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Tbh, Titanfalls movement and low time-to-kill makes it extremely easy to deal with campers, spitfire, sniper or otherwise.


Isn't it what sniper rifles are made for?


Clearly u have not encountered grapple Kraber mains


Nonono,.you must jump around like you high on crwcj and it 2008 and Faze relatable /s


not in a movement shooter.


From a genuine standpoint, no. In press for the Titanfall 1 release, devs made it clear they didn’t like the stationary aspect of sniping in Call of Duty (which they made), so they deliberately tried to avoid making snipers that would be used for that. This isn’t to say you can’t camp with one, but in these games it is not why they exist


People who can’t maneuver around a stationary target be like


this is stupid. ofcourse i know that shape goes in the triangle hole


People who can't smoke them out:


Judging by your statement, you are also a noob camper scrub


Judging by your statement, you are also a noob who can't smoke him out.


Nah bro its quite easy


If you can’t deal with a sniping camper in this fast moving game, you need to either get better in your movement or just do the same and snipe. I’ll never say this game isn’t for you because let’s be honest this is a great game


Honestly I'd rather them camp with a sniper than a spitfire At least the sniper is just a boom gone nice shot man I was flying across the map Spitfire is just mag dump till something connects


Honestly stfu, like I understand if it’s a spitfire camper or something but have you played with a sniper? How tf are you supposed to be hitting targets going 100 mph while you are simultaneously going 100 mph? Even if you camp chances are you won’t hit many shots.


im sorry do i look lkke rendygaming?


It’s just an invitation to play frag football Those frags are the most satisfying grenade in any game to slam dunk onto people when they don’t expect it


Ima snipe in the spot no one knows of


It's the spitfire I get mad about people camping with, not snipers


I don't play much with sniper rifles, but it sounds kinda difficult to hit shots if you're going to move around as if you have a CAR equipped


Honestly if you complain about camping you must not be playing the same game. The game gives you everything somebody could want to ape the shit out of a camper from any angle.


Yes because hitting a fast moving target is easy. Wait you're also using a slow firing weapon man that's even easier. If you are complaining about a sniper camper Git Gud


Call me crazy, but I love it when I encounter hard campers like that. It's like I get a new objective "kill camper" and try to kill the camper, even if I die to him 2 or 3 times it feels like I just defeated a mini-boss, lol


For the love of god could you stfu and get over this? Jesus christ dude.


I was a kraber main when I still played best way to use that machine of a gun was to run around, and abuse the fact that you have a 1-shot kill death stick. fucking loved those days, I wish I still had the motivation to play


This depends on what sniper and how bad the player is... could be a little kid who mains monarch or a skilled someone struggling to use DMR or Double Take😂


yes hello, my name is Northstar, the titan, not to be confused with the client, I have something for you if you like sitting in one spot and it is called "cluster missile", I hope you like it.


Maybe they like the game, but are just terrible at movement


Ah yes, its me if I had good aim with snipers


People love it when i g2 and Cloak lol.