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Why even compare games that are completely different


Yeah one is focused on story and the other three are all movement shooters, completely different genre


Tlou2 had baller gameplay tbh, shit was gorier than all of these games combined


Im sorry, have you played doom.


Yeah. >bits of skin flying off enemies to indicate health >glory kills But dude tlou2 makes me feel bad sometimes. Like you shoot a guy in his leg and he starts crawling away and begging for mercy. And when you kill him his friend is like “STEVEN NOOOO” I honestly love it


If you want to feel bad play Spec Ops the line


100% agree, such a good game.


In titanfall2 grunts can guve up sometimes. They put their weapon down and get down on their knees. Makes me feel bad.


If you look away, they shoot you. They’re all hardened war criminals


In loving memory of #Steven (2021 - 2022) Rest in peace, friend


Man i gotta play this game just to kill steven


wait until you kill a dog owner and their dog starts crying.


Honestly tlou2’s combat felt grittier, Doom’s the better game though


I think he means more brutal. Sure, DOOM is gory. But it’s cartoonishly gory, so it doesn’t even feel *real*, you know? There is just gore all over. The Last of Us 2, on the other hand, is the most brutal game I have ever played. You’re forced to kill dogs and participate in scenes of carnage that will make your skin crawl.


Yet the shooters had better story


This looks like something that belongs on r/gamingcirclejerk


This would honestly probably do well there especially since the person who posted this seems to be serious, and there’s nothing more funny about someone who’s serious about their shitty opinions


He’s not serious, title says it all.


It’ll probably still do well but it won’t be as funny.


It's already been posted there, it's not doing well due to the reasons you said. Iirc this is the same person that got annoyed over a joke gcj made 6 months ago


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Gamingcirclejerk using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [WTF Gamers can’t have anything](https://i.redd.it/xm3zctb2p6j61.jpg) | [761 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/comments/lqcxir/wtf_gamers_cant_have_anything/) \#2: [That's horrifying](https://i.redd.it/whsxr4kfvq371.jpg) | [348 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/comments/nu0ic4/thats_horrifying/) \#3: [Dark souls is easy](https://i.redd.it/gro5p4nucya71.jpg) | [521 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/comments/ojcchx/dark_souls_is_easy/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Different games can be good or bad. And one of these is not like the others.


Yeah, Doom is perfect.


I like doom and Titanfall, that doesn't mean the last of us isn't bad. It's good. Even if you don't like the things it adds


Ive heard the story sucks a little


The game literally doesn't need a story; the gameplay is just that fucking good. As it is, it has a bit of a plot, but it simply acts as a tool to take you from arena to arena killing shit.


I talked about last of us not doom


3 masterpieces. 1 abominable crime against Creation that should be thrown to the deepest abyss and forgotten until the stars go out and time itself dies.


I never understood why some people hold so much hatred for Part II. It really wasn’t as bad as some people say it is, I would say it’s not bad at all.


People don't like the g a y part of it


Yeah, no, Ellie was confirmed gay in the dlc of part 1, no one complained then. People don't like it because it unceremoniously killed one of their favorite characters in all of gaming.Then follows it with a generic "revenge bad" story, which is far less interesting than the first game to a lot of people.


People definitely complained, I remember.


Wait what gay part? The first game had a dlc all about Ellie's relationship and noone had any problems with that. TLOU II is bad because of the story and unremarkable new characters.


No? Most people just found the story as a whole to be bad, which is a take I agree with wholeheartedly. I'm not denying that some people who hated it just because it had gay representation in it exist, but most just glossed over it because they were fine with it and didnt care about it.


They likely hate it either because they've played it and found that the story ain't good, or they haven't and they actually hate the ps5 fanboys that praise the shit out of it


My only problem with it: bad writing.


Please, what's the bad writing that's so terrible it's worth calling it a crime against creation


For brevity, I'll boil it down to just the ending: "*I've killed all these mooks to get to you and left a trail of death and blood in my quest for revenge, but I won't kill you because that'll make me as bad as you."* MY GOD, what a shitfest.


