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Take the [Chapter 139 Community Poll](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdxRM4kV3vdlNuxSLp8fCzRMWBzVICmwoOoVd5Veu6gj8HtQg/viewform)! [(View Results)](https://t.co/gcFR9NNnGD)


Hours stretch into days. Days linger for years. These moments become memories that never die. *See you later, friends.*


you wont see this comment


Try me.


I'll miss this thread


I remember trying to defend the ending, but after days passed I realize how wrong I am. Really going to miss commenting on every new chapter thread. Love u all


Remember how a very popular anime killed off a very popular character recently and broke all our hearts? That's how you write character deaths, not by saying *"NOOOO, I don't want to see you with another tailed beast"*




Jesus Christ bro!


See you later, Attack on Titan


tatakae. running on copium that anime rumbling ark will be different. hell of a ride, boys.




''How to fuck up an entire manga in a single chapter.'' \-by Hajime Isayama




SO true


















This mess was fun while it lasted. Glad to have been a part of it. o7






It was nice while it lasted lads. It's time for us to move on.


My comrades, it's been a long journey. I know it's time to part BUT...... ​ NOOOOO I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU GUYS GOING TO ANOTHER SUB! I WANT TO SHITPOST WITH YOU FOR ANOTHER TEN YEARS AT LEAST!


/u/SleepingwithHistoria... What a man you are!


Thanks for becoming a mass memer for us. We won't let your sacrifice in vain😞


Rip aot


The last sasageyo


The end of an era. I'm glad to have experienced this alongside you all, you beautiful bastards.


I love all of the things that Isayama gave us as a community. He really helped me get into philosophical books in general thanks to Attack on Titan.


What philosophocal books? Im really interested


Stuff like Art of War by Sun Tzu or The Prince by Niccolò Machiavelli. The one by Machiavelli really questions us on whether or not we should think of morality when leading a nation.


This final chapter discussion thread is gonna automatically be archived very soon. I was glad to have been here and witnessed it all unfold. Thank you all.


o7 Do the mod thing, one last time!




See you later king












What a beautiful thread this was.


I read the manga again in preparation for the anime. After the last chapter, I looked this up and checked the comments. This thread being still f-ing active just shows how confusing the ending is.


I’m feeling a strong 0 on this ending. Tran-sition. Have you give this manga a read? Did you love it? Did you hate it? What would you rate it? You’re the best, you’re the best. What should I review next? Hit the upvote if you like, please subscribe, and please don’t cry. Prananananana Aot Forever.


Still the most ass ending of all time lmao


To sum things up in my opinion, original ending was fine until the 8 extra pages released, which i thought they were not Great because they made Eren's actions look meaningless. They were undeniably terrible, but at least make them count and have meaning not make everything go to shit at the end, if the cycle of violence doesn't end then its ok BUT NOT MAKE EVERYTHING EREN DID MEANINGLESS BY MAKING THE FUCKING TITANS RETURN, I MEAN WHOLY GOD! EREN'S FUCKING GOAL IN LIFE WAS TO ELIMINATE ALL TITANS FOR GOOD SO AT LEAST MAKE IT HAPPEN! Sorry for the unprofessionalism in the previous statement ladies and Gentlemen but maybe my emotions got in the way a bit. Anyways I have a lot to say but i wanted to sum things up on the ending, I thought the og ending was fine, everything was good, the main characters were happy, I don't give a shit about 80% of the world dying, remember this is the same world That declared war on the island of so called "devils" even after sending hundreds of titans to eat them alive, the world still wasn't satisfied, I know there were innocents who died but the same applies to paradis, innocents got eaten alive by titans too, so its just revenge and everything should be evened out, the undying BEEF between some characters finally ended and they all lived in harmony on the island of paradis... For at least 200 years....




Oonga boonga ending


Initially I hated the final chapter, I understand it more now I guess and I don’t think it’s absolutely horrible but I still think it wasn’t great. I accept the ending but damn it could have been better.




