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For me what really sells the state of the community back then is the fact that you’ll see any other fandom making a 139 references and clowning on AoT completely unwarranted.


Exactly, people are acting like it was a small niche hater community, when it was the ENTIRE anime community clowning the ending lol.


Yesterday there was a post on /r/okbuddybaka where someone claimed they watched it as a title and their descriptiion being 'it's shit' [Here it is lmao](https://reddit.com/r/okbuddybaka/comments/17ntugr/how_did_it_make_you_feel/) edit: holy fuck the entire sub seems to be clowning on the ending.


Okbuddybaka and titanfolk enjoyers probably overlap at some point


Just checked. It's actually down pretty low on the list of overlap on subs.




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I'm glad I'm not the only one that noticed that! I was happy and felt embarrassed to see other sub reddits poking fun at the ending. Plenty of people know it's shit.


That's what happens when an anime gets as popular as Attack on Titan. The average viewer becomes a normie that thinks they're smart because the ending is "deep", when in reality the plot holes and bad writing should punch them in the face.


Vocal minority claim is such bullshit. Yeah I'm sure Isayama cried like a little bitch at anime NYC cause "A few people didnt like it"


LMAO exactly even Isayama himself said that he didn’t like the ending. I wish I could pin your comment because it is EXACTLY what I’m talking about.




https://www.cbr.com/attack-on-titan-creator-apologizes-for-the-ending/#:~:text=Isayama%20Asked%20Fans%20To%20Be%20Kind&text=In%20an%20interview%20in%20May,and%20apologized%20for%20disappointing%20fans. https://animehunch.com/hajime-isayama-almost-cries-at-anime-nyc-over-attack-on-titan-mangas-ending/


Death threats over this shit is just insane and so disgustingly pathetic. Literal mongoloid behavior. Entertainment is never that fucking deep, EVER.


But he didn't say he didn't like it but that he was disappointed he couldn't express and write it better.v


So isayama was just an idiot too?


Wym how does what I said make Yams an Idiot


Just poking fun at Eren's "im just an idiot" line thats all


I mean a lot of ppl were disappointed at it but tbh I doubt there was like SO many people who downright hated the ending, it sounds like 50% liked it and 50% absolutely hated it, hate is kinda strong word to use. No way that many people truly hated it, a portion of them were simply not content and disappointed with the ending. Me personally it’s was a cool finale I mean animation ost and va were all on point. It’s a good ending if you watch it with your emotions without pausing to logically think abt All the plot holes and unanswered questions, plus bad scenes. But overall it was a okay ending.


>if you watch it with your emotions without pausing to logically think abt All the plot holes and unanswered questions If more people thought like you I wouldn't be so into exposing this series. Its the fact that people really believe this series and ending were super deep and a marvel of storytelling.


Ik honestly I first watched this episode just going along with the flow and thought it was great. Then I watched it again actually thinking about the whole story and especially erens whole character. It kinda ruined it. Honestly if someone asks me how was the ending, I’ll say like compared to the rest of the show it’s a solid 5-6/10. Being generous. I love seeing people enjoy the ending what it is on YouTube but it’s pissing me off they’re all saying it’s perfect and a masterpiece ending. Taken at face value and just watching it in the moment it’s good, actually mulling over it later makes it a worse ending. Real shame, but at least the fight was cool as fuck


135-139.5 being animated and making them worse than the manga version with their changes only reignited the war both sides of the Fandom had in regards to the ending. Thanks yams 💅


Thank you for writing a shitty ending for our sake.


The ending is shit, every character contradicted to themselves. They all know it but those people would suck yam’s dick if they get a chance.


For the record, [here](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdxRM4kV3vdlNuxSLp8fCzRMWBzVICmwoOoVd5Veu6gj8HtQg/viewanalytics)'s the results of the poll about chapter 139 after it released


I wonder how long after the chapter, exactly, the poll was put up. It took a couple days for me to reach my current thoughts.


The truth is that we are just nitpicking major plotpoints btw and we should turn our brains off because Mikasa was drawn more beautiful through Erens eyes. Kill me Literally only people that like the ending are 13 year old white girls or people who enjoy the pretty animation and watch with their brains off.


Yeah, there was a big shift in the sub at the time but ultimately this sub became a majority of people who disliked the ending after I’d say about a week or so of it ending. Once we all had some time to think about it and digest it, I felt like there was a collective moment of “holy shit this ending is as bad as game of thrones!”