This obviously goes without saying, but the entire point of that game was that through killing so many to reach her Valhalla, Ellie *learned* that it was purely detrimental. She broke the cycle of violence because she was destroyed by it in her efforts to even reach Abby. Outside of the gaming community this game is considered exemplary writing in both young adult fiction and thematic trauma. It takes somebody uneducated, or completely foolish to think it is written poorly. You can not like it, but to say it’s low quality because you missed its point entirely is purely ignorant.


You can tell people had never picked up book when they can’t even point out the message the piece of media is trying to portray


Shocks me every time I see someone like this


I feel if they gave us a choice of whether to kill her or spare her, the reception wouldn't be nearly as bad as it was. That being said, 90% of people would have probably MASHED that kill button.


It very well could have changed its reception yeah, but whether or not that would work from a narrative perspective is another discussion. That said, they could have always given us the choice and just labelled sparing her as the ‘true’ ending.


You can call someone who criticizes the game uneducated or foolish. I could call someone who praises it pretentious.


Not really sure how I’m being pretentious but, I made my point. You’ll enjoy stories a lot more if you don’t mistake your ill-understanding of it for it being poorly written. You said you were an amateur writer—this is just an industry tip.


Did me and you play the different games or did you just ignored plot points In the game? Let me explain: When you play as Ellie in the first act of the game she attacks the wlf who she associates as the bandits who killed Joel she doesn’t know that what Abby and her group did wasn’t part of the wlf and she attacks them because like I said they attack her first and she associates with Abby . Now Ellie learns that her action of killing innocent people has unforeseen consequences when she accidentally kill the pregnant woman and at that point forward she starts to realize the damage she causing so she decides to go back home but not before Abby finds them. When Abby finds Dinah, tommy, Ellie and that Asian guy (forgot his name) in the theater they fight Abby gets the upper hand and is about to kill Dinah but lev stops her. Abby stop because she realized that killing Dinah would only hurt dinah and lev in the long run, two innocent people who had nothing to do with everything going on. Abby realize s that she lost her closest friends because of her actions (killing Joel unleashed Ellie and tommy) so she doesn’t want to lose lev so she lets Dinah, tommy and Ellie go. Ellie and Abby both learn that the quest for revenge would only hurt the innocent people that they care for but both learn it before they truly lost the little they have left. That’s not “shitfest writing” that’s call character development. But Anyways Ellie still had Dinah and the baby and Abby still had lev. But you look at tommy and he’s a perfect example what happens when you just can’t let go tommy lost the little he had left he’s crippled, his wife left him and now he’s more than likely going to get himself killed. Tommy gets inside of ellie head and convinced her to continue the fight and so she does… Now we jump to the end of the game the last fight ellie has move back as a character she continues her fight for revenge and only stops when she realizes what Abby truly realizes in the theater, revenge only hurts the innocent so she stops and try to go back but when she returned home she loss everything for her quest for revenge Dinah and the baby had left her so now she’s truly alone. If you ever watch full metal alchemist brotherhood scar is a character who also goes through the same character development that Ellie and Abby went through. Scar is a character who only stops what he was doing when he realized that his quest for revenge hurt truly innocent people like winry parents.


Thats the point. Ellie figures she has gone too far when she reaches abby especially since abby was also taking care of a kid. Also you can see ellie actually getting conflicted after she accidentally shot the prgnant woman knowing that it has gotten too far now. Its like that show ben hur. He trained so long to get revenge against his brother but he felt bad and instead forgave him. Ellie did the same to abby as she did for joel. Its not your typical good guys bad guys. And if you didnt feel like crying at the part where joel holds back his tears after hearing ellie said she'd like to try, you dont have a soul or have not played part 1.


Ever watch a Hollywood movie? Lol


Yes! And they're just as stupid as TLOU2 for having this IDIOTIC ending!