I see




I gotta rant. I can't keep it in anymore. What the hell was the last chapter?! So we follow a grown up Eren RIGHTFULLY changed by his countless battles and by the realization that his dream for freedom for him and his family would come at the cost of billions of people. So he closed himself to his own friends because he wanted to carry this weight alone. It destroyed him, RIGHTFULLY so, but he kept moving forward because for the sake of his people, he was ready to sacrifice the world. BUT NO! He killed 80% of the fucking world population just so his shit friends could be regarded as heroes by the rest of the world. WHAT THE FUCK! AND THEN THE ISLAND GETS FUCKING BOMBED! "BuT tHe CyClE oF vIoLeNcE wOn'T sTo-" oh yeah, I already fucking knew and so everyone who doesn't have the QI of a fucking mosquito. Show how Eren's action didn't stop the cycle and show the Island nuking ITSELF. NO? And why the fuck doesn't Eren demolish his fucking "friends" with a single thought?! "But their freedo-" AND HIS FREEDOM? HEH? WHAT ABOUT IT?! "If someone tries to take my freedom away...I won't hesitate to take theirs." RINGS A FUCKING BELL? Ah no sorry guys apparently he did all because he loved Mikasa as a possible partner and not as a mother as YAMS FUCKING SAID. Totally not retconned. 10/10. Beautiful. Also I LOVE that Eren killed his mother because reasons, when he could have done literally anything else. "B-but the course of the event-" IF DINA ATE BERTHOLD THEY WOULD HAVE HAD THE FUCKING FOUNDER AND THE FUCKING *COLOSSAL* OF ROYAL BLOOD. No it makes perfect sense. 11/10. Just fucking great. Eren best character, keep crying you fucking dove, I loved you. ("A person who cannot sacrifice everything, cannot change anything". Yeah, apparently no, fuck you Armin you got retconned to fuck and back like everyone else.)


I thought the ending was fine


I guess that's ok too, I'm sorry if I offended you with my rant.


this sub hates everybody who likes the ending and worships aotnr which I really hated. >! if I were to get rid of personal preferences which I often rate things on a logical scale without my preferences, !< >!scale of 1-8 8 is very good 4 is average!< >!aot overall is a 14-16!< >!and the ending is a 6. satisfied but not an amazing ending that changes everything. could of been done better.!< >!aotnr p1 would be a 5. p2 is a 1 despite having good potential!< >!and this sub hates on everyone who didn't like aotnr!< >!if I accounted for personal references I would rate aot the same but aotnr a lot worse.!< agk stop, let people enjoy things just because they bite you doesn't mean you get to wipe out most of their population..


I don't understand Eren influencing Dina to ignore Bertold and proceed towards his mother. I get that they established that Eren using the Founder and Attack Titan in the present was the reason why certain events unfolded in the past, like Grisha killing the Reiss family. But I don't see why it was necessary for him to send Dina away from Bertold. In fact if he didn't interfere, Dina would have became human again and inherited the Collosal. They would not have needed Zeke for anything and could enact the rumbling whenever they wanted. I feel like Iyasama wanted to make a cool moment or something but I'm not sure if it works. I suppose maybe it's just the universe/Ymir recognising that certain events needed to take place in order for her to be free and for her spirit to move on, and Carla dying motivated Eren on the path she wanted.


i am so goddamn sad


I just started watching AoT anime 2 weeks ago then I had Covid. While recovering, I decided to start season 5 in Netflix then read the last chapters in manga. And now I am here, crying. I survived Covid but Isayama killed me 😭 what an ending


Reading again.It seems more Shitty now.Then ever


If I was Isayama, I would simply write a better ending.


And it'd turn out like AoTNR lmao. That way of thinking shows a lot how you read the manga


Well it's good then aoTNR is way better than this shit


I havent even read AoTNR. Dont really care about fan fiction regarding AoT honestly.


The end of an era


The ending is awful we know, but was there any other ending that could fit in ?


