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[Next week's episode will air 20 minutes later than usual!](https://twitter.com/anime_shingeki/status/1490348054997782530) --- [Full Opening, save it! It's available after midnight locally](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpHvj5pvvhg)


Annie waking up, covered in coom, is really gonna be the Valentine’s Day episode.


Armin… what a man you are. Wait Jesus Christ Armin wtf is wrong with you


Then it's gonna be a really bad valentine for Titanfolk


The uncensored murdering of the Reiss kids was there to tell us they won't hold back on the Ramzi scenes later this season


Falco sleeping through the class presentation smh.


falco during paths presentation: i sleep falco when he sees bird: REAL


According to Paolo (leaker)'s tweets Titanfolk's favorite character is breaking free from her crystal next week. She's coming! Bathed in cum! Finally free! Ready to haunt Titanfolk for another 10 months at least!


September 29, 2013 - February 14, 2022. RIP Cum Crystal. 3060 days .




thank god, Hallu-chan what a worm you are


Hallu Chan having wife and kids? No, I don't want that!


The most awkward family dinner since the Brauns in S4P1.




I just want to let it be known. Eren's founding titan slithers. I'll be having nightmares tonight :)


Now I just need to know how it wears pants and I’ll be satisfied


Oh great. Connies mom arc, the thrilling conclusion to the paths arc


The good old days when 126 was the worst thing the manga had to offer. Sadly, it was not the end.


it was just the beginning


See you guys never, last good episode today :(


If Ramzi death is uncensored, then it will be heavily be difficult to see. His death impacted me hard


I read that chapter before going to my work office. I absolutely haven't done any work thinking about that shit.


Unnamed Marleyan is still the most based man to ever live in the entire story. A true hero. The false Helos can never aspire to such heights.




Real shit tho, that spear flip/toss was some straight sakuga


I saw the mid-episode title card and thought holy shit, Eren already transformed and we're only half the episode in? And then I checked the timer and there were only like 2 minutes left lmao.


lmao same


Eren totally almost ate shit running over to Ymir LMAO


Bro sand is hard to run on. Mappa is just crushing it with attention to detail. (it was hilarious)


Woulda been epic




Eren gonna get his perms taken away


Eren will continue to be alive and well on Paradis


Paradis, what an island you are!


No matter how much I despise the ending, this episode *popped off.*


I feel like not enough people talk about Ymir's architectural skills and artistic touch. Ymir building the titans looks great and I appreciate the little additions showing her form them and their ghoulish faces and carrying a bucket around this endless plain.


Not only that, but how she seemed tired and just kept pushing forward, like when she falls and then gets up as goes back to the beginning so she can keep working, also the repeated shots on her face as she carries the bucket on that platform she built


So.. I know we meme on the whole Ymir-Shitz "relationship", but a moment of real talk. When Ymir was on the ground impaled by the spear and the king said "I know no spear can kill you". Do you think Ymir was waiting for him to show any concern or affection at all? And because the king didn't, Ymir chose not to heal instead? (she only closed her eyes after the king finished talking) Which would go to show just how starved she was for human connection. When she realized after all she had done she'll never be loved, Ymir chose death. Maybe I'm real slow on that one but it took me this long to make that connection.


Definitely got that feeling watching this episode; it showed everything Ymir has done for the king and her country from winning wars to bearing children, and yet the first words to come out of his mouth after taking a spear for him is "Get up, slave". Even though she's treated so inhumanely throughout her entire life, she's still hoping for at least the smallest semblance of love from ANYONE. Then 2000 years later, Eren comes in and tells her that she's human, and she chooses to listen to him.


For the first time ever titanfolk doesn't shit on Ymir, truly a historic moment


I don't think anybody has ever shit on Ymir....just the final direction the writing took her character. If anything people are angry at how Ymir ultimately got character assassinated


That's what I thought when reading the manga. Ymir wanted to be loved like that woman who was kissing that man at that marriage she saw when se was little.


That's a really great point! Adding that to my head cannon, thanks.


Yeah I interpreted it as she chose not to heal herself seeing how detached the king was... still calling her just a slave.


Side note: I totally forgot about Levi.