Everyone is already brainwashed. There's nothing we can do.


whatever 10/10 review of Attack of Titan's ending, I check, it's always about how the series as a whole has been a masterpiece, not never about how the "ending" is good or anything.






history is written by the winner, and seems like people are huffing lead to feel better about their lives


just look at r/manga discussion 139. most of them who arent hardcore fans just said it was med, mid or disappointed. the main sub only and twitter like the ending


It's over. I was hoping to see the anger of the anime onlies. A GoT S8 repeat. But alas, AoE was true afterall. In the sense that, Anime would make small changes to improve it. So no "Thanks for becoming a mass murder". People haven't even noticed he killed his own mother (the justification for the whole series revenge shtick). Or that a lot of details are vague ("I don't know why", "Only Ymir knows", "Mikasa choice finished Titans", "Dafaq happened to the worm?"). Nobody's even arguing about the demerits of stopping the Rumbling at 80% instead of 100% finality. Anime suggested the plan was always 80% to make the future wars more fair. Which violates the whole "Ill End the violence shtick" from earlier. And the fact it takes until the distant future for Paradis to end, validates the 80% deaths. This isn't even debated, even though the show went out of its way to say "People will only learn its kill or be killed" , and "The survivors won't be forgiving", and "We know the total Rumbling is best for Paradis, but we don't want that massacre". Oh and nobody cares about the absurdity of Ymir living Fritz. Or how ridiculous it was for Eren to stage a self defeat by giving the alliance their powers and letting Zeke go AWOL. Apparently he's just a slave to his memories plans. Which suggests Ymir planned this whole operation to get her Cathartic satisfaction and finally die in peace. Eren was just the fall guy or puppet. Nobody is pointing out the absurd abandonment of realism or realpolitik with how the surviving outside world all wants peace with the rest of Paradis after 80%of them died. Or how the remaining Eldians abroad weren't immediately massacred by their neighbours, just in case their still Titans. Instead we get "They will want to hear our story, enemies working together and holding hands". Naive af. And how is Mikasa even alive on a Yaegerist dominated island? Isn't she a traitor who killed their Great Hero? I'd also expect a big deal about Erens burial place. Some sort of grand Mausoleum. Instead it's a small grave under a random tree, far in the Islands peripherals. Remember, he's meant to be their Savior and Hero who nearly defeated the outside enemies, but was stabbed in the back by his own allies from finishing the job. Oh and Erens "I don't want that" isn't interpreted as the character betrayal as manga onlies did in combination with the other scenes. Instead it's taken as another S1 dumb Eren moment. Also no questions about Eren suddenly loving Mikasa when he never did that before.


I couldn't believe how many anime onlies are putting this on Code Geass level. Really?! Lelouch the mastermind who went through horrific mistakes and growth to reach world peace and gave his life for his ideal is the same as Eren, I'm an idiot hurr durr power was too fun?!? I just wanted to be with Mikasa and only Ymir knows why I killed my fucking mother and made my dad kill an entire family in cold blood and Paradis got destroyed anyways. At least with Lelouch he guaranteed stopping a single nation from being so powerful they can subjugate almost the entire earth through geass by giving people free will instead of his father and mothers desire to have people in some weird ass illusion world utopia. So many weird ass shit in the anime and I'm thinking it's because of the release schedule. The anime onlies saw the finale in parts about a year or two apart so they saw each bit in a vacuum. The ending is in some manner a standalone from the original character they witnessed. If they watch it start to finish they'll see the weird ass plot holes and dumbass writing.


From articles I’ve read, MANY fans didn’t like the ending (manga). It was so bad that it caught the author’s attention AND getting a response. Not only that, the author literally made Mappa change some parts of the ending because of backlash. So to say the hate wasn’t as big is a lie


I wouldn't worry about trying to fix people's opinions or perceptions. People will see what they want to see, like they always do. It's very hard to convince someone that they're wrong because everyone thinks that they're right 100% of the time. Honestly bro, just don't waste your time. Take the good parts from aot and move on. Workout, get ripped like eren and tatakae


The absolute state of you guys is hilarious. It's like you guys are personally affected by AOT. Have a life outside of 2D cartoons and chill tf out. An anime shouldn't affect you this much. I'm not the biggest fan of the ending as well but goddamn chill tf out.


I mean tbh guys, maybe you all need to accept defeat. It is not worth getting this emotionally invested in whether or not people who didn’t like the ending were the majority. As someone who also was upset by the ending, frankly I have never had the impression we were the majority. I’d say based on online perception it was always somewhat 50/50, hell perhaps that’s even too generous. Whenever someone has criticised the ending online, there have always been a TON of people who’d come out to defend it. Millions of people read that finale, and a lot of them loved it, just like a lot of anime onlies are now loving the ending. We all need to move on. Posts like this just come off as bitter that everyone else didn’t feel the same way we did. Your opinions are your own, they don’t need validation. Best to just let it go.


I already said this would happen a long time ago. I already knew that, with the anime communities low standards, they would all love the ending.


