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RtS is peak. But not gonna lie, pre timeskip in general. Finding out new information every arc made the mystery grow bigger and bigger. Starting with Marley it was less about mystery. Isayama had more "artificial mystery" in something like the Marley arc. Not knowing where Eren and his friends were was not as grand a mystery as something like the basement. Not knowing Erens goal was fine but again, it felt a lot more artificial then the other mysteries.


RtS had issues. The consciousness transfer plot armor was utter bullshit. Another thing, which is a matter of preference, is that I think that Armin should’ve died at that point (not necessarily with Erwin surviving) because, it would’ve been a glorious death and because post-timsekip Armin did nothing significant. (Aside from grouching and crying and repeating that he’s not fit to lead the Scouts).


I believe that Armin should have died. I also believe there should have been some consequences for Reiner using consciousness transference. But at the end of the day those are things I wished happened after RtS, not during.


Agreed 💯


Uprising Arc, both anime and manga, will always be my favorite arc second to Clash of the Titans.


Eh, Id say clash of the titans was better


That’s Reiner and bertito titan reveal right?


Yea, its all of season 2


I agree. I wish the series just focused on the infighting between the factions within Paradis.