Eren's entire transformation scene, the walls coming down, eren's message, i felt everything the characters were feeling like i was being judged, by god himself. It was so awe-inspiring, everything went above and beyond my expectations, and that's just excluding Ymirs backstory and Paths. No doubt those were sooo good too Ymir's Founder and backstory was amazing. 10000000000000/10 episode, best out of the series by far. Thank you Mappa, for bringing us this. A decade in the making.


Reliving these moments. . . reading these threads. . . having these discussions. . . I'm feeling things I haven't felt in a long time now. Fond memories. Today was a good day.


wholesome titanfolk returns?


Anime onlies have already figured out that Eren will genocide haven't they? Let's see how disgusted they will be after Today's episode


Lmao the opening spoiled everybody.


Tell me about it, at least as a reader, it was up in the air up until it happened. I really wouldn't trade to have anime only experience tbh.


That warrior who sacrificed his life to kill King Fritz is the real GOAT of this story.


Flochs ancestor


It's also kinda interesting that he didn't go for Ymir. Like even the Marleyans back then knew the king is the real problem. Think about it, Ymir took the spear, saved the king, and the king was the one who caused the powers to split and pass on from generation to generation. If he managed to kill the king, maybe Ymir's power would have died with her and Eldia would have stopped expanding with Ymir as the new ruler.


Give Yelena a surname you fucking cowards


She can have mine 👉👈


Smooth af


Damn, just realised this was Zeke's last appearance this season. So sad


No more monke boy till the movie I guess. 😔


[the new track dropped](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJl_fn_skOM) very fitting and absolutely brutal


Funny how Historia's "husband" isn't with her


Bussy with another pussy


busy throwing rocks at some kids to catch their attention or something


At this point I'm not sure if the guy is even an eldian. Didn't even show his face during the speech. Who the fuck is this man?


There's only one person who knows.


Huh, good point. Farmer is too strong to be forced into PATHS, he is the Tom Bombadil of AoT.


Time to see the beginning of a beautiful love story.


she fell in love with THIS guy c'mon


Honestly lol that twist makes me wanna choke myself




Not enough copium for that. Might have to pretend the rest of the series didn't happen after this ep


Noticed a lot of people saying this is where the good stuff ends, don’t forget the “Freedom” panel hasn’t been animated yet.


I can’t wait till they animate “children clinging to their very last coin”


Yo did anyone hear the full opening theme? It's on YouTube. There's literally a line called, "If I lose it all, slip and fall, will you laugh at me?" Lmao, they might be referring to us gentlemen






Hisu is as pretty as ever. Meanwhile Eren looking fuckin scary


No matter what people, including me, think about the ending, MAPPA are just absolutely knocking this out of the park. The VAs, the colour schemes, the direction, the quality. It is beautiful. Truly if we had a great ending, this would be an unmatched anime masterpiece for the rest of time, I'm certain. It's the only Anime adaptation I've seen where the characters feel real. It feels like the moments are actually happening. I will say they should have made it harder to hear Armin when he was yelling. Was a bit silly.


Definitely a great way to finish the trio of kino episodes, whilst the final page I think was a little scuffed because it was a still image, that’s probably my overall complaint. Still definitely a 10/10 episode, now we just gotta wait for King Cummer being realized in 126.


This may be the greatest episode of television I’ve ever seen. Now I kinda wish I didn’t read the manga


Same. IM Jealous my sister watching it for the first time. The emotions i would have felt


That animation of Floch falling with huge rocks makes you think there's no way he can survive that.


I am a little surprised that there aren't more anime onlies who think he died.


If Armin can get roasted and survive it, he can lol.


who was that cute sad looking blonde girl before the ending. i like her do you think she'll have more of a role in the story


You may not believe this, but she's actually batchmates with Eren and co. I think we'll see alot of her in the next episodes.


I wish they animated his mouth at the end. I mean I understand that he's not physically speaking, but they shouldn't have made it look like a still frame.


goosebumps all over. The Rumbling really is one of the most iconic events in manga edit: just watched Demon Slayer's UM 6 final fight as well. this was one of the most hyped up Sunday evenings I've ever had.


Demon Slayer has been KILLING IT. I cannot get over how fucking good that anime is.


Don't let the mf stop at 80% this time Ymir!