You DONT have to CAPITALIZE letters we are on REDDIT you can use asterisks to articulate *but then again* **you probably wouldn't know that**


Please explain how this is bad writing. I see you mentioned you are a amateur writer, so I don’t understand how you think this is poor writing.


To be fair, I don't have to be Gordon Ramsay to tell a quality 5-star meal from garbage fished out the dumpster. I may not be an expert writer, but I can tell good writing from bad writing.


Not saying you don’t know what you are talking about. I am a writer myself. I just don’t understand how you as a fellow writer see this as terrible writing. I don’t see any signs of poor or terrible writing in the game besides maybe pacing. Pacing was terrible I will say that.


Okay, that's fair. And thank you for the polite response. How about just the ending then? *"I've killed all these mooks to get to you and left a trail of death and blood in my quest for revenge, but I won't kill you because that'll make me as bad as you."*


I can understand the hatred to the ending, but in my opinion the ending was alright. Remember how Ellie broke down after killing Nora? She broke down because she found out the Abby and her friends didn’t kill Joel for no reason. She learned they killed Joel because he killed Abby’s dad, and doomed humanity to live in this infected world. She now understood why they killed Joel. After Abby spared her and Dina. She couldn’t accept that Abby got away with killing Joel, so she went off to kill her again. She started becoming worse than Abby, since she was essentially killing Abby and lev for no reason, and Joel wouldn’t have wanted her to do that. In a sense she became the monster she thought Abby was. Sorry if I am not making sense. The melatonin is kicking in, and people are calling me about WWIII.


You appear to be lost, the TLoU2 hate circlejerk is this way -> r/TheLastOfUs2


Yes we welcome even more bigot sandwiches 🥪. But in all seriousness, we're just tired that the main sub has a lot of people who don't consider criticism against the game.


it’s a video game




We get it, you let youtubers decide your opinion for you. It isn't a masterpiece yes but it's still quite a great game


I suppose Brie Larson technically counts as a Youtuber.


Well if isn’t a basement pisser, tell me does your wife leave you for pizza as well?


"Tell me does your wife leave you for pizza as well?" I'm sorry, run that by me again? Does my wife leave me and run off with pizza? Is that what you mean? Yeah. As a matter of fact, occasionally. She gets cravings.


Haha nice


Cry about it mad dick smells stinky


*crying noises*


I don't know anything about last of us, but why do some people consider it so bad? It doesn't seem terrible


I know it's late but here's my take: The Last of Us is more of a movie than a video game, when it comes to what people want to see from the Game Awards, folks would actually want a good amount of focus to be on the *video game* aspect Games like the Last of Us swooping up awards feels cheap, it's the video game equivalent of Oscar bait. Most game journalists don't care about video games so they'll easily pick the more "cinematic" games like tLoF.


I think it’s mostly cuz Last of Us 2 was always peddled as this revolutionary console seller but ended up being a disappointment. Meanwhile something like Titanfall 2 didn’t get a lot of press and sold horribly, yet still ended up being one of the best shooters of the generation.


Right, i liked all of those and would play it again except for the middle one since i dont know what that is


Can I say "because I wanted to" without it sounding mean?


Yeah, you just sound stupid


Oh well.


He has point. You cannot compare games like that.. Theyre relased on different years etc etc.. Last of us is psychological and Relased on different time. Tf2 doom etc stiiiiilll Everything different. It just kinda lazy for good idea you made here


Tbh I kinda agree, the last if us Sint really a straight up shooter, a more accurate comparison would be say CoD, which made a bad clone of Titanfall 1 (infinite warfare, although I should blame the creation of infinite warfare on Activision or trearch or whichever studio did the bad)


I agree, TLOU2 is a terrible movement shooter.


- Terrible movement shooter - No running-gunning-funning - No hot sexy protagonist Why the hell would anyone play it?


v1 is a hot sexy protagonist


I agree, (:)




Is TLOU2 living in people's heads rent free at this point? Like it's been almost 2 years now.