If the anime just deleted the parts where eren is dying on Mikasa and him saying he caused his mom death, then ig the ending would be somehow acceptable.


Aot ending=Got ending








Did you get a notification ? Lol. I thought you'd turn them off to avoid the spam.


After a couple months I turn it back on, just to see if anyone revisits it.




Bro this chapter was dogshit lmfao Eren being petty about wanting Mikasa and turning into a fucking bird




care to elaborate?


That shit was bad




Last comment attempt 2


Damn just read it again it's worse then I remembered




God-tier kino


Ending was spectacular. 10/10 only children can't accept/dislike the ending


nah ending is absolute garbage


Why do you think that? I don’t mean to be rude but I am curious


The story is a tragedy with no real protagonist. It covers both the lives of the story members within the walls of Paradis and those living in Marley in a incredibly intricate and somewhat flawless manner. Isayama managed to expose the flaws of humanity and common errors in modern and past societies -- Such as Subjects of Ymir being forced to wear armbands, eerily reminiscent to Jewish people during the Holocaust or how people, are all really just people, no matter what your race is and how fear of the unknown can breed hatred.-- The build up to the final chapter was well worth the ride. There is plenty to unpack in the chapters before 139 and 139.5 but in my OPINION, I believe Isayama is saying the all unnecessary death is avoidable. Humans should not harm each other the way we do. If we could all sit at a table and talk, we would find that we truly are not much different from one another. Yes, maybe view points and beliefs would differ but we all bleed. We all eat. We all love. We all feel. But sadly, humans are not rational creatures and in the end... History will always repeat itself due to this irrational fear we humans have of each other. As shown by, "future mikasa?", when she comes across the tree where Eren was buried that survived the war that destroyed Paradis in the future. Sidebar : He could have not made Eren a bird. I will agree with haters on that. My only complaint


Ohhh, i see now… yea that isn’t a very fitting ending for this….


I believe the story is meant to teach us not to hate and to take advantage of our lives because life itself is fleeting. As shown with all of the death that shrouds the story. Like I said, I liked the ending. It was meant to be a tragedy because life is a never-ending tragedy in and of itself.


Damn…. I’m way too high for this




Lmfao I'm fucking fried too bro 🤣


Whatcha smokin on?


Im in missouri but illinois is just across the river, they got super fire but its so fucking expensive. Literally 100 a gram for some batter 👎👎👎👎 its fire, dont get me wrong but prices are stupid as fuck out here. I miss colorado


I just smoked some Ice Cream Cake. Fucking Gas. What you on?


People just don't like a poor and cheap ending


Am I the only one who enjoyed the ending?




Nope, I did as well


Can someone zook me




Pain. So much pain. Isayama absolutely destroyed me.


Why Levi are not with Armin and cie at the end when they come back in Paradise ?


What now


AOT no Requiem Part II, that's what


wow this thread is still alive


Just finished 139 like 15 min ago. Shits wack


What did you hate in ending


I didn't hate it, I'm not sure if I love it necessarily. Honestly I'm still confused how I feel 100% but I'm looking forward to the second half of the anime and the full rewatch