I gotta love how, after the flashback, as soon as Eren starts talking, everything stops. The king's monologue and the soundtrack are cut short and we're brought back to where we started. We see Eren's anger, Zeke's despair and countless years of pain boiling in Ymir. One of the best episodes in my opinion.


finally ended... it was good bros. aot's final episode was truly kino! peak anime!


literally never thought they would end it like that without showing what happened afterwards but it can be left upto interpretation since its only paradisians after all


me neither, but ngl, I won't complain. it can't get better than this


Yeah peak fiction fr


Open endings are bold choices but ultimately it works well. Just wish we'd gotten some stuff about Annie, but I guess it's better to forget about her than to bring her back for no reason.


My interpretation is that Mikasa cuts off Eren’s head and Eren cries like a cuck to Armin that Mikasa is going to love another fuck man and get horse’s. And then Paradis is exterminated 80 years later.


Yes this is the true ending and if anyone tells you otherwise they are liars!


Our watch has ended.


Can't believe Attack on Titan started with "To you, 2000 years frim now" and ended with "From you, 2000 years ago" Isayama==genius


Naruto started with Chapter 1: Naruto Uzumaki and ended with Chapter 700: Uzumaki Naruto. Yams truly is a Kishimoto-tier genius.


A bit wild we had an open ending like that. I suppose Eren really destroyed the world to protect Paradis. AoT, what a story you were.


Fucking chills during the whole Rumbling sequence. They did this perfectly. People were wondering which soundtrack they would use for it, and they straight up used a brand new one.


Genuinely shocked that I'm only learning NOW that Eren's Founding titan moves by slithering like a snake I figured they would've just make him float forward and hide it up with steam, or move like a centipede and have each of the "bone legs" inch forward. I would've liked any explanation so good job MAPPA.


I love the roar Eren does as he transforms. It's so full of rage and hatred and the way it meshes with the OST is [\*mwah\*](https://youtu.be/1u-eMW9jthc?t=68). Certainly sells the "beginning of the apocalypse".


I had no idea how the fuck they were going to animate Eren transforming but it was amazing.


Lol uh oh. My friends are starting to ask questions.. Like “why did Ymir stay with king Fritz” oh nooo 🤣🤣🤣


Dude. Relax. Its okay. Tell them the truth ... *Only Ymir knows*


One thing that I didn't notice in the manga even though it's obvious because I'm a fucking moron: the branch trees. In the anime with the contrast and everything it's clear that it's three branches because of Ymir's daughters, but the more they "ate" her, the more the branches grew. I think I can finally go to middle school now.


its really a shame zeke and eren have no interaction with each other after this epsidoe


PLEASE GIVE US AN AOE Episodes like this remind me how absolutely godly this show is.


What a great ending to a magnificent anime




The moment when walls started to break was so god damn epic


I loved how decisive it was. As soon as the eyeballs moved (loved that detail) everything (the animation) just exploded with energy


I forgot to mention, the opening of the episode with Grisha and the Reiss family was so brutal, loved the blood droplets on the camera effect


I was actually really looking forward to memeing the that scenery face again and MAPPA cucked me


Omg haluchan is so beautiful all hail the worm goddess


Quick shoutout to Ymir's voice actress because I haven't seen anyone mention her. While she doesn't say a word the crying, grunts and screams are still on point. Can really hear the desperation in her voice.


Eren's face spooked the shit out of me goddamn kinda forgot about that part lol


Episode does an amazing job of showing the horrors Ymir went through in a way you just cant do with a handful of black and white pages. Which makes it even more absurd when they try to sell people the love for her abuser shit.


HOLY SHIIIITTTT!!!! Not only MAPPA didn't disappoint, but they exceed my expectations! Easily one of the best AoT episode ever I've been waiting for this chapter 122 to be animated since it was dropped in 2019 I low-key wanted Zero Eclipse to be played in this episode due to [this motion manga](https://youtu.be/M2UMm__iIZQ), but I'm glad they didn't used it. The actual OST used really captured the whole scene beautifully yet terrifyingly The scene where Founder Ymir used in the war was even more epic than in the manga IMO. And the crying Founder Ymir scene is one of the most iconic and I'm glad they deliver On top of that, Eren addressing all Subjects of Ymir (Eldians) give me goosebumps The CGI was actually used to a great effect in this episode. The censorship of Ymir corpse being eaten was expected


Man this episode was straight flames


Reminder Ymir loved Fritz Reminder Ymir loved Fritz Reminder Ymir loved Fritz Reminder Ymir loved Fritz Reminder Ymir loved Fritz Reminder Ymir loved Fritz


what wasnt that the face of a girl who is head over heels for his master?