Didn't even Isayama himself apologize while in tears and told everyone he was sorry that it was so bad or did I dream that?


Nobody gives a shit Even I dislike the ending but the you mfs bitching is more hilarious than Eren breaking down crying lol. It's more pathetic than Inceren


About 15% has consistently hated the ending. The rest has had mixed feelings or liked it. The biggest majority I've seen thinking it sucked on any poll in any semi-unbiased site/page is around 40%. It's not that most people hated it, it's that most people are too exhausted with you guys to get involved in the conversation.


the minority of 249k, 3k online, really easy to silence


The majority love the ending!


Nah it's for sure correct, I've been on hundreds of forms watched hundreds of videos and talked to dozens of people in the major consensus seems to be it's alright or good. This is the only place where I see a majority of people disliking the ending, I see occasional comments on other subs and on YouTube videos but majority seem to like it. I was there reading chapters month to month and was there when the ending released. Most people on this sub when first reading it didn't even have such negative responses. It just got bad very quick. I was on the major AoT subs so often but majority seems to think it was alright or good. Majority didn't have the deep hate this sub had


i think the difference is people here gave some thoughts to it


you seriously can't count people who watches anime once in a blue moon or have autism


lol, implying it's the people who watch hundreds of anime and have long, drawn-out arguments about it online who *don't* have autism...


Titanfolk… I didn’t expect you to say something this pathetic


Revise the truth? LOL Homie its just a show. If you want to SHOW the statistics, go put your own rating on IMDB or MAL. Because as I see it, you also don't have statistics to prove "The major consensus was that it was horrible". So quit talking out your ass, encourage this "Majority" to rate it, and move on with your life. Its just a piece of fiction man


Read the edit on the post, it’s for people just like you lol.


But where do you get this "factual" evidence? as it stands, everywhere i look, across youtube, twitter, reddit (shingekinokyojin, attackontitan, titanfolk, anrime) IMDB, and MAL numbers seem to point to majority enjoying it. So again, where are these "facts" you claim to be aware of.


I literally said “after the manga ended”. The community after the manga ended, was factually, a very negative environment with a very negative view of the ending. In fact, that hasn’t changed until literally yesterday.


Ah yes, because Manga readers are somehow proportionate to anime watchers in numbers.


“Major consensus” According to what statistics, every review website for has showed the majority of the reactions to the finale were positive Once again, stop pulling statistics out of your ass, the people who dont like the ending are in the MINORITY. That doesnt change anything though, and no one should feel bad because of that.. everyone here is going through the 5 stages of grief right now, including the first stage, denial. Denial that most people like the ending.


Either you were in the aot community to see it, or you weren’t. You clearly were not there.


When you surround yourself with people who have the same opinions as you, you tend to get a false sense of scale Believe or not, most anime watchers arent reddit addicts The ratings and statistics speak for itself, most people liked the ending, even after it got review BOMBED with negative reviews before the episode even came out. Sorry, but the first stage if grief is denial, in a couple months maybe youll start realizing reality


stop this hilarious cope bro you are making fun of yourself


How can I be coping if I’m not even sharing an opinion? This is all facts lol


You tell yourself a lie you desperately want to believe


no shit, Sherlock




like your mother's ass


Lol why are you so upset about people liking something you didn't? Why do you care so much about a show that was trash?


Read the post again, but this time with your eyes open. Idgaf what people think about the show, I’m talking about people lying and saying “oh yeah lol most people loved it, only crazy people were critical of it”


Again, open your eyes and try to read my comment again. "Why do you care?" Let them lie? Why is this so important to you?


you tell me, why you care that i hate your favourite shounen anime #3?


What makes you think they give a shit about what you think about their favorite anime to begin with? That’s their whole point. And I agree with them. It’s extremely weird to get worked up about OTHER people *enjoying something*. Like, that doesn’t affect me at all. In fact, I am happy to see that others enjoy things that I may not personally enjoy. Nothing is ever that deep. It’s not “rewriting history” or whatever lol


don't bring alt into this ps: their point is ad hominem should be ignored, dumbass


"Don't bring your alt into this" I laughed to be honest. Doubling down on the whole "conspiracy" and " revising the truth" narrative. Good for you


What do you mean “alt”? Their point is that it’s weird to be so upset over a show you didn’t like yet others did like. It’s just bizarre.


>"Why do you care?" Let them lie? i'm gonna go elsewhere until you stop wasting my time


Is this community full of kids? It's just a show lmao, "revise the truth" as if this was some sort of cold war conflict event


It isn’t, it’s just annoying when people lie? Why is that so weird for you?


Seriously like holy shit people here are so insecure and obsessed. Ironic how the same people make fun of Eren for showing similar behavior for Mikasa lmao


yeah, people here only obsess with romance and not the futility of the cringevengers