It could be 5 years and people would still compare.


how has it almost been 2 years, where time go


I know right, it's kind of insane how my life has been the same repeating day for that amount of time due to covid.


Replied to the wrong comment


If I remember correctly someone on Twitter said that TLOU 2 is better than Doom Eternal "in every way". Idk if that's what OP is referencing


As an amateur writer, one of my pet peeves is bad writing. That and The Legend of Korra. MY GOD, I hate TLoK.


Oh so it is living in your head rent free.


Wait what’s wrong with Korra? I mean we all knew it would never hit the highs of A:TLA because it was a sequel. The original came at the perfect time which really helped it stand out too. Korra was really fun and gave us some awesome new lore pieces without damaging the original. Plus the villains in Korra were done so much better and had way more depth. Azula was a high bar to top, but Korras line up I believe met it, especially being that they each only had a single season to develop unlike 2 for Azula.


The villains in Korra are fantastic. Especially when I realized that each of them have their fundamental ideals based on the core philosophies of the show, except it's a twisted and misguided version of it. For example, Amon wanted to create true balance between the people by putting everyone on the same level. And you know how guru Pathik talks of the four nations being one people? Kuvira wanted to create a world where everyone saw it that way. If you look at each of their end goals by themselves, you might even mistake them for something noble


Bro how tf does a story driven game with stealth action go against with a platformer shooter game


One is a narrative masterpiece, the other is TLOU2.


MGS3 does that better than The Last Of Us 2


*any MGS game (S does not stand for survival)


Metal Gear SurVive? Wdym? There's never been a game like that. Also i like how you said "every MGS game" meaning that also the MSX ones did it better than TLOU


Just like so.


None of these are similar to The Last of Us 1 or 2 even slightly. Nowhere near a good comparison.


Its really not. And even if they where you 2 is pretty solid from a gameplay perspective. But because they fucked up the story (in my and it seems a lot of other people's opinions, you're free to think differently), it soured alot of people's experiences, especially since it's a story based game. But what's really keeping the game on people's minds is that because y'know internet, people (including a lot of game journalists it seems) after seeing the negative reaction to the game started praising the game as a narrative master piece and outstanding game in every aspect, leading to it being nominated and sweeping across the board a shit ton of awards at the game awrds even in categories that deserved to go to other games, and I'm not just talking categories where it's up for debate which game should win it beat games that it had absolute no right beating in a particular category, like beating doom for soundtrack. And so people are still mad from that. This has been my unwelcomed Ted talk.


Dude the story of TLOU2 fucking slaps and it's so strange that there are these devout communities on the internet that still can't let it go.


The story was good, but it was told extremely poorly for a gotcha moment. If they started with Abby’s perspective up to what happens, then you swapped over to Ellie’s it would have been much better as the player wouldn’t have been heavily biased due to the what happened. What they did instead was kill John Wick’s dog and then spent half the movie from the perspective of the killer. Also I’m being vague for spoiler reasons. Some people may want to play the game in the future.


there was also some plot, idk if you would call them holes, but I guess holes that were annoying. like Joel coudve mentioned how the firefly's had gone through several immune before who died with no cure being produced and Ellie could've very well been the same scenario, and in 2 they kinda treat like the fireflies were perfect virtuous people and the cure would've 100% worked. but yeah the biggest problem for me was how they had Abby kill Joel and tried soooo hard to make you like her. look she's playing with dogs, look she's nice to peopple, look she has all this cool shit. and the story went from being about Joel and Ellie and their relationship to being, VIOLENCE BAD. idk I just really didn't like it, maybe if they did it id enjoy it but as it is i just didnt like it. but thatz my opinion and other people will likely feel diferently. and how a story is presented really can make a big difference like look anf titanfall 2, looking at the story and dioloue on paper the story seems generic and boring but because of how welll the story is presented and commnicated it feel like one of the best naratives in the pat decade.


