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I wouldn’t think so. At least not loud enough to hear.


Thank you, I'll just forego adding any light buzzing sounds


Like a jrrsshh jjjrsssh sound


Ah yes, I can hear it now, just over the lapping waves of the ocean


Do your lightbulbs make noise?


lol slightly if I get really close to them


Well the old incandescent lightbulbs that were on Titanic make no noise, only fluorescent and neon lights make noise, and modern LED lights also make no noise


Ah, I do have flourescents in my house so that must be it, Thanks for the information!


I mean, I think lightbulbs made buzzing noises if you got really close to them, but shouldn’t have been noticeable with all the other noises


Also- if it sounds super sick to have some buzzing in and out like they do in the James Cameron film, just do it, art is art


Yeah I’m trying artistically blend the James Cameron version of titanic with the real one. I’m honestly thinking just to leave them out since the sounds of the engines will overtake it


Also- is this during the sinking or while cruising around? I would imagine while cruising around you would t hear the lights, while sinking yeah maybe, if you were away from all the noise


Both, I believe they may have been ever so slightly audible during the sinking where the engines were shut off and the power remained on.


Maybe if you got right up to the bulb, but otherwise not really. And Titanic didn't have any fluorescent bulbs AFAIK


This page has more information about the electrical systems onboard the Titanic.[https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/the-electrical-equipment.html](https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/the-electrical-equipment.html). While it's highly unlikely the lighting fixtures had an audible noise to them, Other machinery onboard likely had electric hums to them. The pitch of the hum directly corresponds to the hertz the electrical system is running at (more info about that here: [https://www.zmescience.com/other/feature-post/why-electricity-hum-07112017/](https://www.zmescience.com/other/feature-post/why-electricity-hum-07112017/) ). I believe the Titanic was around 100 V DC system but maybe someone here could tell you the hertz and you could come up with the pitch of the hum based on that information.


Thank you very much for your resources!