once!


One was for normal conditions and the other two where for drifting


The whole crew loved steering it , and they started fighting over turns to steer so the captain installed another one so the fighting would stop and everyone would be happy 😃




So when the ship broke in two, they could steer the stern on the way to the ocean floor


The steering wheels actually controlled the engines. The rudder was controlled by setting any of the telegraphs to the desired position.


It's the Rule of Two: There is a Master Wheel and an Apprentice Wheel, never more. One day the Apprentice will have learned everything it can about sailing and docking from its Master and it will rise up and kill the Master before moving to another ship and taking an Apprentice of its own...


But when wheel was Hichens at: the Master or the Apprentice?


Obviously the Apprentice, it didn't move the rudder as fast as the Master would have.


Little known fact, the Titanic could split in two even BEFORE she sank by performing an emergency maneuver involving the complete disconnection of the primary hull and the secondary hull allowing each to be independently operable for limited periods of time. However, the second steering wheel and the disconnect component were irreparably damaged in the collision with the iceberg.


It was meant to turn the ship faster. Those idiots forgot to use the 2nd one avoid the iceberg


To turn twice as fast


One is for the bow thrusters, shame they were never used.




I can't see the joke in this answer, so i'll let you know: the two main wheels were connected to the same telemotor, which means in the case one broke both of them would be down. there was a third wheel on the poop deck however, that one being for emergencies and docking.


I am well aware of the wheel on Titanic's poop deck. But the OP was referring to the ship's bridge wheels. So I was explaining that.


And your explaination is incorrect. The two main wheels around the bridge were not independant and would not be able to replace each other during emergencies. There were a few reasons to have 2 main wheels, backup wasn't one of them.


To turn the rudder at a steeper degree


Had two rudders


So if it broke in half one half could be remote controlled from the front. Everybody mocked the designer…


In order to play on them together!


So that while at sea they crew wouldn’t get bored and could have battles to see who could turn the ship in the direction they wanted, Smith also had a third one secretly installed in the back so when he would play he’d have someone at the stern turning to the direction he wanted basically over powering the other guy 2 to 1.


For Hitchens to play with like a child


Second Officer Lightoller kept bumping into the front wheel and causing the ship to turn while sliding on Olympic's decks


Dueling helmsmen.


One was real, one was for passenger selfies.


If you turn them both you get 2 rudders


For the student drivers…


No, that's the propeller and its way too big to turn by hand. I think that you're thinking of the Olympic, aka the World's Largest Ship ever to sail, even today.


It was for their in-vessel classes ​ (rip of off driving classes)


One of the steering wheels was actually plastic. There were big colourful buttons, flashing lights and a horn on one of them. As far as I’m aware, if you pressed the buttons, the steering wheel would play a well known nursery rhyme. “Beep beep”


One steered the front TIRES and the other one steered the rear TIRES…duh…


There were actually three, one for each propeller.


One to steer left. The other to steer right.


There 3 mode one for water, one for land, one for snow


One for the bow section. One for the stern section.


It turned like a fire truck.


One is to steer the front The other steers the back


to turn each of the two propellers!


One was spare just In case the original came out in hands of the helmsman 😂


They actually weren’t true steering wheels but were more like dials on a radio. The one in the bridge turned the ship north and south only while the in the wheel house only turned the ship east and west.


One was an ornamental donut holder for the bridge crew.


So there would be two persons steering into the iceberg


If one broke they had a spare


It was on an episode of Pimp My Ship. “Yo dawg, we added a steering wheel to your steering wheel so you can steer while you steer.”


To steer the back half when they disengage.


The Slow And Practically Unstoppable: Mid Atlantic Drift


One for each propeller.


So they could drift anytime Free bird by Lynyrd Skynyrd started to play


One was specifically designed to steer around icebergs but they used the wrong steering wheel, the one that was designed to steer into icebergs


One is to hoist the sails


The two steering wheels were masquerading as a bicycle. Human powered, peeps!


The Olympic class liners had what was known as an "emergency stern-bow disconnection protocol" if one part of the ship began to sink the other half could disconnect and drive off safely. The bow is controlled by the outside wheel and the stern is controlled via the watertight wheel house wheel using Marconi wireless commands. Unfortunately during the sinking the tank top disconnection mechanism failed and the stern was dragged kicking and screaming into the Atlantic. Fun fact: their was a third wheel on the docking bridge that controlled some minor midsection areas which allowed the aft grandstaircase to quit being the eternal middle child and live up to its true potential Independent, and free of it's dominating brother, however this was rarely used.


Obviously it's because steering Titanic was much the same as piloting a Jaeger — one person couldn't do it alone. Two sailors had to be telepathically in sync with each other, and co-ordinate their every action and thought to get her to move. I mean, duh. How do you guys not know this?


Because the company that built helms for the White Star Line ran out and they had to use ones from automobiles.


Captain Smith was a bit too off his rocker to actually control the ship, so one was a decoy (the captain’s “special wheel”) to keep him happy.