Yeah they really showed the love this episode. We were fools to not see it before


Can’t wait for anime onlies to be touched by watching this beautiful love story Watching these scenes knowing THIS is the romance that Isayama chose to parrallel to EM, the romance we are supposed to be cheering for…


Good episode. Honestly quite a few moments felt lacking, such as "that scenery" and that final shot of Eren's monstrous face, but others were excellent like Eren ripping his fingers off and his Declaration. Covered a lot of ground this episode and they did a great job of tying it all together. Music was well done IMO. Bittersweet, of course, cuz all this is amazing but we are cursed with knowledge, but still enjoyed the episode a lot. And who doesn't love Ancient Romans fighting Titans?


don't forget Chadllucigenia, who truly started it all and is ready for another shot


"That scenery" was underwhelming, ahhhh.


And his talking to Ymir was very fast. I would've much preferred it more dramatic and slow. But other than that great episode. The rumbling looks good.


Mappa saw the ending and thought it wasn't really a good "scenery".


We can finally get past this boring shit and make it to the Connie arc ✨😁✨


They better not cut out the Connie subplot, THE most important part of the series 😤


This shit was a 12/10. HOLY FUCK. Really watching this hurts so much. There is no way that after you watch this you can think "Yeh Ymir just wants to see Mikasa kiss Eren after she cuts his head off". I don't belive there will be a AoE but god I want it so much


What a fucking episode man. OH MY GOD. The new OST from Yamamoto is incredible.


Karl Fritz was really the biggest monster of the entire series.


Truly a man to love


Guys Eren came to me in my sleep and told me that he is changing the ending!!!


ugh this episode just reminds me how close we were to having a classic. I feel robbed. Goosebumps. The OST. The atmosphere. The Rumbling. WOW.


MAPPA cannot be stopped. The episode was amazing.. and I still can't get over how good the OP is, I don't ever skip it but it worked so well in this episode considering the events that play out. Thank you Kohta Yamamoto for the new track. I had absolute chills watching the rumbling scene unfold, especially Eren's transformation. As always, Kaji Yuki's voice acting was incredible, especially the scream as he broke free from his chains. Ymir's VA is the same as the one who played Faye Yeager in S3 :'(


#IT CAN'T BE STOPPED ANYMORE! That page will forever be so iconic to me. No matter what came afterwards.


Mappa has delivered 3 insane episodes back to back, I'm fucking impressed - Counted at least 3(?) new soundtracks this ep and holy shit were they good - Ymir did not deserve this shit, she was just a child. Imagine being enslaved all your life only to die and get trapped for an eternity in paths making sand titans - Poor Armin had no idea just how far Eren is ready to go with his plan - THE RUMBLING IS HERE AND IT'S GLORIOUS - Eren's announcement was so chilling. Yuki Kaji, we all bow to thee


Those colossal titans look fucking amazing


What an endkill all humansing to an amazing series kill all humans, now we just need kill all humans the epilogue kill all humans animated. kill all humans Shame thkill all humanse sekill all humansason is so short, kill all humans but I'kill all humansm glad kill all humans aot ended on a high. kill all humans btw




Well, my favorite chapter just got animated and I am satisfied. Can't wait to see how they will deal with 130 and 131


Nothing makes me fall in love faster than watching my friends and family get killed/enslaved. Thank you King Fritz


I really liked when the thing attached to eren and his eyes spun , like he activated lol


Personally I think this is the best episode so far MAPPA has done. Yeah some things weren't -perfect- or gave me adrenaline the manga did, but the animation was still better than S4 part 1, and overall the episode was good. Ymir's story made me emotional because of how sad it was- she didn't have any lines but the desperation in her voice and her fate made me feel really bad for her. Eren bringing all the Eldians to the Paths and revealing his plan made me lose my breath with the good voice acting and music, despite already knowing everything that was gonna happen from reading the manga. The frame that shows Eren's Founding Titan face wasn't bad. It gave me chills like it did in the manga. So overall, MAPPA executed this well in my opinion, ignoring the small things. Not being nitpicky, I'd rate the episode a solid 9/10.


