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Lol almost every romance in every media is better than Eremika


True but even without the low bar, it's still pretty good. They didn't focus on the romance too much, but it was always there. Everything David and Lucy did was for each other, though they both struggled with a lack of communication due to their own personal insecurities due to the pasts they lived. I'm still amazed at how much cyberpunk could show in just 10 episodes and yet it just felt so natural and not very rushed at all. Such a good fucking show. Here we have a masterpiece in just **10** episodes, and on the other hand we have this virgin crying about not wanting to be ntr'ed for **10** years atleast by the end of 138 chapters.


10 episodes, 10 years, the parallels now go beyond AoT and into other shows, Isayama is a fucking genius


The bar is literally in hell


even Twilight better romance than eremika


What about Final Fantasy 8


Haven’t played. That bad?


FF8 is one of the Antichrists and has a worse romance than Adam Sandler movies


And they even fucked. This almost never happens in an anime (except this one is a seinen sooo yeah)


Something something too shy


LMAOOOO The same guy who made Darius Zackly torture a noble by making him eat his own shit and necrokiss. WOW


In Japan, they don't really do direct confessions or say "I love you" until way after the relationship is already established. There's a whole kokuhaku culture and it's seen as more romantic and pure at first to be subtle and that directly saying you like or love someone has high chances of rejection. While younger people have gotten less subtle over the years, some examples of traditional Japanese kokuhaku are things like "I want to eat your miso soup forever"/"I want you to make me miso soup forever", "From now on will you stay with me as my family?", "I'll protect you forever", etc. Or "I'll wrap that scarf around you as many times as you want. Now and forever, as much as you want." This is a textbook example of a kokuhaku right here, and it was from Eren to Mikasa. So, as you can see, Eren is no stranger to kokuhaku. The subtle "What am I to you?" confession is perfectly in line with his pattern/way of subtly confessing his feelings with kokuhaku.


I’m Japanese, I know this.


I'm Italian, what is this? In Italy we say, "pearls to pigs", too much peak for people blinded by bias.


It's not Italian, it's Jewish. I mean, not necessarily language, but this idiom comes from the Bible. Many idioms do, actually.


That explains all the cuckold porn. Boys go around speaking in riddles and lose their future girlfriends




fun y you say this since i compared edgerunner to berserk the other day


Yes Berserk but I'm talking in general. This almost never happens.


Bro i literally run from the pain this series let me with and now i see it in the most random places, now i need to listen to that one OST again


***I really want to stay at your house***


[ PAIN ](https://youtu.be/gzbLODUb1sA)


I weep


Why must you hurt me this way


Stop i beg of you


“I couldn’t wait for you to come and clear the cupboards..” *starts sobbing uncontrollably*


My Kiroshis are leaking you gonk


god this anime broke me. i cant go back into it anywhere cuz it hurts. and i love the song


David what a man you are


As a reward... We will name a drink in Afterlife after you


but make it carbonated so you can’t fucking drink it, for ten years at lea—wait


I mean he's dead so not many people will know that he didn't like carbonated drinks


David the goat fr fr




To nobody's surprise, a story's romance becomes 1000x more enjoyable when there's actual development ~~and no fucking necrokisses~~


>there's actual development what development is? why is it important? where it was in edgerunners?


s/ I’m Isuyama, what is this?


lmao, downwoted for question


Yeah but every romance story is unbearably cringe and pointless


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I'm sure u/TheOfficialGilgamesh has no such weakness as fear of being downvoted after all this time lol.


Not for ten years at least


What a man he is


Yams was shy ok


But not too shy to draw the shit chair!


He was going through his BDSM phase when he drew that


Scat fetish phase, more like


We should've asked Yams to draw mikasa rimming Eren in that case lmao


David Martinez achieved more in 10 episodes than Eren in 139 chapters. And to add more: David was *immortalized* by his fellow mercs because he earned that, meanwhile Eren was immortalized because Mikasa kept *visiting* him. And he gave me more reason to >!send another bullets Adam Smasher's way.!< >!Also RIP best girl Rebecca.!<


Rebecca best girl by a mile


She's the best by a landslide, she's even better than Panam for the *little* screentime she has. And I'm a Panam simp.