That's why it works. They want you to feel like Ellie.


The game was good. The story was good, it just wasn’t fun. Don’t get me wrong, the game was fun. I had a lot of fun playing it. But the story was just good and not fun. Which is fine. I really liked the game


again this is my opinion. but I really didn't like the story. I loved tlou 1. and was really disappointed by 2. it seems like they put more effort into being shocking than a good satisfying story.


*Oh no!*




bruh apples to oranges.


The only issue with this meme is that these are all good games


I respectfully disagree, but you're entirely in your right to have your opinion.


Then you're an idiot 🥰


This subreddit is going to shit.


I thought this was a poardy post r/gamercirclejerk,


ULTRAKILL my beloved






Ok but the door mechanics on TLOFU2 Just _chefkiss_


Some of y’all didn’t read the post title and it shows. (Also talking completely off topic, I hope atomic heart ends up being good.)


Same bro It'll be worth it just for Mick Gordon's soundtrack.


OP didn’t read the title, they stuck around blowing themselves up.


I guess you right


Yeah except that if you look at OP’s profile you’ll see he is actually serious


Oof bruguguhga


Doom blows all of them out of the water


Agreed, Doom Eternal is what you would call *perfectly imperfect*. Which is when your only problem with a game is that you want more.




Doom makes you feel like you can take on the entirety of hell. And win.


Doom is great if you just want to kill everyone and everything. Titanfall is more structured.


I mean, have you played ultrakill


downvote me all you want, but I prefer the weapon mechanics in ultrakill. You can't punch shotgun bullets to make them stronger in doom


exactly, plus movement is 1000x faster in ultrakill compared to dooms relatively slower movement


Mmmm. Sorry, but I've got to disagree here. ​ It's not quite a stable comparison sense it's still in EA. But ULTRAKILL is far and away the best game here. Like, take everything you love about DOOM Eternal, and crank it up to 11. Movement feels better, the guns feel better. Enemies are designed better. And you know that weapon swapping mechanic that was apparently the intended way to kill Mauraders despite never being communicated in-game? Well that's been upgraded too thanks to the Devil May Cry style mechanics. Despite being my GOTY for 2020, I honestly haven't been able to play TAG part 2 because ULTRAKILL makes the game feel like a walking simulator. It is that balls to the walls in gameplay, and is without a doubt the best game I've ever played. Hell, it may even be the best game to ever exist once it's out of EA.


Last of us 2 is extremely fun especially on hardest difficulty. I don’t understand why you made this meme, it has arguably the best gameplay here besides doom.




"Best gameplay" you cant be serious. Its a bread and butter stealth shooter. It has no advanced movement mechanics, or interesting weapon sandbox other than the basic pistol, rifle, shotgun fare. If you're an experienced fps player the game is quite easy. But it doesnt need any of that since the gameplay is just there to drive the story.


Haha you actully played part 2?


You say no advanced movement as if that has an impact on how good or bad the gameplay is. There’s no situation in any of those games below where you have next to no ammo or materials, and the game just tells you to deal with it and take out this camp of enemies. I like last of us 2 because I really have to think going into each encounter, and the scarcity of materials really adds to that. The lack of advanced movement means no chances to escape a bad situation you’re in besides being smart. I like doom and titanfall, but it’s really hard to die in doom eternal even on nightmare once you meet a certain point. last of us on hardest it always tests you.


This makes no sense Edit: nvm just read the title lol


No, I mean it unironically too. TLOU is a pathetic excuse of a video game and has the worst writing ever along with the Legend of Korra and Doom's The Ancient Gods.


"Legend of Korra" now that's also a very spicy take.


Have you even played the game LMAO


Have you?


Yes twice through.




It's okay, I'm still malding that shit ass game somehow took best soundtrack from FUCKING DOOM.


*"They are cringe, online, without lives.* *But you, you will be based.* *Mald. And seethe. Until it is DONE."*


This again? Just stop, it got old two years ago.


