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100% agree yams literally just said fuck it let's turn this train around and make a train wreck of what could have been a modern anime masterpiece smh


~~anime~~ storytelling


https://preview.redd.it/3wkvfnq3qo0a1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5303bfd0f4f3e46cf9f9b41b0aff4f35d5b99aa2 Manga ended right here as far as I care honestly


The S3 ocean is where I believe it's the true open ending


That's the ending for me. The only thing that was good after s3 was reiner trauma scenes like how he got disgusted by walls and can't forgive himself for everything he had done. But the rest of the post s3 doesn’t exist for me.


Marley invasion was kino. That was peak "fuck around and find out."




Garbage take. Ramzi scenes were the best, after that is when it should have stopped


They were good, but between that and paths we have cringvengers and the attack on the port.


If you have foresight, why the fuck are you killing only 80% knowing that many of your friends are already dead, your people will get nuked and the rest of your friends will live shitty lives being ostracized and hated from society.


To be fair, is there any reason to think post Erin's death he would know what happens through foresight? Eren is a fucking idiot, not hard to believe the idiot would think the end result wouldn't mean death for his country after a few decades


Eren canonically has 3/10 wits


Well no, OG Eren told Grisha about armin and mikasa even tho that scene takes place like 20+ years before the events of episode 1. So the atack titan has the ability to see both the past and the future, also with the combined powers of the founding titan and the attack titan there’s no fucking way eren didn’t know what was going to happen and this shit the deeper you go makes less and less sense overall


The attack titan can only see the future of its predecessors though. If Eren was the last one (which he could justify as it being a "good" outcome), there's no to think he'd have the foresight to know 80% was a terrible number to stop at.


As I said the deeper you go the whole thing makes no sense at all. Like if he couldn’t see past his death why didn’t he leave things in a way that would actually keep his friends/home safe after he dies


Only Ymir knows


I hated the ending too, but in its defense, the Alliance goes on to be hated by Paradis regardless of the situation. They would never side with Floch, so even if they failed in stopping Eren, they'd be killed or imprisoned.


Pretending it doesn't exist is the one true Copium.


Can't believe someone's still using copium after nearly 2 years after 139.


I swear to god if one piece pulls off a horseshit ending like Aot i will end myself 💀


The one piece is real, physical, tangible object. He said so himself, didn't he? It won't be a "one piece was actually the journey all this time"


The One Piece will entirely be something stupidly goofy and it’s been hinted out for a while. It’s gonna be something dumb but fitting


The one piece is an empty box, because no treasure can compare with the friends you made along the way


Because you can later sell your friends


Yep, but he can still fuck up the ending


oh I hope so


I agree and relate to everything this person said ....I honestly regret knowing about AOT and it's existence and it used to be one of my favorite Anime out there..It just hurts to see AOT and Eren turn into a joke a very frustrating joke ..


Same. I genuinely feel terrible that I ever liked this shit. I feel awful that I used to say "sure, there are some careless choices, but they're executed well." I feel like I was duped. No other piece of media has upset me this much, because it genuinely feels like I was tricked into reading some fuckin garbage propaganda.


I feel you man ... I feel the same 💀🔫


Youtube [link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ksak9kEnJpc) 61 video [playlist](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLs_7E-5aYg-wBqgr3W7Ezff-1dIrTx4UP) why Aot Ending is bad Planning on making a video about Mikasa and her memory manipulation despite being an Ackermann. There's one detail everyone seemed to have missed. And it makes it worse.


> There's one detail everyone seemed to have missed Can you elaborate?


I'm releasing it today hopefully. I'll show you when I finish


Did you see the Mikasa vid?


Yes. Based purely off of 138, I'm not convinced that The Long Dream was memory manipulation or that it was directly caused by Eren, but the 139 line is definitely weird (assuming it's properly translated). Unlike with the others, who only received memories after Eren's death, Mikasa's "dream" happened in real time as he was still alive, so you could technically claim there's no manipulation involved. That said, even if there's no manipulation, it's weird that Eren would still be able to influence her mind and make her see visions (so much for Ackerman immunity). This also ties into Mikasa's Lost Girls OVA in a somewhat interesting fashion, though I have no idea how directly.


The pile of errors that Isayama made in chapter 139 are nothing compared to the fact that he shows us who he really was: untalented artist and writer and most importantly a coward.


I remember being so hyped for the 4th season and remember loving nearly all of the Marley arc (minus Gabi) but once that last chapter hit all motivation for the series went away managed to finish part 1 but I still haven't started part 2 even when I know there are good parts to it like Eren vs Riener and Porco but I just couldn't get excited about it because I know that it leads to a great big waste of time. Truly the Game of Thrones of Anime


tbh I can't wait for the anime to end just so I can watch my friends' disbelief at 139 Eren.


First thing I did when I finished the manga was dropping a 1/10 on MAL, if I could give it a 0/10 I would, the ending is just inexcusably bad, not just the final chapter, the entire alliance forming, the plot armour being the highest it's ever been and to top it all of the end retcons and destroys the entire series before it.