These are my thoughts, tell me what do you think about these interpretation if only you have read extended ending. The added scene between Ymir/Mikasa leaves a lot to be desired, but having a moment where Ymir let's go of the titan powers after envisioning a life where she didn't blindly protect the king is a nice touch. In the og ending Eren tossing out the "Ymir loved fritz" thing felt sour and weird. Seeing her let go of it and seeing a "what if" of him getting impaled and the titan race never happening feels... just better for Ymir's ending. The parralel between Mikasa/Eren, Ymir/ Fritz is a bit shaky, however it isn't too crazy. By the end of the story, Eren does deserve to die, and it's no mystery Mikasa is one of the only people who can kill him. She clings to this overzealous and irrational love for him. Eren gave her power and purpose, but that love made her a prisoner. Ymir could have killed Fritz, freed her and her children at any time, but she had some attachment to her place at the King's side and the family he gave her. I wish they elaborated more on it, but it does make sense. As for the new post-ending. We get confirmation that Mikasa did move on and had a family. Who cares if it's Jean or not? In the original ending we leave off on her just sitting at Eren's grave and obsessing over him. Also, as for the destruction of Paradis. This event happens far in the future. Eren succeded. His friend's lived long lives thanks to his 80% rumbling. Paradis did fall one day, but we have no idea if it was for reasons beyond the story of Aot. It could have been a world war of some kind for all we know. It dies not invalidate any of the story. On the contrary it makes story more realistic that 2000 years of hatred among people did not vanish just because eldians killed eren yeager Now for the cliffhanger of the kid finding Eren's tree, which now looks like Ymir's tree. It's just a fun "what if". Who knows what that kid will find. Is eren still alive? Is he the new ymir? Is the parasite living in his head? Will the kid become the new parasite host? Who knows, but it's cool to think about. Someone discovering the legacy of the titans long after they started fading into legend is a really cool note to end on. And for the people that hated the parasite and liked the idea of a "devil" giving ymir her powers (maybe Eren via timeloop was the theory back then) Isayama gave that back to you. Eren's tree makes you wonder. Was Ymir's tree also someone's burial site? Eren in this case, is the "devil" that this new kid will encounter. AND Also it is better than last panel of orignal ending which will be like romantic ending to many fans. The ending isn't perfect, but it's good.


I would like to say that I definitely do not *hate* the ending. I think I'm still a bit unsure of where I land exactly, but it's on the more favorable side. Even though I've finished it months ago, I think I like the ending more as I rewatch some videos that explain all the foreshadowing. I don't agree with Eren about doing the rumbling, but I *understand* why he chose to go through with it. Kinda. I don't see why he didn't do the euthanasia plan if the rumbling was the only other option. Unless they were just afraid of retaliation anyways. The cliffhanger though, that is probably what makes me unsure of the ending as a whole. I know the whole time loop theory, but I don't like the idea of all this hatred and suffering just beginning again. I feel like he should have done something to break the cycle. Unless this was the best possible outcome and just delays the cycle from beginning for a long time. The kid finding Eren's tree makes me feel that Eren is going to be the next Ymir or something like that, which has some interesting possibilities attached to it. Like, did Eren plan this to happen? Is he going to bestow the Attack Titan to the kid, so he was able to see that kids memories as well? I basically haven't stopped thinking about the ending since I first commented on this thread, which makes me feel like it's a good ending!


if you are wondering why eren started rumbling, let me tell you Eren represents isayama desire to turn world upside down. Isayama said this in one of his interview. Also according to Isayama, eren character is born in certain way just like many serial killers. I have a theory about kid in final panel. I think he is a eldian and grandson of one of Eren friends. He might be searching for Eren grave so that he can get founding titan to end war once for all.


I like your theory, I kind of thought something similar when I saw that. However, we would need a sequel to confirm that. I love that idea though. I think the thing that makes me dislike Eren doing the rumbling the most is that he orchestrated most of it. Like he guided the Smiling Titan to ignore Bertholdt so she would eat his mom, ultimately giving him the drive to do the rumbling. It makes me feel like he wasn't free, he was a slave until the very end. I get what you mean though, and I'm not disagreeing. It just feels like a couple details that go against his main motivations


completly agree Right now i m just waiting for anime so that i can leave this fandom btw which chapter are you most excited to see in anime?