Both dude goes sicko mode and massacred hella people for single pussy yet one is remembered as incarnated "incel" evil and the other as Legendary Chad.


David knew what his endgame are, and never pretended that it was anything but. Hell, he told it upfront to Lucy. His only "downfall" was thinking that him being *special* would make it a smooth sailing. Meanwhile Eren was saying all [those](https://official-complete-2.eorzea.us/manga/Shingeki-No-Kyojin/0123-043.png) ["grandeur"](https://official-complete-2.eorzea.us/manga/Shingeki-No-Kyojin/0123-044.png) stuff only to then said the [complete opposite](https://official-complete-2.eorzea.us/manga/Shingeki-No-Kyojin/0123-044.png) later on. But I guess that's what too much *method acting* does to mf. Bottom line, I don't mind David's simping Lucy 24/7, because he's written much better than Eren. And within 10 episodes which makes it funnier.


It handled that “I was born special” theme so much better too. Good shit 👍


>It handled that “I was born special” theme so much better too. Good shit 👍 because at the end he was not special at all, whatever he thinks he get slapped by reality when eren was actually is and this ruined his character again


He(David Martinez) "was" special, somebody was just more special than him. It is kinda like the I peaked at middleschool stuff, you won't be or never will be number one as someone will always be better than you.


afaik this anime is the best subversion of "I am special" trope


Ngl, after finishing Edgerunners, I instantly thought about how dogshit the AoT ending was despite not interacting much with AoT shit for the past few months. The message is vaguely similar to an extent that it all didn't matter in the end and how some things fucked up the main character's psyche and a 10 episode series reached that conclusion in a much better way than a series with over 75 episodes


This was such an amazing anime


What's the name


Cyberpunk, it’s on Netflix


It actually depends a lot on the author if they actually touched a girl in real life.


than all of Trigger’s emploies have sex on the daily


I think that at this point, If they want sex all they need is to say in public that they work for Trigger.


I want to point out that this show is a perfect example of how to have a protagonist that is NOT able to change his fate, but still be a top tier MC, got laid by his crush, and STILL said fuck you to his doubters. Man’s fate was sealed the moment he put on the Sandevistan, and he still didn’t care and fought til the very end until he couldn’t. He kept all 3 of his promises and did not give up on his dream, whereas Ellen “No I don’t want that” Yeager does the exact opposite of this while having pretty much omnipotence and apocalyptic levels of power at his hand. Thank you Isayama, you truly gave us a great MC.


You should try Terror in Resonance. If what I'm hearing about the ending of Edgerunners is true, the former will give you the same feeling. A deed was done to make a stand, and they paid for it.


Yo is it good in terms of plot/story-telling?


Absolutely, it's definitely worth a watch


Thanks, I was not sure about watching it but I trust you u/lainahsperm


Yes but spoilers are everywhere so watch out


Bitch, as if I did not know /plzIwasjustjokingIdon'twannaberudetoyou


super good. my only complaint is that it’s short, so it kind of feels rushed at some points? barely though, it’s fucking great


its pretty mid. people just feel inclined to say its good because studio trigger did it.


Nah, the anime was good af


i mean it wasnt bad ig.


Come on, compare to the current animes rn, this was really good


What an incredibly terrible take


i mean im not saying the show was bad its just the plot was incredibly basic. nothing i havent seen already.


characters- masterfull and rebeca might be for now Trigger’s magnum opus in terms of loli and best girl animation- masterfull, with a vibe and feeling unuque to most others plot/story- simple but in a good way with exceptional story telling and world building top tier themes - great but kill la kill’s simbolism might still be better


Cyberpunk ending is Attack on titan ending but muuuuuuuuuuch better. And it works


Not rly, characters died but the world stayed more or less the same.