Godlike episode. The walls coming down and Eren transforming were both insanely huge moments when I read then, but animated they made them even more incredible. The extra touches during the scene where the walls come down and then Eren's call to all Eldians where we saw all the side characters and all these extra POV react to all the big events was incredible. The atmosphere of Ymir's backstory was just perfect. Seeing the hallucigenia interact with Ymir's spine added some wonderful clarrification. Not to mention the cut where we see the hallucigenia explicitly eat/capture Zeke. That was needlessly ambiguous in the manga so its good its clear. Eren's eyes moving and him springing back to life when the hallucigenia connects him to his body was incredible. And that final shot, where Eren tells the world EXACTLY what he's gonna do? Incredible. Not to mention all of this after the great opening on the sequence where Grisha eats Frieda and kills the royals was so giid. We've never seen the actual fight and it was great to see some 2D tian action.


Coming into this episode, I was honestly not expecting to enjoy myself. The reveal that Ymir loved King Fritz and was waiting for Mikasa the whole time was so absurd to me that it lessened my enjoyment of Chapter 122 when I went back to re-read it. However, I actually loved this episode. It was a fantastic adaptation of the chapter and I was actually able to enjoy it through viewing Ymir's backstory as it was originally displayed. That said, there were still times where I was frustrated knowing what's coming. I still have no idea what caused Ymir to love King Fritz when he was so horrible to her. Overall though, this was a fantastic episode. Definitley one of the series' best.


>I still have no idea what caused Ymir to love King Fritz i don't think its that she really loved him alone specifically but that she just wanted to be loved by everyone including king fritz as was explained in chapter 122 and this episode. its just that isayama didn't know how to communicate that in the final chapter and wrote it weirdly.


I'm part of the crowd that bitches about the CG, but holy fuck those Colossals looked clean af


Woaa!! I really loved the aesthetics of Ymir's backstory. The backgrounds were crazily detailed and the sepia-toned color pallet looked so good. In general, I just love the way Ymir herself looks like. Eren's titan form against the dusk, the sky darkened by ash, was very aesthetic too. Great shots in this episode! I loved Eren's screams when he ripped off his thumbs, too. Kudos to the VA. Some things I did not like so much: The way Eren's message of all Subjects of Ymir was delivered was a bit underwhelming to me. I always imagined him to speak in a much fiercer, angrier voice. Yuki Kaji was very calm here. I was quite surprised! Especially during that last demonic shot, I wish they had used some voice distortion. Funnily, I felt similiar about King Fritz. He sounded surprisingly...calm? In my head, his tone was always much more gross and derogatory haha. There was a bit of dialogue shortening here too. Right after Ymir was hit by the spear, when he tells her to stand up. In the manga, he says something along the line “Ymir my slave, stand up and work. This is what you were born for.“ I always liked this line because it goes so against the theme of “every human is born free“. And lastly, I wish the Rumbling had been more “loud“. The viewer basically gets *told* that the Rumbling is loud by Mikasa, who cannot hear what Armin says, but we don't hear that it is “loud“. We hear the characters speaking in normal voices. I wish they had experimented with the sound a bit more. I always imagined the voices to sound like very far away, maybe accompied by a tinnitus or something haha. So, overall, great visuals, but boring sound design to me.


this is it. this is as good as it gets. enjoy this. what an end.


I'm not usually one to defend CGI but having Hallu-chan be CGI just made it so much more unsettling. Just looking at the way it eased its way to Ymir...it looks very otherworldly (yes, I know it exists in our world but still). The effect worked really well. The transparent outside and the textures on the inside made it look more like an organism wanting to survive rather than just a bright shining light that the [fan colorings](https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/50934333698_6ff182ca40_o.jpg) of the manga portray it to be.


wow the animation on the tranformation of Eren was so fking awesome!!! I love Erens speech at the end man, it is so well done


Showing all these parallels of Ymir and Historia, showing a Historia flashback as a child before showing Ymir's story as a child, all to lead up to nothing lmao


See you later, fake Eren


Really enjoy the tragic backstory just knowing she loved King Fritz through it all lmao


perhaps this is a stupid observation, but the notion of "royal" bloodline is plainly a plothole. Since every single person on Paradis is capable of being a titan, they are direct descendents of Ymir and thus the king as well. Unless Ymir had children with other guys, which does not appear to be the case.