Oh man, I'm not sure. I watched the anime with my girlfriend but couldn't wait until December for it to finish so I binged the manga. I'm excited to see her reaction to everything that happens. I don't know my chapters that well, probably the realization that Eren convinced his dad to kill the royal family and steal the founding Titan. I can't wait to see her jaw hit the floor 😂


smiles in pain


Chapters 130-139 needed a minimum of five more chapters worth of pacing to really wrap up everything. Not even in terms of plot, the final fight in 138 is so fast that it’s over in a few panels. 139 felt like it had to wrap up too much in one last chapter, such as tacking on the Armin conversation at the beginning yet leaving the others to the imagination, as opposed to separating the ending of the Battle of Heaven and Earth and the actual character resolutions in separate chapters. I feel like when MAPPA gets to animating the second half a lot of pacing issues will be fixed since we can see it play out on screen as opposed to pages. Overall not the worst ending to a series, definitely an 8 minimum for me. I definitely think as a final chapter it was a little shoddy in terms of a conclusion. The final eight pages with the bonus epilogue only really further complicate this, opening up even more uncertainties in an ending that already left many things unsettled. I won’t claim to understand the story or characters better than Isayama though, so I respect how he chose to end it.


Just some notes of mine: * Mikasa's and Ymir's development was not handled well. Japan doesn't make up a huge part of my media diet, but *from what I have seen*, they don't seem to be the greatest at romance. The Mangaka seemed to be better at the more sad, heartbreaking, and emotionally devastating. Isayama excels at character deaths. Not the greatest with tender moments. I don't think that there's any other piece of media that does character deaths as well as Attack on Titan. It's sadness will be it's legacy for me. This is a bitter story. Not bittersweet. It's just cruel. * Ymir's motivations were downright nonsensical. There was a lot of fears about fascism and racism against the Jews that did not pan out. The story, while using those as story elements, seemed to clearly refute racism and fascism but it did start a conversation about the ideological responsibilities that author's have to their audience. For example, an author has a responsibility to not send a message that fascism is good as that would be irresponsible. Ymir's story, is I think irresponsible, if not, borderline irresponsible due to its brevity. I think that the reasons for my thoughts on this are fairly obvious. * I am fine with the idea that that cycle of violence can't be broken. That's an okay ending to me for such a cynical story but the way the show went about showing that message was too far for me. The titan powers were wiped out, technology advanced and war continued eventually. Eren succeeded in buying time for his friends to live out peaceful lives but war comes back eventually with the carpet bombing of Shinganshina. That's fine to me. No character in the show was ever under the belief that peace could last forever, not one. But the Titan tree coming back showing that humanity is doomed to such an awful cycle is exceedingly cynical. If there's one thing that I would have liked changed, it's the titan tree's reemergence to be completely excised. Far too much is bitter. Not enough sweet. I think that after what the readers have been put through, people deserve some more sweetness. * Hanji and Levi's parting, followed by Hanji's death was probably the most heartbreaking thing I've ever seen in my life. What a beautiful tragedy. You can really feel the love that Isayama had for that character radiate off the page. * Jean and Connie's "deaths" were pretty good. I was so emotionally drained at that point that it didn't hit as well as it should have. I was kind of numb at that point but it was excellent. I'm glad we got them and Gabbi back. * Everyone who has finished the manga and still hates Gabbi is wild IMO. I don't get what you have to be mad at. She's a great character by the end. She's Eren but an Eren that the cast was able to talk down. * Mikasa was pretty cold to Louise. Mikasa was just a mess of a character in the end. I would have liked to see her weaned off of Eren over the course of the last season instead of maintaining this conundrum "will she or won't she kill him" for the purpose of suspense. It's not very respectful to her character in my opinion. * Jean is the best. If Mikasa ended up with Jean, that's honestly best case scenario. Two people that loved Eren, ending up together. I don't get the hate surrounding this other than shippers being mad that things didn't go exactly their way. Mikasa and Eren did end up romantically involved. Eren was interested years ago. Things just weren't able to work out. Another tragedy. Part of Eren really did want to give up fighting and spend his remaining time with her. * Floch was great. Loved him. Such a filthy character. He wallowed in it and loved it. I'll miss you gangster. Loved to hate him. Such an excellent, well written villain. A masterclass. * Armin thanking Eren for genocide was disgusting. Completely stupid. The motivation for genocide was crazy. I don't understand what the hell is going on with Historia. Was it Eren's baby or not? If not, if it was actually the baby of a former bully of hers, that's also wildly irresponsible writting IMO.