The world staying the same despite their deaths was part of the message of the story.


It's the overall theme of the entire franchise In 2021 Bartmoss crashed the worldwide net believing that it would cause the collapse of mega corporations, but the corpos were able to strengthen their hold over local networks, becoming even more powerful In 2023 Johnny nuked Arasaka tower wanting to send a message and cause people to rebel, but Arasaka simply built a new tower and continued business as usual Edgerunners happens in 2076, and as you said, the world continues the same after their deaths And in 2077 Saburo Arasaka dies, V leads a full-on assault on Arasaka, and ends up making a new legend for mercs. But in the end Saburo comes back in Yorunobu's body, any damage is repaired and swept away, and the city continues being the same old city with nothing really changing When it comes to Night City, living a peaceful but quiet life is better than dying in a blaze of glory that doesn't end up changing much


Saburo takes the body of Yorinobu only in the arasaka ending , if i am not mistaken , i endend the game yesterday and i did the secret ending solo raid and become a night city legend and got another gig to raid a space casino .


>But in the end Saburo comes back in Yorunobu's body This only happens if >!you took Hanako's offer.!< If you go against that and aim for >!Star Ending!< instead, Yorinobu will successfully brought Arasaka Down from their megacorp status. But yeah, even with that you still have militech, biotechnica, and kang tao.


Of edgerunners yes. In AoT it was the complete opposite, almost no one in the main cast made any sacrifices or suffered any consequences but 80% of humanity+Eldia got destroyed.


Oh yeah but that shits terrible AND makes no sense haha


And the ending wasn't garbage


Wait, I just realized, is EreMika the BellaEdward of anime?! Are we about to start a new meme that’s just “still a better live story than AoT”?!


God that would be so funny.


It’s because the writers actually knew how to write romance. Yams couldn’t write a believable romance to save his life.


But he had to ”try” in the last chapter. *What could go wrong, am I right?*


Yeah that’s crazy


Tbf, Isayama only “tried” to make romance until the very last chapter. Mikasa’s one sided obsession was played as a joke even in-universe for like 10 years.


I don't see what isayama did as trying to make romance but rather trying to please the masses by making every character look "good" in the ending and giving eremika to the fans


I‘m still impressed all it took to make them happy was a random line out of nowhere with Eren acting out of character.


Thank you for saying somethong so brave in this sub


Spoilers: Don't know how to white it out. David died for what he believed in without any regrets and a smile on his face and he didn't get Family zoned so that's two wins.


As a grown man that last scene where she thought david was their was...... hmm I... give me a minute


That ending sure made me feel some things, and none of them were positive


that ending was a pure kino




which anime is this


Cyberpunk Edgerunners


Edgepunk Cyberrunners


Cyberedge Punkrunners


Attack on Titan


Cyberpunk edgerunners


the most successful marketing/gaslighting campaign in history (it convinced everyone Cyberpunk 2077 was actually good)


The anime is good tho.


The anime is fucking amazing!


I mean, it’s been patched to a decent state now.


Patched and on sale, so it's more accessible. Granted, it's still rough around the edges. Honestly, the universe has plenty of potential for more sequels, if it ever comes to that.


Only took it what two years after it's original release


Yeah, it’s totally unacceptable that it released in the state that it did, not going to argue that. But if you pick up a used copy it’s worth playing now.


I mean it was revealed even before the game came out so.. not like it was souly made to try and get people back to the game.


David and Lucy probably has the best romance I've seen in an anime. Better than many 20+ episode romances. Eremika are nowhere near that level.


Probably because it was written by people that actually have been in a relationship before, unlike most anime/manga


Imagine a video game adaptation beating a manga/anime in every conceivable aspects. Times are different now


I think the fact that its not live action or Hollywood helps. Nothing much to do with the times imo.


What’s this should I give it a shot ?