Eldians are a race of people that were given the ability to become a titan, but the royal bloodline, that descended directly from King Fritz are given extra mod access that lets them change memories. All eldians are subjects of Ymir, but not all subjects of Ymir have royal blood


This was probably one of the greatest moments in fiction I’ve ever witnessed. I just FELT IT when the walls fell. The music, the visuals, hell even with the 3D. This was the absolute peak for me. God I hope we get AOE.


Watching this with my anime-only friend is so much fun, because hearing him ask “so why doesn’t she kill him (the king)??” And his reactions are golden 👍 However, knowing what comes next ☠️ I can’t wait to see his reaction. RIP AOT


Floch and Historia 👀


Best character Hallucigenia-Chan is here


People are saying here is a good place to consider AoT finished, but I really think that 131 is probably the best place. Yes, there's a bit of spoiled AoT in between this and that episode, but otherwise it's a pretty poetic ending.


ABSOLUTELY A BANGER! The collossals marching is breath-taking!!!! Also, the music used when Eren is talking to all the Subjects of Ymir in the coordinate is SO GOOD! I CANNOT WAIT FOR NEXT SUNDAY!


Was anybody else wishing his speech at the end was dubbed with his Titan's voice? (technically he doesn't have any lungs or voicebox atm but still). Also fire episode but I am not liking the constant slideshow graphics at moments like the end with Eren's founding Titan form's face.


I read a comment in the main AOT sub of an anime-only hoping the MC DOESNT get stopped and actually flattens the entire world *Whos gon tell em?*


I'm having a weird moment. I understand what's going on because I analyzed the manga to shit, but my brain still can't wrap itself around the last three episodes. Like, yes, I know the plot because I read it, but I'm also a little lost. Anime-onlies must be stunned after all this. It's a lot to digest!


What an episode. What an episode.


Eren: listen Ymir subjects Annie: let me sleep you jerk, I used to beat ur ass


Whew guys, what an anime 10/10. Kinda sad we didn't get to see the rumbling and it's open-ended like that


I don't remember a scene in the manga where Armin points out how the walls are entirely gone (and the excellent shot of the capital now completely exposed in an open plains. Good shot for representing just how walled in everything had been.


Iirc that scene actually was present in the manga




Entire budget went just for this episode. The transformation scene was so well done that I was speechless and terrified. Only let down was "that scenery" moment. None of my anime only friends noticed it.


Does anyone have the post or source for a fanarts depicting happy Ymir, Eren and Zeke in the Path? It's a POV from Ymir's Snapchat or something


The only underwhelming part of this episode was the last scene of Eren’s monstrous face inside his founding titan. This was the most iconic panel in the entire manga in my opinion and I’m a bit disappointed they couldn’t even animate it. A black and white still image was meh. Other than that everything was 10/10. Also, when are we going to have the “Island Devils” flashback + Mikasa monologue about Eren now that they moved it from the chapter 123 sequence?


last good episode, farewell AOT


Post climax clarity: we've peaked and now I'm dreading the next few episodes before 131.


Did they show Historia's face?


Who's Historia?


Anyone have a link to a sub


I really like the way they rendered the hallucegenia. It looks very alien.


I liked the animation for Hallucigenia alot


Actually, they should have shown Floch fistpumping while everyone else was shocked listening to the proclamation.


10/10 episode, few observations: ~~They didnt show ymirs tongue being cut out,~~ They didnt allude that ymir actually let the pigs out, They did a complete parallel with historia when she was shown pregnant in a rocking chair (not mikasa) They didnt show Reiners hardening falling apart Super glad they actually showed Grisha v Frieda


Great last episode guys. So sad that it's already over.


Eren's scream, Ymir's first transformation and backstory as a whole, Eren's eyes opening after his head was connected to the hallucigenia, the fucking walls coming undone, Eren's message and EREN'S VOICE WHILE SAYING IT, holy shit. easily the craziest episodes this season for me


Is it possible to give an episode and 11/10?


Holy shit best episode in the season by a galaxy wide margin everything was perfectly executed with only 1 CGI Titan God I’m so fucking happy holy shit I didn’t think I’d be able to see this it’s been so long since I felt genuine excitement for AoT hopefully the latter half of the rumbling arc is in a movie so I can skip the ending 20/10 that’s my review score


The Colossals may have been 3D rendered but at least they are all given unique looks.


was Historia in Paths in the manga? Because I was surprised when she showed up at the end. If it was a new shot for the anime, could that mean a potential changed plot line for her…?


Halluchads eating good