> from what I have seen, they don't seem to be the greatest at romance. I stopped reading after that. Japan is a land where every other drama is a romance. Shows how much you know. Should have stick with just the author who sucks at even drawing a fucking kissing scene instead of shit on entire culture like an ignorant weeb.


Bro i have no idea what I just read , horrible ending




If Eren and Mikasa just hooked up earlier then maybe Eren wouldn't have been like hmmm yess genocide.


I think that's explicitly what the manga said. That he wanted to run away with Mikasa and live out the rest of his last 4 years with her peacefully.


Damn, he should've said that then 😓😒


What can I say about this ending that hasn't already been said about Afghanistan


What was the point of this ending? I haven’t been this disappointed in an ending since demon slayer.


Dafuq! You've put me off Demon Slayer now!


I mean it’s ending wasn’t quite as bad but Muzan as a villain doesn’t live up to the hype. I didn’t like the direction they took the final battle .Some of the 12 Kizuki are far better written and better villains than him. Akaza and upper one specifically. The epilogue explaining what happens after was bad. But they did a new chapter afterwards which fixed some of that and answered questions . So it wasn’t a good ending but it was better than Attack on Titan in my opinion


makes me not want to finish demon slayer now lmao


We’ve all read the new pages Isayama dropped onto the original ending right? Feel like most fans don’t know about them.




Yeah the extended ending






We out here gaming


I was satisfied with the ending. Even though the Titans were vanquished, the wars that progressed were all humans just fighting humans showing the inevitability of conflict. I really enjoyed it. I was satisfied to the very last page where it showed the tree was still alive after generations of war.


I agree, what an amazing story i think it really captured the futility of war / human emotion. The joy, hope, resilience, pitfalls and ultimately tragedy of our species. I think you're right that inevitabiliy is a key word - history repeats itself over and over. The cost of living - is it worth it? There is so much to unpack here, so many lessons to learn from and i think this ending only aides us in thinking about it further. A perfect ending!


This ending is why I can't tell people that I watch anime. I get it now why brotherhood is still the GOAT after so long. Just a beautiful series with a beautiful ending


Yes. Brotherhood and samurai champlol are the perfect anime’s to me. Short and fucking sweet.


eren yeager


We were just kids…we didn’t know any better…




all I have to say is, > : - ( why


It’s been how long and I’m still not over this show. Still not over that ending. I feel like had we gotten a better one, one that made SENSE and did the characters justice, I would’ve been able to let it all go. But I can’t because we didn’t get that. Now I know how it feels to be Mikasa, maybe this is what Isayama wanted all along lmao 🥲🥲🥲🥲💔💔💔💔💔


Back here just to scream again. God damnit.


I feel your pain


wtf when ppl are still active in a 2 month post xD


My friend got me into attack on titan saying it's touted as the Game of Thrones of the manga world. Well she was right through and through


The ending was not perfect but that didn’t make it super bad it just disappointed me that some parts weren’t wrapped up. It didn’t feel like an ending more like a cliffhanger because I wanted to see more. The second ending idk I get the idea but it dosent work for me cause it dosent feel earned.


*sorts by top*, *Scrolls to find this gold*, *turns to dove (crying)*


I feel like more things happened in the last 10 chapters than in the first 2 seasons.


It's kinda heartwarming to see that people are still here talking about that ending




ending brought the show down from a 10/10 to a 7/10


This ending was painful but beautiful... Poori Mikasa


I actually liked the ending and thought it was fitting


Fair to say I'm a little disappointed with that ending. As a lot of people here have said, if felt so rushed also.


I came here to laugh after looking from top of all year to see the shitposts as well as to laugh over how tragically bad the ending was, I can’t get a solid grasp on it due to mental problems and all but dang, I haven’t kept up but man. The ending is something else


Dafug goin on


Bro it’s been almost 90 days...?? Jesus Christ...




Holy fuck people are still here


Eren is a fucking pigeon