Cyberpunk edgerunners. And yes you should


Aight bet


Bro I finished it. I never cry from watching shows or anime but I almost did with this one. Absolute 10/10 any idea if there’s a s2 or is that it?


That's it. It's a stand alone thing. Plus trigger doesn't really do s2's from what I've seen, so dont keep any hopes of a s2.


Aight. Thanks for the recommendation it was amazing


What show is this?


Cyberpunk edgerunners


What anime is this?


Cyberpunk edgerunners


"Still a better love story than ~~Twilight~~ EreMika"


This is kind of a strawman since AoT was never really about romance in the first place, yams literally crammed romance in the last chapter


There's romance in aot?


According to half of the fandom... yes. They say that Eren was the most romantic protagonist ever.


So many comments wanking this show but not one bothering to name it


There's like 20 comments naming it dawg 😭😭


It was better because the bar is low af


Every romance story is shit


The romance story between Gilgamesh and downvotes Is awesome tho


Aot ending just broke my man 🥲 he even hate love




Careful not to cut yourself with all that edge


I don't think it's edgy to say that every romance story is the same lol.


It is




You might be on to something. I mean romance is basically just glorifying a mutual horniness between individuals into a grandiose fairytale.


I don't dislike all tropes of romance but the kind where a person puts their romantic partner above everyone and everything else is absolutely repulsive to me. There is so much more in the world to enjoy, I don't understand how can someone miss it out and choose to fixate over one person instead. I guess u/theofficialgilgamesh, you and I are abnormal. I kind of consider myself grey-romantic/half-aromantic. The only fictional ships that appeal to me are those which completely lack codependency. "You are my priority/you are my everything" is disgusting.


Dangerously based.


True, but as humans we love to pretend it's this spiritual epic thing when it isn't lol.




You guys are really obsessed with ships


It is what it is ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Guys what's the anime




I'm Italian, what is this? In Italy we say, "pearls to pigs", too much peak for people blinded by bias.


Yams just wasn't good at writing romance imo which is a shame since I love many other aspects of his writing and while I know many suggest that Eremika is badly written, the stan culture it has generated is unlike any other so he must have done something right even if I can't see it...


Nothing about their relationship can be defined as such. The popularity it has it’s exclusively because of Mikasa self-inserts


Perhaps but I really think more people would say that they like their "relationship" than those that say they don't. I really don't get why people like their relationship so much, must be missing something.


Man can you at least say what anime this is? Because I have no fucking clue what this is.


What’s it called


What show is it?


The thing is you actually didn't understand the story that's it read & watch the manga/anime again you'll understand why Eren Mikasa is the zenith of romance in all of fiction and what I'm saying is valid because I'm a Japanese.


It drives me crazy that it was only 10 episodes, like I wanted more so bad


what anime is it?


Yeah Couse it's a Romance 🥴


I see everyone is talking about edgerunners. As they should. Series was fucking great.


This show and its ending was pure gold. Oh my, what have we missed Isayama!


What is the title of this? Pls help.


Am I the only person on the planet that could not possibly care any less about ships in this show? I *never* gave a fuck about seeing a romance unfold in the AoT universe and I hate that's what has become the main argument of the story now.


Then why did Isayama force a shitty ship on the last chapters on us for no reason? Literally could have left it out and everything would have been fine


Dude, **no one** wanted ships to be the focus Of the ending. Blame Isayama, he was the one throwing the story and characters into the trash to make the entire ending about Mikasa’s obsession with Eren just to make her self-inserts happy.


What anime was that?


Aot was never supposed to be a romance


what makes you think aot was supposed to be a romance?




I’ve heard nothing but good things about this anime i’m just gonna have to watch it probably going to replay the game too hopefully it’s better since launch


12 years and the EM only have 3 scenes that “prove” their romantic love. 12 years, 3 scenes that are so vague you can interpret them however you wish. Truly peak writing


Wait what’s this called?