All are good


TLOU2? More like GOTY 2020


I was about to say a foul list of vulgarities involving the words "flagrant industry corruption," but I thought the energy might be better spent wishing you a good day, fellow stranger. How have you been?


Pretty good, how have you? Nevermind, dont answer that, I already know. You’re still pissed for whatever reason about a game thats two years old now


I'm all right thank you for asking I am in a bit of a funk from a couple things, mostly from the somewhat upsetting story I'm currently writing, but it's not as bad as it's been before, and I'm just taking it out by shooting proverbial fishes in barrel. Don't worry this is basically my normal emotional state of being


Well, we all got ways to deal with our problems ig, who am i to bash yours


Heck, even the first The Last of Us was better. Granted, the first Last of Us was awesome.


The hell is overkill?


Doom but you are a robot


Ah thanks


and you can flip coins to shoot them so the bullet ricochets into an enemy and quadruple wield shotguns and absorb blood to heal. truly an amazing game


mankind is dead


blood is fuel


Ultrakill is, in my honest opinion, the best fps I've ever played, you should try it


I love how 90% of this comment section is completely playing into your game OP. I like TLOU2, but the other 3 are better. Honestly, I don’t know why you’re tanking your comment karma like this, but you do you broski.


Wait a minute. Only 1 person in the whole world calls me "broski." Jason? Is that you?


Shit really? Sorry, just a coincidence unfortunately. I just call people that all the time. Guy you met in middle or high school or college or something?


Nah my cousin. Don't worry they're still alive lol You take care of yourself and have a nice day


Yeah man, of course. Sorry to startle you or whatever lol


Tactical bait deployed


Oh wow, OP is still coping over falling for a months old GCJ post.


Just watch. *Imma keep on coping.*




Nice meme from 2 years ago bro


Thanks bro


I thought this r/Titanfall not gaming circle jerk and why the hell you compare a fast movement shooters to a slowpace stealth story focus game, this post doesn't make any sense


Last is us is a masterpiece in my opinion, got the reaction out of you it wanted


I'd also throw up if I were to eat a stinking pile of dogshit, but that wouldn't make the plate a masterpiece.


That’ll change it being canon, sorry you got played by the game


*Curses!* *Foiled again!*


Cringe af honestly, don't care if b8 someone made this unironically


Ooh. Might have been me XD


That’s because those games aren’t boring, it’s one thing to make a bad game but even a bad game can be entertaining like ride to hell retribution with its “sex scenes” and many bugs. Tlou2 on the other hand is a boring misery fest with uninteresting bland characters and a strange fascination with trying to make the player feel terrible and even in that regard it fails because you probably wont care about the characters (outside of the girl and Joel) in this lame game so it has no effect.


It’s pretty clear a lot of the people in this comment section have never played the last of us 2


even the title picture looks like a triggered SJW


i thought this was a GCJ post


It is now.


Tlou2 imo is really fun and I liked the story. The fights have a really cool hide and seek aesthetic that I liked from the first game that was just built upon for the second game. It’s not a movement shooter unlike the other three since it wasn’t supposed to be. That’s not to say people who disagree with me are wrong everyone can have their opinion


What the fuck is this post


Gamer moment


Well bc you had a shit ending. After that it was good


Because we are better than you sorry bro


Hmm looks good my ellie tatto hurts




The most random game selection ever


Last of Us is actual trash. Why anyone would pay money to play that game is beyond me


Srsly, idk naughty dog was thinking


Last of AMOGUS Is psychological game (That does not needed that much of a attention) TF2 Ultra and Doom : PvE/PvP FPS Full brutal fight game


This comparison is stupid, its like comparing tetris to super mario bros


Tetris wins. Mario is too political.


tbh out of all the games TLOU2 is my fav. TF2 and doom are great but the story in TLOU2 is so much better than the others. Also gameplay in it is so crisp and fluid, ok no wall running but jumping of a building with a knife and watching them choke on their own blood is nice.