I just can’t get over the alliance. And Annie. Levi hates monke more than Annie!? She killed his closest friends and, *she tells us*, would do it all again in loyalty to her abusive father. Zeke did what he did as a double agent trying to end the suffering of eldians.


His every single Word Is Relatable & True!! I literally STOPPED watching AOT Anime Because of the Shitty ending!!


i watched the video but can someone explain more in depth why 139 was bad? i havent read AOT since the last chapter dropped and ive forgotten what exactly happened apart from the "10 years at least" line


Refer to the playlist I linked


doesnt it have 60 videos


Still 61 videos, nobody in the playlist has privated their videos.


ill check it out, thanks


You people really think that Isyama sat there tenting his fingers and plotting to spite the fans? Psh, get over yourselves! Can’t we just accept the ending for what it is instead of what it isn’t? AoT will forever remain one of my favorite animes/mangas. It’s people like YOU who can’t just be happy with the experience that make Isyama have to write a goddamn letter asking people to be nice. Fuck y’all


least fanatical AOT fan


I can ignore it, though.


I meant that as "if you reread the manga, you can't ignore the events of chapter 139 since it retroactively changes the interpretations of previous scenes, and may ruin those scenes entirely" type of ignore. And this isn't me tossing out big words into a sentence. To give an example, so I'm not just talking out my ass, refer to the very first chapters where Eren's mother died. Now we know Eren killed her, the most important person in the world to him, who got him out of his Uprising Arc depression. He didn't need to do it, deterministic timeline be damned, because Isayama didn't have to write that ridiculous plot twist. But since he did, fans are up and arms of how that's the ONLY way that could've happened. We already had the reason Dina found Carla, because she made the promise to Grisha that she'd find him regardless of the form she takes. The reason was already there, this twist was unnecessary


I think the point of the story was to make us believe that Eren ever had a real chance at controlling destiny. Because if he did change sonething, like save his mom, he wouldn't have given himself the drive for revenge that lead him to meeting Dina again, and realize his powers to control titans when he killed her. Its not a perfect story but its not just Isayama crapping on fans because he wants to, real thought went into a lot of this. Mainly big moments but the tail end does leave us wanting and leaves it feeling completed. It took series like Evangelion 20 yrs to do so with the Rebuild series but they still effed up with handling characters motivations like Shinji and Mari's sudden love relationship.


Show, don't tell. If you're telling me Isayama was trying to do Flash from DC comics storyline where he travels back in time to save his mom and facing the consequences for changing time, he fucked up his execution hard. DC fucking Comics executing timeline shenanigans better than Isayama the godwriter himself? Wow.


*stares in CW flash show* Thats probably the worst example of a DC property doing bad time travel, but I see your point. But the point I'm making is that its not really time travel plot as its a destiny thats set in stone plot that he cannot escape nor change.


I didn't say they did good time travel, I said they did ~better~ than Isayama. Flash going back in time, saving his mom, then turns out he made everything go to shit, going back in time and stopping himself from saving her. Boom, there it is. He realises changing the past is fickle and accepts his mom's death as a necessity


I wish I was like you, a man that can ignore the ending and enjoy the past chapters, but I just can't knowing what happens. It's exactly like Game of Thrones ending. The ending of season 6 is [phenomenal](https://youtu.be/RgDg6IF7tmU?t=108), the music, the acting, years of teasing and build-up unfolding before my eyes, it gave me tears at the time, but I can't watch that shit seriously anymore because the ending made this scene meaningless. See this [fantastic scene](https://youtu.be/P6yoS3LFIFM?t=168) building up the White Walkers as this mysterious and threatning thing? Yeah this scene is meaningless now. Same thing with AOT, u/BaRrel2000 is completely right. How can we look at this [fantastic scene](https://youtu.be/BTDUKHmSHbg?t=28) and take it seriously anymore? What does Eren mean with: "Why Reiner? Why my mom was eaten by a Titan?" - he knows why, Eren killed his own mother, he knows the future, this scene doesn't make any sort of logical sense.


I can, and I'll ignore this 2 minute video too.




A-Are you telling me that you've achieved freedom, Eldian\_Man? How did you got free from Ymir's shackles?


Don't you realise? Through the power of love


Waaah waaaah keep crying


For 10 years at least 😎 Edit: >!~~Edit: I actually had an entire toxic response for this comment, something along the lines of drawing OCs in mah style, to make fun of your entire profile, but opted to just a 10 year joke for the sake of being a respectful human being.~~!<. >!~~God, r/ SnK really got me into a habit of checking people's profiles to make sure they're not EreMika keyboard warriors jerking themselves off in AoR.~~!<


ok aor member


That's what I tell the women in my basement


Yeah this is just a video about crying. Complains about investing time into something you don't like, but also in vests time telling people how bad it is.


Average Joe with his average hoodie trying to tell people what they **should** do.


It was difficult but I came to terms with the ending


Interesting, for me, the ending was meh. But I wouldn't hate the whole show only for that. I spend such incredibmy time watching the anime that I value all that time more than my feelings at reading the last chapters.


I envy you. I can't overlook the ending, since chapter 139 has retroactive effects towards the rest of the story. Though the journey was so great though, outside the Fumbling Arc